

<img src="snl_libraries/btm/es_gui/resources/logo/Quest_Logo_RGB.png" alt="QuESt logo" width=300px margin="auto" />

QuESt 2.0: Open-source Platform for Energy Storage Analytics

Downloaded Latest Release GitHub release (latest by date) Dependencies

Release date: Feb, 2024


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Project maintainer (Tu Nguyen) @sandia.gov: tunguy

Table of contents

What is it?

<a id="what-is-it"></a> QuESt 2.0 is an evolved version of the original QuESt, an open-source Python software designed for energy storage (ES) analytics. It transforms into a platform providing centralized access to multiple tools and improved data analytics, aiming to simplify ES analysis and democratize access to these tools.

<img src="images/read/home_page.png" alt="Download U.S. utility rate structure data" width=600px margin="auto" />

Currently, QuESt 2.0 includes three main components:

The App Hub

<a id="the-app_hub"></a> The QuESt App Hub operates similarly to an app store, offering access points to a multitude of applications. Currently, various energy storage analytics tools have been available on QuESt App hub. For example:

It has been designed with key features to improve user experience and application management:

The Workspace

<a id="the-workspace"></a> The QuESt Workspace provides an integrated environment where users can create workflows by assembling multiple applications into a coherent process. It enhances the platform's usability and efficiency through several mechanisms:


<a id="quest-gpt"></a> QuESt GPT represents a leap forward in data analytics within the platform, utilizing generative AI (specifically Large Language Models, or LLM) for data characterization and visualization:

What are the key innovations of QuESt 2.0?

<a id="what-are-the-key-innovations-of-quest-20"></a> QuESt 2.0 facilitates the advancement of energy storage technology by making powerful analytics tools accessible to all energy storage stake holders, aligning with DOE’s energy storage program goals. The platform standardizes data and program structures, integrates applications seamlessly, and utilizes generative AI for advanced analytics, simplifying user interaction and enabling deeper insights from diverse data sources. This positions QuESt 2.0 as a pioneering platform in the energy storage domain, with the potential to significantly impact both the field and the broader energy landscape. Specifically, the key innovations of QuESt 2.0 include:

  1. Integration and Usability: At its core, QuESt 2.0 revolutionizes how energy storage analytics are performed by providing a seamless, user-friendly platform that integrates multiple applications developed by independent developers. This allows for a more cohesive and efficient user experience, significantly lowering the learning curve for users at various levels of expertise.
  2. AI-powered Data Analytics: The incorporation of QuESt GPT, utilizing Large Language Models (LLM), represents a significant technological leap forward. This feature enables users to perform more sophisticated data analytics, providing deeper insights from diverse data sources. It allows users to interact with data in an intuitive way, asking questions and receiving insights, which democratizes access to complex data analysis.
  3. Complex Workflows: The QuESt Workspace and the QuESt App Hub enhance the platform's capability to support complex analytical workflows. Users can integrate multiple applications into a single process, creating efficient pipelines for data analysis. The users can run their work flows locally or schedule them to run on cloud services (e.g., AWS, Azure..)

How is QuESt 2.0 different from the other tools in Energy Storage Analytics?

<a id="how-is-quest-20-different-from-the-other-tools-in-energy-storage-analytics"></a> QuESt 2.0 distinguishes itself in the crowded space of energy storage analytics tools by offering a unified platform rather than a collection of individual tools. While there are numerous tools available, these tend to focus on specific aspects of energy storage analysis and lack the integration and broad applicability that QuESt 2.0 provides.

Key Competitive Advantages of QuESt 2.0:

<a id="key-competitive-advantages-of-quest-20"></a>

How to download QuESt?

<a id="how-to-download-quest"></a> QuESt is currently available on Github at: https://github.com/sandialabs/snl-quest.

Installation Instructions for QuESt


Installing Python

  1. Python 3.9.13 is recommended.
  2. Installers can be found at: https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-3913/
  3. Make sure to check the box "Add Python to PATH" at the bottom of the installer prompt.

Installing Git

Setting Up a Virtual Environment

  1. Open Command Prompt.
  2. Install virtualenv (if not already installed):
    python -m pip install virtualenv
  3. Create a virtual environment:
    cd <your_path>
    python -m virtualenv <env_name>
    Replace <your_path> with the path to the folder where you want to create the virtual environment.
  4. Activate the virtual environment:
    • On Windows:
      cd <your_path>

Installing QuESt

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone https://github.com/sandialabs/snl-quest.git
  2. Navigate to the QuESt Directory:

    cd <path_to_quest>

    Replace <path_to_quest> with the path to the directory where QuESt was cloned.

  3. Install Dependencies:

    python - m pip install -r requirements.txt

Running QuESt

  1. Run QuESt:
    • Once the dependencies are installed, ensure you have navigated to the directory where QuESt is installed and the Virtual environment is activated. You can run QuESt using the following command:
      python main.py

Deactivating the Virtual Environment

  1. Deactivate the Virtual Environment:
    This will return you to your system's default Python environment.

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<a id="references"></a> Nguyen, Tu A., David A. Copp, and Raymond H. Byrne. "Stacking Revenue of Energy Storage System from Resilience, T&D Deferral and Arbitrage." 2019 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM). IEEE, 2019.

Byrne, Raymond H., Tu A. Nguyen, and Ricky J. Concepcion. "Opportunities for Energy Storage in CAISO." 2018 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM). IEEE, 2018. Available online.

Byrne, Raymond H., Tu Anh Nguyen, and Ricky James Concepcion. Opportunities for Energy Storage in CAISO. No. SAND2018-5272C. Sandia National Lab.(SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States), 2018. Available online.

Concepcion, Ricky J., Felipe Wilches-Bernal, and Raymond H. Byrne. "Revenue Opportunities for Electric Storage Resources in the Southwest Power Pool Integrated Marketplace." 2018 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM). IEEE, 2018. Available online.

Wilches-Bernal, Felipe, Ricky J. Concepcion, and Raymond H. Byrne. "Electrical Energy Storage Participation in the NYISO Electricity and Frequency Regulation Markets." 2018 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM). IEEE, 2018.

Nguyen, Tu A., and Raymond H. Byrne. "Maximizing the cost-savings for time-of-use and net-metering customers using behind-the-meter energy storage systems." 2017 North American Power Symposium (NAPS). IEEE, 2017. Available online.

Nguyen, Tu A., et al. "Maximizing revenue from electrical energy storage in MISO energy & frequency regulation markets." 2017 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting. IEEE, 2017. Available online.

Byrne, Raymond H., Ricky J. Concepcion, and César A. Silva-Monroy. "Estimating potential revenue from electrical energy storage in PJM." 2016 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM). IEEE, 2016. Available online.

Byrne, Raymond H., et al. "The value proposition for energy storage at the Sterling Municipal Light Department." 2017 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting. IEEE, 2017. Available online.

Byrne, Raymond H., et al. "Energy management and optimization methods for grid energy storage systems." IEEE Access 6 (2017): 13231-13260. Available online.

Byrne, Raymond H., and César A. Silva-Monroy. "Potential revenue from electrical energy storage in ERCOT: The impact of location and recent trends." 2015 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting. IEEE, 2015. Available online.