


Dataland is a platform to distribute ESG data. This repository contains the code for the Dataland Platform.

Getting Started

Clone the repository and set environmental variables by executing setEnvironmentVariables.ps1. Some of the required variables are left blank and have to be set by the user locally since they contain sensitiv information. To start the application locally you can run resetDevelopmentStack.sh or startDevelopmentStack.sh. Please note that you will have to use your own certificates if you do not have access to the dataland infrastructure. The corresponding parts in the scripts have to be adapted manually.


This project is free and open-source software licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License v3 (AGPL-3.0). Commercial use of this software is allowed. If derivative works are distributed, you need to be published the derivative work under the same license. Here, derivative works includes web publications. That means, if you build a web service using this software, you need to publish your source code under the same license (AGPL-3.0)

In case this does not work for you, please contact dataland@d-fine.de for individual license agreements.


Contributions are highly welcome. Please refer to our contribution guideline. To allow for individual licenses and eventual future license changes, we require a contributor license agreement from any contributor that allows us to re-license the software including the contribution.

Developer Remarks

In this section, you find information that might be useful for you as developer.

Add scripts to git with the executable flag

Especially under Windows, it's unclear which file permissions a script will get. To explicitly mark a script executable, do: git update-index --chmod=+x script.sh

Git Hooks

To add the provided git pre-hooks to your local development environment execute: git config --local core.hookspath ./.githooks/

Environment Variables

Environmental variables can be set via the script setEnvironmentVariables.ps1.

Local HTTPS testing

API Documentation

Links to the interactive swagger API documentation are available on all running instances of dataland (e.g. test) in the footer. For example, the swagger UI of the test instance backend is located here. Requests can be authorized via two different methods:

Run Cypress Tests locally


This project makes use of open source dependencies. To see a list gradle dependencies along with their licenses, run \gradlew generateLicenseReport