

AI TreasureBox

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updated repos and stars every 2 hours and re-ranking automatically.

<div width="30px">No.</div><div width="250px">Repos</div><div width="400px">Description</div>
1sindresorhus/awesome </br> 2024-11-23_334328_30😎 Awesome lists about all kinds of interesting topics
2public-apis/public-apis </br> 2024-11-23_318118_20A collective list of free APIs
3codecrafters-io/build-your-own-x </br> 2024-11-23_312792_73Master programming by recreating your favorite technologies from scratch.
4kamranahmedse/developer-roadmap </br> 2024-11-23_298206_19Interactive roadmaps, guides and other educational content to help developers grow in their careers.
5vinta/awesome-python </br> 2024-11-23_225387_19A curated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources
⭐ 6practical-tutorials/project-based-learning </br> 2024-11-23_204961_70Curated list of project-based tutorials
7tensorflow/tensorflow </br> 2024-11-23_186495_4An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone
8Significant-Gravitas/AutoGPT </br> 2024-11-23_168535_1An experimental open-source attempt to make GPT-4 fully autonomous.
9jackfrued/Python-100-Days </br> 2024-11-23_157913_16Python - 100天从新手到大师
10AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui </br> 2024-11-23_143306_14Stable Diffusion web UI
11huggingface/transformers </br> 2024-11-23_135330_8🤗 Transformers: State-of-the-art Machine Learning for Pytorch, TensorFlow, and JAX.
12f/awesome-chatgpt-prompts </br> 2024-11-23_113229_12 <a alt="Click Me" href="https://huggingface.co/datasets/fka/awesome-chatgpt-prompts" target="_blank"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/%F0%9F%A4%97-Spaces-brightgreen" alt="Open in Spaces"/></a>This repo includes ChatGPT prompt curation to use ChatGPT better.
13justjavac/free-programming-books-zh_CN </br> 2024-11-23_111797_3📚 免费的计算机编程类中文书籍,欢迎投稿
14goldbergyoni/nodebestpractices </br> 2024-11-23_100678_-1✅ The Node.js best practices list (July 2024)
15krahets/hello-algo </br> 2024-11-23_99611_126《Hello 算法》:动画图解、一键运行的数据结构与算法教程。支持 Python, Java, C++, C, C#, JS, Go, Swift, Rust, Ruby, Kotlin, TS, Dart 代码。简体版和繁体版同步更新,English version ongoing
16ollama/ollama </br> 2024-11-23_98970_35Get up and running with Llama 2, Mistral, Gemma, and other large language models.
17langchain-ai/langchain </br> 2024-11-23_95198_3⚡ Building applications with LLMs through composability ⚡
18yt-dlp/yt-dlp </br> 2024-11-23_90673_20A feature-rich command-line audio/video downloader
19puppeteer/puppeteer </br> 2024-11-23_88905_4JavaScript API for Chrome and Firefox
20pytorch/pytorch </br> 2024-11-23_84385_7Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration
21mtdvio/every-programmer-should-know </br> 2024-11-23_83550_3A collection of (mostly) technical things every software developer should know about
22neovim/neovim </br> 2024-11-23_83524_12Vim-fork focused on extensibility and usability
23tensorflow/models </br> 2024-11-23_77205_1Models and examples built with TensorFlow
24ChatGPTNextWeb/ChatGPT-Next-Web </br> 2024-11-23_76855_6A cross-platform ChatGPT/Gemini UI (Web / PWA / Linux / Win / MacOS). 一键拥有你自己的跨平台 ChatGPT/Gemini 应用。
25supabase/supabase </br> 2024-11-23_73981_4The open source Firebase alternative.
26home-assistant/core </br> 2024-11-23_73885_2🏡 Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first.
27openai/whisper </br> 2024-11-23_71681_17Robust Speech Recognition via Large-Scale Weak Supervision
283b1b/manim </br> 2024-11-23_71129_11Animation engine for explanatory math videos
29nomic-ai/gpt4all </br> 2024-11-23_70773_0gpt4all: an ecosystem of open-source chatbots trained on a massive collection of clean assistant data including code, stories and dialogue
30fighting41love/funNLP </br> 2024-11-23_69286_4The Most Powerful NLP-Weapon Arsenal
31ggerganov/llama.cpp </br> 2024-11-23_68204_8Port of Facebook's LLaMA model in C/C++
32bregman-arie/devops-exercises </br> 2024-11-23_66740_-1Linux, Jenkins, AWS, SRE, Prometheus, Docker, Python, Ansible, Git, Kubernetes, Terraform, OpenStack, SQL, NoSQL, Azure, GCP, DNS, Elastic, Network, Virtualization. DevOps Interview Questions
33josephmisiti/awesome-machine-learning </br> 2024-11-23_66063_3A curated list of awesome Machine Learning frameworks, libraries and software.
34binary-husky/gpt_academic </br> 2024-11-23_65852_0Academic Optimization of GPT
35hoppscotch/hoppscotch </br> 2024-11-23_65699_5Open source API development ecosystem - https://hoppscotch.io (open-source alternative to Postman, Insomnia)
36microsoft/generative-ai-for-beginners </br> 2024-11-23_65243_312 Lessons, Get Started Building with Generative AI 🔗 https://microsoft.github.io/generative-ai-for-beginners/
37grafana/grafana </br> 2024-11-23_65186_6The open and composable observability and data visualization platform. Visualize metrics, logs, and traces from multiple sources like Prometheus, Loki, Elasticsearch, InfluxDB, Postgres and many more.
38d2l-ai/d2l-zh </br> 2024-11-23_63808_8Targeting Chinese readers, functional and open for discussion. The Chinese and English versions are used for teaching in over 400 universities across more than 60 countries
39python/cpython </br> 2024-11-23_63602_9The Python programming language
40apache/superset </br> 2024-11-23_62914_2Apache Superset is a Data Visualization and Data Exploration Platform
41twitter/the-algorithm </br> 2024-11-23_62431_4Source code for Twitter's Recommendation Algorithm
42xtekky/gpt4free </br> 2024-11-23_62138_14decentralizing the Ai Industry, free gpt-4/3.5 scripts through several reverse engineered API's ( poe.com, phind.com, chat.openai.com etc...)
43keras-team/keras </br> 2024-11-23_62120_3Deep Learning for humans
44sherlock-project/sherlock </br> 2024-11-23_60579_1Hunt down social media accounts by username across social networks
45abi/screenshot-to-code </br> 2024-11-23_60554_33Drop in a screenshot and convert it to clean HTML/Tailwind/JS code
46scikit-learn/scikit-learn </br> 2024-11-23_60218_2scikit-learn: machine learning in Python
⭐ 47openai/openai-cookbook </br> 2024-11-23_60052_59Examples and guides for using the OpenAI API
48binhnguyennus/awesome-scalability </br> 2024-11-23_59116_5The Patterns of Scalable, Reliable, and Performant Large-Scale Systems
49AppFlowy-IO/AppFlowy </br> 2024-11-23_58203_4Bring projects, wikis, and teams together with AI. AppFlowy is an AI collaborative workspace where you achieve more without losing control of your data. The best open source alternative to Notion.
50comfyanonymous/ComfyUI </br> 2024-11-23_57535_36The most powerful and modular diffusion model GUI, api and backend with a graph/nodes interface.
51meta-llama/llama </br> 2024-11-23_56517_6Inference code for Llama models
52labmlai/annotated_deep_learning_paper_implementations </br> 2024-11-23_56464_5🧑‍🏫 59 Implementations/tutorials of deep learning papers with side-by-side notes 📝; including transformers (original, xl, switch, feedback, vit, ...), optimizers (adam, adabelief, ...), gans(cyclegan, stylegan2, ...), 🎮 reinforcement learning (ppo, dqn), capsnet, distillation, ... 🧠
53OpenInterpreter/open-interpreter </br> 2024-11-23_55684_12A natural language interface for computers
54nuxt/nuxt </br> 2024-11-23_55032_3The Intuitive Vue Framework.
55imartinez/privateGPT </br> 2024-11-23_54238_1Interact with your documents using the power of GPT, 100% privately, no data leaks
56ageitgey/face_recognition </br> 2024-11-23_53511_1The world's simplest facial recognition api for Python and the command line
57lencx/ChatGPT </br> 2024-11-23_53012_2🔮 ChatGPT Desktop Application (Mac, Windows and Linux)
58PlexPt/awesome-chatgpt-prompts-zh </br> 2024-11-23_52911_2ChatGPT Chinese Training Guide. Guidelines for various scenarios. Learn how to make it listen to you
59CorentinJ/Real-Time-Voice-Cloning </br> 2024-11-23_52781_6Clone a voice in 5 seconds to generate arbitrary speech in real-time
60deepfakes/faceswap </br> 2024-11-23_52491_3Deepfakes Software For All
61gpt-engineer-org/gpt-engineer </br> 2024-11-23_52466_4Specify what you want it to build, the AI asks for clarification, and then builds it.
62immich-app/immich </br> 2024-11-23_52402_17High performance self-hosted photo and video management solution.
63langgenius/dify </br> 2024-11-23_52384_16One API for plugins and datasets, one interface for prompt engineering and visual operation, all for creating powerful AI applications.
64dair-ai/Prompt-Engineering-Guide </br> 2024-11-23_50419_3🐙 Guides, papers, lecture, notebooks and resources for prompt engineering
65commaai/openpilot </br> 2024-11-23_49982_3openpilot is an open source driver assistance system. openpilot performs the functions of Automated Lane Centering and Adaptive Cruise Control for over 200 supported car makes and models.
66xai-org/grok-1 </br> 2024-11-23_49603_1Grok open release
67jgthms/bulma </br> 2024-11-23_49386_0Modern CSS framework based on Flexbox
68n8n-io/n8n </br> 2024-11-23_49332_24Free and source-available fair-code licensed workflow automation tool. Easily automate tasks across different services.
69open-webui/open-webui </br> 2024-11-23_48052_20User-friendly WebUI for LLMs (Formerly Ollama WebUI)
70facebookresearch/segment-anything </br> 2024-11-23_47744_3The repository provides code for running inference with the SegmentAnything Model (SAM), links for downloading the trained model checkpoints, and example notebooks that show how to use the model.
71meilisearch/meilisearch </br> 2024-11-23_47540_13A lightning-fast search API that fits effortlessly into your apps, websites, and workflow
72Stirling-Tools/Stirling-PDF </br> 2024-11-23_46515_6#1 Locally hosted web application that allows you to perform various operations on PDF files
73Avik-Jain/100-Days-Of-ML-Code </br> 2024-11-23_45522_3100 Days of ML Coding
74v2ray/v2ray-core </br> 2024-11-23_45471_-1A platform for building proxies to bypass network restrictions.
75geekan/MetaGPT </br> 2024-11-23_45409_5The Multi-Agent Meta Programming Framework: Given one line Requirement, return PRD, Design, Tasks, Repo
76lobehub/lobe-chat </br> 2024-11-23_44833_6🤖 Lobe Chat - an open-source, extensible (Function Calling), high-performance chatbot framework. It supports one-click free deployment of your private ChatGPT/LLM web application.
77PaddlePaddle/PaddleOCR </br> 2024-11-23_44456_2Awesome multilingual OCR toolkits based on PaddlePaddle (practical ultra lightweight OCR system, support 80+ languages recognition, provide data annotation and synthesis tools, support training and deployment among server, mobile, embedded and IoT devices)
78alist-org/alist </br> 2024-11-23_44056_5🗂️A file list/WebDAV program that supports multiple storages, powered by Gin and Solidjs. / 一个支持多存储的文件列表/WebDAV程序,使用 Gin 和 Solidjs。
79type-challenges/type-challenges </br> 2024-11-23_43482_-1Collection of TypeScript type challenges with online judge
80Asabeneh/30-Days-Of-Python </br> 2024-11-23_42828_730 days of Python programming challenge is a step-by-step guide to learn the Python programming language in 30 days. This challenge may take more than100 days, follow your own pace. These videos may help too: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7PNRuno1rzYPb1xLa4yktw
81lllyasviel/Fooocus </br> 2024-11-23_41565_7Focus on prompting and generating
82hacksider/Deep-Live-Cam </br> 2024-11-23_40997_7real time face swap and one-click video deepfake with only a single image (uncensored)
83jeecgboot/JeecgBoot </br> 2024-11-23_40778_4🔥「企业级低代码平台」前后端分离架构SpringBoot 2.x/3.x,SpringCloud,Ant Design&Vue3,Mybatis,Shiro,JWT。强大的代码生成器让前后端代码一键生成,无需写任何代码! 引领新的开发模式OnlineCoding->代码生成->手工MERGE,帮助Java项目解决70%重复工作,让开发更关注业务,既能快速提高效率,帮助公司节省成本,同时又不失灵活性。
84oobabooga/text-generation-webui </br> 2024-11-23_40771_3A gradio web UI for running Large Language Models like LLaMA, llama.cpp, GPT-J, OPT, and GALACTICA.
85THUDM/ChatGLM-6B </br> 2024-11-23_40723_2ChatGLM-6B: An Open Bilingual Dialogue Language Model
86fastlane/fastlane </br> 2024-11-23_39680_1🚀 The easiest way to automate building and releasing your iOS and Android apps
87mingrammer/diagrams </br> 2024-11-23_39579_6🎨 Diagram as Code for prototyping cloud system architectures
88mlabonne/llm-course </br> 2024-11-23_39306_8Course with a roadmap and notebooks to get into Large Language Models (LLMs).
89dani-garcia/vaultwarden </br> 2024-11-23_39258_6Unofficial Bitwarden compatible server written in Rust, formerly known as bitwarden_rs
90Stability-AI/stablediffusion </br> 2024-11-23_39242_3High-Resolution Image Synthesis with Latent Diffusion Models
91getsentry/sentry </br> 2024-11-23_39225_-4Developer-first error tracking and performance monitoring
92psf/black </br> 2024-11-23_39185_2The uncompromising Python code formatter
93clash-verge-rev/clash-verge-rev </br> 2024-11-23_38944_37Continuation of Clash Verge - A Clash Meta GUI based on Tauri (Windows, MacOS, Linux)
94hpcaitech/ColossalAI </br> 2024-11-23_38828_0Making large AI models cheaper, faster and more accessible
95karpathy/nanoGPT </br> 2024-11-23_37487_3The simplest, fastest repository for training/finetuning medium-sized GPTs
96apache/airflow </br> 2024-11-23_37276_7Apache Airflow - A platform to programmatically author, schedule, and monitor workflows
97All-Hands-AI/OpenHands </br> 2024-11-23_37234_17🙌 OpenHands: Code Less, Make More
98LAION-AI/Open-Assistant </br> 2024-11-23_37078_-2 <a alt="Click Me" href="https://open-assistant.io/chat" target="_blank"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/OpenAssistant-Demo-brightgreen" alt="Open in Spaces"/></a>OpenAssistant is a chat-based assistant that understands tasks, can interact with third-party systems, and retrieve information dynamically to do so.
99lm-sys/FastChat </br> 2024-11-23_37033_2An open platform for training, serving, and evaluating large languages. Release repo for Vicuna and FastChat-T5.
100QuivrHQ/quivr </br> 2024-11-23_36713_0Your GenAI Second Brain 🧠 A personal productivity assistant (RAG) ⚡️🤖 Chat with your docs (PDF, CSV, ...) & apps using Langchain, GPT 3.5 / 4 turbo, Private, Anthropic, VertexAI, Ollama, LLMs, that you can share with users ! Local & Private alternative to OpenAI GPTs & ChatGPT powered by retrieval-augmented generation.
1012dust/v2rayNG </br> 2024-11-23_36260_3A V2Ray client for Android, support Xray core and v2fly core
102suno-ai/bark </br> 2024-11-23_36194_3 <a alt="Click Me" href="https://huggingface.co/spaces/suno/bark" target="_blank"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/%F0%9F%A4%97-Spaces-brightgreen" alt="Open in Spaces"/></a>🔊 Text-Prompted Generative Audio Model
103NaiboWang/EasySpider </br> 2024-11-23_36140_2A visual no-code/code-free web crawler/spider易采集:一个可视化浏览器自动化测试/数据采集/爬虫软件,可以无代码图形化的设计和执行爬虫任务。别名:ServiceWrapper面向Web应用的智能化服务封装系统。
104RVC-Boss/GPT-SoVITS </br> 2024-11-23_35953_91 min voice data can also be used to train a good TTS model! (few shot voice cloning)
105TencentARC/GFPGAN </br> 2024-11-23_35913_1GFPGAN aims at developing Practical Algorithms for Real-world Face Restoration.
106streamlit/streamlit </br> 2024-11-23_35834_4Streamlit — A faster way to build and share data apps.
107ggerganov/whisper.cpp </br> 2024-11-23_35807_4Port of OpenAI's Whisper model in C/C++
108XingangPan/DragGAN </br> 2024-11-23_35737_1 <a alt="Click Me" href="https://vcai.mpi-inf.mpg.de/projects/DragGAN/" target="_blank"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/Mpg-Project-brightgreen" alt="Open in Spaces"/></a> <a href='https://arxiv.org/abs/2305.10973'><img src='https://img.shields.io/badge/Paper-Arxiv-red'></a>Code for DragGAN (SIGGRAPH 2023)
109coqui-ai/TTS </br> 2024-11-23_35597_4🐸💬 - a deep learning toolkit for Text-to-Speech, battle-tested in research and production
110microsoft/DeepSpeed </br> 2024-11-23_35549_3A deep learning optimization library that makes distributed training and inference easy, efficient, and effective
111typst/typst </br> 2024-11-23_35356_4A new markup-based typesetting system that is powerful and easy to learn.
112freeCodeCamp/devdocs </br> 2024-11-23_35355_5API Documentation Browser
113babysor/MockingBird </br> 2024-11-23_35353_6🚀AI拟声: 5秒内克隆您的声音并生成任意语音内容 Clone a voice in 5 seconds to generate arbitrary speech in real-time
114SimplifyJobs/Summer2025-Internships </br> 2024-11-23_35234_-4Collection of Summer 2025 tech internships!
115langflow-ai/langflow </br> 2024-11-23_35197_22⛓️ Langflow is a visual framework for building multi-agent and RAG applications. It's open-source, Python-powered, fully customizable, model and vector store agnostic.
116hiyouga/LLaMA-Factory </br> 2024-11-23_34781_15Easy-to-use LLM fine-tuning framework (LLaMA, BLOOM, Mistral, Baichuan, Qwen, ChatGLM)
117LC044/WeChatMsg </br> 2024-11-23_34755_3提取微信聊天记录,将其导出成HTML、Word、Excel文档永久保存,对聊天记录进行分析生成年度聊天报告,用聊天数据训练专属于个人的AI聊天助手
118microsoft/autogen </br> 2024-11-23_34685_17Enable Next-Gen Large Language Model Applications. Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/pAbnFJrkgZ
119lapce/lapce </br> 2024-11-23_34667_2Lightning-fast and Powerful Code Editor written in Rust
120microsoft/TaskMatrix </br> 2024-11-23_34548_0 <a alt="Click Me" href="https://huggingface.co/spaces/microsoft/visual_chatgpt" target="_blank"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/%F0%9F%A4%97-Spaces-brightgreen" alt="Open in Spaces"/></a>Talking, Drawing and Editing with Visual Foundation Models
121google-research/google-research </br> 2024-11-23_34348_1Google Research
122ray-project/ray </br> 2024-11-23_34124_3Ray is a unified framework for scaling AI and Python applications. Ray consists of a core distributed runtime and a toolkit of libraries (Ray AIR) for accelerating ML workloads.
123gradio-app/gradio </br> 2024-11-23_34113_0Build and share delightful machine learning apps, all in Python. 🌟 Star to support our work!
124OpenBB-finance/OpenBBTerminal </br> 2024-11-23_34048_2Investment Research for Everyone, Anywhere.
125penpot/penpot </br> 2024-11-23_33851_4Penpot: The open-source design tool for design and code collaboration
126rasbt/LLMs-from-scratch </br> 2024-11-23_33370_20Implementing a ChatGPT-like LLM from scratch, step by step
127karanpratapsingh/system-design </br> 2024-11-23_32959_1Learn how to design systems at scale and prepare for system design interviews
128ultralytics/ultralytics </br> 2024-11-23_32931_9NEW - YOLOv8 🚀 in PyTorch > ONNX > OpenVINO > CoreML > TFLite
1292noise/ChatTTS </br> 2024-11-23_32528_6ChatTTS is a generative speech model for daily dialogue.
130chatchat-space/Langchain-Chatchat </br> 2024-11-23_32147_3Langchain-Chatchat (formerly langchain-ChatGLM), local knowledge based LLM (like ChatGLM) QA app with langchain
131Pythagora-io/gpt-pilot </br> 2024-11-23_31929_6PoC for a scalable dev tool that writes entire apps from scratch while the developer oversees the implementation
132FlowiseAI/Flowise </br> 2024-11-23_31727_11Drag & drop UI to build your customized LLM flow using LangchainJS
133Chanzhaoyu/chatgpt-web </br> 2024-11-23_31544_-1A demonstration website built with Express and Vue3 called ChatGPT
134zhayujie/chatgpt-on-wechat </br> 2024-11-23_31367_6Wechat robot based on ChatGPT, which uses OpenAI api and itchat library
135upscayl/upscayl </br> 2024-11-23_31290_5🆙 Upscayl - Free and Open Source AI Image Upscaler for Linux, MacOS and Windows built with Linux-First philosophy.
