

<p align="center"> <a href="https://github.com/chrisleaman/awesome-coastal/"> <img src="logo/logo.svg" alt="Master" height="250"> </a> </p>

This is a list of resources which coastal engineers and scientists might find useful. Since we're a fairly niche discipline, it's often difficult to find out about all the great things out in the community! This list brings together useful data-sets, tools and scripts that people might not have been aware of.

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If you have any resources that could be useful for coastal engineers and scientists please let us know! This list is mainly focussed on data-sets and software packages that have been developed (and less so on listing papers, reports or books). Contributing can be done in one of two ways:

  1. If you're comforatable with Github, make a pull request
  2. Or else, open a new issue
  3. You pull request or issue should provide a link to a resource and a description of what it does and why it might be useful.

By topic

Storm impacts (beach erosion, dune erosion etc.)

Wave modelling

Terrestial and UAV video analysis

Satellite remote sensing

Early warning systems

Sediment size

By location



New Zealand




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