

Datasets APIs and open source projects related to Climate Change


How to contribute

This set of resources is based on my own research but feel free to add anything that I might have missed. If you'd like to contribute, feel free to:

  1. Create a Pull Request with suggested changes, as described here.

  2. Create an Issue with included

    • category (API, dataset, ML project)
    • link to the resource
    • short resource description

ML open projects

Climate Change AILINKClimate Change AI aims to facilitate work at the nexus of climate change and machine learning.
Driven DataLINKData science competitions on some of the world's biggest social challenges
MattermoreLINKOur mission is to bring the best and the brightest together to build data-driven solutions to climate change
Open Climate FixLINKOpen Climate Fix is a new non-profit research and development lab using an open-source approach to search for ML problems where, if we solve a well-defined ML task, then there is likely to be a large climate impact.
ZINDLINKData Science competitions in Africa. It is a place to access African datasets and solve African problems.


Air Quality Index APILINKair qualityAir Quality Programmatic APIs offering Air quality Index data for more than 11000 station-level and 1000 city-level data
AQI APILINKair qualityDrive innovation through accurate, local air quality and weather data
Breezometer APILINKair qualityAir-Quality, Pollen, and Weather APIs
Brighter Planet APILINKcarbon emissionsCM1 can assess CO2 emissions for a wide variety of activities, from transportation to computation to supply chains
Carbon Intensity APILINKcarbon intensityData and 96+ hour forecast of carbon intensity and generation mix for each country/region/postcode in the UKLINK
Clean Power Research APILINKenergyIrradiance and Weather Data API
ClimaCell Weather APILINKweatherWeather and related risks data
Copernicus Climate Data Store APILINKatmosphere, biosphere, hydrology, ocean physics and biochemistryThis is the free data store of the EU's Copernicus program, which provides researchers with raw satellite sensor data and monthly aggregatesLINK
Degree Days APILINKweatherWeather Data for Energy Professionals
Eurostat APILINKatmosphere, biosphere, hydrologyThe European statistical networks API which provides data to various government statistics, data of the European Environment Agency (EEA) and the Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC)LINK
Green Web Foundation API ServiceLINKwebCheck if a website can be found in the Green Web Database
Meteostat JSON APILINKweatherHistorical weather data API
National Centers for Environmental InformationLINKvariousNCEI is the world’s largest provider of weather and climate data. Land-based, marine, model, radar, weather balloon, satellite, and paleoclimatic are just a few of the types of datasets available. Detailed descriptions of the available products and platforms are on their website.LINK
Noise Tube APILINKnoiseData on noise pollution
Open AQ APILINKair qualityAn API for open air quality dataLINK
Open Charge Map APILINKenergyThe global public registry of electric vehicles charging locations
Open-Meteo APILINKweather, climateWeather forecast, historical and climate data. Open-Source and free for non-commercial use.
OpenWeatherMap APILINKweatherWeather and pollution data. Provides free or paid subscriptions.
Planet OS APILINKvariousWeather, climate and environmental data
The National Renewable Energy LaboratoryLINKenergyHelps access energy data on renewable energy and alternative fuel data.
United States Environmental Protection AgencyLINKvariousAccess to EPA's rich datasets
Waterservices USGS APILINKwaterThe service lets you acquire near real-time water data from thousands of sites managed or monitored by the USGS across the US.
WattzOn Link APILINKenergyWattzOn Link is a software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform for retrieving billing and usage data from utility providers
WattzOn Snap APILINKenergyWattzOn Snap is a software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform for extracting usage data from images of bills from residential utility providers.