136hashicorp/vault </br> 2024-11-23_31268_5A tool for secrets management, encryption as a service, and privileged access management
137freqtrade/freqtrade </br> 2024-11-23_31022_24Free, open source crypto trading bot
138milvus-io/milvus </br> 2024-11-23_30881_4A cloud-native vector database, storage for next generation AI applications
139KRTirtho/spotube </br> 2024-11-23_30814_7🎧 Open source Spotify client that doesn't require Premium nor uses Electron! Available for both desktop & mobile!
140TheAlgorithms/C-Plus-Plus </br> 2024-11-23_30795_3Collection of various algorithms in mathematics, machine learning, computer science and physics implemented in C++ for educational purposes.
141vllm-project/vllm </br> 2024-11-23_30672_12A high-throughput and memory-efficient inference and serving engine for LLMs
142facebookresearch/detectron2 </br> 2024-11-23_30586_1Detectron2 is a platform for object detection, segmentation and other visual recognition tasks.
143facebookresearch/fairseq </br> 2024-11-23_30572_-3Facebook AI Research Sequence-to-Sequence Toolkit written in Python.
144google/jax </br> 2024-11-23_30562_-1Composable transformations of Python+NumPy programs: differentiate, vectorize, JIT to GPU/TPU, and more
145pola-rs/polars </br> 2024-11-23_30494_1Fast multi-threaded, hybrid-out-of-core query engine focussing on DataFrame front-ends
146lllyasviel/ControlNet </br> 2024-11-23_30471_0Let us control diffusion models!
147alibaba/nacos </br> 2024-11-23_30349_0an easy-to-use dynamic service discovery, configuration and service management platform for building cloud native applications.
148yunjey/pytorch-tutorial </br> 2024-11-23_30286_0PyTorch Tutorial for Deep Learning Researchers
149myshell-ai/OpenVoice </br> 2024-11-23_29866_5Instant voice cloning by MyShell
150v2fly/v2ray-core </br> 2024-11-23_29643_3A platform for building proxies to bypass network restrictions.
151tatsu-lab/stanford_alpaca </br> 2024-11-23_29576_2Code and documentation to train Stanford's Alpaca models, and generate the data.
152JushBJJ/Mr.-Ranedeer-AI-Tutor </br> 2024-11-23_28938_3A GPT-4 AI Tutor Prompt for customizable personalized learning experiences.
153mckaywrigley/chatbot-ui </br> 2024-11-23_28826_-1The open-source AI chat interface for everyone.
154linexjlin/GPTs </br> 2024-11-23_28792_1leaked prompts of GPTs
155s0md3v/roop </br> 2024-11-23_28620_3one-click deepfake (face swap)
156xinntao/Real-ESRGAN </br> 2024-11-23_28524_4Real-ESRGAN aims at developing Practical Algorithms for General Image/Video Restoration.
157facebook/folly </br> 2024-11-23_28456_1An open-source C++ library developed and used at Facebook.
158Lightning-AI/pytorch-lightning </br> 2024-11-23_28444_2Pretrain, finetune and deploy AI models on multiple GPUs, TPUs with zero code changes.
159acheong08/ChatGPT </br> 2024-11-23_28037_0Reverse engineered ChatGPT API
160google-ai-edge/mediapipe </br> 2024-11-23_27693_0Cross-platform, customizable ML solutions for live and streaming media.
161Mintplex-Labs/anything-llm </br> 2024-11-23_27497_13A full-stack application that turns any documents into an intelligent chatbot with a sleek UI and easier way to manage your workspaces.
162hiroi-sora/Umi-OCR </br> 2024-11-23_27452_6OCR图片转文字识别软件,完全离线。截屏/批量导入图片,支持多国语言、合并段落、竖排文字。可排除水印区域,提取干净的文本。基于 PaddleOCR 。
163eugeneyan/applied-ml </br> 2024-11-23_27351_-1📚 Papers & tech blogs by companies sharing their work on data science & machine learning in production.
164google-research/tuning_playbook </br> 2024-11-23_27287_-10A playbook for systematically maximizing the performance of deep learning models.
165meta-llama/llama3 </br> 2024-11-23_27214_1The official Meta Llama 3 GitHub site
166mli/paper-reading </br> 2024-11-23_27207_4Classic Deep Learning and In-Depth Reading of New Papers Paragraph by Paragraph
167tokio-rs/tokio </br> 2024-11-23_27118_-2A runtime for writing reliable asynchronous applications with Rust. Provides I/O, networking, scheduling, timers, ...
168tinygrad/tinygrad </br> 2024-11-23_26958_3You like pytorch? You like micrograd? You love tinygrad! ❤️
169mouredev/Hello-Python </br> 2024-11-23_26958_4Curso para aprender el lenguaje de programación Python desde cero y para principiantes. 75 clases, 37 horas en vídeo, código, proyectos y grupo de chat. Fundamentos, frontend, backend, testing, IA...
170iperov/DeepFaceLive </br> 2024-11-23_26910_2Real-time face swap for PC streaming or video calls
171mindsdb/mindsdb </br> 2024-11-23_26838_3The platform for customizing AI from enterprise data
172HeyPuter/puter </br> 2024-11-23_26629_7🌐 The Internet OS! Free, Open-Source, and Self-Hostable.
173huggingface/diffusers </br> 2024-11-23_26303_1🤗 Diffusers: State-of-the-art diffusion models for image and audio generation in PyTorch and FLAX.
174mudler/LocalAI </br> 2024-11-23_26191_16🤖 The free, Open Source OpenAI alternative. Self-hosted, community-driven and local-first. Drop-in replacement for OpenAI running on consumer-grade hardware. No GPU required. Runs gguf, transformers, diffusers and many more models architectures. It allows to generate Text, Audio, Video, Images. Also with voice cloning capabilities.
175openai/CLIP </br> 2024-11-23_26063_1CLIP (Contrastive Language-Image Pretraining), Predict the most relevant text snippet given an image
176svc-develop-team/so-vits-svc </br> 2024-11-23_25944_1SoftVC VITS Singing Voice Conversion
177airbnb/lottie-ios </br> 2024-11-23_25798_1An iOS library to natively render After Effects vector animations
178XTLS/Xray-core </br> 2024-11-23_25711_8Xray, Penetrates Everything. Also the best v2ray-core, with XTLS support. Fully compatible configuration.
179OpenBMB/ChatDev </br> 2024-11-23_25643_4Create Customized Software using Natural Language Idea (through Multi-Agent Collaboration)
180danielmiessler/fabric </br> 2024-11-23_25523_4fabric is an open-source framework for augmenting humans using AI.
181getcursor/cursor </br> 2024-11-23_25465_12An editor made for programming with AI
182Vision-CAIR/MiniGPT-4 </br> 2024-11-23_25438_1 <a alt="Click Me" href="https://huggingface.co/spaces/Vision-CAIR/minigpt4" target="_blank"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/%F0%9F%A4%97-Spaces-brightgreen" alt="Open in Spaces"/></a> <a href='https://arxiv.org/abs/2304.10592'><img src='https://img.shields.io/badge/Paper-Arxiv-red'></a>Enhancing Vision-language Understanding with Advanced Large Language Models
183DataTalksClub/data-engineering-zoomcamp </br> 2024-11-23_25237_0Free Data Engineering course!
184academic/awesome-datascience </br> 2024-11-23_25176_1📝 An awesome Data Science repository to learn and apply for real world problems.
185chatanywhere/GPT_API_free </br> 2024-11-23_24870_4Free ChatGPT API Key, Free ChatGPT API, supports GPT-4 API (free), ChatGPT offers a free domestic forwarding API that allows direct connections without the need for a proxy. It can be used in conjunction with software/plugins like ChatBox, significantly reducing interface usage costs. Enjoy unlimited and unrestricted chatting within China
186RVC-Project/Retrieval-based-Voice-Conversion-WebUI </br> 2024-11-23_24694_6Voice data <= 10 mins can also be used to train a good VC model!
187Stability-AI/generative-models </br> 2024-11-23_24686_0Generative Models by Stability AI
188karpathy/llm.c </br> 2024-11-23_24504_3LLM training in simple, raw C/CUDA
189gabime/spdlog </br> 2024-11-23_24465_0Fast C++ logging library.
190roboflow/supervision </br> 2024-11-23_24264_4We write your reusable computer vision tools. 💜
191apache/flink </br> 2024-11-23_24156_0Apache Flink
192yetone/openai-translator </br> 2024-11-23_23934_-2Browser extension and cross-platform desktop application for translation based on ChatGPT API
193nrwl/nx </br> 2024-11-23_23752_-2Smart Monorepos · Fast CI
194invoke-ai/InvokeAI </br> 2024-11-23_23751_1InvokeAI is a leading creative engine for Stable Diffusion models, empowering professionals, artists, and enthusiasts to generate and create visual media using the latest AI-driven technologies. The solution offers an industry leading WebUI, supports terminal use through a CLI, and serves as the foundation for multiple commercial products.
195microsoft/JARVIS </br> 2024-11-23_23722_1 <a alt="Click Me" href="https://huggingface.co/spaces/microsoft/HuggingGPT" target="_blank"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/%F0%9F%A4%97-Spaces-brightgreen" alt="Open in Spaces"/></a>a system to connect LLMs with ML community
196janhq/jan </br> 2024-11-23_23695_4Jan is an open source alternative to ChatGPT that runs 100% offline on your computer
197infiniflow/ragflow </br> 2024-11-23_23536_22RAGFlow is an open-source RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) engine based on deep document understanding.
198stretchr/testify </br> 2024-11-23_23527_0A toolkit with common assertions and mocks that plays nicely with the standard library
199deepinsight/insightface </br> 2024-11-23_23520_2State-of-the-art 2D and 3D Face Analysis Project
200rancher/rancher </br> 2024-11-23_23489_2Complete container management platform
201google/flatbuffers </br> 2024-11-23_23385_-1FlatBuffers: Memory Efficient Serialization Library
202opentofu/opentofu </br> 2024-11-23_23352_4OpenTofu lets you declaratively manage your cloud infrastructure.
203modularml/mojo </br> 2024-11-23_23333_1The Mojo Programming Language
204bazelbuild/bazel </br> 2024-11-23_23273_0a fast, scalable, multi-language and extensible build system
205openai/openai-python </br> 2024-11-23_23094_3The OpenAI Python library provides convenient access to the OpenAI API from applications written in the Python language.
206mem0ai/mem0 </br> 2024-11-23_22952_6The memory layer for Personalized AI
207TheAlgorithms/Rust </br> 2024-11-23_22893_0All Algorithms implemented in Rust
208Bin-Huang/chatbox </br> 2024-11-23_22796_19A desktop app for GPT-4 / GPT-3.5 (OpenAI API) that supports Windows, Mac & Linux
209drawdb-io/drawdb </br> 2024-11-23_22710_4Free, simple, and intuitive online database design tool and SQL generator.
210openai/gpt-2 </br> 2024-11-23_22562_3Code for the paper "Language Models are Unsupervised Multitask Learners"
211paul-gauthier/aider </br> 2024-11-23_22392_14aider is GPT powered coding in your terminal
212PaddlePaddle/Paddle </br> 2024-11-23_22283_5PArallel Distributed Deep LEarning: Machine Learning Framework from Industrial Practice (『飞桨』核心框架,深度学习&机器学习高性能单机、分布式训练和跨平台部署)
213PostHog/posthog </br> 2024-11-23_22053_1🦔 PostHog provides open-source product analytics, session recording, feature flagging and A/B testing that you can self-host.
214microsoft/semantic-kernel </br> 2024-11-23_22052_4Integrate cutting-edge LLM technology quickly and easily into your apps
215TabbyML/tabby </br> 2024-11-23_21962_2Self-hosted AI coding assistant
216frappe/erpnext </br> 2024-11-23_21960_4Free and Open Source Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
217zulip/zulip </br> 2024-11-23_21665_0Zulip server and web application. Open-source team chat that helps teams stay productive and focused.
218joaomdmoura/crewAI </br> 2024-11-23_21494_17Framework for orchestrating role-playing, autonomous AI agents. By fostering collaborative intelligence, CrewAI empowers agents to work together seamlessly, tackling complex tasks.
219warpdotdev/Warp </br> 2024-11-23_21470_0Warp is a modern, Rust-based terminal with AI built in so you and your team can build great software, faster.
220shardeum/shardeum </br> 2024-11-23_21160_5Shardeum is an EVM based autoscaling blockchain
221grpc/grpc-go </br> 2024-11-23_21129_0The Go language implementation of gRPC. HTTP/2 based RPC
222openai/chatgpt-retrieval-plugin </br> 2024-11-23_21072_0Plugins are chat extensions designed specifically for language models like ChatGPT, enabling them to access up-to-date information, run computations, or interact with third-party services in response to a user's request.
223facebookresearch/audiocraft </br> 2024-11-23_21018_0Audiocraft is a library for audio processing and generation with deep learning. It features the state-of-the-art EnCodec audio compressor / tokenizer, along with MusicGen, a simple and controllable music generation LM with textual and melodic conditioning.
224qdrant/qdrant </br> 2024-11-23_20679_3 <a alt="Click Me" href="https://demo.qdrant.tech" target="_blank"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/Qdrant-Demo-brightgreen" alt="Open in Demo"/></a>Qdrant - Vector Database for the next generation of AI applications. Also available in the cloud https://cloud.qdrant.io/
225ashishpatel26/500-AI-Machine-learning-Deep-learning-Computer-vision-NLP-Projects-with-code </br> 2024-11-23_20607_2500 AI Machine learning Deep learning Computer vision NLP Projects with code
226Mozilla-Ocho/llamafile </br> 2024-11-23_20582_0Distribute and run LLMs with a single file.
227yoheinakajima/babyagi </br> 2024-11-23_20476_1uses OpenAI and Pinecone APIs to create, prioritize, and execute tasks, This is a pared-down version of the original Task-Driven Autonomous Agent
228DataExpert-io/data-engineer-handbook </br> 2024-11-23_20433_58This is a repo with links to everything you'd ever want to learn about data engineering
229haotian-liu/LLaVA </br> 2024-11-23_20365_5 <a alt="Click Me" href="https://llava.hliu.cc" target="_blank"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/Gradio-Spaces-brightgreen" alt="Open in Demo"/></a> <a href='https://arxiv.org/abs/2304.08485'><img src='https://img.shields.io/badge/Paper-Arxiv-red'></a>Large Language-and-Vision Assistant built towards multimodal GPT-4 level capabilities.
230karpathy/minGPT </br> 2024-11-23_20239_1A minimal PyTorch re-implementation of the OpenAI GPT (Generative Pretrained Transformer) training
231microsoft/unilm </br> 2024-11-23_20231_0Large-scale Self-supervised Pre-training Across Tasks, Languages, and Modalities
232PromtEngineer/localGPT </br> 2024-11-23_20100_1Chat with your documents on your local device using GPT models. No data leaves your device and 100% private.
233yuliskov/SmartTube </br> 2024-11-23_19995_5SmartTube - an advanced player for set-top boxes and tvs running Android OS
234facefusion/facefusion </br> 2024-11-23_19806_1Next generation face swapper and enhancer
235elastic/kibana </br> 2024-11-23_19670_-1Your window into the Elastic Stack
236Sanster/lama-cleaner </br> 2024-11-23_19551_4Image inpainting tool powered by SOTA AI Model. Remove any unwanted object, defect, people from your pictures or erase and replace(powered by stable diffusion) any thing on your pictures.
237HumanSignal/label-studio </br> 2024-11-23_19450_3Label Studio is a multi-type data labeling and annotation tool with standardized output format
238continuedev/continue </br> 2024-11-23_19441_2⏩ the open-source copilot chat for software development—bring the power of ChatGPT to VS Code
239blakeblackshear/frigate </br> 2024-11-23_19351_2NVR with realtime local object detection for IP cameras
240microsoft/graphrag </br> 2024-11-23_19350_3A modular graph-based Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) system
241songquanpeng/one-api </br> 2024-11-23_19326_3OpenAI 接口管理 & 分发系统,支持 Azure、Anthropic Claude、Google PaLM 2 & Gemini、智谱 ChatGLM、百度文心一言、讯飞星火认知、阿里通义千问、360 智脑以及腾讯混元,可用于二次分发管理 key,仅单可执行文件,已打包好 Docker 镜像,一键部署,开箱即用. OpenAI key management & redistribution system, using a single API for all LLMs, and features an English UI.
242danny-avila/LibreChat </br> 2024-11-23_19255_4Enhanced ChatGPT Clone: Features OpenAI, GPT-4 Vision, Bing, Anthropic, OpenRouter, Google Gemini, AI model switching, message search, langchain, DALL-E-3, ChatGPT Plugins, OpenAI Functions, Secure Multi-User System, Presets, completely open-source for self-hosting. More features in development
243mlc-ai/mlc-llm </br> 2024-11-23_19240_2Enable everyone to develop, optimize and deploy AI models natively on everyone's devices.
244guidance-ai/guidance </br> 2024-11-23_19143_2A guidance language for controlling large language models.
245stanfordnlp/dspy </br> 2024-11-23_19064_7Stanford DSPy: The framework for programming—not prompting—foundation models
246mendableai/firecrawl </br> 2024-11-23_19003_18🔥 Turn entire websites into LLM-ready markdown
247Hannibal046/Awesome-LLM </br> 2024-11-23_18986_1Awesome-LLM: a curated list of Large Language Model
248BuilderIO/gpt-crawler </br> 2024-11-23_18891_2Crawl a site to generate knowledge files to create your own custom GPT from a URL
249mlflow/mlflow </br> 2024-11-23_18840_1Open source platform for the machine learning lifecycle
250tree-sitter/tree-sitter </br> 2024-11-23_18764_2An incremental parsing system for programming tools
251tloen/alpaca-lora </br> 2024-11-23_18659_1 <a alt="Click Me" href="https://huggingface.co/spaces/tloen/alpaca-lora" target="_blank"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/%F0%9F%A4%97-Spaces-brightgreen" alt="Open in Spaces"/></a>Instruct-tune LLaMA on consumer hardware
252LiLittleCat/awesome-free-chatgpt </br> 2024-11-23_18573_1🆓免费的 ChatGPT 镜像网站列表,持续更新。List of free ChatGPT mirror sites, continuously updated.
253ashishps1/awesome-system-design-resources </br> 2024-11-23_18557_1This repository contains System Design resources which are useful while preparing for interviews and learning Distributed Systems
green-up-arrow.svg 254stitionai/devika </br> 2024-11-23_18496_2Devika is an Agentic AI Software Engineer that can understand high-level human instructions, break them down into steps, research relevant information, and write code to achieve the given objective. Devika aims to be a competitive open-source alternative to Devin by Cognition AI.
red-down-arrow 255labring/FastGPT </br> 2024-11-23_18495_0A platform that uses the OpenAI API to quickly build an AI knowledge base, supporting many-to-many relationships.
256unslothai/unsloth </br> 2024-11-23_18424_165X faster 50% less memory LLM finetuning
257ymcui/Chinese-LLaMA-Alpaca </br> 2024-11-23_18416_1Chinese LLaMA & Alpaca LLMs
258Anjok07/ultimatevocalremovergui </br> 2024-11-23_18385_3GUI for a Vocal Remover that uses Deep Neural Networks.
259harry0703/MoneyPrinterTurbo </br> 2024-11-23_18323_3Generate short videos with one click using a large model
260opendatalab/MinerU </br> 2024-11-23_18162_33A one-stop, open-source, high-quality data extraction tool, supports PDF/webpage/e-book extraction.一站式开源高质量数据提取工具,支持PDF/网页/多格式电子书提取。
261ml-tooling/best-of-ml-python </br> 2024-11-23_18111_3🏆 A ranked list of awesome machine learning Python libraries. Updated weekly.
262kenjihiranabe/The-Art-of-Linear-Algebra </br> 2024-11-23_18050_4Graphic notes on Gilbert Strang's "Linear Algebra for Everyone"
263wez/wezterm </br> 2024-11-23_17982_4A GPU-accelerated cross-platform terminal emulator and multiplexer written by @wez and implemented in Rust
264samber/lo </br> 2024-11-23_17966_2💥 A Lodash-style Go library based on Go 1.18+ Generics (map, filter, contains, find...)
265brave/brave-browser </br> 2024-11-23_17936_-2Brave browser for Android, iOS, Linux, macOS, Windows.
266deepset-ai/haystack </br> 2024-11-23_17822_3🔍 Haystack is an open source NLP framework to interact with your data using Transformer models and LLMs (GPT-4, ChatGPT and alike). Haystack offers production-ready tools to quickly build complex question answering, semantic search, text generation applications, and more.
267renovatebot/renovate </br> 2024-11-23_17715_6Universal dependency update tool that fits into your workflows.
268thingsboard/thingsboard </br> 2024-11-23_17697_3Open-source IoT Platform - Device management, data collection, processing and visualization.
269joonspk-research/generative_agents </br> 2024-11-23_17648_8Generative Agents: Interactive Simulacra of Human Behavior
270DarkFlippers/unleashed-firmware </br> 2024-11-23_17632_3Flipper Zero Unleashed Firmware
271PrefectHQ/prefect </br> 2024-11-23_17548_4Prefect is a workflow orchestration tool empowering developers to build, observe, and react to data pipelines
272LazyVim/LazyVim </br> 2024-11-23_17536_3Neovim config for the lazy
273Cinnamon/kotaemon </br> 2024-11-23_17490_5An open-source RAG-based tool for chatting with your documents.
274ml-explore/mlx </br> 2024-11-23_17375_2MLX: An array framework for Apple silicon
275valkey-io/valkey </br> 2024-11-23_17363_3A flexible distributed key-value datastore that supports both caching and beyond caching workloads.
