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Open Sustainable Technology

<img src="earth.png" align="right" width="350">A directory and analysis of the open source ecosystem in the areas of climate change, sustainable energy, biodiversity and natural resources. <br> <br>Earth's uniqueness in creating a stable environment for life in a completely hostile space is a miracle. Various life forms have taken billions of years to build up the natural resources humans depend on, such as a protective atmosphere, fertile soil, stable seasons, and clean drinking water. As a movement to democratize technology development and knowledge creation, open source has the potential to become the central driver in preserving this stability. Open Sustainable Technology's mission is to gather projects that preserve natural ecosystems through open technology, methods, data, intelligence, knowledge or tools.

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Your contribution is essential to keep this initative alive. Create a pull request to add a new project or send an email to give feedback, tips and ideas considering OpenSustain.tech. All Good First Issue labelled issues of the listed projects will be visible on ClimateTriage.com. All open source metadata is been provided to you by ecosyste.ms.

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Renewable Energy

Photovoltaics and Solar Energy

Wind Energy

Hydro Energy

Geothermal Energy


Energy Storage



Energy Systems

Building Energy Monitoring

Energy System Modeling Frameworks

Energy Markets

Energy Data Accessibility and Integration

Energy Policy

Grid Analysis and Planning

Grid Management and Microgrid

Load and Demand Forecasting

Regional Energy System Models

Renewable Energy Integration


Buildings and Heating

Mobility and Transportation

Production and Industry

Computation and Communication

Agriculture and Nutrition


Carbon Intensity and Accounting

Carbon Offsets and Trading

Carbon Capture

Emission Observation and Modeling

Industrial Ecology

Life Cycle Assessment

Input Output Model

Circular Economy and Waste


Avian Monitoring and Analysis

Bioacoustics and Acoustic Data Analysis


Biodiversity Analysis and Metrics

Biodiversity Citizen Science

Biodiversity Data Access and Management

Biodiversity Data Cleaning and Standardization

Conservation and Restoration

Deforestation and Reforestation

Ecological and Environmental Modeling

Forest Modeling and Analysis

Forest Observation and Management

Forest Remote Sensing

Marine Life and Fishery

Plants and Vegetation

Species Distribution Modeling

Terrestrial Wildlife



Sea Ice

Glacier and Ice Sheets

Snow and Permafrost


Freshwater and Hydrology

Ocean Models

Waves and Currents

Ocean Carbon and Temperature

Coastal and Reefs

Ocean and Hydrology Data Access


Atmospheric Composition and Dynamics

Atmospheric Dispersion and Transport

Atmospheric Chemistry and Aerosol

Meteorological Observation and Forecast

Radiative Transfer

Climate Change

Earth and Climate Modeling

Climate Data Standards

Climate Data Access and Visualization

Climate Data Processing and Analysis

Climate Downscaling

Natural Hazard and Storm

Integrated Assessment and Climate Policy

Natural Resources

Air Quality

Water Supply and Quality

Soil and Land

Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development Goals

Population and Poverty

Sustainable Investment

Knowledge Platforms

Data Catalogs and Interfaces

Environmental Satellites

Taxonomy and Ontology

Curated Lists


<a href="https://github.com/protontypes/open-sustainable-technology/graphs/contributors"> <img width="70%" src="https://contrib.rocks/image?repo=protontypes/open-sustainable-technology" /> </a>

Artwork and License

Animation created with An Animated Map of the Earth by Eleanor Lutz

The artwork included in this repository are shared under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

This work and all contributions to it are released into terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International if not otherwise noted.

CC-BY-4.0 license