

E3SM Diagnostics Package

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Table of Contents

  1. Documentation
  2. Overview
  3. Current State

Documentation <a name="doc"></a>

Overview<a name="overview"></a>

This diagnostics package is constructed for supporting the diagnostics task of DOE's Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM) project. The goal of this work is to develop a comprehensive diagnostics package that:

Current State <a name="current-state"></a>

E3SM Diags is modeled after the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Atmosphere Model Working Group (AMWG) diagnostics package. In its version 1 release, E3SM Diags included a set of core essential diagnostics to evaluate the mean physical climate from model simulations. As of version 2, more process-oriented and phenomenon-based evaluation diagnostics have been implemented, as listed below:

New Feature added during v2 development

Feature name <br />(set name)Brief IntroductionDevelopers Contributors*Released version
Wavenumber frequency analysis (tropical_subseasonal)The wavenumber frequency analysis (Wheeler-Kiladis Diagram) for Tropical subseasonal analysisJim Benedict, Brian Medeiros, Jill Zhang, Tom Vo2.12.0
T5050 diagnostic /Mixed phase partition (mp_partition)Temperature at which cloud top is 50% ice, 50% liquid, following McCoy et al. (2015).Yuying Zhang, Jill Zhang, Jiwen Fan, Yunpeng Shan2.9.0
ARM diagnostics v3 (arm_diags)Enhanced ARM diagnostics with new aerosol-cloud-interaction and aerosol activation metricsXiaojian Zheng, Jill Zhang, Cheng Tao, Shaocheng Xie2.9.0
Aerosol budget diagnostics (aerosol_budget)Global mean burdens, source/sink budgets and lifetimes for aerosol species.Jill Zhang, Susannah Burrows, Naser Mahfouz, Tom Vo, Kai Zhang, Taufiq Hassan Mozumder, Xue Zheng, Ziming Ke, Yan Feng, Manish Shrivastava, Hailong Wang, Mingxuan Wu2.8.0
Aerosol evaluation with AERONET data (aerosol_aeronet)Scatter plots for comparing annual mean long-term Absorption Optical Depth (AOD) Aerosol Absorption Optical Depth (AAOD) at 550 nm from AERONET measurements.Jill Zhang, Yan Feng2.7.0
CMIP6 comparison (with lat_lon)Box whisker plot to compare with key fields from CMIP6 modelsChris Golaz, Jill Zhang2.7.0
Zonal mean 2D over stratosphere (zonal_mean<br />_2d_stratosphere)Pressure–latitude zonal-mean contour plots of seasonal meanJill Zhang2.6.0
TC Analysis (tc_analysis)Bar plots for TC frequency and accumulated cyclone energy distributed by ocean basin; line plots for TC intensity and seasonality for each ocean basin; maps for TC density and African easterly wavesKarthik Balaguru, Jill Zhang, Paul Ullrich2.5.0
Annual cycle zonal mean (annual<br />cycle_zonal<br />mean)Latitude zonal-mean–month box plot (including Stratospheric and Tropospheric column Ozone)Jill Zhang, Qi Tang2.5.0
ARM diagnostics v2 (arm_diags)Seasonal mean, annual cycle, diurnal cycle and convection onset metrics over DOE's ARM ground-based facilitiesJill Zhang, Tao Chen, Shaocheng Xie, Todd Emmenegger, David Neelin, Kathleen Schiro, Yi-Hung Kuo2.4.0
Streamflow diags (streamflow)Seasonality map, annual-mean map/scatterplots based on gauge station data from GSIMRyan Forsyth, Tian Zhou2.3.0
Diurnal cycle (diurnal_cycle)Amplitude and phase map of the seasonal-mean diurnal cycle of precipitation compare with TRMM 3hourly data.Jill Zhang, Charlie Zender, Wuyin Lin, Shaocheng Xie2.3.0
Quasi-biennial oscillation analysis (qbo)Quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) analysis between 5S and 5N , including monthly mean zonal-mean zonal wind as a function of pressure and time and the power spectrum and amplitudeChris Terai, Jack Chen, Jadwiga (Yaga) Richter, Sasha Glanville, Chris Golaz2.1.0
ENSO diagnostics (enso_diags)Maps of the regression coefficient of atmospheric fields over the SST anomaly, scatterplots of atmospheric feedback on the SST anomalyRyan Forsyth, Salil Mahajan2.1.0

*: The code infrastructure and maintenance are supported by the core developer group including: Jill Zhang, Chris Golaz, Tom Vo, Ryan Forsyth, Xylar Asay-Davis.

Core sets established in v1 development

Algorithm and visualization codes for lat-lon contour plots, polar contour plots, zonal mean 2d plots, zonal mean line plots, 2d joint histogram for COSP cloud simulator output, tables and Taylor Diagrams summarizing metrics for climatology seasonal means, are implemented as core sets of this diagnostics package. Example of a complete set of diagnostics can be found here, and as shown below.

The package features built-in user diagnostics, by specifying user desired diagnostics regions and pressure levels for variables with the vertical dimension.

In addition to default model versus observation comparison, the package also provide support for model versus model and obs versus obs comparisons.

<img src="misc/example_sets.png" alt="Example-sets" style="width: 800px;"/> <h5 align="center">Example plots including core sets from E3SM Diags v1 and process-oriented sets from v2</h5>


Zhang, C., Golaz, J.-C., Forsyth, R., Vo, T., Xie, S., Shaheen, Z., Potter, G. L., Asay-Davis, X. S., Zender, C. S., Lin, W., Chen, C.-C., Terai, C. R., Mahajan, S., Zhou, T., Balaguru, K., Tang, Q., Tao, C., Zhang, Y., Emmenegger, T., Burrows, S., and Ullrich, P. A.: The E3SM Diagnostics Package (E3SM Diags v2.7): a Python-based diagnostics package for Earth system model evaluation, Geosci. Model Dev., 15, 9031–9056, https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-15-9031-2022, 2022.


The work is performed for the E3SM project, which is sponsored by Earth System Model Development (ESMD) program. ESMD is a program area for the Earth and Environmental Systems Sciences Division (EESSD) in the Office of Biological and Environmental Research (BER) within the Department of Energy's Office of Science. Contributors' effort for this work are partially supported by the US DOE ARM program, RGMA program, EAGLES project, as well as by NSF.


Copyright (c) 2018-2023, Energy Exascale Earth System Model Project All rights reserved

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