276Mikubill/sd-webui-controlnet </br> 2024-11-23_17087_0WebUI extension for ControlNet
277xx025/carrot </br> 2024-11-23_17018_0Free ChatGPT Site List
278CodePhiliaX/Chat2DB </br> 2024-11-23_17001_6🔥🔥🔥AI-driven database tool and SQL client, The hottest GUI client, supporting MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, DB2, SQL Server, DB2, SQLite, H2, ClickHouse, and more.
279apple/ml-stable-diffusion </br> 2024-11-23_16921_-2Stable Diffusion with Core ML on Apple Silicon
280rlabbe/Kalman-and-Bayesian-Filters-in-Python </br> 2024-11-23_16820_3Kalman Filter book using Jupyter Notebook. Focuses on building intuition and experience, not formal proofs. Includes Kalman filters,extended Kalman filters, unscented Kalman filters, particle filters, and more. All exercises include solutions.
281microsoft/LightGBM </br> 2024-11-23_16715_-1A fast, distributed, high-performance gradient boosting (GBT, GBDT, GBRT, GBM or MART) framework based on decision tree algorithms, used for ranking, classification and many other machine learning tasks.
282w-okada/voice-changer </br> 2024-11-23_16543_2リアルタイムボイスチェンジャー Realtime Voice Changer
283transitive-bullshit/chatgpt-api </br> 2024-11-23_16521_-1Node.js client for the official ChatGPT API.
284ardalis/CleanArchitecture </br> 2024-11-23_16443_3Clean Architecture Solution Template: A starting point for Clean Architecture with ASP.NET Core
285emilwallner/Screenshot-to-code </br> 2024-11-23_16420_-1A neural network that transforms a design mock-up into a static website.
286unclecode/crawl4ai </br> 2024-11-23_16392_7🔥🕷️ Crawl4AI: Open-source LLM Friendly Web Crawler & Scrapper
287openai/swarm </br> 2024-11-23_16258_3Educational framework exploring ergonomic, lightweight multi-agent orchestration. Managed by OpenAI Solution team.
288ItzCrazyKns/Perplexica </br> 2024-11-23_16231_22Perplexica is an AI-powered search engine. It is an Open source alternative to Perplexity AI
289ente-io/ente </br> 2024-11-23_16201_8Fully open source, End to End Encrypted alternative to Google Photos and Apple Photos
290HqWu-HITCS/Awesome-Chinese-LLM </br> 2024-11-23_16116_2Organizing smaller, cost-effective, privately deployable open-source Chinese language models, including related datasets and tutorials
291meta-llama/codellama </br> 2024-11-23_16048_0Inference code for CodeLlama models
292dair-ai/ML-YouTube-Courses </br> 2024-11-23_16024_-4📺 Discover the latest machine learning / AI courses on YouTube.
293khoj-ai/khoj </br> 2024-11-23_15927_28Your AI second brain. A copilot to get answers to your questions, whether they be from your own notes or from the internet. Use powerful, online (e.g gpt4) or private, local (e.g mistral) LLMs. Self-host locally or use our web app. Access from Obsidian, Emacs, Desktop app, Web or Whatsapp.
294VinciGit00/Scrapegraph-ai </br> 2024-11-23_15875_3Python scraper based on AI
295Stability-AI/StableLM </br> 2024-11-23_15827_1Stability AI Language Models
296pybind/pybind11 </br> 2024-11-23_15798_0Seamless operability between C++11 and Python
297apify/crawlee </br> 2024-11-23_15743_3Crawlee—A web scraping and browser automation library for Node.js to build reliable crawlers. In JavaScript and TypeScript. Extract data for AI, LLMs, RAG, or GPTs. Download HTML, PDF, JPG, PNG, and other files from websites. Works with Puppeteer, Playwright, Cheerio, JSDOM, and raw HTTP. Both headful and headless mode. With proxy rotation.
298THUDM/ChatGLM2-6B </br> 2024-11-23_15725_0ChatGLM2-6B: An Open Bilingual Chat LLM
299microsoft/qlib </br> 2024-11-23_15583_1Qlib is an AI-oriented quantitative investment platform that aims to realize the potential, empower research, and create value using AI technologies in quantitative investment, from exploring ideas to implementing productions. Qlib supports diverse machine learning modeling paradigms. including supervised learning, market dynamics modeling, and RL.
300phidatahq/phidata </br> 2024-11-23_15549_3Build AI Assistants using function calling
301chroma-core/chroma </br> 2024-11-23_15522_2the AI-native open-source embedding database
302ddbourgin/numpy-ml </br> 2024-11-23_15511_0Machine learning, in numpy
303Avaiga/taipy </br> 2024-11-23_15508_0Turns Data and AI algorithms into production-ready web applications in no time.
304exo-explore/exo </br> 2024-11-23_15503_20Run your own AI cluster at home with everyday devices 📱💻 🖥️⌚
305RPCS3/rpcs3 </br> 2024-11-23_15496_5PS3 emulator/debugger
306TransformerOptimus/SuperAGI </br> 2024-11-23_15493_-1<⚡️> SuperAGI - A dev-first open source autonomous AI agent framework. Enabling developers to build, manage & run useful autonomous agents quickly and reliably.
307umijs/umi </br> 2024-11-23_15412_1A framework in react community ✨
308typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint </br> 2024-11-23_15313_3✨ Monorepo for all the tooling which enables ESLint to support TypeScript
309meta-llama/llama-recipes </br> 2024-11-23_15291_2Scripts for fine-tuning Llama2 with composable FSDP & PEFT methods to cover single/multi-node GPUs. Supports default & custom datasets for applications such as summarization & question answering. Supporting a number of candid inference solutions such as HF TGI, VLLM for local or cloud deployment.Demo apps to showcase Llama2 for WhatsApp & Messenger
310GaiZhenbiao/ChuanhuChatGPT </br> 2024-11-23_15272_0GUI for ChatGPT API and many LLMs. Supports agents, file-based QA, GPT finetuning and query with web search. All with a neat UI.
311sunner/ChatALL </br> 2024-11-23_15260_0Concurrently chat with ChatGPT, Bing Chat, Bard, Alpaca, Vincuna, Claude, ChatGLM, MOSS, iFlytek Spark, ERNIE and more, discover the best answers
312amplication/amplication </br> 2024-11-23_15244_0🔥🔥🔥 The Only Production-Ready AI-Powered Backend Code Generation
313NVIDIA/open-gpu-kernel-modules </br> 2024-11-23_15236_0NVIDIA Linux open GPU kernel module source
314neondatabase/neon </br> 2024-11-23_15232_8Neon: Serverless Postgres. We separated storage and compute to offer autoscaling, code-like database branching, and scale to zero.
315IDEA-Research/Grounded-Segment-Anything </br> 2024-11-23_15209_1Marrying Grounding DINO with Segment Anything & Stable Diffusion & BLIP - Automatically Detect, Segment and Generate Anything with Image and Text Inputs
316microsoft/Bringing-Old-Photos-Back-to-Life </br> 2024-11-23_15133_1Bringing Old Photo Back to Life (CVPR 2020 oral)
317KindXiaoming/pykan </br> 2024-11-23_15099_2Kolmogorov Arnold Networks
318abseil/abseil-cpp </br> 2024-11-23_15080_-1Abseil Common Libraries (C++)
319openai/evals </br> 2024-11-23_15071_1Evals is a framework for evaluating LLMs and LLM systems, and an open-source registry of benchmarks.
320arc53/DocsGPT </br> 2024-11-23_15041_2GPT-powered chat for documentation, chat with your documents
321assafelovic/gpt-researcher </br> 2024-11-23_14998_2GPT based autonomous agent that does online comprehensive research on any given topic
322mayooear/gpt4-pdf-chatbot-langchain </br> 2024-11-23_14935_1GPT4 & LangChain Chatbot for large PDF docs
323influxdata/telegraf </br> 2024-11-23_14871_2Agent for collecting, processing, aggregating, and writing metrics, logs, and other arbitrary data.
324microsoft/onnxruntime </br> 2024-11-23_14779_1ONNX Runtime: cross-platform, high-performance ML inferencing and training accelerator
325serengil/deepface </br> 2024-11-23_14771_2A Lightweight Face Recognition and Facial Attribute Analysis (Age, Gender, Emotion and Race) Library for Python
326graphdeco-inria/gaussian-splatting </br> 2024-11-23_14751_2Original reference implementation of "3D Gaussian Splatting for Real-Time Radiance Field Rendering"
327alibaba/lowcode-engine </br> 2024-11-23_14660_0An enterprise-class low-code technology stack with scale-out design / 一套面向扩展设计的企业级低代码技术体系
328xcanwin/KeepChatGPT </br> 2024-11-23_14651_1Using ChatGPT is more efficient and smoother, perfectly solving ChatGPT network errors. No longer do you need to frequently refresh the webpage, saving over 10 unnecessary steps
329apache/arrow </br> 2024-11-23_14636_1Apache Arrow is a multi-language toolbox for accelerated data interchange and in-memory processing
330fishaudio/fish-speech </br> 2024-11-23_14631_10Brand new TTS solution
331fauxpilot/fauxpilot </br> 2024-11-23_14605_-1An open-source GitHub Copilot server
332HumanAIGC/AnimateAnyone </br> 2024-11-23_14503_0Animate Anyone: Consistent and Controllable Image-to-Video Synthesis for Character Animation
333Dao-AILab/flash-attention </br> 2024-11-23_14338_2Fast and memory-efficient exact attention
334VikParuchuri/surya </br> 2024-11-23_14290_3Accurate line-level text detection and recognition (OCR) in any language
335QwenLM/Qwen-7B </br> 2024-11-23_14255_-1The official repo of Qwen-7B (通义千问-7B) chat & pretrained large language model proposed by Alibaba Cloud.
336Raphire/Win11Debloat </br> 2024-11-23_14212_5A simple, easy to use PowerShell script to remove pre-installed apps from windows, disable telemetry, remove Bing from windows search as well as perform various other changes to declutter and improve your windows experience. This script works for both windows 10 and windows 11.
337overleaf/overleaf </br> 2024-11-23_14164_1A web-based collaborative LaTeX editor
338BerriAI/litellm </br> 2024-11-23_14097_9Call all LLM APIs using the OpenAI format. Use Bedrock, Azure, OpenAI, Cohere, Anthropic, Ollama, Sagemaker, HuggingFace, Replicate (100+ LLMs)
339AI4Finance-Foundation/FinGPT </br> 2024-11-23_14071_0Data-Centric FinGPT. Open-source for open finance! Revolutionize 🔥 We'll soon release the trained model.
340LlamaFamily/Llama-Chinese </br> 2024-11-23_14034_1Llama Chinese Community, the best Chinese Llama large model, fully open source and commercially available
341unifyai/ivy </br> 2024-11-23_14019_0Unified AI
342datawhalechina/leedl-tutorial </br> 2024-11-23_13869_4《李宏毅深度学习教程》(李宏毅老师推荐👍),PDF下载地址:https://github.com/datawhalechina/leedl-tutorial/releases
343espressif/esp-idf </br> 2024-11-23_13810_2Espressif IoT Development Framework. Official development framework for Espressif SoCs.
344eosphoros-ai/DB-GPT </br> 2024-11-23_13796_1Revolutionizing Database Interactions with Private LLM Technology
345naklecha/llama3-from-scratch </br> 2024-11-23_13754_2llama3 implementation one matrix multiplication at a time
346princeton-nlp/SWE-agent </br> 2024-11-23_13740_1SWE-agent: Agent Computer Interfaces Enable Software Engineering Language Models
347mlc-ai/web-llm </br> 2024-11-23_13717_7Bringing large-language models and chat to web browsers. Everything runs inside the browser with no server support.
348bleedline/aimoneyhunter </br> 2024-11-23_13600_4AI Side Hustle Money Mega Collection: Teaching You How to Utilize AI for Various Side Projects to Earn Extra Income.
349gventuri/pandas-ai </br> 2024-11-23_13559_1Pandas AI is a Python library that integrates generative artificial intelligence capabilities into Pandas, making dataframes conversational
350THUDM/ChatGLM3 </br> 2024-11-23_13502_0ChatGLM3 series: Open Bilingual Chat LLMs
351triton-lang/triton </br> 2024-11-23_13472_-1Development repository for the Triton language and compiler
352stanford-oval/storm </br> 2024-11-23_13465_2An LLM-powered knowledge curation system that researches a topic and generates a full-length report with citations.
353stefan-jansen/machine-learning-for-trading </br> 2024-11-23_13433_1Code for Machine Learning for Algorithmic Trading, 2nd edition.
354state-spaces/mamba </br> 2024-11-23_13282_0Mamba: Linear-Time Sequence Modeling with Selective State Spaces
355fuergaosi233/wechat-chatgpt </br> 2024-11-23_13281_1Use ChatGPT On Wechat via wechaty
356wong2/chatgpt-google-extension</br> 2024-11-23_13263_1A browser extension that enhances search engines with ChatGPT, this repos will not be updated from 2023-02-20
357neonbjb/tortoise-tts </br> 2024-11-23_13250_-1A multi-voice TTS system trained with an emphasis on quality
358steven-tey/novel </br> 2024-11-23_13175_2Notion-style WYSIWYG editor with AI-powered autocompletions
359teableio/teable </br> 2024-11-23_13131_0✨ The Next Gen Airtable Alternative: No-Code Postgres
360adobe/react-spectrum </br> 2024-11-23_13065_1A collection of libraries and tools that help you build adaptive, accessible, and robust user experiences.
361letta-ai/letta </br> 2024-11-23_12903_9Letta (formerly MemGPT) is a framework for creating LLM services with memory.
362CopilotKit/CopilotKit </br> 2024-11-23_12798_4Build in-app AI chatbots 🤖, and AI-powered Textareas ✨, into react web apps.
363Zeyi-Lin/HivisionIDPhotos </br> 2024-11-23_12786_15⚡️HivisionIDPhotos: a lightweight and efficient AI ID photos tools. 一个轻量级的AI证件照制作算法。
364lukas-blecher/LaTeX-OCR </br> 2024-11-23_12775_3pix2tex: Using a ViT to convert images of equations into LaTeX code.
365BradyFU/Awesome-Multimodal-Large-Language-Models </br> 2024-11-23_12747_0Latest Papers and Datasets on Multimodal Large Language Models
366nocobase/nocobase </br> 2024-11-23_12745_1NocoBase is a scalability-first, open-source no-code/low-code platform for building business applications and enterprise solutions.
367pgvector/pgvector </br> 2024-11-23_12693_5Open-source vector similarity search for Postgres
368OpenBMB/MiniCPM-V </br> 2024-11-23_12691_2MiniCPM-V 2.0: An Efficient End-side MLLM with Strong OCR and Understanding Capabilities
369BlinkDL/RWKV-LM </br> 2024-11-23_12688_1RWKV is an RNN with transformer-level LLM performance. It can be directly trained like a GPT (parallelizable). So it combines the best of RNN and transformer - great performance, fast inference, saves VRAM, fast training, "infinite" ctx_len, and free sentence embedding.
370chidiwilliams/buzz </br> 2024-11-23_12617_4Buzz transcribes and translates audio offline on your personal computer. Powered by OpenAI's Whisper.
371guillaumekln/faster-whisper </br> 2024-11-23_12600_8Faster Whisper transcription with CTranslate2
372m-bain/whisperX </br> 2024-11-23_12579_2WhisperX: Automatic Speech Recognition with Word-level Timestamps (& Diarization)
373cline/cline </br> 2024-11-23_12517_11Autonomous coding agent right in your IDE, capable of creating/editing files, executing commands, and more with your permission every step of the way.
374openai/tiktoken </br> 2024-11-23_12465_1tiktoken is a fast BPE tokeniser for use with OpenAI's models.
375pytube/pytube </br> 2024-11-23_12320_1A lightweight, dependency-free Python library (and command-line utility) for downloading YouTube Videos.
376plasma-umass/scalene </br> 2024-11-23_12208_-1Scalene: a high-performance, high-precision CPU, GPU, and memory profiler for Python with AI-powered optimization proposals
377NVIDIA/NeMo </br> 2024-11-23_12192_0A scalable generative AI framework built for researchers and developers working on Large Language Models, Multimodal, and Speech AI (Automatic Speech Recognition and Text-to-Speech)
378Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt </br> 2024-11-23_12191_1Zigbee 🐝 to MQTT bridge 🌉, get rid of your proprietary Zigbee bridges 🔨
379xenova/transformers.js </br> 2024-11-23_12142_3State-of-the-art Machine Learning for the web. Run 🤗 Transformers directly in your browser, with no need for a server!
380vanna-ai/vanna </br> 2024-11-23_12021_4🤖 Chat with your SQL database 📊. Accurate Text-to-SQL Generation via LLMs using RAG 🔄.
381OpenTalker/SadTalker </br> 2024-11-23_12002_0[CVPR 2023] SadTalker:Learning Realistic 3D Motion Coefficients for Stylized Audio-Driven Single Image Talking Face Animation
382willwulfken/MidJourney-Styles-and-Keywords-Reference </br> 2024-11-23_11997_1A reference containing Styles and Keywords that you can use with MidJourney AI
383udecode/plate </br> 2024-11-23_11997_3A rich-text editor powered by AI
384OpenLMLab/MOSS </br> 2024-11-23_11962_0An open-source tool-augmented conversational language model from Fudan University
385netease-youdao/QAnything </br> 2024-11-23_11915_1Question and Answer based on Anything.
386smol-ai/developer </br> 2024-11-23_11827_0With 100k context windows on the way, it's now feasible for every dev to have their own smol developer
387ComposioHQ/composio </br> 2024-11-23_11744_3Composio equips agents with well-crafted tools empowering them to tackle complex tasks
green-up-arrow.svg 388stas00/ml-engineering </br> 2024-11-23_11685_18Machine Learning Engineering Guides and Tools
red-down-arrow 389official-stockfish/Stockfish </br> 2024-11-23_11684_0UCI chess engine
390openai/shap-e </br> 2024-11-23_11675_0Generate 3D objects conditioned on text or images
391illacloud/illa-builder </br> 2024-11-23_11647_0Create AI-Driven Apps like Assembling Blocks
392PKU-YuanGroup/Open-Sora-Plan </br> 2024-11-23_11578_0This project aim to reproduce Sora (Open AI T2V model), but we only have limited resource. We deeply wish the all open source community can contribute to this project.
3931Panel-dev/MaxKB </br> 2024-11-23_11578_5? Based on LLM large language model knowledge base Q&A system. Ready to use out of the box, supports quick integration into third-party business systems. Officially produced by 1Panel
394e2b-dev/awesome-ai-agents </br> 2024-11-23_11570_2A list of AI autonomous agents
395ShishirPatil/gorilla </br> 2024-11-23_11498_2Gorilla: An API store for LLMs
396bytebase/bytebase </br> 2024-11-23_11488_0World's most advanced database DevOps and CI/CD for Developer, DBA and Platform Engineering teams. The GitLab/GitHub for database DevOps.
397h2oai/h2ogpt </br> 2024-11-23_11437_0Come join the movement to make the world's best open source GPT led by H2O.ai - 100% private chat and document search, no data leaks, Apache 2.0
398ggerganov/ggml </br> 2024-11-23_11250_1Tensor library for machine learning
399eugeneyan/open-llms </br> 2024-11-23_11224_0A list of open LLMs available for commercial use.
400kgrzybek/modular-monolith-with-ddd </br> 2024-11-23_11182_0Full Modular Monolith application with Domain-Driven Design approach.
401DataTalksClub/mlops-zoomcamp </br> 2024-11-23_11174_2Free MLOps course from DataTalks.Club
402InstantID/InstantID </br> 2024-11-23_11132_4InstantID : Zero-shot Identity-Preserving Generation in Seconds 🔥
403mrdbourke/pytorch-deep-learning </br> 2024-11-23_11097_2Materials for the Learn PyTorch for Deep Learning: Zero to Mastery course.
404hajimehoshi/ebiten </br> 2024-11-23_11087_0Ebitengine - A dead simple 2D game engine for Go
405kubeshark/kubeshark </br> 2024-11-23_11048_0The API traffic analyzer for Kubernetes providing real-time K8s protocol-level visibility, capturing and monitoring all traffic and payloads going in, out and across containers, pods, nodes and clusters. Inspired by Wireshark, purposely built for Kubernetes
406owainlewis/awesome-artificial-intelligence </br> 2024-11-23_10985_0A curated list of Artificial Intelligence (AI) courses, books, video lectures and papers.
407facebookresearch/seamless_communication </br> 2024-11-23_10951_0Foundational Models for State-of-the-Art Speech and Text Translation
408Rudrabha/Wav2Lip </br> 2024-11-23_10838_0This repository contains the codes of "A Lip Sync Expert Is All You Need for Speech to Lip Generation In the Wild", published at ACM Multimedia 2020.
409NVIDIA/TensorRT </br> 2024-11-23_10833_0NVIDIA® TensorRT™ is an SDK for high-performance deep learning inference on NVIDIA GPUs. This repository contains the open source components of TensorRT.
410getumbrel/llama-gpt </br> 2024-11-23_10825_2A self-hosted, offline, ChatGPT-like chatbot. Powered by Llama 2. 100% private, with no data leaving your device.
411plandex-ai/plandex </br> 2024-11-23_10823_0An AI coding engine for complex tasks
412databrickslabs/dolly </br> 2024-11-23_10821_0A large language model trained on the Databricks Machine Learning Platform
413Lightning-AI/litgpt </br> 2024-11-23_10761_1Pretrain, finetune, deploy 20+ LLMs on your own data. Uses state-of-the-art techniques: flash attention, FSDP, 4-bit, LoRA, and more.
414danswer-ai/danswer </br> 2024-11-23_10721_7Ask Questions in natural language and get Answers backed by private sources. Connects to tools like Slack, GitHub, Confluence, etc.
