

<!-- this document was built from README.Rmd; make changes there then Knit to .md --> <img src="book/static-figures/logo.jpg" width="100%">


Precourse Assignment

Part 1

Chapter 1: Introduction to R

Chapter 2: The Data We Use

Chapter 3: Exploratory Data Analysis

<!-- - Extras - [TEUI](http://ncss-tech.github.io/stats_for_soil_survey/chapters/4_exploratory_analysis/4_teui.html) - [ArcGIS](http://ncss-tech.github.io/stats_for_soil_survey/chapters/4_exploratory_analysis/4_arcgis.html) - [Shiny Apps](http://ncss-tech.github.io/stats_for_soil_survey/chapters/4_exploratory_analysis/4_shiny_app.html) -->

Chapter 4: Spatial Data in R

Chapter 5: Sampling

Part 2

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Model Evaluation

Chapter 3: Numerical Taxonomy and Ordination

Chapter 4: Linear Regression

Chapter 5: Generalized Linear Models

Chapter 6: Tree-based models