

Mesogeos: A multi-purpose dataset for data-driven wildfire modeling in the Mediterranean

🆕 2023-09: Accepted at Neurips 2023 Datasets and Benchmarks Track

This is the official code repository of the mesogeos dataset.

Pre-print describing the paper.

This repo contains code for the following:

Authors: Spyros Kondylatos (1, 2), Ioannis Prapas (1, 2), Gustau Camps-Valls (2), Ioannis Papoutsis (1)

(1) Orion Lab, IAASARS, National Observatory of Athens

(2) Image & Signal Processing Group, Universitat de València

Table of Contents

Data repository

You can access the data using this Drive link. This link contains the mesogeos datacube (mesogeos_cube.zarr/), the extracted datasets for the machine learning tracks (ml_tracks/), as well as notebooks showing how to access the mesogeos cubes (notebooks/).

Accessing the mesogeos cube

The mesogeos cube is publicly accessible in the following places:

Option 1: Access from S3 (Best option to download)

import zarr
import xarray as xr
import fsspec

url = 'https://my-uc3-bucket.s3.gra.io.cloud.ovh.net/mesogeos.zarr'
ds = xr.open_zarr(fsspec.get_mapper(url))

To run this make sure to install xarray, zarr and fsspec libraries.

Downloading locally: You can write the zarr using the xarray .to_zarr method.

Option 2: Access from Google Colab

notebooks/1_Exploring_Mesogeos.ipynb shows how to open Mesogeos directly in google colab colab_link

Datacube Generation

Find the code to generate a datacube like mesogeos in datacube_creation.

Machine Learning Tracks

Track A: Wildfire Danger Forecasting

This track defines wildfire danger forecasting as a binary classification problem.

More details in Track A

Track B: Final Burned Area Prediction

This track is about predicting the final burned area of a wildfire given the ignition point and the conditions of the fire drivers at the first day of the fire in a neighborhood around the ignition point.

More details in Track B

Datacube Details

Mesogeos is meant to be used to develop models for wildfire modeling in the Mediterranean. It contains variables related to the ignition and spread of wildfire for the years 2006 to 2022 at a daily 1km x 1km grid.

<details> <summary>Datacube Variables</summary>

The datacube contains the following variables:

Vriables in the cube:

burned areasunitlessrasterized burned polygons. 0 when no burned area occurs in that cell, 1 if it does for the day of interest
d2mKday's maximum 2 metres dewpoint temperature
ignition_pointshectaresrasterized fire ignitions. It contains the final hectares of the burned area resulted from the fire
laiunitlessleaf area index
lc_agriculture%fraction of agriculture in the pixel. 1st Jan of each year has the values of the year
lc_forest%fraction of forest in the pixel. 1st Jan of each year has the values of the year
lc_grassland%fraction of grassland in the pixel. 1st Jan of each year has the values of the year
lc_settlement%fraction of settlement in the pixel. 1st Jan of each year has the values of the year
lc_shrubland%fraction of shrubland in the pixel. 1st Jan of each year has the values of the year
lc_sparse_veagetation%fraction of sparse vegetation in the pixel. 1st Jan of each year has the values of the year
lc_water_bodies%fraction of water bodies in the pixel. 1st Jan of each year has the values of the year
lc_wetland%fraction of wetland in the pixel. 1st Jan of each year has the values of the year
lst_dayKday's land surface temperature
lst_nightKnights' land surface temperature
ndviunitlessnormalized difference vegetation index
populationpeople/km^2population count per year. 1st Jan of each year has the values of the year
rh%/100day's minimum relative humidity
roads_distancekmdistance from the nearest road
smiunitlesssoil moisture index
spPaday's maximum surface pressure
ssrdJ/m^2day's average surface solar radiation downwards
t2mKday's maximum 2 metres temperature
tpmday's total precipitation
wind_speedm/sday's maximum wind speed

An example of some variables for a day in the cube: image

Datacube Metadata


Datacube Citation

Spyros Kondylatos, Ioannis Prapas, Gustau Camps-Valls, & Ioannis Papoutsis. (2023). 
Mesogeos: A multi-purpose dataset for data-driven wildfire modeling in the Mediterranean. 
Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7473331


We welcome new contributions for new models and new machine learning tracks!

New Model: To contribute a new model for an existing track, your code has to be (i) open, (ii) reproducible (we should be able to easily run your code and get the reported results) and (iii) use the same dataset split defined for the track. After we verify your results, you get to add your model and name to the leaderboard. Check the current leaderboards.

Submit a new issue containing a link to your code.

New ML Track: To contribute a new track, submit a new issue.

We recommend at minimum:

  1. a dataset extraction process that samples from mesogeos,
  2. a description of the task,
  3. a baseline model,
  4. appropriate metrics.


Creative Commons Attribution v4


title={Mesogeos: A multi-purpose dataset for data-driven wildfire modeling in the Mediterranean},
author={Spyros Kondylatos and Ioannis Prapas and Gustau Camps-Valls and Ioannis Papoutsis},
booktitle={Thirty-seventh Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems Datasets and Benchmarks Track},


This work has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Projects DeepCube and TREEADS, under Grant Agreement Numbers 101004188 and 101036926353 respectively