

CNCF Green Reviews WG

The CNCF Green Reviews Working Group (WG) is an open-source, community-led project that is part of the CNCF Environmental Sustainability Technical Advisory Group (TAG ENV).

The aim of the Green Reviews WG is to set up infrastructure to measure the sustainability footprint of CNCF Projects.


Getting Started

Here are some resources to learn about the project:


All contributions are welcome, including code contributions, issues, suggestions, questions, product direction, collaborations, etc.

If you are interested in contributing to the project, head over to the Contributing Guide!


All changes to the documentation must be added to the docs folder.


The roadmap contains some of the short and long-term goals of the Green Reviews WG. Timelines are estimates and may change.

Q4 '23 / Before & After KubeCon NAAnnounce Green Reviews WG during KubeCon NA Keynotes
Draft of the implementation for the sustainability footprint measurement workflow (tracking issue)
Cluster up and running on Equinix (tracking issue)
Q1 '24 / Before KubeCon EUMeasure the cloud native sustainability footprint of Falco milestone
Present architecture as part of the maintainer track at KubeCon EU
Q2 '24 / After KubeCon EUAutomate cloud native sustainability footprint measuring of the Falco project (alpha version)
First stats published publicly on devstats.cncf.io
Identify the next CNCF Project
Q3 '24 / Before KubeCon NAReproduce workflow with next CNCF Project