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Better Thermostat

For more info visit: https://better-thermostat.org/


Companion UI

We've created a companion UI element which can display more information than the default thermostat element in Home Assistant. Check it out via HACS: better-thermostat-ui-card


This integration brings some smartness to your connected radiator thermostats setup:

Which hardware do we support?

We support all thermostats which are compatible with Home Assistant as long as they are shown up as a climate entity

Integrations that are tested

How to setup

Install this integration via HACS or copy the files from the latest release

Configuration details can be found in the documentation or on our website: better-thermostat.org

Some nice-to-know config tips for the configuration.yaml

Example Window/Door - Sensor config

    name: Livingroom Windows
    icon: mdi:window-open-variant
    all: false
      - binary_sensor.openclose_1
      - binary_sensor.openclose_2
      - binary_sensor.openclose_3

Combine multiple TRV to one (Group)

No worry, Better Thermostat supports grouping out of the box


checkout the CONTRIBUTING.md file

☕ Support

If you want to support this project, you can ☕ buy a coffee here.

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