415gitroomhq/postiz-app </br> 2024-11-23_10716_80📨 Schedule social posts, measure them, exchange with other members and get a lot of help from AI 🚀
416NVIDIA/Megatron-LM </br> 2024-11-23_10624_0Ongoing research training transformer models at scale
417facebookresearch/AnimatedDrawings </br> 2024-11-23_10616_0 <a alt="Click Me" href="https://sketch.metademolab.com/canvas" target="_blank"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/Meta-Demo-brightgreen" alt="Open in Spaces"/></a>Code to accompany "A Method for Animating Children's Drawings of the Human Figure"
418Skyvern-AI/skyvern </br> 2024-11-23_10580_12Automate browser-based workflows with LLMs and Computer Vision
419DS4SD/docling </br> 2024-11-23_10561_35Get your docs ready for gen AI
420karpathy/micrograd </br> 2024-11-23_10539_2A tiny scalar-valued autograd engine and a neural net library on top of it with PyTorch-like API
421WordPress/gutenberg </br> 2024-11-23_10533_0The Block Editor project for WordPress and beyond. Plugin is available from the official repository.
422HigherOrderCO/HVM </br> 2024-11-23_10526_0A massively parallel, optimal functional runtime in Rust
423magic-research/magic-animate </br> 2024-11-23_10491_0MagicAnimate: Temporally Consistent Human Image Animation using Diffusion Model
424RUCAIBox/LLMSurvey </br> 2024-11-23_10491_0A collection of papers and resources related to Large Language Models.
425lz4/lz4 </br> 2024-11-23_10417_1Extremely Fast Compression algorithm
426Z3Prover/z3 </br> 2024-11-23_10400_0The Z3 Theorem Prover
427libretro/RetroArch </br> 2024-11-23_10360_1Cross-platform, sophisticated frontend for the libretro API. Licensed GPLv3.
428dair-ai/ML-Papers-of-the-Week </br> 2024-11-23_10316_1🔥Highlighting the top ML papers every week.
429szimek/sharedrop </br> 2024-11-23_10261_0Easy P2P file transfer powered by WebRTC - inspired by Apple AirDrop
430vercel-labs/ai </br> 2024-11-23_10188_5Build AI-powered applications with React, Svelte, and Vue
431aws/amazon-sagemaker-examples </br> 2024-11-23_10150_1Example 📓 Jupyter notebooks that demonstrate how to build, train, and deploy machine learning models using 🧠 Amazon SageMaker.
432huggingface/trl </br> 2024-11-23_10135_1Train transformer language models with reinforcement learning.
433bentoml/OpenLLM </br> 2024-11-23_10098_1An open platform for operating large language models (LLMs) in production. Fine-tune, serve, deploy, and monitor any LLMs with ease.
434artidoro/qlora </br> 2024-11-23_10062_0 <a alt="Click Me" href="https://huggingface.co/spaces/uwnlp/guanaco-playground-tgi" target="_blank"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/%F0%9F%A4%97-Spaces-brightgreen" alt="Open in Spaces"/></a> <a href='https://arxiv.org/abs/2305.14314'><img src='https://img.shields.io/badge/Paper-Arxiv-red'></a>QLoRA: Efficient Finetuning of Quantized LLMs
435chathub-dev/chathub </br> 2024-11-23_10049_0All-in-one chatbot client
436AIGC-Audio/AudioGPT</br> 2024-11-23_10033_1AudioGPT: Understanding and Generating Speech, Music, Sound, and Talking Head
437PaperMC/Paper </br> 2024-11-23_10028_-1The most widely used, high performance Minecraft server that aims to fix gameplay and mechanics inconsistencies
438kedro-org/kedro </br> 2024-11-23_10022_1Kedro is a toolbox for production-ready data science. It uses software engineering best practices to help you create data engineering and data science pipelines that are reproducible, maintainable, and modular.
439activepieces/activepieces </br> 2024-11-23_10015_1Your friendliest open source all-in-one automation tool ✨ Workflow automation tool 100+ integration / Enterprise automation tool / Zapier Alternative
440THU-MIG/yolov10 </br> 2024-11-23_9987_0YOLOv10: Real-Time End-to-End Object Detection
441salesforce/LAVIS </br> 2024-11-23_9960_1LAVIS - A One-stop Library for Language-Vision Intelligence
442srush/GPU-Puzzles </br> 2024-11-23_9960_1Solve puzzles. Learn CUDA.
443zyronon/douyin </br> 2024-11-23_9925_3Vue3 + Pinia + Vite5 仿抖音,Vue 在移动端的最佳实践 . Imitate TikTok ,Vue Best practices on Mobile
444QwenLM/Qwen2.5 </br> 2024-11-23_9849_6Qwen2.5 is the large language model series developed by Qwen team, Alibaba Cloud.
445vosen/ZLUDA </br> 2024-11-23_9771_1CUDA on AMD GPUs
446mistralai/mistral-src </br> 2024-11-23_9753_2Reference implementation of Mistral AI 7B v0.1 model.
447LibreTranslate/LibreTranslate </br> 2024-11-23_9747_2Free and Open Source Machine Translation API. Self-hosted, offline capable and easy to setup.
448cumulo-autumn/StreamDiffusion </br> 2024-11-23_9746_0StreamDiffusion: A Pipeline-Level Solution for Real-Time Interactive Generation
449TheR1D/shell_gpt </br> 2024-11-23_9721_0A command-line productivity tool powered by ChatGPT, will help you accomplish your tasks faster and more efficiently
450vercel/ai-chatbot </br> 2024-11-23_9713_11A full-featured, hackable Next.js AI chatbot built by Vercel
451mediar-ai/screenpipe </br> 2024-11-23_9666_2624/7 local AI screen & mic recording. Build AI apps that have the full context. Works with Ollama. Alternative to Rewind.ai. Open. Secure. You own your data. Rust.
452DataTalksClub/machine-learning-zoomcamp </br> 2024-11-23_9607_1The code from the Machine Learning Bookcamp book and a free course based on the book
453normal-computing/outlines </br> 2024-11-23_9574_1Generative Model Programming
454nerfstudio-project/nerfstudio </br> 2024-11-23_9559_-3A collaboration friendly studio for NeRFs
455microsoft/promptflow </br> 2024-11-23_9534_1Build high-quality LLM apps - from prototyping, testing to production deployment and monitoring.
456NielsRogge/Transformers-Tutorials </br> 2024-11-23_9523_0This repository contains demos I made with the Transformers library by HuggingFace.
457cupy/cupy </br> 2024-11-23_9508_0NumPy & SciPy for GPU
458popcorn-official/popcorn-desktop </br> 2024-11-23_9495_0Popcorn Time is a multi-platform, free software BitTorrent client that includes an integrated media player ( Windows / Mac / Linux ) A Butter-Project Fork
459electric-sql/pglite </br> 2024-11-23_9462_3Lightweight Postgres packaged as WASM into a TypeScript library for the browser, Node.js, Bun and Deno from https://electric-sql.com
460BloopAI/bloop </br> 2024-11-23_9445_-2A fast code search engine written in Rust
461BlinkDL/ChatRWKV </br> 2024-11-23_9431_0 <a alt="Click Me" href="https://huggingface.co/spaces/BlinkDL/Raven-RWKV-7B" target="_blank"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/%F0%9F%A4%97-Spaces-brightgreen" alt="Open in Spaces"/></a>ChatRWKV is like ChatGPT but powered by RWKV (100% RNN) language model, and open source.
462mshumer/gpt-prompt-engineer </br> 2024-11-23_9372_0
463THUDM/CogVideo </br> 2024-11-23_9296_4Text-to-video generation: CogVideoX (2024) and CogVideo (ICLR 2023)
464aishwaryanr/awesome-generative-ai-guide </br> 2024-11-23_9284_6A one stop repository for generative AI research updates, interview resources, notebooks and much more!
465facebookresearch/dinov2 </br> 2024-11-23_9274_0 <a alt="Click Me" href="https://dinov2.metademolab.com/demos" target="_blank"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/Meta-Demo-brightgreen" alt="Open in Demo"/></a> <a href='https://arxiv.org/abs/2304.07193'><img src='https://img.shields.io/badge/Paper-Arxiv-red'></a>PyTorch code and models for the DINOv2 self-supervised learning method.
466sashabaranov/go-openai </br> 2024-11-23_9274_1OpenAI ChatGPT, GPT-3, GPT-4, DALL·E, Whisper API wrapper for Go
467dice2o/BingGPT </br> 2024-11-23_9253_0Desktop application of new Bing's AI-powered chat (Windows, macOS and Linux)
468TheRamU/Fay </br> 2024-11-23_9253_0Fay is a complete open source project that includes Fay controller and numeral models, which can be used in different applications such as virtual hosts, live promotion, numeral human interaction and so on
469bigscience-workshop/petals </br> 2024-11-23_9252_0🌸 Run large language models at home, BitTorrent-style. Fine-tuning and inference up to 10x faster than offloading
470Unstructured-IO/unstructured </br> 2024-11-23_9218_2Open source libraries and APIs to build custom preprocessing pipelines for labeling, training, or production machine learning pipelines.
471karpathy/minbpe </br> 2024-11-23_9202_2Minimal, clean, code for the Byte Pair Encoding (BPE) algorithm commonly used in LLM tokenization.
472wandb/wandb </br> 2024-11-23_9170_1🔥 A tool for visualizing and tracking your machine learning experiments. This repo contains the CLI and Python API.
473autowarefoundation/autoware </br> 2024-11-23_9169_0Autoware - the world's leading open-source software project for autonomous driving
474modelscope/facechain </br> 2024-11-23_9134_1FaceChain is a deep-learning toolchain for generating your Digital-Twin.
475huggingface/text-generation-inference </br> 2024-11-23_9133_-1Large Language Model Text Generation Inference
476manticoresoftware/manticoresearch </br> 2024-11-23_9069_0Easy to use open source fast database for search
477google/benchmark </br> 2024-11-23_9045_1A microbenchmark support library
478WongKinYiu/yolov9 </br> 2024-11-23_9014_1Implementation of paper - YOLOv9: Learning What You Want to Learn Using Programmable Gradient Information
479togethercomputer/OpenChatKit </br> 2024-11-23_9008_0OpenChatKit provides a powerful, open-source base to create both specialized and general purpose chatbots for various applications
480facebookresearch/nougat </br> 2024-11-23_8999_2Implementation of Nougat Neural Optical Understanding for Academic Documents
481burn-rs/burn </br> 2024-11-23_8997_1Burn - A Flexible and Comprehensive Deep Learning Framework in Rust
482dataelement/bisheng </br> 2024-11-23_8912_0Bisheng is an open LLM devops platform for next generation AI applications.
483timlrx/tailwind-nextjs-starter-blog </br> 2024-11-23_8893_0This is a Next.js, Tailwind CSS blogging starter template. Comes out of the box configured with the latest technologies to make technical writing a breeze. Easily configurable and customizable. Perfect as a replacement to existing Jekyll and Hugo individual blogs.
484OthersideAI/self-operating-computer </br> 2024-11-23_8881_2A framework to enable multimodal models to operate a computer.
485RayTracing/raytracing.github.io </br> 2024-11-23_8872_0Main Web Site (Online Books)
486adams549659584/go-proxy-bingai </br> 2024-11-23_8844_0 <a alt="Click Me" href="https://bing.vcanbb.top" target="_blank"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/ProxyBing-Demo-brightgreen" alt="Open in Demo"/></a>A Microsoft New Bing demo site built with Vue3 and Go, providing a consistent UI experience, supporting ChatGPT prompts, and accessible within China
487Stability-AI/StableStudio </br> 2024-11-23_8836_0Community interface for generative AI
488Visualize-ML/Book4_Power-of-Matrix </br> 2024-11-23_8831_0Book_4 'Power of Matrix'
489voicepaw/so-vits-svc-fork </br> 2024-11-23_8804_0 <a alt="Click Me" href="https://colab.research.google.com/github/34j/so-vits-svc-fork/blob/main/notebooks/so-vits-svc-fork-4.0.ipynb" target="_blank"><img src="https://colab.research.google.com/assets/colab-badge.svg" alt="Open in Colab"/></a>so-vits-svc fork with realtime support, improved interface and more features.
490pymc-devs/pymc </br> 2024-11-23_8728_1Bayesian Modeling and Probabilistic Programming in Python
491NVIDIA/TensorRT-LLM </br> 2024-11-23_8708_-1TensorRT-LLM provides users with an easy-to-use Python API to define Large Language Models (LLMs) and build TensorRT engines that contain state-of-the-art optimizations to perform inference efficiently on NVIDIA GPUs. TensorRT-LLM also contains components to create Python and C++ runtimes that execute those TensorRT engines.
492gorse-io/gorse </br> 2024-11-23_8621_0Gorse open source recommender system engine
green-up-arrow.svg 493lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge </br> 2024-11-23_8557_3a platform on top of Stable Diffusion WebUI (based on Gradio) to make development easier, optimize resource management, and speed up inference
red-down-arrow 494kedacore/keda </br> 2024-11-23_8556_0KEDA is a Kubernetes-based Event Driven Autoscaling component. It provides event driven scale for any container running in Kubernetes
495espnet/espnet </br> 2024-11-23_8520_3End-to-End Speech Processing Toolkit
496Const-me/Whisper </br> 2024-11-23_8502_1High-performance GPGPU inference of OpenAI's Whisper automatic speech recognition (ASR) model
497nashsu/FreeAskInternet </br> 2024-11-23_8499_1FreeAskInternet is a completely free, private and locally running search aggregator & answer generate using LLM, without GPU needed. The user can ask a question and the system will make a multi engine search and combine the search result to the ChatGPT3.5 LLM and generate the answer based on search results.
498brexhq/prompt-engineering </br> 2024-11-23_8448_0Tips and tricks for working with Large Language Models like OpenAI's GPT-4.
499lucidrains/denoising-diffusion-pytorch </br> 2024-11-23_8409_3Implementation of Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model in Pytorch
500facebookresearch/ImageBind </br> 2024-11-23_8380_0ImageBind One Embedding Space to Bind Them All
501erincatto/box2d </br> 2024-11-23_8337_1Box2D is a 2D physics engine for games
502ashawkey/stable-dreamfusion </br> 2024-11-23_8315_2A pytorch implementation of text-to-3D dreamfusion, powered by stable diffusion.
503open-mmlab/mmsegmentation </br> 2024-11-23_8311_2OpenMMLab Semantic Segmentation Toolbox and Benchmark.
504wasp-lang/open-saas </br> 2024-11-23_8292_1A free, open-source SaaS app starter for React & Node.js with superpowers. Production-ready. Community-driven.
505OptimalScale/LMFlow </br> 2024-11-23_8280_0An Extensible Toolkit for Finetuning and Inference of Large Foundation Models. Large Model for All.
506jxnl/instructor </br> 2024-11-23_8263_0structured outputs for llms
507meetecho/janus-gateway </br> 2024-11-23_8260_0Janus WebRTC Server
508LouisShark/chatgpt_system_prompt </br> 2024-11-23_8253_3store all agent's system prompt
509microsoft/TypeChat </br> 2024-11-23_8247_0TypeChat is a library that makes it easy to build natural language interfaces using types.
510OpenBMB/XAgent </br> 2024-11-23_8179_0An Autonomous LLM Agent for Complex Task Solving
511google/magika </br> 2024-11-23_8158_0Detect file content types with deep learning
512GoogleCloudPlatform/generative-ai </br> 2024-11-23_8144_17Sample code and notebooks for Generative AI on Google Cloud
513anthropics/courses </br> 2024-11-23_8107_2Anthropic's educational courses
514acheong08/EdgeGPT </br> 2024-11-23_8070_-1Reverse engineered API of Microsoft's Bing Chat
515fishaudio/Bert-VITS2 </br> 2024-11-23_8026_0vits2 backbone with multilingual-bert
516anse-app/chatgpt-demo </br> 2024-11-23_8011_1A demo repo based on OpenAI API (gpt-3.5-turbo)
517SJTU-IPADS/PowerInfer </br> 2024-11-23_7969_2High-speed Large Language Model Serving on PCs with Consumer-grade GPUs
518marimo-team/marimo </br> 2024-11-23_7961_4A reactive notebook for Python — run reproducible experiments, execute as a script, deploy as an app, and version with git.
519jzhang38/TinyLlama </br> 2024-11-23_7937_2The TinyLlama project is an open endeavor to pretrain a 1.1B Llama model on 3 trillion tokens.
520UFund-Me/Qbot </br> 2024-11-23_7936_6Qbot is an AI-oriented quantitative investment platform, which aims to realize the potential, empower AI technologies in quantitative investment
521idootop/mi-gpt </br> 2024-11-23_7920_2? Transform XiaoAi speaker into a personal voice assistant with ChatGPT and DouBao integration.
522sebastianstarke/AI4Animation </br> 2024-11-23_7896_0Bringing Characters to Life with Computer Brains in Unity
523goldmansachs/gs-quant </br> 2024-11-23_7870_0Python toolkit for quantitative finance
524o3de/o3de </br> 2024-11-23_7867_0Open 3D Engine (O3DE) is an Apache 2.0-licensed multi-platform 3D engine that enables developers and content creators to build AAA games, cinema-quality 3D worlds, and high-fidelity simulations without any fees or commercial obligations.
525leptonai/search_with_lepton </br> 2024-11-23_7849_0Building a quick conversation-based search demo with Lepton AI.
526kroma-network/tachyon </br> 2024-11-23_7777_0Modular ZK(Zero Knowledge) backend accelerated by GPU
52701-ai/Yi </br> 2024-11-23_7719_0A series of large language models trained from scratch by developers @01-ai
528xiangsx/gpt4free-ts </br> 2024-11-23_7700_0Providing a free OpenAI GPT-4 API ! This is a replication project for the typescript version of xtekky/gpt4free
529open-mmlab/Amphion </br> 2024-11-23_7699_1Amphion (/æmˈfaɪən/) is a toolkit for Audio, Music, and Speech Generation. Its purpose is to support reproducible research and help junior researchers and engineers get started in the field of audio, music, and speech generation research and development.
530deep-floyd/IF </br> 2024-11-23_7695_1 <a alt="Click Me" href="https://huggingface.co/spaces/DeepFloyd/IF" target="_blank"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/%F0%9F%A4%97-Spaces-brightgreen" alt="Open in Spaces"/></a> <a alt="Click Me" href="https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1AzP33O8rnMW__7ocWJhVBXjKziJXPtim?usp=sharing" target="_blank"><img src="https://colab.research.google.com/assets/colab-badge.svg" alt="Open in Colab"/></a>A novel state-of-the-art open-source text-to-image model with a high degree of photorealism and language understanding
531Plachtaa/VALL-E-X </br> 2024-11-23_7692_0An open source implementation of Microsoft's VALL-E X zero-shot TTS model. The demo is available at https://plachtaa.github.io
532FlagOpen/FlagEmbedding </br> 2024-11-23_7675_0Dense Retrieval and Retrieval-augmented LLMs
533jasonppy/VoiceCraft </br> 2024-11-23_7651_1Zero-Shot Speech Editing and Text-to-Speech in the Wild
534THUDM/CodeGeeX2 </br> 2024-11-23_7637_0CodeGeeX2: A More Powerful Multilingual Code Generation Model
535huggingface/chat-ui </br> 2024-11-23_7632_0Open source codebase powering the HuggingChat app
536baptisteArno/typebot.io </br> 2024-11-23_7623_0💬 Typebot is a powerful chatbot builder that you can self-host.
537delta-io/delta </br> 2024-11-23_7621_0An open-source storage framework that enables building a Lakehouse architecture with compute engines including Spark, PrestoDB, Flink, Trino, and Hive and APIs
538ai-collection/ai-collection</br> 2024-11-23_7615_0The Generative AI Landscape - A Collection of Awesome Generative AI Applications
539huggingface/lerobot </br> 2024-11-23_7592_2🤗 LeRobot: State-of-the-art Machine Learning for Real-World Robotics in Pytorch
540CASIA-IVA-Lab/FastSAM </br> 2024-11-23_7520_0Fast Segment Anything
541ahmedbahaaeldin/From-0-to-Research-Scientist-resources-guide </br> 2024-11-23_7470_0Detailed and tailored guide for undergraduate students or anybody want to dig deep into the field of AI with solid foundation.
542sweepai/sweep </br> 2024-11-23_7461_-1Sweep is an AI junior developer
543abhishekkrthakur/approachingalmost </br> 2024-11-23_7461_2Approaching (Almost) Any Machine Learning Problem
544netease-youdao/EmotiVoice </br> 2024-11-23_7455_0EmotiVoice 😊: a Multi-Voice and Prompt-Controlled TTS Engine
green-up-arrow.svg 545openlm-research/open_llama </br> 2024-11-23_7387_1OpenLLaMA, a permissively licensed open source reproduction of Meta AI’s LLaMA 7B trained on the RedPajama dataset
red-down-arrow 546enso-org/enso </br> 2024-11-23_7386_0Hybrid visual and textual functional programming.
547lllyasviel/Omost </br> 2024-11-23_7338_1Your image is almost there!
548bigcode-project/starcoder </br> 2024-11-23_7328_0Home of StarCoder: fine-tuning & inference!
549dair-ai/ML-Papers-Explained </br> 2024-11-23_7325_0Explanation to key concepts in ML
550openvinotoolkit/openvino </br> 2024-11-23_7324_2OpenVINO™ is an open-source toolkit for optimizing and deploying AI inference
551GreyDGL/PentestGPT</br> 2024-11-23_7278_-1A GPT-empowered penetration testing tool
552firmai/financial-machine-learning </br> 2024-11-23_7259_1A curated list of practical financial machine learning tools and applications.
