Open Sustainability Index (backend)
Introduction for new contributors
See the README on
How to run
npm run dev
Set up local Supabase development
cd supabase
npx supabase start
Take note of API URL
and anon key
. You can also use this to get API keys and URLs:
npx supabase status
Development environment
Supabase web admin:
Postgres connection string for TablePlus/Postico: postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost:54332/postgres
Get schema and data from cloud database
npx supabase db pull # Pull down local db schema from cloud db
npx supabase db push # Push up your local db schema to cloud db
Note: If you get “Wrong password” message, add your password with --password [SUPABASE_PASSWORD]
Get data:
npx supabase db dump --data-only -f db_data.sql
psql --single-transaction --file db_data.sql --dbname 'postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost:54332/postgres'
Creating migration of database changes from local machine to server
Edit your local database, then run:
npx supabase db diff -f [migration-name]
# Then normally run: npx supabase db push
Running a migration locally:
npx supabase migration up
Reset database and apply current migrations:
npx supabase db reset
Note: use &api-key=demo
, or set it as a Bearer token in the header.
- Companies:
- List: http://localhost:5173/v1/companies?sort=company_name&order=asc&limit=20&offset=0&api-key=demo
- List by tag: http://localhost:5173/v1/companies?tags=omx120&api-key=demo
List: http://localhost:5173/v2/companies?sort=company_name&order=asc&limit=20&offset=0&api-key=demo- Company: http://localhost:5173/v1/companies/skf?api-key=demo
- Company all years: http://localhost:5173/v1/companies/skf/all-years?api-key=demo
- Industries: http://localhost:5173/v1/industries?api-key=demo
- Search: http://localhost:5173/v1/search?query=Maersk&sort=name&order=asc&api-key=demo
Live API on e.g.
- /app
- /components - /common - /input - /[area specific]
- /routes
- /api
- /hooks (incl context)
- /services (business logic)
- /utils (smaller utils)
- /loaders - articles.ts
- /config
- /public
- /db
- /migrations
SQL functions
SELECT * FROM companies(
0, -- offset_value
20, -- limit_value
'name', -- sort_by
'asc', -- sort_order
-- 'Technology', -- industry_filter
-- true, -- near_term_filter
-- 'Type A', -- commitment_type_filter
-- 'Active', -- commitment_status_filter
-- 'Target 1' -- target_target_filter
-- 'omx120' -- tags_filter
-- v2:
SELECT * FROM companies_v2(
0, -- offset_value
20, -- limit_value
'name', -- sort_by
'asc' -- sort_order
-- 'Technology', -- industry_filter
-- true, -- near_term_filter
-- 'Type A', -- commitment_type_filter
-- 'Active', -- commitment_status_filter
-- 'Target 1' -- target_target_filter
-- ?? -- emissions_required
-- 'omx120' -- tags_filter
Get SQL code:
SELECT pg_get_functiondef('companies_v2'::regproc);