


Open-source, integrated optical modelling of complex stacks

Package requirements:

The aim of RayFlare is to provide a flexible, user-friendly Python environment to model complex optical stacks, with a focus on solar cells.

Note to new visitors from PVSC: I am hard at work adding functionality and documentation! In the mean time, I appreciate any comments and feedback. - Phoebe

INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS (tested on 64-bit Ubuntu 16)

Use Python 3.x where x >= 6 Install setuptools, numpy, matplotlib, xarray, sparse, joblib and seaborn in the normal way (e.g. pip install)

You need the latest version of Solcore (not yet on PyPi). To install this:

`git clone https://github.com/qpv-research-group/solcore5.git

cd solcore5

python setup.py install`

You may need to replace "python" with the appropriate python version, i.e. a virtual environment or python3.

To install S4 (to use RCWA capability): You need to install a modified version of S4, which works in Python3. This can be obtained from github.com/phoebe-p/S4 To install:

`git clone https://github.com/phoebe-p/S4.git

cd S4

make boost

make S4_pyext`