553zilliztech/GPTCache </br> 2024-11-23_7245_2GPTCache is a library for creating semantic cache to store responses from LLM queries.
554reorproject/reor </br> 2024-11-23_7191_3AI note-taking app that runs models locally.
555OpenBMB/MiniCPM </br> 2024-11-23_7143_1MiniCPM-2B: An end-side LLM outperforms Llama2-13B.
556zmh-program/chatnio </br> 2024-11-23_7136_4🚀 Next Generation AI One-Stop Internationalization Solution. 🚀 下一代 AI 一站式 B/C 端解决方案,支持 OpenAI,Midjourney,Claude,讯飞星火,Stable Diffusion,DALL·E,ChatGLM,通义千问,腾讯混元,360 智脑,百川 AI,火山方舟,新必应,Gemini,Moonshot 等模型,支持对话分享,自定义预设,云端同步,模型市场,支持弹性计费和订阅计划模式,支持图片解析,支持联网搜索,支持模型缓存,丰富美观的后台管理与仪表盘数据统计。
557thuml/Time-Series-Library </br> 2024-11-23_7111_1A Library for Advanced Deep Time Series Models.
558ymcui/Chinese-LLaMA-Alpaca-2 </br> 2024-11-23_7107_0Chinese LLaMA-2 & Alpaca-2 LLMs
559adam-maj/tiny-gpu </br> 2024-11-23_7097_1A minimal GPU design in Verilog to learn how GPUs work from the ground up
560e2b-dev/e2b </br> 2024-11-23_7054_0Vercel for AI agents. We help developers to build, deploy, and monitor AI agents. Focusing on specialized AI agents that build software for you - your personal software developers.
561alibaba-damo-academy/FunASR </br> 2024-11-23_7047_3A Fundamental End-to-End Speech Recognition Toolkit and Open Source SOTA Pretrained Models.
562EleutherAI/lm-evaluation-harness </br> 2024-11-23_7034_6A framework for few-shot evaluation of autoregressive language models.
563LiheYoung/Depth-Anything </br> 2024-11-23_7028_2Depth Anything: Unleashing the Power of Large-Scale Unlabeled Data
564Huanshere/VideoLingo </br> 2024-11-23_7026_17Netflix-level subtitle cutting, translation, alignment, and even dubbing - one-click fully automated AI video subtitle team
565jina-ai/reader </br> 2024-11-23_7021_2Convert any URL to an LLM-friendly input with a simple prefix https://r.jina.ai/
566PWhiddy/PokemonRedExperiments </br> 2024-11-23_6993_1Playing Pokemon Red with Reinforcement Learning
567apple/corenet </br> 2024-11-23_6989_1CoreNet: A library for training deep neural networks
568bhaskatripathi/pdfGPT</br> 2024-11-23_6977_0PDF GPT allows you to chat with the contents of your PDF file by using GPT capabilities. The only open source solution to turn your pdf files in a chatbot!
569Acly/krita-ai-diffusion </br> 2024-11-23_6959_2Streamlined interface for generating images with AI in Krita. Inpaint and outpaint with optional text prompt, no tweaking required.
570PKU-YuanGroup/ChatLaw </br> 2024-11-23_6956_0Chinese Legal Large Model
571open-mmlab/mmagic</br> 2024-11-23_6954_0OpenMMLab Multimodal Advanced, Generative, and Intelligent Creation Toolbox
572git-ecosystem/git-credential-manager </br> 2024-11-23_6936_2Secure, cross-platform Git credential storage with authentication to GitHub, Azure Repos, and other popular Git hosting services.
573anthropics/anthropic-cookbook </br> 2024-11-23_6924_2A collection of notebooks/recipes showcasing some fun and effective ways of using Claude.
574jaywalnut310/vits </br> 2024-11-23_6885_1VITS: Conditional Variational Autoencoder with Adversarial Learning for End-to-End Text-to-Speech
575deepseek-ai/DeepSeek-Coder </br> 2024-11-23_6884_2DeepSeek Coder: Let the Code Write Itself
576WooooDyy/LLM-Agent-Paper-List </br> 2024-11-23_6865_1The paper list of the 86-page paper "The Rise and Potential of Large Language Model Based Agents: A Survey" by Zhiheng Xi et al.
577niedev/RTranslator </br> 2024-11-23_6846_2RTranslator is the world's first open source real-time translation app.
578nadermx/backgroundremover </br> 2024-11-23_6836_2Background Remover lets you Remove Background from images and video using AI with a simple command line interface that is free and open source.
579AbdullahAlfaraj/Auto-Photoshop-StableDiffusion-Plugin </br> 2024-11-23_6807_2A user-friendly plug-in that makes it easy to generate stable diffusion images inside Photoshop using Automatic1111-sd-webui as a backend.
580jrouwe/JoltPhysics </br> 2024-11-23_6806_3A multi core friendly rigid body physics and collision detection library. Written in C++. Suitable for games and VR applications. Used by Horizon Forbidden West.
581IDEA-Research/GroundingDINO </br> 2024-11-23_6797_4Official implementation of the paper "Grounding DINO: Marrying DINO with Grounded Pre-Training for Open-Set Object Detection"
582langchain-ai/langgraph </br> 2024-11-23_6789_1
583intel-analytics/ipex-llm </br> 2024-11-23_6736_3Accelerate local LLM inference and finetuning (LLaMA, Mistral, ChatGLM, Qwen, Baichuan, Mixtral, Gemma, etc.) on Intel CPU and GPU (e.g., local PC with iGPU, discrete GPU such as Arc, Flex and Max). A PyTorch LLM library that seamlessly integrates with llama.cpp, HuggingFace, LangChain, LlamaIndex, DeepSpeed, vLLM, FastChat, ModelScope, etc.
584llmware-ai/llmware </br> 2024-11-23_6710_0Providing enterprise-grade LLM-based development framework, tools, and fine-tuned models.
585mit-han-lab/streaming-llm </br> 2024-11-23_6688_0Efficient Streaming Language Models with Attention Sinks
586langfuse/langfuse </br> 2024-11-23_6677_5🪢 Open source LLM engineering platform. Observability, metrics, evals, prompt management, testing, prompt playground, datasets, LLM evaluations -- 🍊YC W23 🤖 integrate via Typescript, Python / Decorators, OpenAI, Langchain, LlamaIndex, Litellm, Instructor, Mistral, Perplexity, Claude, Gemini, Vertex
587OpenTalker/video-retalking </br> 2024-11-23_6663_0[SIGGRAPH Asia 2022] VideoReTalking: Audio-based Lip Synchronization for Talking Head Video Editing In the Wild
588spdustin/ChatGPT-AutoExpert </br> 2024-11-23_6615_0🚀🧠💬 Supercharged Custom Instructions for ChatGPT (non-coding) and ChatGPT Advanced Data Analysis (coding).
green-up-arrow.svg 589getomni-ai/zerox </br> 2024-11-23_6613_10Zero shot pdf OCR with gpt-4o-mini
red-down-arrow 590geekyutao/Inpaint-Anything </br> 2024-11-23_6612_0Inpaint anything using Segment Anything and inpainting models.
red-down-arrow 591lencx/Noi </br> 2024-11-23_6611_3🦄 AI + Tools + Plugins + Community
592modelscope/DiffSynth-Studio </br> 2024-11-23_6600_1Enjoy the magic of Diffusion models!
593react-native-webview/react-native-webview </br> 2024-11-23_6590_0React Native Cross-Platform WebView
594udlbook/udlbook </br> 2024-11-23_6587_1Understanding Deep Learning - Simon J.D. Prince
595bunkerity/bunkerweb </br> 2024-11-23_6566_1🛡️ Make your web services secure by default !
596mylxsw/aidea </br> 2024-11-23_6525_1AIdea is a versatile app that supports GPT and domestic large language models,also supports "Stable Diffusion" text-to-image generation, image-to-image generation, SDXL 1.0, super-resolution, and image colorization
597kuafuai/DevOpsGPT </br> 2024-11-23_6519_-1Multi agent system for AI-driven software development. Convert natural language requirements into working software. Supports any development language and extends the existing base code.
598gaomingqi/Track-Anything</br> 2024-11-23_6512_1A flexible and interactive tool for video object tracking and segmentation, based on Segment Anything, XMem, and E2FGVI.
599InternLM/InternLM </br> 2024-11-23_6496_1InternLM has open-sourced a 7 billion parameter base model, a chat model tailored for practical scenarios and the training system.
600langchain-ai/opengpts </br> 2024-11-23_6488_0This is an open source effort to create a similar experience to OpenAI's GPTs and Assistants API
601qunash/chatgpt-advanced </br> 2024-11-23_6462_0A browser extension that augments your ChatGPT prompts with web results.
602jeremylong/DependencyCheck </br> 2024-11-23_6459_0OWASP dependency-check is a software composition analysis utility that detects publicly disclosed vulnerabilities in application dependencies.
603openstatusHQ/openstatus </br> 2024-11-23_6448_-1🏓 The open-source synthetic monitoring platform 🏓
604Future-House/paper-qa </br> 2024-11-23_6443_3High accuracy RAG for answering questions from scientific documents with citations
605Licoy/ChatGPT-Midjourney </br> 2024-11-23_6399_0🎨 Own your own ChatGPT+Midjourney web service with one click
606facebookresearch/DiT </br> 2024-11-23_6384_1Official PyTorch Implementation of "Scalable Diffusion Models with Transformers"
607gunnarmorling/1brc </br> 2024-11-23_6367_21️⃣🐝🏎️ The One Billion Row Challenge -- A fun exploration of how quickly 1B rows from a text file can be aggregated with Java
608weaviate/Verba </br> 2024-11-23_6363_1Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) chatbot powered by Weaviate
609rany2/edge-tts </br> 2024-11-23_6360_1Use Microsoft Edge's online text-to-speech service from Python WITHOUT needing Microsoft Edge or Windows or an API key
610Azure-Samples/azure-search-openai-demo </br> 2024-11-23_6350_0A sample app for the Retrieval-Augmented Generation pattern running in Azure, using Azure Cognitive Search for retrieval and Azure OpenAI large language models to power ChatGPT-style and Q&A experiences.
611linyiLYi/street-fighter-ai </br> 2024-11-23_6340_0This is an AI agent for Street Fighter II Champion Edition.
612threestudio-project/threestudio </br> 2024-11-23_6334_1A unified framework for 3D content generation.
613miurla/morphic </br> 2024-11-23_6329_0An AI-powered answer engine with a generative UI
614Portkey-AI/gateway </br> 2024-11-23_6326_2A Blazing Fast AI Gateway. Route to 100+ LLMs with 1 fast & friendly API.
615run-llama/rags </br> 2024-11-23_6313_1Build ChatGPT over your data, all with natural language
616digitalinnovationone/dio-lab-open-source </br> 2024-11-23_6282_0Repositório do lab "Contribuindo em um Projeto Open Source no GitHub" da Digital Innovation One.
617yihong0618/xiaogpt </br> 2024-11-23_6274_1Play ChatGPT with xiaomi ai speaker
618jianchang512/ChatTTS-ui </br> 2024-11-23_6266_1一个简单的本地网页界面,直接使用ChatTTS将文字合成为语音,同时支持对外提供API接口。
619ml-explore/mlx-examples </br> 2024-11-23_6249_0Examples in the MLX framework
620wenda-LLM/wenda </br> 2024-11-23_6247_0Wenda: An LLM invocation platform. Its objective is to achieve efficient content generation tailored to specific environments while considering the limited computing resources of individuals and small businesses, as well as knowledge security and privacy concerns
green-up-arrow.svg⭐ 621meshery/meshery </br> 2024-11-23_6236_34Meshery, the cloud native manager
red-down-arrow 622civitai/civitai </br> 2024-11-23_6230_3Build a platform where people can share their stable diffusion models
623TaskingAI/TaskingAI </br> 2024-11-23_6222_1The open source platform for AI-native application development.
624aptos-labs/aptos-core </br> 2024-11-23_6183_0Aptos is a layer 1 blockchain built to support the widespread use of blockchain through better technology and user experience.
625sgl-project/sglang </br> 2024-11-23_6178_1SGLang is a structured generation language designed for large language models (LLMs). It makes your interaction with LLMs faster and more controllable.
626openai/consistency_models </br> 2024-11-23_6171_0Official repo for consistency models.
627PixarAnimationStudios/OpenUSD </br> 2024-11-23_6158_2Universal Scene Description
628microsoft/DeepSpeedExamples </br> 2024-11-23_6099_1Example models using DeepSpeed
629OpenGVLab/InternVL </br> 2024-11-23_6088_0[CVPR 2024 Oral] InternVL Family: A Pioneering Open-Source Alternative to GPT-4V. 接近GPT-4V表现的可商用开源模型
630graviraja/MLOps-Basics </br> 2024-11-23_6081_0
631rustformers/llm </br> 2024-11-23_6079_1Run inference for Large Language Models on CPU, with Rust
632Moonvy/OpenPromptStudio </br> 2024-11-23_6035_0 <a alt="Click Me" href="https://moonvy.com/apps/ops/" target="_blank"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/Moonvy-Demo-brightgreen" alt="Open in Demo"/></a>AIGC Hint Word Visualization Editor
633Shaunwei/RealChar </br> 2024-11-23_6022_1🎙️🤖Create, Customize and Talk to your AI Character/Companion in Realtime(All in One Codebase!). Have a natural seamless conversation with AI everywhere(mobile, web and terminal) using LLM OpenAI GPT3.5/4, Anthropic Claude2, Chroma Vector DB, Whisper Speech2Text, ElevenLabs Text2Speech🎙️🤖
634google/gemma.cpp </br> 2024-11-23_5992_0lightweight, standalone C++ inference engine for Google's Gemma models.
635HVision-NKU/StoryDiffusion </br> 2024-11-23_5982_1Create Magic Story!
636k8sgpt-ai/k8sgpt </br> 2024-11-23_5938_2Giving Kubernetes Superpowers to everyone
637Project-MONAI/MONAI </br> 2024-11-23_5898_0AI Toolkit for Healthcare Imaging
638SevaSk/ecoute </br> 2024-11-23_5896_1Ecoute is a live transcription tool that provides real-time transcripts for both the user's microphone input (You) and the user's speakers output (Speaker) in a textbox. It also generates a suggested response using OpenAI's GPT-3.5 for the user to say based on the live transcription of the conversation.
639steven2358/awesome-generative-ai </br> 2024-11-23_5895_2A curated list of modern Generative Artificial Intelligence projects and services
640yangjianxin1/Firefly </br> 2024-11-23_5875_0Firefly: Chinese conversational large language model (full-scale fine-tuning + QLoRA), supporting fine-tuning of Llma2, Llama, Baichuan, InternLM, Ziya, Bloom, and other large models
641Tohrusky/Final2x </br> 2024-11-23_5868_42^x Image Super-Resolution
642clovaai/donut </br> 2024-11-23_5865_1Official Implementation of OCR-free Document Understanding Transformer (Donut) and Synthetic Document Generator (SynthDoG), ECCV 2022
643vespa-engine/vespa </br> 2024-11-23_5843_0The open big data serving engine. https://vespa.ai
644pengxiao-song/LaWGPT </br> 2024-11-23_5839_0Repo for LaWGPT, Chinese-Llama tuned with Chinese Legal knowledge
645friuns2/BlackFriday-GPTs-Prompts </br> 2024-11-23_5837_1List of free GPTs that doesn't require plus subscription
646RayVentura/ShortGPT </br> 2024-11-23_5832_2🚀🎬 ShortGPT - An experimental AI framework for automated short/video content creation. Enables creators to rapidly produce, manage, and deliver content using AI and automation.
647vikhyat/moondream </br> 2024-11-23_5816_1tiny vision language model
648a16z-infra/companion-app </br> 2024-11-23_5768_0AI companions with memory: a lightweight stack to create and host your own AI companions
649OpenGVLab/LLaMA-Adapter</br> 2024-11-23_5762_1Fine-tuning LLaMA to follow Instructions within 1 Hour and 1.2M Parameters
650vladmandic/automatic </br> 2024-11-23_5745_2SD.Next: Advanced Implementation of Stable Diffusion and other Diffusion-based generative image models
651ramonvc/freegpt-webui </br> 2024-11-23_5708_0GPT 3.5/4 with a Chat Web UI. No API key is required.
652nilsherzig/LLocalSearch </br> 2024-11-23_5682_0LLocalSearch is a completely locally running search aggregator using LLM Agents. The user can ask a question and the system will use a chain of LLMs to find the answer. The user can see the progress of the agents and the final answer. No OpenAI or Google API keys are needed.
653nsarrazin/serge </br> 2024-11-23_5680_0A web interface for chatting with Alpaca through llama.cpp. Fully dockerized, with an easy to use API
654firebase/firebase-ios-sdk </br> 2024-11-23_5678_-1Firebase SDK for Apple App Development
655sczhou/ProPainter </br> 2024-11-23_5676_0[ICCV 2023] ProPainter: Improving Propagation and Transformer for Video Inpainting
656baichuan-inc/baichuan-7B </br> 2024-11-23_5676_1A large-scale 7B pretraining language model developed by BaiChuan-Inc.
657pytorch-labs/gpt-fast </br> 2024-11-23_5674_0Simple and efficient pytorch-native transformer text generation in <1000 LOC of python.
658lightaime/camel </br> 2024-11-23_5673_4 <a alt="Click Me" href="https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1AzP33O8rnMW__7ocWJhVBXjKziJXPtim?usp=sharing" target="_blank"><img src="https://colab.research.google.com/assets/colab-badge.svg" alt="Open in Colab"/></a>🐫 CAMEL: Communicative Agents for “Mind” Exploration of Large Scale Language Model Society
659MineDojo/Voyager </br> 2024-11-23_5672_0An Open-Ended Embodied Agent with Large Language Models
660fr0gger/Awesome-GPT-Agents </br> 2024-11-23_5671_0A curated list of GPT agents for cybersecurity
661HumanAIGC/OutfitAnyone </br> 2024-11-23_5661_1Outfit Anyone: Ultra-high quality virtual try-on for Any Clothing and Any Person
662ethereum-optimism/optimism </br> 2024-11-23_5659_0Optimism is Ethereum, scaled.
663google/mesop </br> 2024-11-23_5636_0
664levihsu/OOTDiffusion </br> 2024-11-23_5625_5Official implementation of OOTDiffusion
665PawanOsman/ChatGPT </br> 2024-11-23_5622_0OpenAI API Free Reverse Proxy
666open-metadata/OpenMetadata </br> 2024-11-23_5601_2OpenMetadata is a unified platform for discovery, observability, and governance powered by a central metadata repository, in-depth lineage, and seamless team collaboration.
667lllyasviel/IC-Light </br> 2024-11-23_5591_1More relighting!
668roboflow/notebooks </br> 2024-11-23_5577_1Examples and tutorials on using SOTA computer vision models and techniques. Learn everything from old-school ResNet, through YOLO and object-detection transformers like DETR, to the latest models like Grounding DINO and SAM.
669HariSekhon/DevOps-Bash-tools </br> 2024-11-23_5546_-11000+ DevOps Bash Scripts - AWS, GCP, Kubernetes, Docker, CI/CD, APIs, SQL, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Hive, Impala, Kafka, Hadoop, Jenkins, GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket, Azure DevOps, TeamCity, Spotify, MP3, LDAP, Code/Build Linting, pkg mgmt for Linux, Mac, Python, Perl, Ruby, NodeJS, Golang, Advanced dotfiles: .bashrc, .vimrc, .gitconfig, .screenrc, tmux..
670yetone/bob-plugin-openai-translator </br> 2024-11-23_5544_1A Bob Plugin base ChatGPT API
671enricoros/big-AGI </br> 2024-11-23_5527_0Generative AI suite powered by state-of-the-art models and providing advanced AI/AGI functions. It features AI personas, AGI functions, multi-model chats, text-to-image, voice, response streaming, code highlighting and execution, PDF import, presets for developers, much more. Deploy on-prem or in the cloud.
672Azure/azure-sdk-for-net </br> 2024-11-23_5486_0This repository is for active development of the Azure SDK for .NET. For consumers of the SDK we recommend visiting our public developer docs at https://learn.microsoft.com/dotnet/azure/ or our versioned developer docs at https://azure.github.io/azure-sdk-for-net.
673lavague-ai/LaVague </br> 2024-11-23_5481_0Automate automation with Large Action Model framework
674xorbitsai/inference </br> 2024-11-23_5467_4Replace OpenAI GPT with another LLM in your app by changing a single line of code. Xinference gives you the freedom to use any LLM you need. With Xinference, you're empowered to run inference with any open-source language models, speech recognition models, and multimodal models, whether in the cloud, on-premises, or even on your laptop.
675apache/hudi </br> 2024-11-23_5453_2Upserts, Deletes And Incremental Processing on Big Data.
676SkalskiP/courses </br> 2024-11-23_5424_-1This repository is a curated collection of links to various courses and resources about Artificial Intelligence (AI)
677microsoft/promptbase </br> 2024-11-23_5424_1All things prompt engineering
678Dooy/chatgpt-web-midjourney-proxy </br> 2024-11-23_5392_1chatgpt web, midjourney, gpts,tts, whisper 一套ui全搞定
679ToonCrafter/ToonCrafter </br> 2024-11-23_5372_0a research paper for generative cartoon interpolation
680microsoft/TaskWeaver </br> 2024-11-23_5362_1A code-first agent framework for seamlessly planning and executing data analytics tasks.
681getmaxun/maxun </br> 2024-11-23_5346_10🔥 Open-source no-code web data extraction platform. Turn websites to APIs and spreadsheets with no-code robots in minutes! [In Beta]
682homanp/superagent </br> 2024-11-23_5324_0🥷 Superagent - Build, deploy, and manage LLM-powered agents
683dsdanielpark/Bard-API </br> 2024-11-23_5321_-1The python package that returns a response of Google Bard through API.
