

<p align="center"> <img width="180" src="./public/logo.png" alt="ChatGPT"> <h1 align="center">ChatGPT</h1> <p align="center">ChatGPT Desktop Application (Available on Mac, Windows, and Linux)</p> </p>

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[!NOTE] If you want to experience a more powerful AI wrapper application, you can try the Noi (https://github.com/lencx/Noi), which is a successor to the ChatGPT desktop application concept.

This is an unofficial project solely intended for personal learning and research. Since the ChatGPT desktop application was open-sourced, it has garnered a lot of attention, and I want to thank everyone for their support. However, as the project progressed, two issues have arisen that greatly impact its future development:

Live Demo

📦 Install

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Note: If the installation path and application name are the same, it will lead to conflict (#142)


If you encounter the error message "ChatGPT" is damaged and can't be opened. You should move it to the Trash. while installing software on macOS, it may be due to security settings restrictions in macOS. To solve this problem, please try the following command in Terminal:

sudo xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine /YOUR_PATH/ChatGPT.app


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ChatGPT Prompts!

You can look at awesome-chatgpt-prompts to find interesting features to import into the app. You can also use Sync Prompts to sync all in one click, and if you don't want certain prompts to appear in your slash commands, you can disable them.

chatgpt cmd

✨ Features


Star History Chart


[!NOTE] 如果你喜欢 ChatGPT 桌面应用,也可以关注一下 lencx/Noi,它是一个定制化的 AI 浏览器。这里有两篇使用文档,对 Noi 的理念和插件系统做了详细介绍:

国内用户如果遇到使用问题或者想交流 ChatGPT 技巧,可以关注公众号“浮之静”,发送 “chat” 进群参与讨论。公众号会更新《Tauri 系列》文章,技术思考等等,如果对 tauri 开发应用感兴趣可以关注公众号后回复 “tauri” 进技术开发群(想私聊的也可以关注公众号,来添加微信)。开源不易,如果这个项目对你有帮助可以分享给更多人,或者微信扫码打赏。

<img width="180" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/16164244/207228300-ea5c4688-c916-4c55-a8c3-7f862888f351.png"> <img width="200" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/16164244/207228025-117b5f77-c5d2-48c2-a070-774b7a1596f2.png">


AGPL-3.0 License