


This is the official implementation of Neuralangelo: High-Fidelity Neural Surface Reconstruction.

Zhaoshuo Li, Thomas Müller, Alex Evans, Russell H. Taylor, Mathias Unberath, Ming-Yu Liu, Chen-Hsuan Lin
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2023

Project page | Paper | Colab notebook

<img src="assets/teaser.gif">

The code is built upon the Imaginaire library from the Deep Imagination Research Group at NVIDIA.
For business inquiries, please submit the NVIDIA research licensing form.


We offer two ways to setup the environment:

  1. We provide prebuilt Docker images, where

    • docker.io/chenhsuanlin/colmap:3.8 is for running COLMAP and the data preprocessing scripts. This includes the prebuilt COLMAP library (CUDA-supported).
    • docker.io/chenhsuanlin/neuralangelo:23.04-py3 is for running the main Neuralangelo pipeline.

    The corresponding Dockerfiles can be found in the docker directory.

  2. The conda environment for Neuralangelo. Install the dependencies and activate the environment neuralangelo with

    conda env create --file neuralangelo.yaml
    conda activate neuralangelo

For COLMAP, alternative installation options are also available on the COLMAP website.

Data preparation

Please refer to Data Preparation for step-by-step instructions.
We assume known camera poses for each extracted frame from the video. The code uses the same json format as Instant NGP.

Run Neuralangelo!

GPUS=1  # use >1 for multi-GPU training!
torchrun --nproc_per_node=${GPUS} train.py \
    --logdir=logs/${GROUP}/${NAME} \
    --config=${CONFIG} \

Some useful notes:

Isosurface extraction

Use the following command to run isosurface mesh extraction:

GPUS=1  # use >1 for multi-GPU mesh extraction
torchrun --nproc_per_node=${GPUS} projects/neuralangelo/scripts/extract_mesh.py \
    --config=${CONFIG} \
    --checkpoint=${CHECKPOINT} \
    --output_file=${OUTPUT_MESH} \
    --resolution=${RESOLUTION} \

Some useful notes:

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

  1. Q: CUDA out of memory. How do I decrease the memory footprint?
    A: Neuralangelo requires at least 24GB GPU memory with our default configuration. If you run out of memory, consider adjusting the following hyperparameters under model.object.sdf.encoding.hashgrid (with suggested values):

    GPU VRAMHyperparameter
    8GBdict_size=20, dim=4
    12GBdict_size=21, dim=4
    16GBdict_size=21, dim=8

    Please note that the above hyperparameter adjustment may sacrifice the reconstruction quality.

    If Neuralangelo runs fine during training but CUDA out of memory during evaluation, consider adjusting the evaluation parameters under data.val, including setting smaller image_size (e.g., maximum resolution 200x200), and setting batch_size=1, subset=1.

  2. Q: The reconstruction of my custom dataset is bad. What can I do?
    A: It is worth looking into the following:

    • The camera poses recovered by COLMAP may be off. We have implemented tools (using Blender or Jupyter notebook) to inspect the COLMAP results.
    • The computed bounding regions may be off and/or too small/large. Please refer to data preprocessing on how to adjust the bounding regions manually.
    • The video capture sequence may contain significant motion blur or out-of-focus frames. Higher shutter speed (reducing motion blur) and smaller aperture (increasing focus range) are very helpful.


If you find our code useful for your research, please cite

  title={Neuralangelo: High-Fidelity Neural Surface Reconstruction},
  author={Li, Zhaoshuo and M\"uller, Thomas and Evans, Alex and Taylor, Russell H and Unberath, Mathias and Liu, Ming-Yu and Lin, Chen-Hsuan},
  booktitle={IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition ({CVPR})},