684modelscope/agentscope </br> 2024-11-23_5318_3Start building LLM-empowered multi-agent applications in an easier way.
685ai-boost/awesome-prompts </br> 2024-11-23_5312_1Curated list of chatgpt prompts from the top-rated GPTs in the GPTs Store. Prompt Engineering, prompt attack & prompt protect. Advanced Prompt Engineering papers.
686aiwaves-cn/agents </br> 2024-11-23_5307_0An Open-source Framework for Autonomous Language Agents
687PrefectHQ/marvin </br> 2024-11-23_5306_0A batteries-included library for building AI-powered software
688josStorer/RWKV-Runner </br> 2024-11-23_5306_0A RWKV management and startup tool, full automation, only 8MB. And provides an interface compatible with the OpenAI API. RWKV is a large language model that is fully open source and available for commercial use.
689google/gemma_pytorch </br> 2024-11-23_5296_-1The official PyTorch implementation of Google's Gemma models
690fullstackhero/dotnet-starter-kit </br> 2024-11-23_5275_0Production Grade Cloud-Ready .NET 8 Starter Kit (Web API + Blazor Client) with Multitenancy Support, and Clean/Modular Architecture that saves roughly 200+ Development Hours! All Batteries Included.
691imoneoi/openchat </br> 2024-11-23_5262_0OpenChat: Advancing Open-source Language Models with Imperfect Data
692onuratakan/gpt-computer-assistant </br> 2024-11-23_5259_0gpt-4o for windows, macos and ubuntu
693biobootloader/wolverine </br> 2024-11-23_5206_0Automatically repair python scripts through GPT-4 to give them regenerative abilities.
694openchatai/OpenChat </br> 2024-11-23_5196_0Run and create custom ChatGPT-like bots with OpenChat, embed and share these bots anywhere, the open-source chatbot console.
695mosaicml/composer </br> 2024-11-23_5165_0Train neural networks up to 7x faster
696mnotgod96/AppAgent </br> 2024-11-23_5158_0AppAgent: Multimodal Agents as Smartphone Users, an LLM-based multimodal agent framework designed to operate smartphone apps.
697lxfater/inpaint-web </br> 2024-11-23_5101_0A free and open-source inpainting & image-upscaling tool powered by webgpu and wasm on the browser。
698openchatai/OpenCopilot </br> 2024-11-23_5080_0🤖 🔥 Let your users chat with your product features and execute things by text - open source Shopify sidekick
699microsoft/SynapseML </br> 2024-11-23_5068_0Simple and Distributed Machine Learning
700srbhr/Resume-Matcher </br> 2024-11-23_5054_1Open Source Free ATS Tool to compare Resumes with Job Descriptions and create a score to rank them.
701OpenGVLab/DragGAN </br> 2024-11-23_4999_-1Unofficial Implementation of DragGAN - "Drag Your GAN: Interactive Point-based Manipulation on the Generative Image Manifold" (DragGAN 全功能实现,在线Demo,本地部署试用,代码、模型已全部开源,支持Windows, macOS, Linux)
702mpociot/chatgpt-vscode </br> 2024-11-23_4990_-1A VSCode extension that allows you to use ChatGPT
703Permify/permify </br> 2024-11-23_4987_0An open-source authorization as a service inspired by Google Zanzibar, designed to build and manage fine-grained and scalable authorization systems for any application.
704OpenInterpreter/01 </br> 2024-11-23_4984_2The open-source language model computer
705aigc-apps/sd-webui-EasyPhoto </br> 2024-11-23_4980_0📷 EasyPhoto
706frdel/agent-zero </br> 2024-11-23_4886_0Agent Zero AI framework
707lvwzhen/law-cn-ai </br> 2024-11-23_4857_0 <a alt="Click Me" href="https://law-cn-ai.vercel.app/" target="_blank"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/Vercel-Demo-brightgreen" alt="Open in Demo"/></a>⚖️ AI Legal Assistant
708alpkeskin/mosint </br> 2024-11-23_4855_0An automated e-mail OSINT tool
709OpenBMB/ToolBench </br> 2024-11-23_4851_0An open platform for training, serving, and evaluating large language model for tool learning.
710myshell-ai/MeloTTS </br> 2024-11-23_4849_3High-quality multi-lingual text-to-speech library by MyShell.ai. Support English, Spanish, French, Chinese, Japanese and Korean.
711ChaoningZhang/MobileSAM </br> 2024-11-23_4846_0This is the official code for Faster Segment Anything (MobileSAM) project that makes SAM lightweight
712GaiaNet-AI/gaianet-node </br> 2024-11-23_4845_0Install and run your own AI agent service
713qiuyu96/CoDeF </br> 2024-11-23_4837_0Official PyTorch implementation of CoDeF: Content Deformation Fields for Temporally Consistent Video Processing
⭐ 714tmc/langchaingo </br> 2024-11-23_4832_26LangChain for Go, the easiest way to write LLM-based programs in Go
715SuperDuperDB/superduperdb </br> 2024-11-23_4818_0🔮 SuperDuperDB: Bring AI to your database: Integrate, train and manage any AI models and APIs directly with your database and your data.
716xxlong0/Wonder3D </br> 2024-11-23_4815_0A cross-domain diffusion model for 3D reconstruction from a single image
717Plachtaa/VITS-fast-fine-tuning </br> 2024-11-23_4753_0This repo is a pipeline of VITS finetuning for fast speaker adaptation TTS, and many-to-many voice conversion
718fudan-generative-vision/champ </br> 2024-11-23_4749_0Champ: Controllable and Consistent Human Image Animation with 3D Parametric Guidance
719microsoft/Mastering-GitHub-Copilot-for-Paired-Programming </br> 2024-11-23_4747_1A 6 Lesson course teaching everything you need to know about harnessing GitHub Copilot and an AI Paired Programing resource.
720leanprover/lean4 </br> 2024-11-23_4725_2Lean 4 programming language and theorem prover
721AILab-CVC/YOLO-World </br> 2024-11-23_4710_1Real-Time Open-Vocabulary Object Detection
722huggingface/alignment-handbook </br> 2024-11-23_4697_1Robust recipes for to align language models with human and AI preferences
723ollama/ollama-python </br> 2024-11-23_4693_1Ollama Python library
724microsoft/LLMLingua </br> 2024-11-23_4673_0To speed up LLMs' inference and enhance LLM's perceive of key information, compress the prompt and KV-Cache, which achieves up to 20x compression with minimal performance loss.
725developersdigest/llm-answer-engine </br> 2024-11-23_4671_0Build a Perplexity-Inspired Answer Engine Using Next.js, Groq, Mixtral, Langchain, OpenAI, Brave & Serper
726Zejun-Yang/AniPortrait </br> 2024-11-23_4670_0AniPortrait: Audio-Driven Synthesis of Photorealistic Portrait Animation
727allenai/OLMo </br> 2024-11-23_4666_2Modeling, training, eval, and inference code for OLMo
728huggingface/parler-tts </br> 2024-11-23_4666_2Inference and training library for high-quality TTS models.
729google-deepmind/graphcast </br> 2024-11-23_4661_1
730Akegarasu/lora-scripts </br> 2024-11-23_4647_1LoRA training scripts use kohya-ss's trainer, for diffusion model.
731apify/crawlee-python </br> 2024-11-23_4637_1Crawlee—A web scraping and browser automation library for Python to build reliable crawlers. Extract data for AI, LLMs, RAG, or GPTs. Download HTML, PDF, JPG, PNG, and other files from websites. Works with BeautifulSoup, Playwright, and raw HTTP. Both headful and headless mode. With proxy rotation.
732Deci-AI/super-gradients </br> 2024-11-23_4599_0Easily train or fine-tune SOTA computer vision models with one open source training library. The home of Yolo-NAS.
733togethercomputer/RedPajama-Data </br> 2024-11-23_4582_0code for preparing large datasets for training large language models
734SCIR-HI/Huatuo-Llama-Med-Chinese </br> 2024-11-23_4582_0Repo for HuaTuo (华驼), Llama-7B tuned with Chinese medical knowledge
735AILab-CVC/VideoCrafter </br> 2024-11-23_4573_0VideoCrafter1: Open Diffusion Models for High-Quality Video Generation
736facebookincubator/AITemplate </br> 2024-11-23_4563_-1AITemplate is a Python framework which renders neural network into high performance CUDA/HIP C++ code. Specialized for FP16 TensorCore (NVIDIA GPU) and MatrixCore (AMD GPU) inference.
737EricLBuehler/mistral.rs </br> 2024-11-23_4489_3Blazingly fast LLM inference.
738build-trust/ockam </br> 2024-11-23_4478_1Orchestrate end-to-end encryption, cryptographic identities, mutual authentication, and authorization policies between distributed applications – at massive scale.
739terraform-aws-modules/terraform-aws-eks </br> 2024-11-23_4476_0Terraform module to create AWS Elastic Kubernetes (EKS) resources 🇺🇦
7401rgs/jsonformer </br> 2024-11-23_4470_0A Bulletproof Way to Generate Structured JSON from Language Models
741sanchit-gandhi/whisper-jax </br> 2024-11-23_4448_2 <a alt="Click Me" href="https://huggingface.co/spaces/sanchit-gandhi/whisper-jax" target="_blank"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/%F0%9F%A4%97-Spaces-brightgreen" alt="Open in Spaces"/></a>Optimised JAX code for OpenAI's Whisper Model, largely built on the Hugging Face Transformers Whisper implementation
742madawei2699/myGPTReader </br> 2024-11-23_4433_0A slack bot that can read any webpage, ebook or document and summarize it with chatGPT
743Fanghua-Yu/SUPIR </br> 2024-11-23_4412_1SUPIR aims at developing Practical Algorithms for Photo-Realistic Image Restoration In the Wild
744NVlabs/neuralangelo </br> 2024-11-23_4402_-2Official implementation of "Neuralangelo: High-Fidelity Neural Surface Reconstruction" (CVPR 2023)
745snakers4/silero-vad </br> 2024-11-23_4402_0Silero VAD: pre-trained enterprise-grade Voice Activity Detector
746UX-Decoder/Segment-Everything-Everywhere-All-At-Once</br> 2024-11-23_4398_0Official implementation of the paper "Segment Everything Everywhere All at Once"
747luosiallen/latent-consistency-model </br> 2024-11-23_4386_0Latent Consistency Models: Synthesizing High-Resolution Images with Few-Step Inference
748Codium-ai/cover-agent </br> 2024-11-23_4370_3CodiumAI Cover-Agent: An AI-Powered Tool for Automated Test Generation and Code Coverage Enhancement! 💻🤖🧪🐞
749kyegomez/tree-of-thoughts </br> 2024-11-23_4363_0 <a href='https://arxiv.org/abs/2305.10601'><img src='https://img.shields.io/badge/Paper-Arxiv-red'></a>Plug in and Play Implementation of Tree of Thoughts: Deliberate Problem Solving with Large Language Models that Elevates Model Reasoning by atleast 70%
750sjvasquez/handwriting-synthesis </br> 2024-11-23_4357_1Handwriting Synthesis with RNNs ✏️
751pytorch/torchtune </br> 2024-11-23_4349_2A Native-PyTorch Library for LLM Fine-tuning
752Nukem9/dlssg-to-fsr3 </br> 2024-11-23_4344_1Adds AMD FSR3 Frame Generation to games by replacing Nvidia DLSS-G Frame Generation (nvngx_dlssg).
753modelscope/swift </br> 2024-11-23_4344_5ms-swift: Use PEFT or Full-parameter to finetune 200+ LLMs or 15+ MLLMs
754FoundationVision/VAR </br> 2024-11-23_4283_0[GPT beats diffusion🔥] [scaling laws in visual generation📈] Official impl. of "Visual Autoregressive Modeling: Scalable Image Generation via Next-Scale Prediction"
755openai/plugins-quickstart </br> 2024-11-23_4246_0Get a ChatGPT plugin up and running in under 5 minutes!
756asg017/sqlite-vec </br> 2024-11-23_4241_2Work-in-progress vector search SQLite extension that runs anywhere.
757espeak-ng/espeak-ng </br> 2024-11-23_4234_0eSpeak NG is an open source speech synthesizer that supports more than hundred languages and accents.
758OpenBMB/AgentVerse </br> 2024-11-23_4217_1🤖 AgentVerse 🪐 provides a flexible framework that simplifies the process of building custom multi-agent environments for large language models (LLMs).
759NVIDIA/NeMo-Guardrails </br> 2024-11-23_4205_3NeMo Guardrails is an open-source toolkit for easily adding programmable guardrails to LLM-based conversational systems.
760Shubhamsaboo/awesome-llm-apps </br> 2024-11-23_4201_2Collection of awesome LLM apps with RAG using OpenAI, Anthropic, Gemini and opensource models.
761smol-ai/GodMode </br> 2024-11-23_4197_0AI Chat Browser: Fast, Full webapp access to ChatGPT / Claude / Bard / Bing / Llama2! I use this 20 times a day.
762BuilderIO/ai-shell </br> 2024-11-23_4196_-1A CLI that converts natural language to shell commands.
763google-deepmind/alphageometry </br> 2024-11-23_4178_1Solving Olympiad Geometry without Human Demonstrations
764Doriandarko/maestro </br> 2024-11-23_4164_1A framework for Claude Opus to intelligently orchestrate subagents.
765open-compass/opencompass </br> 2024-11-23_4161_0OpenCompass is an LLM evaluation platform, supporting a wide range of models (InternLM2,GPT-4,LLaMa2, Qwen,GLM, Claude, etc) over 100+ datasets.
766Facico/Chinese-Vicuna </br> 2024-11-23_4146_0Chinese-Vicuna: A Chinese Instruction-following LLaMA-based Model
767microsoft/TinyTroupe </br> 2024-11-23_4139_37LLM-powered multiagent persona simulation for imagination enhancement and business insights.
768ray-project/llm-numbers </br> 2024-11-23_4106_1Numbers every LLM developer should know
769Blealtan/efficient-kan </br> 2024-11-23_4098_0An efficient pure-PyTorch implementation of Kolmogorov-Arnold Network (KAN).
770openai/grok </br> 2024-11-23_4090_1
771Speykious/cve-rs </br> 2024-11-23_4089_1Blazingly 🔥 fast 🚀 memory vulnerabilities, written in 100% safe Rust. 🦀
772leetcode-mafia/cheetah </br> 2024-11-23_4085_1Whisper & GPT-based app for passing remote SWE interviews
773WhiskeySockets/Baileys </br> 2024-11-23_4079_1Lightweight full-featured typescript/javascript WhatsApp Web API
774CrazyBoyM/llama3-Chinese-chat </br> 2024-11-23_4046_0Llama3 Chinese Repository with modified versions, and training and deployment resources
775livekit/agents </br> 2024-11-23_4043_1Build real-time multimodal AI applications 🤖🎙️📹
776a16z-infra/ai-getting-started </br> 2024-11-23_4018_0A Javascript AI getting started stack for weekend projects, including image/text models, vector stores, auth, and deployment configs
777damo-vilab/AnyDoor </br> 2024-11-23_4007_0Official implementations for paper: Anydoor: zero-shot object-level image customization
778xlang-ai/OpenAgents </br> 2024-11-23_4001_0OpenAgents: An Open Platform for Language Agents in the Wild
779PathOfBuildingCommunity/PathOfBuilding </br> 2024-11-23_3997_0Offline build planner for Path of Exile.
780argilla-io/argilla </br> 2024-11-23_3997_1Argilla is a collaboration platform for AI engineers and domain experts that require high-quality outputs, full data ownership, and overall efficiency.
781keijiro/AICommand </br> 2024-11-23_3988_0ChatGPT integration with Unity Editor
782collabora/WhisperSpeech </br> 2024-11-23_3986_0An Open Source text-to-speech system built by inverting Whisper.
783InternLM/xtuner </br> 2024-11-23_3983_0An efficient, flexible and full-featured toolkit for fine-tuning large models (InternLM, Llama, Baichuan, Qwen, ChatGLM)
784lipku/metahuman-stream </br> 2024-11-23_3966_0Real time interactive streaming digital human
785mshumer/gpt-llm-trainer </br> 2024-11-23_3957_0
786yisol/IDM-VTON </br> 2024-11-23_3955_0IDM-VTON : Improving Diffusion Models for Authentic Virtual Try-on in the Wild
787argmaxinc/WhisperKit </br> 2024-11-23_3947_0Swift native speech recognition on-device for iOS and macOS applications.
788philz1337x/clarity-upscaler </br> 2024-11-23_3907_1Clarity-Upscaler: Reimagined image upscaling for everyone
green-up-arrow.svg 789metavoiceio/metavoice-src </br> 2024-11-23_3901_2AI for human-level speech intelligence
red-down-arrow 790Significant-Gravitas/Auto-GPT-Plugins </br> 2024-11-23_3900_0Plugins for Auto-GPT
791luban-agi/Awesome-AIGC-Tutorials </br> 2024-11-23_3894_0Curated tutorials and resources for Large Language Models, AI Painting, and more.
792MarkFzp/mobile-aloha </br> 2024-11-23_3889_0Mobile ALOHA: Learning Bimanual Mobile Manipulation with Low-Cost Whole-Body Teleoperation
793ragapp/ragapp </br> 2024-11-23_3873_0The easiest way to use Agentic RAG in any enterprise
794apple/ml-mgie </br> 2024-11-23_3862_0
795facebookresearch/co-tracker </br> 2024-11-23_3856_6CoTracker is a model for tracking any point (pixel) on a video.
796AutoMQ/automq </br> 2024-11-23_3852_0AutoMQ is a cloud-first alternative to Kafka by decoupling durability to S3 and EBS. 10x cost-effective. Autoscale in seconds. Single-digit ms latency.
797llSourcell/DoctorGPT </br> 2024-11-23_3850_0DoctorGPT is an LLM that can pass the US Medical Licensing Exam. It works offline, it's cross-platform, & your health data stays private.
798intelowlproject/IntelOwl </br> 2024-11-23_3850_0IntelOwl: manage your Threat Intelligence at scale
799LLM-Red-Team/kimi-free-api </br> 2024-11-23_3842_1🚀 KIMI AI 长文本大模型白嫖服务,支持高速流式输出、联网搜索、长文档解读、图像解析、多轮对话,零配置部署,多路token支持,自动清理会话痕迹。
800FlagAI-Open/FlagAI </br> 2024-11-23_3834_1FlagAI (Fast LArge-scale General AI models) is a fast, easy-to-use and extensible toolkit for large-scale model.
801ravenscroftj/turbopilot </br> 2024-11-23_3824_0Turbopilot is an open source large-language-model based code completion engine that runs locally on CPU
802google-research/timesfm </br> 2024-11-23_3804_-1TimesFM (Time Series Foundation Model) is a pretrained time-series foundation model developed by Google Research for time-series forecasting.
803shroominic/codeinterpreter-api </br> 2024-11-23_3795_0Open source implementation of the ChatGPT Code Interpreter 👾
804jackMort/ChatGPT.nvim </br> 2024-11-23_3790_0ChatGPT Neovim Plugin: Effortless Natural Language Generation with OpenAI's ChatGPT API
805raspberrypi/pico-sdk </br> 2024-11-23_3772_3
806MahmoudAshraf97/whisper-diarization </br> 2024-11-23_3750_1Automatic Speech Recognition with Speaker Diarization based on OpenAI Whisper
807alibaba-damo-academy/FunClip </br> 2024-11-23_3740_2Open-source, accurate and easy-to-use video clipping tool, LLM based AI clipping intergrated
808SysCV/sam-hq </br> 2024-11-23_3722_0Segment Anything in High Quality
809n8n-io/self-hosted-ai-starter-kit </br> 2024-11-23_3708_4The Self-hosted AI Starter Kit is an open-source template that quickly sets up a local AI environment. Curated by n8n, it provides essential tools for creating secure, self-hosted AI workflows.
810SciPhi-AI/R2R </br> 2024-11-23_3680_2A framework for rapid development and deployment of production-ready RAG systems
811hiyouga/ChatGLM-Efficient-Tuning </br> 2024-11-23_3672_0Fine-tuning ChatGLM-6B with PEFT
812k2-fsa/sherpa-onnx </br> 2024-11-23_3662_2Speech-to-text, text-to-speech, and speaker recongition using next-gen Kaldi with onnxruntime without Internet connection. Support embedded systems, Android, iOS, Raspberry Pi, RISC-V, x86_64 servers, websocket server/client, C/C++, Python, Kotlin, C#, Go, NodeJS, Java, Swift
813deepseek-ai/DeepSeek-V2 </br> 2024-11-23_3651_3
8140hq/WebGPT </br> 2024-11-23_3647_0Run GPT model on the browser with WebGPU. An implementation of GPT inference in less than ~2000 lines of vanilla Javascript.
815Codium-ai/AlphaCodium </br> 2024-11-23_3645_0code generation tool that surpasses most human competitors in CodeContests
816Yue-Yang/ChatGPT-Siri </br> 2024-11-23_3637_0Shortcuts for Siri using ChatGPT API gpt-3.5-turbo model
817deanxv/coze-discord-proxy </br> 2024-11-23_3628_0代理Discord-Bot对话Coze-Bot,实现API形式请求GPT4对话模型/微调模型
818huggingface/distil-whisper </br> 2024-11-23_3621_0Distilled variant of Whisper for speech recognition. 6x faster, 50% smaller, within 1% word error rate.
