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Apache Hudi

Apache Hudi is an open data lakehouse platform, built on a high-performance open table format to ingest, index, store, serve, transform and manage your data across multiple cloud data environments.

<img src="https://hudi.apache.org/assets/images/hudi-logo-medium.png" alt="Hudi logo" height="80px" align="right" />


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Hudi stores all data and metadata on cloud storage in open formats, providing the following features across different aspects.






Hudi supports different types of queries, on top of a single table.

Table Management

Learn more about Hudi at https://hudi.apache.org

Building Apache Hudi from source

Prerequisites for building Apache Hudi:

# Checkout code and build
git clone https://github.com/apache/hudi.git && cd hudi
mvn clean package -DskipTests

# Start command
spark-3.5.0-bin-hadoop3/bin/spark-shell \
  --jars `ls packaging/hudi-spark-bundle/target/hudi-spark3.5-bundle_2.12-*.*.*-SNAPSHOT.jar` \
  --conf 'spark.serializer=org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer' \
  --conf 'spark.sql.extensions=org.apache.spark.sql.hudi.HoodieSparkSessionExtension' \
  --conf 'spark.sql.catalog.spark_catalog=org.apache.spark.sql.hudi.catalog.HoodieCatalog' \
  --conf 'spark.kryo.registrator=org.apache.spark.HoodieSparkKryoRegistrar'

To build for integration tests that include hudi-integ-test-bundle, use -Dintegration-tests.

To build the Javadoc for all Java and Scala classes:

# Javadoc generated under target/site/apidocs
mvn clean javadoc:aggregate -Pjavadocs

Build with different Spark versions

The default Spark 3.x version, corresponding to spark3 profile is 3.5.3. The default Scala version is 2.12. Scala 2.13 is supported for Spark 3.5 and above.

Refer to the table below for building with different Spark and Scala versions.

Maven build optionsExpected Spark bundle jar nameNotes
(empty)hudi-spark3.5-bundle_2.12For Spark 3.5.x and Scala 2.12 (default options)
-Dspark3.3hudi-spark3.3-bundle_2.12For Spark 3.3.2+ and Scala 2.12
-Dspark3.4hudi-spark3.4-bundle_2.12For Spark 3.4.x and Scala 2.12
-Dspark3.5 -Dscala-2.12hudi-spark3.5-bundle_2.12For Spark 3.5.x and Scala 2.12 (same as default)
-Dspark3.5 -Dscala-2.13hudi-spark3.5-bundle_2.13For Spark 3.5.x and Scala 2.13
-Dspark3hudi-spark3-bundle_2.12 (legacy bundle name)For Spark 3.5.x and Scala 2.12

Please note that only Spark-related bundles, i.e., hudi-spark-bundle, hudi-utilities-bundle, hudi-utilities-slim-bundle, can be built using scala-2.13 profile. Hudi Flink bundle cannot be built using scala-2.13 profile. To build these bundles on Scala 2.13, use the following command:

# Build against Spark 3.5.x and Scala 2.13
mvn clean package -DskipTests -Dspark3.5 -Dscala-2.13 -pl packaging/hudi-spark-bundle,packaging/hudi-utilities-bundle,packaging/hudi-utilities-slim-bundle -am

For example,

# Build against Spark 3.5.x
mvn clean package -DskipTests

# Build against Spark 3.4.x
mvn clean package -DskipTests -Dspark3.4

What about "spark-avro" module?

Starting from versions 0.11, Hudi no longer requires spark-avro to be specified using --packages

Build with different Flink versions

The default Flink version supported is 1.20. The default Flink 1.20.x version, corresponding to flink1.20 profile is 1.20.0. Flink is Scala-free since 1.15.x, there is no need to specify the Scala version for Flink 1.15.x and above versions. Refer to the table below for building with different Flink and Scala versions.

Maven build optionsExpected Flink bundle jar nameNotes
(empty)hudi-flink1.20-bundleFor Flink 1.20 (default options)
-Dflink1.20hudi-flink1.20-bundleFor Flink 1.20 (same as default)
-Dflink1.19hudi-flink1.19-bundleFor Flink 1.19
-Dflink1.18hudi-flink1.18-bundleFor Flink 1.18
-Dflink1.17hudi-flink1.17-bundleFor Flink 1.17
-Dflink1.16hudi-flink1.16-bundleFor Flink 1.16
-Dflink1.15hudi-flink1.15-bundleFor Flink 1.15
-Dflink1.14hudi-flink1.14-bundleFor Flink 1.14

For example,

# Build against Flink 1.15.x
mvn clean package -DskipTests -Dflink1.15

Running Tests

Unit tests can be run with maven profile unit-tests.

mvn -Punit-tests test

Functional tests, which are tagged with @Tag("functional"), can be run with maven profile functional-tests.

mvn -Pfunctional-tests test

Integration tests can be run with maven profile integration-tests.

mvn -Pintegration-tests verify

To run tests with spark event logging enabled, define the Spark event log directory. This allows visualizing test DAG and stages using Spark History Server UI.

mvn -Punit-tests test -DSPARK_EVLOG_DIR=/path/for/spark/event/log


Please visit https://hudi.apache.org/docs/quick-start-guide.html to quickly explore Hudi's capabilities using spark-shell.


Please check out our contribution guide to learn more about how to contribute. For code contributions, please refer to the developer setup.