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DeepR: Deep Reanalysis.

Global reanalysis downscaling to regional scales by means of deep learning techniques.

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In the rapidly evolving landscape of climate science and data analysis, the need for high-resolution data has become increasingly evident. Climate researchers and professionals in various fields, from agriculture to disaster management, rely heavily on accurate and detailed data to make informed decisions. However, the existing global reanalysis data, such as ERA5, with its coarse spatial resolution, often falls short in meeting these requirements. In response to this pressing challenge, the DeepR project, led by Antonio Pérez, Mario Santa Cruz, and Javier Diez, was conceived and executed with the aim of downscaling ERA5 data to a finer resolution, thus enabling enhanced accuracy and applicability across a wide range of industries and research domains.

Project Motivation

The ERA5 Global reanalysis data, with its spatial resolution of approximately 0.25 degrees, has proven to be a valuable resource for multiple sectors. Still, its limitations in resolution can hinder precise decision-making and analysis across diverse domains. The primary motivation behind the DeepR project was to bridge this gap by downscaling ERA5 data to a finer resolution of approximately 0.05 degrees, termed as CERRA resolution. This enhancement aimed to unlock the full potential of climate data for improved decision support.


Super-Resolution in Climate Science

The project drew inspiration from the field of image processing and computer vision, specifically the concept of super-resolution. In image processing, super-resolution involves augmenting the resolution or quality of an image, typically generating a high-resolution image from one or more low-resolution iterations. DeepR adapted this concept to climate science, making it a super-resolution task tailored to atmospheric fields.

Data: The Foundation of DeepR

In any data-intensive project, data plays a pivotal role, and DeepR is no exception. The project relies on extensive datasets sourced from the publicly accessible Climate Data Store (CDS), ensuring transparency and open access to valuable climate information.

The data used in this project has been generously provided by our mentors and is used in its raw form without any processing. To download the data from the repository, you can access the european_weather_cloud.py script.

Additionally, we have developed a script to directly download data from the Climate Data Store. You can find this script at climate_data_store.py.

Focus on a specific domain

The project focuses on a specific subdomain within the original domain. In our case, this domain encompasses diverse ecosystems, including mountains, rivers, coastal areas, and more. This simplification helps reduce the dimensionality of the problem while maintaining the diversity necessary for comprehensive research.

The selected domain is shown here:


To achieve this spatial selection of the data, we utilize the data_spatial_selection.py script, which transforms the data into the desired domain.

The process of rewriting the data for the smaller domain aims to expedite data access, enhancing both memory and time efficiency for smoother and faster data handling. Furthermore, this approach empowers users to define their own specific domains and seamlessly retrain the model according to their unique research requirements.

Definition in configuration file

The data configuration section outlines how the project manages and processes the data. This section is divided into three main parts: features_configuration, label_configuration, and split_coverages.

Features Configuration

This part focuses on the configuration of features used in the project.

  - t2m
  data_name: era5
  spatial_resolution: "025deg"
    time: true
    lsm-low: true
    orog-low: true
    lsm-high: true
    orog-high: true
    longitude: [-8.35, 6.6]
    latitude: [46.45, 35.50]
    to_do: true
    cache_folder: /PATH/TO/.cache_reanalysis_scales
    method: domain-wise
  data_location: /PATH/TO/features/
  land_mask_location: /PATH/TO/static/land-mask_ERA5.nc
  orography_location: /PATH/TO/static/orography_ERA5.nc

Label Configuration

This part focuses on the configuration of labels used in the project.

  variable: t2m
  data_name: cerra
  spatial_resolution: "005deg"
    longitude: [-6.85, 5.1]
    latitude: [44.95, 37]
    to_do: true
    cache_folder: /PATH/TO/.cache_reanalysis_scales
    method: domain-wise # pixel-wise, domain-wise, landmask-wise
  data_location: /PATH/TO/labels/
  land_mask_location: /PATH/TO/static/land-mask_CERRA.nc
  orography_location: /PATH/TO/static/orography_CERRA.nc

Split Coverages

Splitting the data into different time periods for training, validation and test.

    start: 1981-01
    end: 2013-12
    frequency: MS
    start: 2014-01
    end: 2017-12
    frequency: MS
    start: 2018-01
    end: 2020-12
    frequency: MS

These configuration settings are crucial for organizing, processing, and standardizing the data used in the project.



Why is it important?

