

1. About Open Power System Data

This notebook is part of the project Open Power System Data. Open Power System Data develops a platform for free and open data for electricity system modeling. We collect, check, process, document, and provide data that are publicly available but currently inconvenient to use. More info on Open Power System Data:

2. About Jupyter Notebooks and GitHub

This file is a Jupyter Notebook. A Jupyter Notebook is a file that combines executable programming code with visualizations and comments in markdown format, allowing for an intuitive documentation of the code. We use Jupyter Notebooks for combined coding and documentation. We use Python 3 as programming language. All Notebooks are stored on GitHub, a platform for software development, and are publicly available. More information on our IT-concept can be found here. See also our step-by-step manual how to use the dataplatform.

3. About this Data Package

We provide data in different chunks, or datapackages. The one you are looking at is on conventional power plants,

This notebook processes data on conventional power plants for Germany as well as other European countries. The data includes individual power plants with their technical characteristics. These include installed capacity, main energy source, type of technology, CHP capability, and geographical information.

4. Data sources

We use as publicly available data sources, which includes national statistical offices, ministries, regulatory authorities, transmission system operators, as well as other associations. All data sources are listed in the datapackage.json file including their link.

4.1 Germany

4.2 Selected European countries

Beside the listed publicly available sources, additional, but decentralized, information on individual power plants are available (e.g. on operator's webpages). We therefore aim to continuously extend the lists by these information.

5. Model Output

The following standardized notation is used in this datapackage for energy sources, technology type:

5.1 Energy sources

Original Name in BNetzA-Listmodel outputFull name
SteinkohlecoalHard coal
Erdgasnatural_gasNatural Gas
Pumpspeicherpumped_storagePumped Storage (Water)
MineralölprodukteoilMineral oil products
LaufwasserhydroWater (run of river)
Sonstige Energieträger (nicht erneuerbar)other_non_renewableOther Fuels (not renewable)
Speicherwasser (ohne Pumpspeicher)reservoirReservoir
Unbekannter Energieträger (nicht erneuerbar)unknown_non_renewableUnknown (not renewable)
Mehrere Energieträger (nicht erneuerbar)multiple_non_renewableMultiple (not renewable)
Deponiegasgas_landfillLandfill gas
Windenergie (Onshore-Anlage)wind_onshoreOnshore wind
Windenergie (Offshore-Anlage)wind_offshoreOffshore Wind
Solare StrahlungsenergiesolarSolar energy
Klärgasgas_sewageSewage Gas
GeothermiegeothermalGeothermal energy
Grubengasgas_mineMine Gas

5.2 Energy source structure


5.3 CHP type

CHP Type abbreviationFull name
CHPCombined heat and power
IPPIndustrial power plant

6. License

This notebook as well as all other documents in this repository is published under the MIT License.