


EGRET Overview

EGRET is a Python-based package for electrical grid optimization based on the Pyomo optimization modeling language. EGRET is designed to be friendly for performing high-level analysis (e.g., as an engine for solving different optimization formulations), while also providing flexibility for researchers to rapidly explore new optimization formulations.

Major features:

EGRET is available under the BSD License (see LICENSE.txt)



We additionally recommend that EGRET users install the open source CBC MIP solver. The specific mechanics of installing CBC are platform-specific. When using Anaconda on Linux and Mac platforms, this can be accomplished simply by:

conda install -c conda-forge coincbc

The COIN-OR organization - who developers CBC - also provides pre-built binaries for a full range of platforms on https://bintray.com/coin-or/download.

Testing the Installation

To test the functionality of the unit commitment aspects of EGRET, execute the following command from the EGRET models/tests sub-directory:

pytest test_unit_commitment.py

If EGRET can find a commerical MIP solver on your system via Pyomo, EGRET will execute a large test suite including solving several MIPs to optimality. If EGRET can only find an open-source solver, it will execute a more limited test suite which mostly relies on solving LP relaxations. Example output is below.

=================================== test session starts ==================================
platform darwin -- Python 3.7.7, pytest-5.4.2, py-1.8.1, pluggy-0.13.0
rootdir: /home/some-user/egret
collected 21 items

test_unit_commitment.py s....................                                       [100%]

========================= 20 passed, 1 skipped in 641.80 seconds =========================

How to Cite EGRET in Your Research

If you are using the unit commitment functionality of EGRET, please cite the following paper:

On Mixed-Integer Programming Formulations for the Unit Commitment Problem Bernard Knueven, James Ostrowski, and Jean-Paul Watson. INFORMS Journal on Computing (Ahead of Print) https://pubsonline.informs.org/doi/10.1287/ijoc.2019.0944