

<img src="/docs/figures/RAMP_logo_basic.png" width="300">

An open-source bottom-up stochastic model for generating multi-energy load profiles.


RAMP is a bottom-up stochastic model for the generation of high-resolution multi-energy profiles, conceived for application in contexts where only rough information about users' behaviour are obtainable. Those may range from remote villages to whole countries.

<img src="/docs/figures/Example_output.jpg" width="700">

The source-code is currently released as v0.3.1. It is not yeat accompained by a detailed documentation, but the Python code is fully commented in each line to allow a complete understanding of it. Further details about the conceptual and mathematical model formulation are provided in the related Journal publication (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2019.04.097). A brief description of the algorithm is provided also here on this repository. Check out also the release history to see how the code evolved over time.

Furthermore, you can join our Gitter chat to discuss doubts and make questions about the code!

The repository also hosts all the input files used to generate the profiles appearing in the abovementioned study, which may be also used as a reference example. To access the code version used for the Journal publication, select the tag "v.0.1-pre". An up-to-date list of publications featuring RAMP, for a variety of applications, is available here.


The model is developed in Python 3.6, and requires the following libraries:

Quick start

To get started, download the repository and simply run the "ramp_run.py" script. The console will ask how many profiles (i.e. independent days) need to be simulated, and will provide the results based on the default inputs defined in input_file_x.py. To change the inputs, just modify the latter files. Some guidance about the meaning of each input parameter is available in the core.py file, where the User and Appliance Python classes are defined and fully commented.

Example input files

Three different input files are provided as example representing three different categories of appliancces that can be modelled with RAMP.


Please cite the original Journal publication if you use RAMP in your research: F. Lombardi, S. Balderrama, S. Quoilin, E. Colombo, Generating high-resolution multi-energy load profiles for remote areas with an open-source stochastic model, Energy, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.energy.2019.04.097.


This project is open-source. Interested users are therefore invited to test, comment or contribute to the tool. Submitting issues is the best way to get in touch with the development team, which will address your comment, question, or development request in the best possible way. We are also looking for contributors to the main code, willing to contibute to its capabilities, computational-efficiency, formulation, etc.

To contribute changes:

When committing new changes, please also take care of checking code stability by means of the qualitative testing functionality.


Copyright 2019 RAMP, contributors listed in Authors

Licensed under the European Union Public Licence (EUPL), Version 1.2-or-later; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License