In the context of deep learning for climatology, standardizing climatological data is a crucial step. Standardization refers to the process of transforming the data to have a mean of zero and a standard deviation of one. This process is vital for several reasons:


To apply standardization to climatological data, we use the script located in scaler.py. This script automates the process of standardization, making it easy to preprocess large datasets efficiently.


In summary, standardizing climatological data is a fundamental preprocessing step that ensures the deep learning model can learn effectively, prevent variable dominance, capture intricate climate patterns, and converge efficiently during training. It plays a pivotal role in enhancing the model's performance and its ability to provide valuable insights into climatic phenomena.


The two main modeling approaches covered are:

Diffusion model

The probabilistic generative model employed in this context is a sophisticated framework designed to denoise images. It leverages a diffusion process, which is a mathematical concept representing the gradual spread of information or change across data. In the context of image denoising, the diffusion process helps in gradually removing noise from an image while preserving the underlying structure and content.

Advantages of the Model:

The scheme of the Diffusion process:


The diffusers library

The Diffusers library provides a comprehensive set of options for working with Diffusion Models. In this documentation, we explore various options and functionalities available in the library that can be tailored to specific use cases or extended with custom implementations.


The diffusers.UNet2DModel class closely resembles our U-net architecture. It offers flexibility in designing the down and up blocks, making it a versatile choice for various tasks.

Down Blocks

You can choose from a variety of down block types, including:

Up Blocks

The available up block types include:

Here's an example configuration for diffusers.UNet2DModel:

  type: diffusion
      class_name: diffusers.UNet2DModel
        block_out_channels: [112, 224, 336, 448]
        down_block_types: [DownBlock2D, AttnDownBlock2D, AttnDownBlock2D, AttnDownBlock2D]
        up_block_types: [AttnUpBlock2D, AttnUpBlock2D, AttnUpBlock2D, UpBlock2D]
        layers_per_block: 2
        time_embedding_type: positional
        num_class_embeds: 24
        in_channels: 2
        norm_num_groups: 4
      class_name: LMSDiscreteScheduler
        num_train_timesteps: 1000
        beta_start: 0.0001
        beta_end: 0.02
        beta_schedule: linear
        prediction_type: epsilon
        timestep_spacing: trailing

The diffusers.UNet2DModel also accepts conditioning on labels through its argument class_labels. First, the embedding type must be specified in the __init__ method trough:

For example, to consider the hour of the data as covariate in this model we have two options:

Option A: Set num_class_embeds = 24 in the model creation and hour_embed_type = class in training configuration. This way the model learns an Embedding table for each hour.

Option B: Set class_embed_type = identity in the model configuration and hour_embed_type = positional in training configuration.

Option C: Set class_embed_type = timestep in the model configuration and hour_embed_type = timestep in training configuration. This configuration applies the same cos & sin transformation as in Option B maintaining the same max_duration=10000. Unlike Option B, we fit 2 nn.Linear after the embedding before feeding it to the NN.


The diffusers.UNet2DConditionModel is an extension of the previous diffusers.UNet2DModel to consider conditions during the reverse process such as time stamps, or other covariables.

One interesting parameter to tune is the activation funcion used in the time embedding which can be: Swish, Mish, SiLU or GELU.

But the most remarkable difference is the possibility of conditioning the reverse diffusion process in the encoder hidden states (comming from images, text, or any other)

One example configuration to use diffusers.UNet2DConditionModel is included below:

  type: diffusion
      class_name: diffusers.UNet2DConditionModel
        block_out_channels: [
        down_block_types: [
        mid_block_type: UNetMidBlock2DCrossAttn
        up_block_types: [
        layers_per_block: 2
        time_embedding_type: positional
        in_channels: 2
        out_channels: 1
        sample_size: [20, 32]
        only_cross_attention: False
        cross_attention_dim: 256
        addition_embed_type: other

Tailored UNet

In particular, a tailored U-Net architecture with 2D convolutions, residual connections and attetion layers is used.

U-Net Architecture Diagram

The parameteres of these model implemented in deepr/model/unet.py are:

NOTE I: The length of channel_multipliers and is_attention should match as it sets the number of resolutions of our U-Net architecture.

NOTE II: Spatial tensors fed to Diffusion model must have shapes of length multiple of $2^{\text{num resolutions} - 1}$.

