

HotMaps-toolbox Docker image

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The Hotmaps toolbox is built around several services:

All these services are built around Docker. A docker-compose.yml file allows to configure and run the whole project in one place. Only the database is run separatly.

Build, configure and run:


Dockerfiles are available to build the project manually. A docker-compose.yml file is available to build all the services.


First configure all the services in docker-compose.yml. Make sure the volume bindings, build and environment paths fits your project on your host machine. If .env files are mentionned in the docker-compose.yml, update their content to match your own configuration (crendentials, urls, ...).

The docker-compose.yml file should be place on the root directory of your project (where all you repositories are cloned).

You can also run the toolbox without reverse proxy, wiki and geoserver using the docker-compose-local.yml (and place it also at the root of your project).

.env config. files should be place at the root of each repository (if necessary) to set the configuration of each service.

Project structure




First, run the database, either using Docker or using an external service. The database should have 4 schemas:

To populate the database, refer to the official Hotmaps Wiki.

If you hosted geoserver differently, make sure it's accessible.

Run the project using docker-compose: docker-compose up -d --build


To release the project to a server, use the file docker-compose.yml. This file is using a reverse proxy (nginx) automatically Your server should have: