

What is the Complete Street Rule?

The Complete Street Rule is a scenario oriented design tool intended to enable users to quickly create procedurally generated multimodal streets in ArcGIS CityEngine. The rule incorporates knowledge and ideas from various sources of transportation planning guidance including NACTO Design Guidelines, AASHTO Design Recommendations, and MUTCD standards. The goal of the rule is to enable the 3D representation of a diversity of street configurations to support multimodal planning in urban areas and provide some basis for before and after comparisons of street treatments and transportation investments in ArcGIS CityEngine. Alongside being a quick response parametric visualization tool for streets, this street rule has dynamic performance metrics and reports that react to changes in a street's configuration and related parameters. These performance metrics provide a template for how procedural rules can create a responsive connection between design, metrics, and visualization that enables the rapid exploration and communication of different design scenarios. This street rule is well suited to representing transportation planning treatments for complete streets and common highway configurations that might include shoulders, jersey barriers, and HOV Lanes. By being a part of ArcGIS CityEngine, the Complete Street Rule can create 3D models of streets that can be exported to different 3D formats, scene layer packages to be shared over the web, and even exports compatible with game engines such as Unity & Unreal to create virtual experiences as part of public outreach efforts.

This is an updated repository for a modified version of the ESRI Complete Street rule by the original rule author.

Scenario Oriented Design Tool

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If you are new to using CityEngine, then the instructions on this page provide step by step instructions on how to open the project or integrate the rule into an existing project.

Key Features of the Complete Street Rule

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If you use the complete street rule in academic research or as part of professional reports, please cite the rule as the following:

Wasserman, D. Complete Street Rule. (2015) GitHub repository, https://github.com/d-wasserman/Complete_Street_Rule.