

UKgrid <a href='https://ramikrispin.github.io/UKgrid/'><img src='man/figures/UKgrid.png' align="right" /></a>

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lifecycle CRAN status License: MIT

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An R data package with the UK National Grid historical demand for electricity between April 2005 and October 2019


The UKgrid dataset is an example of a multiple seasonality time series. This time series captures the demand for electricity and its components in the UK since April 2005 using half-hour intervals. In addition, the package provides a function to extract, subset and aggregate the series into tsibble, ts, xts, zoo, data.frame, data.table, or tbl.

The data was sourced from the National Grid UK website

<img src="man/figures/UK_natioal_demand.png" width="100%" />


Install the stable version from CRAN:


or install the development version from Github:

# install.packages("remotes")



# Load the full dataset (data.frame format)

# Extract only the demand field (ND - National Demand) using tsibble format
extract_grid(type = "tsibble", 
             columns = "ND") 

# Extract the demand between 2016 and 2017 using tbl format
extract_grid(type = "tbl", 
             columns = "ND", 
             start = 2016, 
             end = 2017)

# Extract the first 10 days in 2018 and aggregate to hourly using zoo format
extract_grid(type = "zoo", 
             columns = "ND", 
             start = as.Date("2018-01-01"), 
             end = as.Date("2018-01-10"),
             aggregate = "hourly")

More details available on the package site and vignette