

GHGPy (Green House Gas Python)

Python PyPI license

<h1 align="center"> <img src="https://github.com/bkt92/ghgpy/blob/bf841540ea4500ab9306586aacb6e961367fb77c/branding/logo/ghgpylogofull.jpeg" width="700"> </h1><br>

GHGPy is a Python package for the GHG Inventory.


Pip installable package:

pip install ghgpy

pypi: ghgpy

Requirements / Dependencies

Python 3.11 and up

Call for Contributions

The GHGPy project welcomes your expertise and enthusiasm!


Basic Usage

Import library

    # General factory 
    from src.ghgpy.factory import FactoryGeneral
    # Uncertainty data type
    from src.ghgpy.datamodel.fuel import UNumber

    # Database handles
    from src.ghgpy.datamodel.db import FuelDataHandle, GHGDataHandle, EFDataHandle
    # Default databases
    from src.ghgpy.data.fuels import default_fuel_database
    from src.ghgpy.data.ghg import ghg_gas_data
    from src.ghgpy.data.efs import s_combustion_energy

Create a factory

    # Init the factory class
    MyFactory = FactoryGeneral(name="Hong Ha Textile", desc = "Textile production for export!")

Connect to the database

                    GHGDataHandle(ghg_gas_data, 'ar6'))

Add a combussion process in factory

    MyFactory.add_combustion(name = "Boiler", desc = "Đốt lò hơi")

Add another combussion process in factory

    MyFactory.add_combustion(name = "Boiler1", desc = "Đốt lò than bùn")

Add fuels use in these combussion

    MyFactory.combustion["Boiler"].add('Diesel_Oil', UNumber(value=1000), 'l')
    MyFactory.combustion["Boiler"].add('Anthracite', UNumber(value=1000), 'kg')
    MyFactory.combustion["Boiler1"].add('Lignite', UNumber(value=1000), 'kg')

Add refrigerant use in factory

    MyFactory.add_refrigerantuse(name='AC', desc='refrigerant use for AC')

Add amount of specific type of refrigerant

    MyFactory.refrigerantuse["AC"].add("R32", UNumber(value=10, uncertainty=0), 'kg')

Electriciy use in factory


Electriciy consumption

    MyFactory.elecuse['Office'].add(name='01', amount=UNumber(value=1), unit='MWh', gef=UNumber(value=0.987), force=True)

Calculate emission
