

Power Station Dictionary

Binder DOI PyPI version


A power station dictionary that enables mapping between various naming conventions and associated plant metadata


Full documentation can be found here


The core output of this project is a clean power plant dataset that includes relevant attributes such as location and capacity, as well as id mappings that can be used to connect them to other datasets. Currently the focus of this work are plants within the GB power system. The powerdict module provides a programmatic way in which to combine the raw datasets and apply any additional updates specified in the files contained within the three data directories:

CI/CD is set-up so that any changes in this repository will trigger a reconstruction of the output dataset, additionally a new GitHub release will automatically trigger a new release on Zenodo and produce an updated DOI. The output dataset can be found here. As with projects such as the Global Power Plant Database, powerdict provides a clear data lineage from the raw sources/updates to the output. Furthermore, integrating this with GitHub enables version control of the underlying datasets and updates/corrections.

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To install the powerdict library please run:

pip install powerdict

Development Set-Up

To set-up a new environment you can run the following from the batch_scripts directory


Alternatively you can run these commands

call conda env create -f environment.yml
call conda activate PowerDict
call ipython kernel install --user --name=PowerDict

Publishing to PyPi

To publish the powerdict module to PyPi simply run the following from the batch_scripts directory


or follow these commands

call conda activate PowerDict
call python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
call twine upload --skip-existing dist/*

When prompted you should enter your PyPi username and password

After this you will be able to install the latest version of powerdict using pip install powerdict