

Mediterranean forest simulation <a href="https://emf-creaf.github.io/medfate/"><img src="man/figures/logo.png" align="right" height="139" alt="medfate website" /></a>

CRAN_Status_Badge R-CMD-check


Package medfate is designed to assist forest scientists to simulate forest functioning and dynamics, using cohort-based description of forest stands. The package provides functions to simulate the following processes:

The models are parameterized for species of the Mediterranean region (particularly for Spain), but forests with different composition could be modelled with different parameter sets.

Package installation & documentation

Package medfate can be found at CRAN, where it is updated every few months. Installation from CRAN can be done via:


Users can also download and install the latest stable versions GitHub as follows (required package remotes should be installed/updated first):


A number of vignettes illustrate how to run simulation models in medfate. These, and additional articles regarding parameter estimation and model evaluation can be found at the package website.

A complete documentation of the models included in the package can be found in medfate’s reference book.

Companion R packages

During the development of medfate some functions were originally placed there but then moved to more specialized packages which evolve together with medfate:

Two other packages complete the simulation framework, but can be used for many other purposes beyond forest modelling:

The relationships between the five packages are illustrated in the figure below, where black arrows indicate package dependencies and gray arrows indicate model parameter or data provision.

<img src="man/figures/packages.png" width="80%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" />


Package medfate is developed and maintained by the Ecosystem Modelling Facility unit at CREAF (in Spain), in close collaboration with researchers from URFM-INRAE (in France) and CTFC (in Spain).

<img src="man/figures/institution_logos.png" width="50%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" />

