

oneimpact <img src="man/figures/oneimpact_hex_logo.png" align="right" alt="" width="150" />

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oneimpact provides tools for the assessment of cumulative impacts of multiple infrastructure and land use modifications in ecological studies. The tools use R interface but the main calculations might be run in both R and GRASS GIS. The tools available so far are:

Zone of influence (ZOI) decay functions

Compute zones of influence (ZOI):

Spatial filters:

Ancillary functions:

Support for landscape simulation:


To install the development version of the oneimpact R package, please use:

devtools::install_github("NINAnor/oneimpact", ref = "HEAD")

Run with Docker

docker run --rm -p 8787:8787 -e PASSWORD=rstudio -v $PWD/myproject:/home/rstudio/myproject ghcr.io/ninanor/oneimpact:main

If you use Compose:

docker compose run rstudio

You can customize docker-compose.yml based on your needs.

See also

The oneimpact functions are greatly based on neighborhood analyses made through the terra package in R and on three GRASS GIS modules: r.mfilter, r.resamp.filter, and r.neighbors. The connection between R and GRASS GIS is made through the rgrass7 R package.
