


CDFTOOLS is a diagnostic package written in fortran 90 for the analysis of NEMO model output, initialized in the frame of the DRAKKAR project (https://www.drakkar-ocean.eu/). It is now available on GitHub under the CeCILL license (http://www.cecill.info/licences/Licence_CeCILL_V2-en.html).

CDFTOOLS is an open source package and contributions from other group are welcomed. The Git workflow policy is still to be defined.

Actual version of CDFTOOLS is known as version 4. (See changes in paragraph New features in version 4, below).


Cloning the git repository

To retrieve a copy of the CDFTOOLS source code and create a working directory, run the following on the command line:

> git clone https://github.com/meom-group/CDFTOOLS

Compiling CDFTOOLS

All the fortran source are in src/ subdirectory. In src/ there is a Makefile for compiling the sources. The compiler/machines related definitions are supposed to be collected in a make.macro file. Some examples of make.macro are given in the Macrolib directory and can be used as template for a new compiler or new machine. Then the good practice is to make a link

> cd src/

> ln -sf ../Macrolib/macro.MACHINE make.macro

In the make.macro file, the PATH for the netcdf library is specified, as well as compiler name and used flags. In order to activate netcdf4/HDF5 chunking and deflation ( available in some cdftools), you need to set:


in the make.macro file, otherwise set


In order to activate CMIP6 variable naming convention (for input files), you need to set:


Then using make (or even make -j n if you can compile on n cores), you will have the cdftools programs executable available in the bin/ sub directory. The executable files are ignore by git.


CDFTOOLS is a collection of programs. Every single program performs one or many computation(s) using a set of input files and output the results as a netcdf file, and eventually also gives some results on the standard output.

CDFTOOLS coding rules imply that a usage message is displayed when just running the tool without any arguments ( or with -h ). At the moment it is the only up to date documentation.

As CDFTOOLS is a collection of programs, a full diagnostic of model output can be performed writing a script using a sequence of tools. This is done for example in the Drakkar Monitoring Tools (DMONTOOLS, soon available on GitHub!).


Coding rules


The coding rules are the NEMO coding rules, strictly followed. The idea is that people familiar with NEMO are familiar with CDFTOOLS. In DEV_TOOLS/ some template fortran line are available for program, modules, routine or function headers. Also a template for the usage message.

Run time behaviour

Any cdftool, run without argument or with option -h, should display a short documentation (usage message), similar to a unix man page, describing the purpose of the tool, the syntax (arguments, options, etc...) and giving details on the output files. For some tools, mesh or/and mask files are required to be present in the working directory, with respective name mesh_hgr.nc, mesh_zgr.nc or mask.nc (links are OK). The usage message should indicate the required files.


> cdfcurl

   usage : cdfcurl -u U-file U-var -v V-file V-var -l levlist [-T] [-8]...
        ... [-surf] [-overf] [-nc4] [-o OUT-file ]
    Compute the curl of a vector field, at a specified level.
    If level is specified as 0, assume that the input files are
    forcing files, presumably on A-grid. In this latter case, the
    vector field is interpolated on the C-grid. In any case, the
    curl is computed on the F-point (unless -T option is used).
    -u U-file U-var : file and variable name for zonal component
    -v V-file V-var : file and variable name for meridional component
    -l levlist    : levels to be processed. If set to 0, assume forcing file
             in input. Example of recognized syntax :
               -l "1,10,30"  or -l "1-20" or even -l "1-3,10-20,30-"
               -l  1 . Note that -l "3-" set a levlist from 3 to the bottom
    -T : compute curl at T point instead of default F-point
    -8 : save in double precision instead of standard simple precision.
    -surf : work with single level C-grid (not forcing)
    -overf : store the ratio curl/f where f is the coriolis parameter
    -nc4 : use netcdf4 output with chunking and deflation 1
    -o OUT-file : specify output file name instead of curl.nc
    netcdf file : curl.nc
      variables : socurl or socurlt (if -T option), units : s^-1
         or socurloverf, no units (if -overf option)
Improving/modifying existing tool

It is possible to improve (of course !) or modify any tools, but <u>one important law to respect</u> is that the modified tool should still be able to be used with previous syntax, in order to avoid breaking of existing scripts using CDFTOOLS. If for some reason, this is not possible, then a discussion must be done to reach to a common decision. Eventually, some old options must be documented as osbolete in the usage message, which means that they may be removed from a future release.

New features in version 4

Modified user interface

Support for vvl simulations

Support for CMIP6 naming convention


Improved documentation.

Back to release 3:

Introducing TEOS10 in the CDFTOOLS

Interface with GSW library.