

<div align="center"> <h1 align="center">MLE-Agent: Your intelligent companion for seamless AI engineering and research.</h1> <img alt="kaia-llama" height="200px" src="assets/kaia_llama.webp"> <a href="https://trendshift.io/repositories/11658" target="_blank"><img src="https://trendshift.io/api/badge/repositories/11658" alt="MLSysOps%2FMLE-agent | Trendshift" style="width: 250px; height: 200px;" width="250" height="200px"/></a> <p align="center">:love_letter: Fathers' love for Kaia :love_letter:</p>

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MLE-Agent is designed as a pairing LLM agent for machine learning engineers and researchers. It is featured by:



Get started


pip install mle-agent -U
# or from source
git clone git@github.com:MLSysOps/MLE-agent.git
pip install -e .


mle new <project name>

And a project directory will be created under the current path, you need to start the project under the project directory.

cd <project name>
mle start

You can also start an interactive chat in the terminal under the project directory:

mle chat

Use cases

πŸ§ͺ Prototype an ML Baseline

MLE agent can help you prototype an ML baseline with the given requirements, and test the model on the local machine. The requirements can be vague, such as "I want to predict the stock price based on the historical data".

cd <project name>
mle start

:bar_chart: Generate Work Report

MLE agent can help you summarize your weekly report, including development progress, communication notes, reference, and to-do lists.

Mode 1: Web Application to Generate Report from GitHub

cd <project name>
mle report

Then, you can visit http://localhost:3000/ to generate your report locally.

Mode 2: CLI Tool to Generate Report from Local Git Repository

cd <project name>
mle report-local --email=<git email> --start-date=YYYY-MM-DD --end-date=YYYY-MM-DD <path_to_git_repo>

:trophy: Start with Kaggle Competition

MLE agent can participate in Kaggle competitions and finish coding and debugging from data preparation to model training independently. Here is the basic command to start a Kaggle competition:

cd <project name>
mle kaggle

Or you can let the agents finish the Kaggle task without human interaction if you have the dataset and submission file ready:

cd <project name>
mle kaggle --auto \
--datasets "<path_to_dataset1>,<path_to_dataset2>,..." \
--description "<description_file_path_or_text>" \
--submission "<submission_file_path>" \
--sub_example "<submission_example_file_path>" \ 
--comp_id "<competition_id>"

Please make sure you have joined the competition before running the command. For more details, see the MLE-Agent Tutorials.


The following is a list of the tasks we plan to do, welcome to propose something new!

<details> <summary><b> :hammer: General Features</b></summary> </details> <details> <summary><b>:star: More LLMs and Serving Tools</b></summary> </details> <details> <summary><b>:sparkling_heart: Better user experience</b></summary> </details> <details> <summary><b>:jigsaw: Functions and Integrations</b></summary> </details>


We welcome contributions from the community. We are looking for contributors to help us with the following tasks:

Please check the CONTRIBUTING.md file if you want to contribute.

Support and Community

Star History

Star History Chart


Check MIT License file for more information.