819fchollet/ARC-AGI </br> 2024-11-23_3573_1The Abstraction and Reasoning Corpus
820Luodian/Otter </br> 2024-11-23_3563_0🦦 Otter, a multi-modal model based on OpenFlamingo (open-sourced version of DeepMind's Flamingo), trained on MIMIC-IT and showcasing improved instruction-following and in-context learning ability.
821ricklamers/gpt-code-ui </br> 2024-11-23_3562_0An open source implementation of OpenAI's ChatGPT Code interpreter
822whoiskatrin/chart-gpt</br> 2024-11-23_3555_0AI tool to build charts based on text input
823hemansnation/God-Level-Data-Science-ML-Full-Stack </br> 2024-11-23_3541_-1A collection of scientific methods, processes, algorithms, and systems to build stories & models. This roadmap contains 16 Chapters, whether you are a fresher in the field or an experienced professional who wants to transition into Data Science & AI
824OpenDriveLab/UniAD </br> 2024-11-23_3536_0[CVPR 2023 Best Paper] Planning-oriented Autonomous Driving
825alibaba/higress </br> 2024-11-23_3503_13🤖 AI Gateway
826minimaxir/simpleaichat </br> 2024-11-23_3491_0Python package for easily interfacing with chat apps, with robust features and minimal code complexity.
827e2b-dev/fragments </br> 2024-11-23_3490_1Open-source Next.js template for building apps that are fully generated by AI. By E2B.
828Kent0n-Li/ChatDoctor </br> 2024-11-23_3484_0A Medical Chat Model Fine-tuned on LLaMA Model using Medical Domain Knowledge
829xtekky/chatgpt-clone </br> 2024-11-23_3475_0ChatGPT interface with better UI
830Tencent/HunyuanDiT </br> 2024-11-23_3471_2Hunyuan-DiT : A Powerful Multi-Resolution Diffusion Transformer with Fine-Grained Chinese Understanding
831run-llama/llama-hub </br> 2024-11-23_3456_0A library of data loaders for LLMs made by the community -- to be used with LlamaIndex and/or LangChain
832ostris/ai-toolkit </br> 2024-11-23_3456_2Various AI scripts. Mostly Stable Diffusion stuff.
833agiresearch/AIOS </br> 2024-11-23_3429_2AIOS: LLM Agent Operating System
834cvg/LightGlue </br> 2024-11-23_3419_0LightGlue: Local Feature Matching at Light Speed (ICCV 2023)
835pipecat-ai/pipecat </br> 2024-11-23_3417_2Open Source framework for voice and multimodal conversational AI
836nucleuscloud/neosync </br> 2024-11-23_3408_0Open source data anonymization and synthetic data orchestration for developers. Create high fidelity synthetic data and sync it across your environments.
837google/security-research </br> 2024-11-23_3402_0This project hosts security advisories and their accompanying proof-of-concepts related to research conducted at Google which impact non-Google owned code.
838pytorch/torchchat </br> 2024-11-23_3394_0Run PyTorch LLMs locally on servers, desktop and mobile
839iryna-kondr/scikit-llm </br> 2024-11-23_3377_0Seamlessly integrate powerful language models like ChatGPT into scikit-learn for enhanced text analysis tasks.
840Dataherald/dataherald </br> 2024-11-23_3355_0Interact with your SQL database, Natural Language to SQL using LLMs
841BasedHardware/OpenGlass </br> 2024-11-23_3346_0Turn any glasses into AI-powered smart glasses
842Netflix/maestro </br> 2024-11-23_3339_0Maestro: Netflix’s Workflow Orchestrator
843truefoundry/cognita </br> 2024-11-23_3338_1RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) Framework for building modular, open source applications for production by TrueFoundry
844spring-projects/spring-ai </br> 2024-11-23_3323_1An Application Framework for AI Engineering
845NExT-GPT/NExT-GPT </br> 2024-11-23_3308_0Code and models for NExT-GPT: Any-to-Any Multimodal Large Language Model
846srush/Tensor-Puzzles </br> 2024-11-23_3291_1Solve puzzles. Improve your pytorch.
847pashpashpash/vault-ai </br> 2024-11-23_3284_0OP Vault ChatGPT: Give ChatGPT long-term memory using the OP Stack (OpenAI + Pinecone Vector Database). Upload your own custom knowledge base files (PDF, txt, etc) using a simple React frontend.
848krishnaik06/Roadmap-To-Learn-Generative-AI-In-2024 </br> 2024-11-23_3278_0Roadmap To Learn Generative AI In 2024
849jupyterlab/jupyter-ai </br> 2024-11-23_3245_0A generative AI extension for JupyterLab
850AprilNEA/ChatGPT-Admin-Web </br> 2024-11-23_3217_0 <a alt="Click Me" href="https://lmo.best" target="_blank"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/Lmo-Demo-brightgreen" alt="Open in Demo"/></a>ChatGPT WebUI with user management and admin dashboard system
851albertan017/LLM4Decompile </br> 2024-11-23_3214_1Reverse Engineering: Decompiling Binary Code with Large Language Models
852dvlab-research/MiniGemini </br> 2024-11-23_3212_0Official implementation for Mini-Gemini
853OpenGVLab/InternGPT </br> 2024-11-23_3206_1InternGPT (iGPT) is an open source demo platform where you can easily showcase your AI models. Now it supports DragGAN, ChatGPT, ImageBind, multimodal chat like GPT-4, SAM, interactive image editing, etc. Try it at igpt.opengvlab.com (支持DragGAN、ChatGPT、ImageBind、SAM的在线Demo系统)
854ethen8181/machine-learning </br> 2024-11-23_3197_0🌎 machine learning tutorials (mainly in Python3)
855project-baize/baize-chatbot </br> 2024-11-23_3169_-1Let ChatGPT teach your own chatbot in hours with a single GPU!
856linyiLYi/bilibot </br> 2024-11-23_3122_0A local chatbot fine-tuned by bilibili user comments.
857iusztinpaul/hands-on-llms </br> 2024-11-23_3112_3🦖 𝗟𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗻 about 𝗟𝗟𝗠𝘀, 𝗟𝗟𝗠𝗢𝗽𝘀, and 𝘃𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗼𝗿 𝗗𝗕𝘀 for free by designing, training, and deploying a real-time financial advisor LLM system ~ 𝘴𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘤𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘥𝘦 + 𝘷𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘰 & 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘢𝘭𝘴
858ai-boost/Awesome-GPTs </br> 2024-11-23_3090_1Curated list of awesome GPTs 👍.
859gptscript-ai/gptscript </br> 2024-11-23_3079_0Natural Language Programming
860opengeos/segment-geospatial </br> 2024-11-23_3068_1 <a alt="Click Me" href="https://colab.research.google.com/github/opengeos/segment-geospatial/blob/main/docs/examples/satellite.ipynb" target="_blank"><img src="https://colab.research.google.com/assets/colab-badge.svg" alt="Open in Colab"/></a>A Python package for segmenting geospatial data with the Segment Anything Model (SAM)
861MarkFzp/act-plus-plus </br> 2024-11-23_3057_0Imitation Learning algorithms with Co-traing for Mobile ALOHA: ACT, Diffusion Policy, VINN
862daveshap/OpenAI_Agent_Swarm </br> 2024-11-23_3036_0HAAS = Hierarchical Autonomous Agent Swarm - "Resistance is futile!"
863microsoft/torchscale </br> 2024-11-23_3034_-1Foundation Architecture for (M)LLMs
864dnhkng/GlaDOS </br> 2024-11-23_3034_0This is the Personality Core for GLaDOS, the first steps towards a real-life implementation of the AI from the Portal series by Valve.
865CVI-SZU/Linly </br> 2024-11-23_3031_0Chinese-LLaMA basic model; ChatFlow Chinese conversation model; NLP pre-training/command fine-tuning dataset
866neuralmagic/deepsparse </br> 2024-11-23_3029_0Sparsity-aware deep learning inference runtime for CPUs
867X-PLUG/MobileAgent </br> 2024-11-23_3018_0Mobile-Agent: Autonomous Multi-Modal Mobile Device Agent with Visual Perception
868PKU-YuanGroup/Video-LLaVA </br> 2024-11-23_3016_0 <a alt="Click Me" href="https://huggingface.co/spaces/LanguageBind/Video-LLaVA" target="_blank"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/%F0%9F%A4%97-Spaces-brightgreen" alt="Open in Spaces"/></a>Video-LLaVA: Learning United Visual Representation by Alignment Before Projection
869hustvl/Vim </br> 2024-11-23_2999_0Vision Mamba: Efficient Visual Representation Learning with Bidirectional State Space Model
870baichuan-inc/Baichuan-13B </br> 2024-11-23_2980_0A 13B large language model developed by Baichuan Intelligent Technology
871damo-vilab/i2vgen-xl </br> 2024-11-23_2974_0Official repo for VGen: a holistic video generation ecosystem for video generation building on diffusion models
872williamyang1991/Rerender_A_Video </br> 2024-11-23_2968_0[SIGGRAPH Asia 2023] Rerender A Video: Zero-Shot Text-Guided Video-to-Video Translation
873Azure-Samples/cognitive-services-speech-sdk </br> 2024-11-23_2961_1Sample code for the Microsoft Cognitive Services Speech SDK
874adamcohenhillel/ADeus </br> 2024-11-23_2952_0An open source AI wearable device that captures what you say and hear in the real world and then transcribes and stores it on your own server. You can then chat with Adeus using the app, and it will have all the right context about what you want to talk about - a truly personalized, personal AI.
875li-plus/chatglm.cpp </br> 2024-11-23_2941_0C++ implementation of ChatGLM-6B & ChatGLM2-6B & ChatGLM3 & more LLMs
876QwenLM/Qwen2.5-Coder </br> 2024-11-23_2940_8Qwen2.5-Coder is the code version of Qwen2.5, the large language model series developed by Qwen team, Alibaba Cloud.
877gmpetrov/databerry </br> 2024-11-23_2925_0The no-code platform for building custom LLM Agents
878DataTalksClub/llm-zoomcamp </br> 2024-11-23_2906_2LLM Zoomcamp - a free online course about building an AI bot that can answer questions about your knowledge base
879huggingface/safetensors </br> 2024-11-23_2904_0Simple, safe way to store and distribute tensors
880unit-mesh/auto-dev </br> 2024-11-23_2858_1🧙‍AutoDev: The AI-powered coding wizard with multilingual support 🌐, auto code generation 🏗️, and a helpful bug-slaying assistant 🐞! Customizable prompts 🎨 and a magic Auto Dev/Testing/Document/Agent feature 🧪 included! 🚀
881iree-org/iree </br> 2024-11-23_2850_0A retargetable MLIR-based machine learning compiler and runtime toolkit.
882eureka-research/Eureka </br> 2024-11-23_2841_0Official Repository for "Eureka: Human-Level Reward Design via Coding Large Language Models"
883cohere-ai/cohere-toolkit </br> 2024-11-23_2836_0Toolkit is a collection of prebuilt components enabling users to quickly build and deploy RAG applications.
884facebookresearch/ijepa </br> 2024-11-23_2821_0Official codebase for I-JEPA, the Image-based Joint-Embedding Predictive Architecture. First outlined in the CVPR paper, "Self-supervised learning from images with a joint-embedding predictive architecture."
885salesforce/CodeT5 </br> 2024-11-23_2812_0Home of CodeT5: Open Code LLMs for Code Understanding and Generation
886muellerberndt/mini-agi </br> 2024-11-23_2811_0A minimal generic autonomous agent based on GPT3.5/4. Can analyze stock prices, perform network security tests, create art, and order pizza.
887SamurAIGPT/privateGPT </br> 2024-11-23_2792_1An app to interact privately with your documents using the power of GPT, 100% privately, no data leaks
888Marker-Inc-Korea/AutoRAG </br> 2024-11-23_2782_2AutoML tool for RAG
889Ironclad/rivet </br> 2024-11-23_2778_0 <a alt="Click Me" href="https://rivet.ironcladapp.com/" target="_blank"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/Rivet-Website-brightgreen" alt="Open Website"/></a>The open-source visual AI programming environment and TypeScript library
890NVIDIA/trt-llm-rag-windows </br> 2024-11-23_2766_0A developer reference project for creating Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) chatbots on Windows using TensorRT-LLM
891rashadphz/farfalle </br> 2024-11-23_2757_0🔍 AI search engine - self-host with local or cloud LLMs
892CanadaHonk/porffor </br> 2024-11-23_2737_-1A from-scratch experimental AOT JS engine, written in JS
893NVIDIA/garak </br> 2024-11-23_2734_2the LLM vulnerability scanner
894meta-llama/PurpleLlama </br> 2024-11-23_2731_0Set of tools to assess and improve LLM security.
895Stability-AI/stable-audio-tools </br> 2024-11-23_2726_1Generative models for conditional audio generation
896nus-apr/auto-code-rover </br> 2024-11-23_2725_-1A project structure aware autonomous software engineer aiming for autonomous program improvement
897Alpha-VLLM/LLaMA2-Accessory </br> 2024-11-23_2723_1An Open-source Toolkit for LLM Development
898cvlab-columbia/zero123 </br> 2024-11-23_2719_0Zero-1-to-3: Zero-shot One Image to 3D Object: https://zero123.cs.columbia.edu/
899hegelai/prompttools </br> 2024-11-23_2719_1Open-source tools for prompt testing and experimentation, with support for both LLMs (e.g. OpenAI, LLaMA) and vector databases (e.g. Chroma, Weaviate).
900SCUTlihaoyu/open-chat-video-editor </br> 2024-11-23_2712_0Open source short video automatic generation tool
901facebookresearch/audio2photoreal </br> 2024-11-23_2709_0Code and dataset for photorealistic Codec Avatars driven from audio
902OpenBMB/CPM-Bee </br> 2024-11-23_2694_0A bilingual large-scale model with trillions of parameters
903Azure/azure-rest-api-specs </br> 2024-11-23_2692_1The source for REST API specifications for Microsoft Azure.
904facebookresearch/jepa </br> 2024-11-23_2683_0PyTorch code and models for V-JEPA self-supervised learning from video.
905facebookresearch/Pearl </br> 2024-11-23_2683_1A Production-ready Reinforcement Learning AI Agent Library brought by the Applied Reinforcement Learning team at Meta.
906mazzzystar/Queryable </br> 2024-11-23_2676_0Run CLIP on iPhone to Search Photos.
907facebookresearch/habitat-sim </br> 2024-11-23_2667_2A flexible, high-performance 3D simulator for Embodied AI research.
908ToTheBeginning/PuLID </br> 2024-11-23_2666_1Official code for PuLID: Pure and Lightning ID Customization via Contrastive Alignment
909sugarforever/chat-ollama </br> 2024-11-23_2659_0ChatOllama is an open source chatbot based on LLMs. It supports a wide range of language models, and knowledge base management.
910leptonai/leptonai </br> 2024-11-23_2656_0A Pythonic framework to simplify AI service building
911Josh-XT/AGiXT </br> 2024-11-23_2654_1AGiXT is a dynamic AI Automation Platform that seamlessly orchestrates instruction management and complex task execution across diverse AI providers. Combining adaptive memory, smart features, and a versatile plugin system, AGiXT delivers efficient and comprehensive AI solutions.
912ishan0102/vimGPT </br> 2024-11-23_2648_0Browse the web with GPT-4V and Vimium
913billmei/every-chatgpt-gui </br> 2024-11-23_2646_0Every front-end GUI client for ChatGPT
914pytorch/torchtitan </br> 2024-11-23_2641_1A native PyTorch Library for large model training
915gptlink/gptlink </br> 2024-11-23_2640_1Build your own free commercial ChatGPT environment in 10 minutes. The setup is simple and includes features such as user management, orders, tasks, and payments
916georgia-tech-db/eva </br> 2024-11-23_2638_0AI-Relational Database System
917src-d/hercules </br> 2024-11-23_2633_0Gaining advanced insights from Git repository history.
918johnma2006/mamba-minimal </br> 2024-11-23_2630_-1Simple, minimal implementation of the Mamba SSM in one file of PyTorch.
919xenova/whisper-web </br> 2024-11-23_2599_1ML-powered speech recognition directly in your browser
920Doubiiu/DynamiCrafter </br> 2024-11-23_2596_0DynamiCrafter: Animating Open-domain Images with Video Diffusion Priors
921amazon-science/chronos-forecasting </br> 2024-11-23_2588_1Chronos: Pretrained (Language) Models for Probabilistic Time Series Forecasting
922FranxYao/chain-of-thought-hub </br> 2024-11-23_2579_0Benchmarking large language models' complex reasoning ability with chain-of-thought prompting
923kubernetes-sigs/controller-runtime </br> 2024-11-23_2565_0Repo for the controller-runtime subproject of kubebuilder (sig-apimachinery)
924liou666/polyglot </br> 2024-11-23_2557_0Desktop AI Language Practice Application
925SuperTux/supertux </br> 2024-11-23_2541_0SuperTux source code
926neo4j-labs/llm-graph-builder </br> 2024-11-23_2538_0Neo4j graph construction from unstructured data using LLMs
927baaivision/Painter </br> 2024-11-23_2527_0Painter & SegGPT Series: Vision Foundation Models from BAAI
928jqnatividad/qsv </br> 2024-11-23_2517_0CSVs sliced, diced & analyzed.
929lamini-ai/lamini </br> 2024-11-23_2516_0Official repo for Lamini's data generator for generating instructions to train instruction-following LLMs
930databricks/dbrx </br> 2024-11-23_2507_0Code examples and resources for DBRX, a large language model developed by Databricks
931microsoft/Phi-3CookBook </br> 2024-11-23_2503_0This is a Phi-3 book for getting started with Phi-3. Phi-3, a family of open AI models developed by Microsoft. Phi-3 models are the most capable and cost-effective small language models (SLMs) available, outperforming models of the same size and next size up across a variety of language, reasoning, coding, and math benchmarks.
932OpenPipe/OpenPipe </br> 2024-11-23_2502_0Turn expensive prompts into cheap fine-tuned models
933Lightning-AI/LitServe </br> 2024-11-23_2502_3Lightning-fast serving engine for AI models. Flexible. Easy. Enterprise-scale.
934Zipstack/unstract </br> 2024-11-23_2500_0No-code LLM Platform to launch APIs and ETL Pipelines to structure unstructured documents
935abi/secret-llama </br> 2024-11-23_2493_1Fully private LLM chatbot that runs entirely with a browser with no server needed. Supports Mistral and LLama 3.
936google-deepmind/gemma </br> 2024-11-23_2486_1Open weights LLM from Google DeepMind.
937elastic/otel-profiling-agent </br> 2024-11-23_2486_2The production-scale datacenter profiler
938mshumer/gpt-author </br> 2024-11-23_2485_0
939microsoft/promptbench </br> 2024-11-23_2470_0A unified evaluation framework for large language models
940NVIDIA/GenerativeAIExamples </br> 2024-11-23_2468_1Generative AI reference workflows optimized for accelerated infrastructure and microservice architecture.
941TMElyralab/MuseV </br> 2024-11-23_2465_0MuseV: Infinite-length and High Fidelity Virtual Human Video Generation with Visual Conditioned Parallel Denoising
942CodingChallengesFYI/SharedSolutions </br> 2024-11-23_2454_0Publicly shared solutions to Coding Challenges
943kevmo314/magic-copy </br> 2024-11-23_2437_2Magic Copy is a Chrome extension that uses Meta's Segment Anything Model to extract a foreground object from an image and copy it to the clipboard.
944TracecatHQ/tracecat </br> 2024-11-23_2414_1😼 The AI-native, open source alternative to Tines / Splunk SOAR.
945mishushakov/llm-scraper </br> 2024-11-23_2407_1Turn any webpage into structured data using LLMs
946tencentmusic/supersonic </br> 2024-11-23_2399_0SuperSonic is the next-generation BI platform that integrates Chat BI (powered by LLM) and Headless BI (powered by semantic layer) paradigms.
947MrForExample/ComfyUI-3D-Pack </br> 2024-11-23_2389_1An extensive node suite that enables ComfyUI to process 3D inputs (Mesh & UV Texture, etc) using cutting edge algorithms (3DGS, NeRF, etc.)
948paulpierre/RasaGPT </br> 2024-11-23_2360_0💬 RasaGPT is the first headless LLM chatbot platform built on top of Rasa and Langchain. Built w/ Rasa, FastAPI, Langchain, LlamaIndex, SQLModel, pgvector, ngrok, telegram
949girafe-ai/ml-course </br> 2024-11-23_2331_0Open Machine Learning course
950LLMBook-zh/LLMBook-zh.github.io </br> 2024-11-23_2317_0《大语言模型》作者:赵鑫,李军毅,周昆,唐天一,文继荣
951SoraWebui/SoraWebui </br> 2024-11-23_2311_0SoraWebui is an open-source Sora web client, enabling users to easily create videos from text with OpenAI's Sora model.
952dvmazur/mixtral-offloading </br> 2024-11-23_2293_0Run Mixtral-8x7B models in Colab or consumer desktops
953MervinPraison/PraisonAI </br> 2024-11-23_2288_-2PraisonAI application combines AutoGen and CrewAI or similar frameworks into a low-code solution for building and managing multi-agent LLM systems, focusing on simplicity, customisation, and efficient human-agent collaboration.
954TMElyralab/MusePose </br> 2024-11-23_2283_0MusePose: a Pose-Driven Image-to-Video Framework for Virtual Human Generation
955isaac-sim/IsaacLab </br> 2024-11-23_2280_2Unified framework for robot learning built on NVIDIA Isaac Sim
956IDEA-Research/T-Rex </br> 2024-11-23_2274_2T-Rex2: Towards Generic Object Detection via Text-Visual Prompt Synergy
957tencent-ailab/V-Express </br> 2024-11-23_2260_0V-Express aims to generate a talking head video under the control of a reference image, an audio, and a sequence of V-Kps images.
