

Welcome to your new SaaS App! πŸŽ‰

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You've decided to build a SaaS app with the Open SaaS template. Great choice!

This template is:

  1. fully open-source
  2. completely free to use and distribute
  3. comes with a ton of features out of the box!
  4. focused on free, open-source services, where possible

πŸ§‘β€πŸ’» Check it out in action here: OpenSaaS.sh
πŸ“š Check out the Docs here: Open SaaS Docs

What's inside?

The template itself is built on top of some very powerful tools and frameworks, including:

Because we're using Wasp as the full-stack framework, we can leverage a lot of its features to build our SaaS in record time, including:

You also get access to Wasp's diverse, helpful community if you get stuck or need help.

Getting Started

Simple Instructions

First, to install the latest version of Wasp on macOS, Linux, or Windows with WSL, run the following command:

curl -sSL https://get.wasp-lang.dev/installer.sh | sh

Then, create a new SaaS app with the following command:

wasp new -t saas

This will create a clean copy of the Open SaaS template into a new directory, and you can start building your SaaS app right away!

Detailed Instructions

For everything you need to know about getting started and using this template, check out the Open SaaS Docs.

We've documented everything in great detail, including installation instructions, pulling updates to the template, guides for integrating services, SEO, deployment, and more. πŸš€

Getting Help & Providing Feedback

There are two ways to get help or provide feedback (and we try to always respond quickly!):

  1. Open an issue
  2. Wasp Discord -- please direct questions to the #πŸ™‹questions forum channel


Note that we've tried to get as many of the core features of a SaaS app into this template as possible, but there still might be some missing features or functionality.

We could always use some help tying up loose ends: contributions are welcome! Check out CONTRIBUTING.md for more details.