

Kubernetes Carbon Intensity Exporter

This repo provides a data exporter by which Kubernetes operators can leverage the carbon intensity data from 3rd party for carbon-aware workload scheduling.


We provide a helm chart to help install the exporter. Note that this data exporter ONLY retrieves the carbon intensity data from WattTime OR Electricity Maps.


You need to get the authentication ID/Password from WattTime organization before using the exporter.

export WT_USERNAME=XXXX   # WattTime auth info.
export REGION=westus     # The region where the AKS cluster locates.

helm del carbon-intensity-exporter
helm install carbon-intensity-exporter \
   --set carbonDataExporter.region=$REGION \
   --set wattTime.username=$WT_USERNAME \
   --set wattTime.password=$WT_PASSWORD \

Electricity Maps

You need to get an API token from Electricity Maps before using the exporter. You can check the name of the API token HTTP header to use and the base URL in the Electricity Maps API portal.

export EM_API_TOKEN=XXXX   # Electricity Maps API token.
export EM_API_TOKEN_HEADER=auth-token   # Electricity Maps API token HTTP header.
export EM_BASE_URL=https://api.electricitymap.org/v3/
export PROVIDER=ElectricityMaps
export REGION=westus     # The region where the AKS cluster locates.

helm del carbon-intensity-exporter
helm install carbon-intensity-exporter \
   --set carbonDataExporter.region=$REGION \
   --set providerName=$PROVIDER \
   --set electricityMaps.apiToken=$EM_API_TOKEN \
   --set electricityMaps.apiTokenHeader=$EM_API_TOKEN_HEADER \
   --set electricityMaps.baseURL=$EM_BASE_URL \

View carbon intensity data

You should be able to see one exporter Pod running in the kube-system namespace.

$ kubectl get pod -n kube-system | grep carbon-intensity-exporter
$ carbon-intensity-exporter-XXXXXXX-XXXXX   2/2     Running   0          3m25s

You should also see one configmap carbon-intensity is created in the kube-system namespace.

$ kubectl get configmap -n kube-system | grep carbon-intensity
$ carbon-intensity                        7      3m25s


The configmap is formatted as the following:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: carbonintensity
  namespace: kube-system
immutable: true
  lastHeartbeatTime: # The latest time that the data exporter controller sends the data. 
  message: # Additional information for user notification, if any. 
  numOfRecords: # The number can be any value between 0 (no records for the current location) and 24 * 12. 
  forecastDateTime: # The time when the raw data was generated.
  minForecast: # min forecast in the data.
  maxForecast: # max forecast in the data.
  data: # json marshal of the EmissionsData array.

The EmissionData struct is defined in here. The data exporter will retrieve the 24-hour carbon intensity forecast data from WattTime every 12 hours. Upon successful data pull, the old configmap will be deleted and a new configmap with the same name will be created. If the data pull hits failures, the new confgimap is still created with the last seen binary data and the failure reason should be mentioned in the value of the message key. Any Kubernetes operator can read the configmap for utilizing the carbon intensity data.


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