958nerfstudio-project/gsplat </br> 2024-11-23_2252_0CUDA accelerated rasterization of gaussian splatting
959mshumer/gpt-investor </br> 2024-11-23_2237_0
960aixcoder-plugin/aiXcoder-7B </br> 2024-11-23_2223_0official repository of aiXcoder-7B Code Large Language Model
961Eladlev/AutoPrompt </br> 2024-11-23_2221_0A framework for prompt tuning using Intent-based Prompt Calibration
962pytorch/executorch </br> 2024-11-23_2209_1On-device AI across mobile, embedded and edge for PyTorch
963emcf/engshell </br> 2024-11-23_2181_0An English-language shell for any OS, powered by LLMs
964ashishpatel26/LLM-Finetuning </br> 2024-11-23_2171_1LLM Finetuning with peft
965lanqian528/chat2api </br> 2024-11-23_2168_1A service that can convert ChatGPT on the web to OpenAI API format.
966JiauZhang/DragGAN </br> 2024-11-23_2162_0 <a href='https://arxiv.org/abs/2305.10973'><img src='https://img.shields.io/badge/Paper-Arxiv-red'></a>Implementation of DragGAN: Interactive Point-based Manipulation on the Generative Image Manifold
967semanser/codel </br> 2024-11-23_2153_0✨ Fully autonomous AI Agent that can perform complicated tasks and projects using terminal, browser, and editor.
968openai/consistencydecoder </br> 2024-11-23_2137_0Consistency Distilled Diff VAE
969janhq/nitro </br> 2024-11-23_2133_0A fast, lightweight, embeddable inference engine to supercharge your apps with local AI. OpenAI-compatible API
970THUDM/CogVLM2 </br> 2024-11-23_2130_2GPT4V-level open-source multi-modal model based on Llama3-8B
971hncboy/chatgpt-web-java </br> 2024-11-23_2128_0ChatGPT project developed in Java, based on Spring Boot 3 and JDK 17, supports both AccessToken and ApiKey modes
972Kludex/fastapi-tips </br> 2024-11-23_2124_0FastAPI Tips by The FastAPI Expert!
973luijait/DarkGPT </br> 2024-11-23_2119_0DarkGPT is an OSINT assistant based on GPT-4-200K (recommended use) designed to perform queries on leaked databases, thus providing an artificial intelligence assistant that can be useful in your traditional OSINT processes.
974cgpotts/cs224u </br> 2024-11-23_2117_0Code for Stanford CS224u
9756drf21e/ChatTTS_colab </br> 2024-11-23_2115_0🚀 一键部署(含离线整合包)!基于 ChatTTS ,支持音色抽卡、长音频生成和分角色朗读。简单易用,无需复杂安装。
976deepseek-ai/DeepSeek-VL </br> 2024-11-23_2093_2DeepSeek-VL: Towards Real-World Vision-Language Understanding
977Alpha-VLLM/Lumina-T2X </br> 2024-11-23_2087_0Lumina-T2X is a unified framework for Text to Any Modality Generation
978timescale/pgai </br> 2024-11-23_2060_6A suite of tools to develop RAG, semantic search, and other AI applications more easily with PostgreSQL
979mlabonne/llm-datasets </br> 2024-11-23_2023_0High-quality datasets, tools, and concepts for LLM fine-tuning.
980AI-Citizen/SolidGPT </br> 2024-11-23_2016_0Chat everything with your code repository, ask repository level code questions, and discuss your requirements. AI Scan and learning your code repository, provide you code repository level answer🧱 🧱
981princeton-nlp/SWE-bench </br> 2024-11-23_2014_1[ICLR 2024] SWE-Bench: Can Language Models Resolve Real-world Github Issues?
982NVlabs/VILA </br> 2024-11-23_2005_0VILA - a multi-image visual language model with training, inference and evaluation recipe, deployable from cloud to edge (Jetson Orin and laptops)
983PKU-YuanGroup/MoE-LLaVA </br> 2024-11-23_1996_2Mixture-of-Experts for Large Vision-Language Models
984iterative/datachain </br> 2024-11-23_1993_1AI-data warehouse to enrich, transform and analyze data from cloud storages
985microsoft/genaiscript </br> 2024-11-23_1992_1Automatable GenAI Scripting
986PRIS-CV/DemoFusion </br> 2024-11-23_1982_0Let us democratise high-resolution generation! (arXiv 2023)
987openai/simple-evals </br> 2024-11-23_1971_0
988liltom-eth/llama2-webui </br> 2024-11-23_1968_1Run Llama 2 locally with gradio UI on GPU or CPU from anywhere (Linux/Windows/Mac). Supporting Llama-2-7B/13B/70B with 8-bit, 4-bit. Supporting GPU inference (6 GB VRAM) and CPU inference.
989microsoft/aici </br> 2024-11-23_1949_0AICI: Prompts as (Wasm) Programs
990ai16z/eliza </br> 2024-11-23_1938_27Conversational Agent for Twitter and Discord
991Azure/PyRIT </br> 2024-11-23_1908_0The Python Risk Identification Tool for generative AI (PyRIT) is an open access automation framework to empower security professionals and machine learning engineers to proactively find risks in their generative AI systems.
992Yonom/assistant-ui </br> 2024-11-23_1887_0React Components for AI Chat 💬 🚀
993Niek/chatgpt-web </br> 2024-11-23_1886_0ChatGPT web interface using the OpenAI API
994Azure-Samples/graphrag-accelerator </br> 2024-11-23_1886_1One-click deploy of a Knowledge Graph powered RAG (GraphRAG) in Azure
995apple/axlearn </br> 2024-11-23_1877_0An Extensible Deep Learning Library
996BAAI-Agents/Cradle </br> 2024-11-23_1876_0The Cradle framework is a first attempt at General Computer Control (GCC). Cradle supports agents to ace any computer task by enabling strong reasoning abilities, self-improvment, and skill curation, in a standardized general environment with minimal requirements.
997darrenburns/elia </br> 2024-11-23_1869_2A snappy, keyboard-centric terminal user interface for interacting with large language models. Chat with ChatGPT, Claude, Llama 3, Phi 3, Mistral, Gemma and more.
998NVIDIA/gpu-operator </br> 2024-11-23_1862_1NVIDIA GPU Operator creates/configures/manages GPUs atop Kubernetes
⭐ 999awslabs/multi-agent-orchestrator </br> 2024-11-23_1844_49Flexible and powerful framework for managing multiple AI agents and handling complex conversations
1000bghira/SimpleTuner </br> 2024-11-23_1827_0A general fine-tuning kit geared toward Stable Diffusion 2.1, Stable Diffusion 3, DeepFloyd, and SDXL.
1001flowtyone/flowty-realtime-lcm-canvas </br> 2024-11-23_1798_0A realtime sketch to image demo using LCM and the gradio library.
1002idaholab/moose </br> 2024-11-23_1778_0Multiphysics Object Oriented Simulation Environment
1003ytongbai/LVM </br> 2024-11-23_1768_0Sequential Modeling Enables Scalable Learning for Large Vision Models
1004Nutlope/notesGPT </br> 2024-11-23_1766_1Record voice notes & transcribe, summarize, and get tasks
1005ymcui/Chinese-LLaMA-Alpaca-3 </br> 2024-11-23_1708_1中文羊驼大模型三期项目 (Chinese Llama-3 LLMs) developed from Meta Llama 3
1006YangLing0818/RPG-DiffusionMaster </br> 2024-11-23_1695_0Mastering Text-to-Image Diffusion: Recaptioning, Planning, and Generating with Multimodal LLMs (PRG)
1007kyegomez/BitNet </br> 2024-11-23_1694_0Implementation of "BitNet: Scaling 1-bit Transformers for Large Language Models" in pytorch
1008huggingface/cookbook </br> 2024-11-23_1685_0Open-source AI cookbook
1009InstantStyle/InstantStyle </br> 2024-11-23_1680_0InstantStyle: Free Lunch towards Style-Preserving in Text-to-Image Generation 🔥
1010AI4Finance-Foundation/FinRobot </br> 2024-11-23_1669_1FinRobot: An Open-Source AI Agent Platform for Financial Applications using LLMs 🚀 🚀 🚀
1011flowdriveai/flowpilot </br> 2024-11-23_1666_0flow-pilot is an openpilot based driver assistance system that runs on linux, windows and android powered machines.
1012baaivision/Emu </br> 2024-11-23_1662_0Emu Series: Generative Multimodal Models from BAAI
1013GaParmar/img2img-turbo </br> 2024-11-23_1662_1One-step image-to-image with Stable Diffusion turbo: sketch2image, day2night, and more
1014microsoft/sample-app-aoai-chatGPT </br> 2024-11-23_1659_0[PREVIEW] Sample code for a simple web chat experience targeting chatGPT through AOAI.
1015linyiLYi/snake-ai </br> 2024-11-23_1625_0An AI agent that beats the classic game "Snake".
1016The-OpenROAD-Project/OpenROAD </br> 2024-11-23_1616_0OpenROAD's unified application implementing an RTL-to-GDS Flow. Documentation at https://openroad.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
1017pytorch/ao </br> 2024-11-23_1593_0PyTorch native quantization and sparsity for training and inference
1018eloialonso/diamond </br> 2024-11-23_1572_1DIAMOND (DIffusion As a Model Of eNvironment Dreams) is a reinforcement learning agent trained in a diffusion world model.
1019collabora/WhisperFusion </br> 2024-11-23_1549_1WhisperFusion builds upon the capabilities of WhisperLive and WhisperSpeech to provide a seamless conversations with an AI.
1020google/maxtext </br> 2024-11-23_1537_0A simple, performant and scalable Jax LLM!
1021GoogleCloudPlatform/localllm </br> 2024-11-23_1519_0Run LLMs locally on Cloud Workstations
1022lichao-sun/Mora </br> 2024-11-23_1517_0Mora: More like Sora for Generalist Video Generation
1023TencentARC/BrushNet </br> 2024-11-23_1447_0The official implementation of paper "BrushNet: A Plug-and-Play Image Inpainting Model with Decomposed Dual-Branch Diffusion"
1024AnswerDotAI/fsdp_qlora </br> 2024-11-23_1420_1Training LLMs with QLoRA + FSDP
1025andrewnguonly/Lumos </br> 2024-11-23_1413_0A RAG LLM co-pilot for browsing the web, powered by local LLMs
1026SharifiZarchi/Introduction_to_Machine_Learning </br> 2024-11-23_1412_1دوره‌ی مقدمه‌ای بر یادگیری ماشین، برای دانشجویان
1027xlang-ai/OSWorld </br> 2024-11-23_1405_0OSWorld: Benchmarking Multimodal Agents for Open-Ended Tasks in Real Computer Environments
1028TeamNewPipe/NewPipeExtractor </br> 2024-11-23_1392_0NewPipe's core library for extracting data from streaming sites
1029mhamilton723/FeatUp </br> 2024-11-23_1380_0Official code for "FeatUp: A Model-Agnostic Frameworkfor Features at Any Resolution" ICLR 2024
1030McGill-NLP/webllama </br> 2024-11-23_1354_1Llama-3 agents that can browse the web by following instructions and talking to you
green-up-arrow.svg 1031elastic/elasticsearch </br> 2024-11-23_1345_10Free and Open, Distributed, RESTful Search Engine
red-down-arrow 1032naver/mast3r </br> 2024-11-23_1343_0Grounding Image Matching in 3D with MASt3R
red-down-arrow 1033jgravelle/AutoGroq </br> 2024-11-23_1342_0
1034lucidrains/self-rewarding-lm-pytorch </br> 2024-11-23_1338_0Implementation of the training framework proposed in Self-Rewarding Language Model, from MetaAI
1035landing-ai/vision-agent </br> 2024-11-23_1334_2Vision agent
1036OpenGenerativeAI/llm-colosseum </br> 2024-11-23_1332_-1Benchmark LLMs by fighting in Street Fighter 3! The new way to evaluate the quality of an LLM
1037PKU-YuanGroup/MagicTime </br> 2024-11-23_1303_0MagicTime: Time-lapse Video Generation Models as Metamorphic Simulators
1038ishaan1013/sandbox </br> 2024-11-23_1302_0A cloud-based code editing environment with an AI copilot and real-time collaboration.
1039a-real-ai/pywinassistant </br> 2024-11-23_1265_0The first open source Large Action Model generalist Artificial Narrow Intelligence that controls completely human user interfaces by only using natural language. PyWinAssistant utilizes Visualization-of-Thought Elicits Spatial Reasoning in Large Language Models.
1040goatcorp/Dalamud </br> 2024-11-23_1250_0FFXIV plugin framework and API
1041SakanaAI/evolutionary-model-merge </br> 2024-11-23_1230_0Official repository of Evolutionary Optimization of Model Merging Recipes
1042microsoft/vscode-ai-toolkit </br> 2024-11-23_1225_0
1043olimorris/codecompanion.nvim </br> 2024-11-23_1211_2✨ AI-powered coding, seamlessly in Neovim. Supports Anthropic, Copilot, Gemini, Ollama, OpenAI and xAI LLMs
1044Lightning-AI/lightning-thunder </br> 2024-11-23_1200_1Make PyTorch models Lightning fast! Thunder is a source to source compiler for PyTorch. It enables using different hardware executors at once.
1045TraceMachina/nativelink </br> 2024-11-23_1194_0NativeLink is an open source high-performance build cache and remote execution server, compatible with Bazel, Buck2, Reclient, and other RBE-compatible build systems. It offers drastically faster builds, reduced test flakiness, and significant infrastructure cost savings.
1046microsoft/RD-Agent </br> 2024-11-23_1164_0Research and development (R&D) is crucial for the enhancement of industrial productivity, especially in the AI era, where the core aspects of R&D are mainly focused on data and models. We are committed to automate these high-value generic R&D processes through our open source R&D automation tool RD-Agent, which let AI drive data-driven AI.
1047elfvingralf/macOSpilot-ai-assistant </br> 2024-11-23_1138_0Voice + Vision powered AI assistant that answers questions about any application, in context and in audio.
1048MLSysOps/MLE-agent </br> 2024-11-23_1098_0🤖 MLE-Agent: Your intelligent companion for seamless AI engineering and research. 🔍 Integrate with arxiv and paper with code to provide better code/research plans 🧰 OpenAI, Ollama, etc supported. 🎆 Code RAG
1049FoundationVision/GLEE </br> 2024-11-23_1085_0【CVPR2024】GLEE: General Object Foundation Model for Images and Videos at Scale
1050wpilibsuite/allwpilib </br> 2024-11-23_1083_0Official Repository of WPILibJ and WPILibC
1051Profluent-AI/OpenCRISPR </br> 2024-11-23_1066_0AI-generated gene editing systems
1052langchain-ai/langchain-extract </br> 2024-11-23_1050_0🦜⛏️ Did you say you like data?
1053ml-explore/mlx-swift-examples </br> 2024-11-23_1028_1Examples using MLX Swift
1054PaddlePaddle/PaddleHelix </br> 2024-11-23_1020_0Bio-Computing Platform Featuring Large-Scale Representation Learning and Multi-Task Deep Learning “螺旋桨”生物计算工具集
1055likejazz/llama3.np </br> 2024-11-23_977_1llama3.np is pure NumPy implementation for Llama 3 model.
1056myshell-ai/JetMoE </br> 2024-11-23_961_0Reaching LLaMA2 Performance with 0.1M Dollars
1057mustafaaljadery/gemma-2B-10M </br> 2024-11-23_950_0Gemma 2B with 10M context length using Infini-attention.


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<div style="width:30px">No.</div>ToolDescription
1ChatGPTA sibling model to InstructGPT, which is trained to follow instructions in a prompt and provide a detailed response
2DALL·E 2Create original, realistic images and art from a text description
3Murf AIAI enabled, real people's voices
4MidjourneyAn independent research lab that produces an artificial intelligence program under the same name that creates images from textual descriptions, used in Discord
5Make-A-VideoMake-A-Video is a state-of-the-art AI system that generates videos from text
6Creative Reality™ Studio by D-IDUse generative AI to create future-facing videos
7chat.D-IDThe First App Enabling Face-to-Face Conversations with ChatGPT
8Notion AIAccess the limitless power of AI, right inside Notion. Work faster. Write better. Think bigger.
9RunwayText to Video with Gen-2
10Resemble AIResemble’s AI voice generator lets you create human–like voice overs in seconds
11CursorWrite, edit, and chat about your code with a powerful AI
12Hugging FaceBuild, train and deploy state of the art models powered by the reference open source in machine learning
13Claude <a alt="Click Me" href="https://slack.com/apps/A04KGS7N9A8-claude?tab=more_info" target="_blank"><img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/Slack-Open%20in%20App-brightgreen" alt="Open in App"/></a>A next-generation AI assistant for your tasks, no matter the scale
14PoePoe lets you ask questions, get instant answers, and have back-and-forth conversations with AI. Gives access to GPT-4, gpt-3.5-turbo, Claude from Anthropic, and a variety of other bots
<p align="right">[<a href="#top">Back to Top</a>]</p>


<div style="width:30px">No.</div><div style="width:150px">WebSite</div>Description
1OpenAIAn artificial intelligence research lab
2BardBase Google's LaMDA chatbots and pull from internet
3ERNIE BotBaidu’s new generation knowledge-enhanced large language model is a new member of the Wenxin large model family
4DALL·E 2An AI system that can create realistic images and art from a description in natural language
5WhisperA general-purpose speech recognition model
6CivitAIA platform that makes it easy for people to share and discover resources for creating AI art
7D-IDD-ID’s Generative AI enables users to transform any picture or video into extraordinary experiences
8Nvidia eDiff-IText-to-Image Diffusion Models with Ensemble of Expert Denoisers
9Stability AIThe world's leading open source generative AI company which opened source Stable Diffusion
10Meta AIWhether it be research, product or infrastructure development, we’re driven to innovate responsibly with AI to benefit the world
11ANTHROPICAI research and products that put safety at the frontier
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<div style="width:30px">No.</div><div style="width:300px">Report&Paper</div><div style="width:400px">Description</div>
1GPT-4 Technical ReportGPT-4 Technical Report
2mli/paper-readingDeep learning classics and new papers are read carefully paragraph by paragraph.
3labmlai/annotated_deep_learning_paper_implementationsA collection of simple PyTorch implementations of neural networks and related algorithms, which are documented with explanations
4Visual ChatGPT: Talking, Drawing and Editing with Visual Foundation ModelsTalking, Drawing and Editing with Visual Foundation Models
5OpenAI Research The latest research report and papers from OpenAI
6Make-A-Video: Text-to-Video Generation without Text-Video DataMeta's Text-to-Video Generation
7eDiff-I: Text-to-Image Diffusion Models with Ensemble of Expert DenoisersNvidia eDiff-I - New generation of generative AI content creation tool
8Training an Assistant-style Chatbot with Large Scale Data Distillation from GPT-3.5-Turbo 2023 GPT4All Technical Report
9Segment AnythingMeta Segment Anything
10LLaMA: Open and Efficient Foundation Language ModelsLLaMA: a collection of foundation language models ranging from 7B to 65B parameters
11papers-we-love/papers-we-lovePapers from the computer science community to read and discuss
12CVPR 2023 papersThe most exciting and influential CVPR 2023 papers
<p align="right">[<a href="#top">Back to Top</a>]</p>


<div style="width:30px">No.</div>TutorialDescription
1Coursera - Machine Learning The Machine Learning Specialization Course taught by Dr. Andrew Ng
2microsoft/ML-For-Beginners12 weeks, 26 lessons, 52 quizzes, classic Machine Learning for all
3ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for DevelopersThis short course taught by Isa Fulford (OpenAI) and Andrew Ng (DeepLearning.AI) will teach how to use a large language model (LLM) to quickly build new and powerful applications
4Dive into Deep LearningTargeting Chinese readers, functional and open for discussion. The Chinese and English versions are used for teaching in over 400 universities across more than 60 countries
5AI Expert RoadmapRoadmap to becoming an Artificial Intelligence Expert in 2022
6Computer Science coursesList of Computer Science courses with video lectures
7Machine Learning with PythonMachine Learning with Python Certification on freeCodeCamp
8Building Systems with the ChatGPT APIThis short course taught by Isa Fulford (OpenAI) and Andrew Ng (DeepLearning.AI), you will learn how to automate complex workflows using chain calls to a large language model
9LangChain for LLM Application DevelopmentThis short course taught by Harrison Chase (Co-Founder and CEO at LangChain) and Andrew Ng. you will gain essential skills in expanding the use cases and capabilities of language models in application development using the LangChain framework
10How Diffusion Models WorkThis short course taught by Sharon Zhou (CEO, Co-founder, Lamini). you will gain a deep familiarity with the diffusion process and the models which carry it out. More than simply pulling in a pre-built model or using an API, this course will teach you to build a diffusion model from scratch
11Free Programming Books For AI📚 Freely available programming books for AI
12microsoft/AI-For-Beginners12 Weeks, 24 Lessons, AI for All!
13hemansnation/God-Level-Data-Science-ML-Full-StackA collection of scientific methods, processes, algorithms, and systems to build stories & models. This roadmap contains 16 Chapters, whether you are a fresher in the field or an experienced professional who wants to transition into Data Science & AI
14datawhalechina/prompt-engineering-for-developersChinese version of Andrew Ng's Big Model Series Courses, including "Prompt Engineering", "Building System", and "LangChain"
15ossu/computer-science🎓 Path to a free self-taught education in Computer Science!
16microsoft/Data-Science-For-Beginners10 Weeks, 20 Lessons, Data Science for All!
17jwasham/coding-interview-university </br> 2023-09-29_268215_336A complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer.
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