

<div align="center"> <img src="https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic/blob/dev/html/favicon.png" width=200 alt="SD.Next">

Stable Diffusion implementation with advanced features

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Table of contents

SD.Next Features

All individual features are not listed here, instead check ChangeLog for full list of changes


Main interface using StandardUI:

Main interface using ModernUI:
Screenshot-Dark Screenshot-Dark Screenshot-Dark

For screenshots and informations on other available themes, see Themes Wiki


Model support

Additional models will be added as they become available and there is public interest in them

Also supported are modifiers such as:

Platform support

Backend support

SD.Next supports two main backends: Diffusers and Original:


IP Adapters: Screenshot-IPAdapter

Color grading:






Once SD.Next is installed, simply run webui.ps1 or webui.bat (Windows) or webui.sh (Linux or MacOS)

List of available parameters, run webui --help for the full & up-to-date list:

Server options:
  --config CONFIG                                    Use specific server configuration file, default: config.json
  --ui-config UI_CONFIG                              Use specific UI configuration file, default: ui-config.json
  --medvram                                          Split model stages and keep only active part in VRAM, default: False
  --lowvram                                          Split model components and keep only active part in VRAM, default: False
  --ckpt CKPT                                        Path to model checkpoint to load immediately, default: None
  --vae VAE                                          Path to VAE checkpoint to load immediately, default: None
  --data-dir DATA_DIR                                Base path where all user data is stored, default:
  --models-dir MODELS_DIR                            Base path where all models are stored, default: models
  --allow-code                                       Allow custom script execution, default: False
  --share                                            Enable UI accessible through Gradio site, default: False
  --insecure                                         Enable extensions tab regardless of other options, default: False
  --use-cpu USE_CPU [USE_CPU ...]                    Force use CPU for specified modules, default: []
  --listen                                           Launch web server using public IP address, default: False
  --port PORT                                        Launch web server with given server port, default: 7860
  --freeze                                           Disable editing settings
  --auth AUTH                                        Set access authentication like "user:pwd,user:pwd""
  --auth-file AUTH_FILE                              Set access authentication using file, default: None
  --autolaunch                                       Open the UI URL in the system's default browser upon launch
  --docs                                             Mount API docs, default: False
  --api-only                                         Run in API only mode without starting UI
  --api-log                                          Enable logging of all API requests, default: False
  --device-id DEVICE_ID                              Select the default CUDA device to use, default: None
  --cors-origins CORS_ORIGINS                        Allowed CORS origins as comma-separated list, default: None
  --cors-regex CORS_REGEX                            Allowed CORS origins as regular expression, default: None
  --tls-keyfile TLS_KEYFILE                          Enable TLS and specify key file, default: None
  --tls-certfile TLS_CERTFILE                        Enable TLS and specify cert file, default: None
  --tls-selfsign                                     Enable TLS with self-signed certificates, default: False
  --server-name SERVER_NAME                          Sets hostname of server, default: None
  --no-hashing                                       Disable hashing of checkpoints, default: False
  --no-metadata                                      Disable reading of metadata from models, default: False
  --disable-queue                                    Disable queues, default: False
  --subpath SUBPATH                                  Customize the URL subpath for usage with reverse proxy
  --backend {original,diffusers}                     force model pipeline type
  --allowed-paths ALLOWED_PATHS [ALLOWED_PATHS ...]  add additional paths to paths allowed for web access

Setup options:
  --reset                                            Reset main repository to latest version, default: False
  --upgrade                                          Upgrade main repository to latest version, default: False
  --requirements                                     Force re-check of requirements, default: False
  --quick                                            Bypass version checks, default: False
  --use-directml                                     Use DirectML if no compatible GPU is detected, default: False
  --use-openvino                                     Use Intel OpenVINO backend, default: False
  --use-ipex                                         Force use Intel OneAPI XPU backend, default: False
  --use-cuda                                         Force use nVidia CUDA backend, default: False
  --use-rocm                                         Force use AMD ROCm backend, default: False
  --use-zluda                                        Force use ZLUDA, AMD GPUs only, default: False
  --use-xformers                                     Force use xFormers cross-optimization, default: False
  --skip-requirements                                Skips checking and installing requirements, default: False
  --skip-extensions                                  Skips running individual extension installers, default: False
  --skip-git                                         Skips running all GIT operations, default: False
  --skip-torch                                       Skips running Torch checks, default: False
  --skip-all                                         Skips running all checks, default: False
  --skip-env                                         Skips setting of env variables during startup, default: False
  --experimental                                     Allow unsupported versions of libraries, default: False
  --reinstall                                        Force reinstallation of all requirements, default: False
  --test                                             Run test only and exit
  --version                                          Print version information
  --ignore                                           Ignore any errors and attempt to continue
  --safe                                             Run in safe mode with no user extensions
  --uv                                               Use uv as installer, default: False

Logging options:
  --log LOG                                          Set log file, default: None
  --debug                                            Run installer with debug logging, default: False
  --profile                                          Run profiler, default: False


[!TIP] If you don't want to use built-in venv support and prefer to run SD.Next in your own environment such as Docker container, Conda environment or any other virtual environment, you can skip venv create/activate and launch SD.Next directly using python launch.py (command line flags noted above still apply).


SD.Next comes with built-in control for all types of text2image, image2image, video2video and batch processing

Control interface:

Control processors:

Masking: Screenshot-Mask


SD.Next comes with several extensions pre-installed:




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If you're unsure how to use a feature, best place to start is Wiki and if its not there,
check ChangeLog for when feature was first introduced as it will always have a short note on how to use it


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