

CoDeF: Content Deformation Fields for Temporally Consistent Video Processing

<img src='docs/teaser.gif'></img>

Hao Ouyang*, Qiuyu Wang*, Yuxi Xiao*, Qingyan Bai, Juntao Zhang, Kecheng Zheng, Xiaowei Zhou, Qifeng Chen†, Yujun Shen† (*equal contribution, †corresponding author)

CVPR 2024 Highlight

Project Page | Paper | High-Res Translation Demo | Colab

<!-- Abstract: *This work presents the content deformation field **CoDeF** as a new type of video representation, which consists of a canonical content field aggregating the static contents in the entire video and a temporal deformation field recording the transformations from the canonical image (i.e., rendered from the canonical content field) to each individual frame along the time axis. Given a target video, these two fields are jointly optimized to reconstruct it through a carefully tailored rendering pipeline. We also introduce some decent regularizations into the optimization process, urging the canonical content field to inherit semantics (e.g., the object shape) from the video. With such a design, **CoDeF** naturally supports lifting image algorithms to videos, in the sense that one can apply an image algorithm to the canonical image and effortlessly propagate the outcomes to the entire video with the aid of the temporal deformation field. We experimentally show that **CoDeF** is able to lift image-to-image translation to video-to-video translation and lift keypoint detection to keypoint tracking without any training. More importantly, thanks to our lifting strategy that deploys the algorithms on only one image, we achieve superior cross-frame consistency in translated videos compared to existing video-to-video translation approaches, and even manage to track non-rigid objects like water and smog.* -->


The codebase is tested on

To use video visualizer, please install ffmpeg via

sudo apt-get install ffmpeg

For additional Python libraries, please install with

pip install -r requirements.txt

Our code also depends on tiny-cuda-nn. See this repository for Pytorch extension install instructions.


Provided data

We have provided some videos here for quick test. Please download and unzip the data and put them in the root directory. More videos can be downloaded here.

Customize your own data

We segement video sequences using SAM-Track. Once you obtain the mask files, place them in the folder all_sequences/{YOUR_SEQUENCE_NAME}/{YOUR_SEQUENCE_NAME}_masks. Next, execute the following command:

cd data_preprocessing
python preproc_mask.py

We extract optical flows of video sequences using RAFT. To get started, please follow the instructions provided here to download their pretrained model. Once downloaded, place the model in the data_preprocessing/RAFT/models folder. After that, you can execute the following command:

cd data_preprocessing/RAFT

Remember to update the sequence name and root directory in both data_preprocessing/preproc_mask.py and data_preprocessing/RAFT/run_raft.sh accordingly.

After obtaining the files, please organize your own data as follows:

└─── all_sequences
    └─── NAME1
           └─ NAME1
           └─ NAME1_masks_0 (optional)
           └─ NAME1_masks_1 (optional)
           └─ NAME1_flow (optional)
           └─ NAME1_flow_confidence (optional)
    └─── NAME2
           └─ NAME2
           └─ NAME2_masks_0 (optional)
           └─ NAME2_masks_1 (optional)
           └─ NAME2_flow (optional)
           └─ NAME2_flow_confidence (optional)
    └─── ...

Pretrained checkpoints

You can download checkpoints pre-trained on the provided videos via

Sequence NameConfigDownloadOpenXLab
beauty_0configs/beauty_0/base.yamlGoogle drive linkOpen in OpenXLab
beauty_1configs/beauty_1/base.yamlGoogle drive linkOpen in OpenXLab
white_smokeconfigs/white_smoke/base.yamlGoogle drive linkOpen in OpenXLab
lemon_hitconfigs/lemon_hit/base.yamlGoogle drive linkOpen in OpenXLab
scene_0configs/scene_0/base.yamlGoogle drive linkOpen in OpenXLab

And organize files as follows

└─── ckpts/all_sequences
    └─── NAME1
        └─── EXP_NAME (base)
            └─── NAME1.ckpt
    └─── NAME2
        └─── EXP_NAME (base)
            └─── NAME2.ckpt
    └─── ...

Train a new model



Please check configuration files in configs/, and you can always add your own model config.

Test reconstruction <a id="anchor"></a>


After running the script, the reconstructed videos can be found in results/all_sequences/{NAME}/{EXP_NAME}, along with the canonical image.

Test video translation

After obtaining the canonical image through this step, use your preferred text prompts to transfer it using ControlNet. Once you have the transferred canonical image, place it in all_sequences/${NAME}/${EXP_NAME}_control (i.e. CANONICAL_DIR in scripts/test_canonical.sh).

Then run


The transferred results can be seen in results/all_sequences/{NAME}/{EXP_NAME}_transformed.

Note: The canonical_wh option in the configuration file should be set with caution, usually a little larger than img_wh, as it determines the field of view of the canonical image.


      title={CoDeF: Content Deformation Fields for Temporally Consistent Video Processing},
      author={Hao Ouyang and Qiuyu Wang and Yuxi Xiao and Qingyan Bai and Juntao Zhang and Kecheng Zheng and Xiaowei Zhou and Qifeng Chen and Yujun Shen},
      journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.07926},


We thank camenduru for providing the colab demo.