An example configuration for this model is specified in training_configuration > model_configuration > eps_model,

  type: diffusion
      class_name: UNet
        block_out_channels: [32, 64, 128, 256]
        is_attention: [False, False, True, True]
        layers_per_block: 2
        time_embedding_type: positional
        in_channels: 2
        out_channels: 1
        sample_size: [20, 32]

The class Downsample represents a downsampling block. It uses a convolutional layer to reduce the spatial dimensions of the input tensor. Here are the key details:


The class Upsample represents an upsampling block. It uses a transposed convolutional layer to increase the spatial dimensions of the input tensor. Here are the key details:

Down Block

The class Down block represents a block used in the first half of a U-Net architecture for encoding input features. It consists of a residual block followed by an optional attention block. Here are the key details:

Middle Block

The class Middle block represents a block used in the middle section of a U-Net architecture. It contains two residual blocks with an attention block in between. Here are the key details:

Up Block

The class Up block represents a block used in the second half of a U-Net architecture for decoding features. It consists of a residual block followed by an optional attention block. Here are the key details:

Residual Block

The class Residual Block is a component commonly used in neural networks. It enhances feature extraction and information flow within the network. Key details include:

Convolutional Swin2SR

The Convolutional Swin2SR is a state-of-the-art (SOTA) neural network designed for super-resolution tasks in computer vision. It stands out for several key features that make it a powerful tool for enhancing image resolution:


Loss Terms: The model employs various loss terms to guide the training process effectively:

For training the Convolutional-Swin2SR, a configuration similar to the one provided needs to be given:

  type: end2end
      class_name: ConvSwin2SR
        embed_dim: 180
        depths: [6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6]
        num_heads: [6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6]
        patch_size: 1
        window_size: 5
        num_channels: 1
        img_range: 1
        resi_connection: "1conv"
        upsampler: "pixelshuffle"
        interpolation_method: "bicubic"
        hidden_dropout_prob: 0.0
        upscale: 5

Training configuration: commons

There are training parameters that are common to all the models:

An example of how they should be defined in the configuration file is provided:

    num_epochs: 50
    batch_size: 8
    gradient_accumulation_steps: 2
    learning_rate: 0.001
    lr_warmup_steps: 500
    mixed_precision: "fp16"
    hour_embed_type: class # none, timestep, positional, cyclical, class
    output_dir: "/PATH/TO/WRITE/ARTIFACTS"
    device: cuda
    seed: 2023
    save_model_epochs: 5
    save_image_epochs: 5

Training a model

To train your model, follow these steps:

  1. Prepare your dataset: Ensure that your dataset is properly formatted with all the different netCDF files inside the same folder structure.

  2. Configure your training parameters: Create a configuration file (usually in YAML format) that specifies various training hyperparameters, such as learning rate, batch size, number of epochs, etc. You can use the provided configuration examples as a starting point.

  3. Start training: Run the training script, specifying the path to your configuration file. The training script is located at train_model.py

Generating model predictions

To make predictions using the model you've defined, you can use the provided script: generate_model_predictions.py

This script is designed to generate predictions using your trained model. You can run it with the appropriate input data to obtain model predictions for your specific task or application.

Appendix I: Positional Embeddings

When working with sequential data, the order of the elements is important, and we must pay attention to how we pass this information to our models.

In our particular case, the timesteps $t$ is encoded with positional embeddings as proposed in the Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models paper.

Positional Embeddings

Besides, we may encode other important features as the hour of the day or the day of the year, which are cyclical. This is different from positional encodings because we want the encoding from hour 23 to be more similar to the one from 0 than from hour 18.



Copyright 2023, European Union.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

Workflow for developers/contributors

For best experience create a new conda environment (e.g. DEVELOP) with Python 3.10:

mamba create -n deepr-cuda -c conda-forge python=3.10
mamba activate deepr-cuda
make mamba-cuda_env-update

A data directory for the testing data must be created:

cd tests
mkdir data
cd data
mkdir features
mkdir labels

Once the directories have been created, testing data can be downloaded:

cd tests
wget -O data.zip https://cloud.predictia.es/s/zen8PGwJbi7mTCB/download
unzip data.zip
rm data.zip

Before pushing to GitHub, run the following commands:

  1. Update conda environment: make conda-env-update
  2. Install this package: pip install -e .
  3. Sync with the latest template (optional): make template-update
  4. Run quality assurance checks: make qa
  5. Run tests: make unit-tests
  6. Run the static type checker: make type-check
  7. Build the documentation (see Sphinx tutorial): make docs-build