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Read energy usage data from the real-time API on Solax solar inverters.


pip install solax

Then from within your project:

import solax
import asyncio

async def work():
    r = await solax.real_time_api('')
    return await r.get_data()

loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
data = loop.run_until_complete(work())

This will try all the inverter classes in turn until it finds the first one that works with your installation. You can see the list of inverter implementation classes in the entry points configured in setup.py.

If you want to bypass the inverter discovery code and use a specific inverter class, you can invoke discover specifying directly the class. In this example, the X1 Hybrid Gen4 implementation is used:

from importlib.metadata import entry_points
import solax
import asyncio

   ep.name: ep.load() for ep in entry_points(group="solax.inverter")

async def work():
    inverter = await solax.discover("", 80, "xxxxx", inverters=[INVERTERS_ENTRY_POINTS.get("x1_hybrid_gen4")], return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED)
    return await inverter.get_data()

loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
data = loop.run_until_complete(work())

Confirmed Supported Inverters

These inverters have been tested and confirmed to be working. If your inverter is not listed below, this library may still work- please create an issue so we can add your inverter to the list 😊.

You can get the list of supported inverters by looking up the solax.inverter entry points:

for ep in entry_points(group="solax.inverter"):