IMPROVER is a library of algorithms for meteorological post-processing and verification.
Installing improver
Conda installation
Here we demonstrate the installation of improver via conda with aid of the mamba package manager to speedup the process.
install a mamba environment
conda create -c conda-forge --override-channels mamba -n mamba
activate this mamba environment
conda activate mamba
install the improver environment using mamba
mamba create -c conda-forge python=3.7 improver -n improver
deactivate your mamba environment
conda deactivate
activate your new improver environment
conda activate improver
Pre-commit Hook
OPTIONAL: A pre-commit hook can be added to facilitate the development of this code base.
Ensure that you have python available on the path, then install the pre-commit hook by running pre-commit install
from within your working copy.
pre-commit checks will run against modified files when you commit from then on.
These pre-commit hooks will run as part of continuous integration to maintain code quality standards in the project.