

<a href="https://usenotesgpt.com/"> <img alt="NotesGPT – AI-powered voice note taking in seconds." src="/public/images/og-image.png"> <h1 align="center">notesGPT</h1> </a> <p align="center"> Generate action items from your notes in seconds. Powered by Convex, Together.ai, and Whisper. </p> <p align="center"> <a href="#tech-stack"><strong>Tech Stack</strong></a> · <a href="#deploy-your-own"><strong>Deploy Your Own</strong></a> · <a href="#future-tasks"><strong>Future Tasks</strong></a> </p> <br/>

Tech Stack

Deploy Your Own

You can deploy this template by setting up the following services and adding their environment variables:

  1. Run npm install to install dependencies.
  2. Run npm run dev. It will prompt you to log into Convex and create a project.
  3. It will then ask you to supply the CLERK_ISSUER_URL. To do this:
    1. Make a Clerk account.
    2. Copy both the CLERK_SECRET_KEY and NEXT_PUBLIC_CLERK_PUBLISHABLE_KEY API keys into .env.local.
    3. Do steps 1-3 here and copy the Issuer URL. It should look something like https://some-animal-123.clerk.accounts.dev.
    4. Add CLERK_ISSUER_URL to your Convex Environment Variables (deep link also available in your terminal). Paste the Issuer URL as the value and click "Save".
  4. Now your frontend and backend should be running and you should be able to log in but not record.
  5. Make a Together account to get your API key.
  6. Make a Replicate account to get your API key.
  7. Save your environment variables in Convex as REPLICATE_API_KEY and TOGETHER_API_KEY.

Future tasks