Open Data

Atlas of Data on EarthLINKvariousA portal hosting various data visualisations on climate change issues - each project gives a reference to the data used.
Climate Change DataLINKvariousThe most important “general” datasets to have on climate change
CO2 Emissions from Fossil Fuels since 1751, By NationLINKCO2 emissionsPer Country CO2 Emissions from fossil-fuels annually since 1751 till 2014. Data Data comes from the Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC).
CO2 PPM - Trends in Atmospheric Carbon DioxideLINKCO2 emissionsCO2 PPM - Trends in Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide. Data are sourced from the US Government's Earth System Research Laboratory, Global Monitoring Division.
Data World DataLINKvariousA range of environmental, geospatial, weather, air, etc. open datasets
Environmental IntelligenceLINKvariousA GitHub repo collating numerous open data resources on climate change, water, forest, biodiversity, etc.
Glacier Mass balance dataLINKglaciersAverage cumulative mass balance of "reference" Glaciers worldwide from 1945-2014 sourced from US EPA and the World Glacier Monitoring Service (WGMS).
Global Carbon BudgetLINKvariousAnnual data publication of carbon cycle sources and sinks.
Global Climate Change DataLINKair temperatureAverage land temperature data from 1750-2015
Global Gridded Weather DataLINKtemperature, precipitation, sun time, cloud cover, ground frost, vapour pressure, potential evapotranspirationA large set of land weather data spanning 1901-2018, gridded into 0.5x0.5 deg squares. Data extrapolated from real weather station data. Details in: https://rmets.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/joc.3711
Global Temperature Time SeriesLINKair temperatureCombined Land-Surface Air and Sea-Surface Water Temperature Anomalies [i.e. deviations from the corresponding 1951-1980 means]. Global-mean monthly […] and annual means, 1880-present, updated through most recent month.
Greenhouse gas emissions per 1000 kilocaloriesLINKCO2 emissionsGreenhouse gas emissions are measured in kilograms of carbon dioxide equivalents (kgCO₂eq) per 1000 kilocalories.
Hockeystick (R package)LINKvariousR package to download and plot latest climate data. Datasets include CO2, multiple temperature records, climate stripes, sea levels, and sea-ice.
How many gigatons of CO2...?LINKCO2 emissionsData on CO2 remaining budget - Information Is Beautiful data vis with references to underlying data sources
How to reduce the worlds carbon footprint by 2050LINKCO2 emissionsData on CO2 emissions - Information Is Beautiful data vis with references to underlying data sources
IEALINKvariousAnalysis and data visualizations of various environmental datasets usually allowing to donwload the underlying datasets.
In Deep Water - can we offorfd to spill any oil?LINKoil spillageData on oil spillage - Information Is Beautiful data vis with references to underlying data sources
India Air Quality DataLINKair pollutionThis data is combined(across the years and states) and largely clean version of the Historical Daily Ambient Air Quality Data released by the Ministry of Environment and Forests and Central Pollution Control Board of India under the National Data Sharing and Accessibility Policy (NDSAP).
Mega-What?LINKenergyWorld's largest and notable data sources - Information Is Beautiful data vis with references to underlying data sources
Meteostat Python PackageLINKvariousAccess and analyze historical weather and climate data with Python
Methana - aka- natural gasLINKmethane emissionsData on methane emisisons - Information Is Beautiful data vis with references to underlying data sources
NASA GISS Global TemperatureLINKair temperatureTemperature anomaly data
Nasa GISS Surface Temperature (GISTEMP) AnalysisLINKair temperatureNasa GISS Surface Temperature (GISTEMP) Analysis. Four different series are provided: Global Annual Temperature Anomalies (Land) 1880-2014, Global Annual Temperature Anomalies (Land and Ocean) 1880-2014, Hemispheric Temperature Anomalies (Land+ Ocean) 1880-2014 and Annual Temperature anomalies (Land + Ocean) for three latitude bands that cover 30%, 40% and 30% of the global area, respectively, 1900-2014.
Natural disaster dataLINKnatural disastersThis dataset contains information on global occurrences of natural disasters and the economic damage caused by them. The included types of natural disaster are 'Drought', 'Earthquake', 'Extreme temperature', 'Extreme weather', 'Flood', 'Impact', 'Landslide', 'Mass movement (dry)', 'Volcanic activity' and 'Wildfire'. It also includes information on all these natural disasters combined. The time period is 1900-2018 with several missing values.
NOAA Climate.gov dataLINKvariousA range of environmental datasets (weather, air & sea temperature) mainly for the US
Our World in DataLINKCO2 emissionsInteractive data visualisation with an option to download the undelying data
What a technologist can do about Climate Change?LINKvariousA blog post showing data visualisations and analyses on climate change issues - each analysis gives a reference to the data used.
World Bank Climate Change DataLINKvariousData from World Development Indicators and Climate Change Knowledge Portal on climate systems, exposure to climate impacts, resilience, greenhouse gas emissions, and energy use.