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Praison AI

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Praison AI, leveraging both AutoGen and CrewAI or any other agent framework, represents a low-code, centralised framework designed to simplify the creation and orchestration of multi-agent systems for various LLM applications, emphasizing ease of use, customization, and human-agent interaction.

<div align="center"> <picture> <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" srcset="docs/images/architecture-dark.png" /> <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: light)" srcset="docs/images/architecture-light.png" /> <img alt="PraisonAI Architecture" src="docs/images/architecture-light.png" /> </picture> </div>

Different User Interfaces:

UIMulti Agents such as CrewAI or AutoGenhttps://docs.praison.ai/ui/ui
ChatChat with 100+ LLMs, single AI Agenthttps://docs.praison.ai/ui/chat
CodeChat with entire Codebase, single AI Agenthttps://docs.praison.ai/ui/code
RealtimeReal-time voice interaction with AIhttps://docs.praison.ai/ui/realtime
Other FeaturesDescriptionDocs
TrainFine-tune LLMs using your custom datahttps://docs.praison.ai/train

Google Colab Multi Agents

CookbookOpen in Colab
BasicPraisonAI<a target="_blank" href="https://colab.research.google.com/github/MervinPraison/PraisonAI/blob/main/cookbooks/praisonai-googlecolab.ipynb"><img src="https://colab.research.google.com/assets/colab-badge.svg" alt="Open In Colab" /></a>
Include ToolsPraisonAI Tools<a target="_blank" href="https://colab.research.google.com/github/MervinPraison/PraisonAI/blob/main/cookbooks/praisonai-tools-googlecolab.ipynb"><img src="https://colab.research.google.com/assets/colab-badge.svg" alt="Open In Colab" /></a>

Installation Options

Basic Installation

pip install praisonai

Framework-specific Installation

# Install with CrewAI support
pip install "praisonai[crewai]"

# Install with AutoGen support
pip install "praisonai[autogen]"

# Install with both frameworks
pip install "praisonai[crewai,autogen]"

UI and Additional Features

# Install UI support
pip install "praisonai[ui]"

# Install Chat interface
pip install "praisonai[chat]"

# Install Code interface
pip install "praisonai[code]"

# Install Realtime voice interaction
pip install "praisonai[realtime]"

# Install Call feature
pip install "praisonai[call]"

Quick Start

# Set your OpenAI API key
export OPENAI_API_KEY="Enter your API key"

# Initialize with CrewAI (default)
praisonai --init "create a movie script about dog in moon"

# Or initialize with AutoGen
praisonai --framework autogen --init "create a movie script about dog in moon"

# Run the agents

Full Automatic Mode

# With CrewAI (default)
praisonai --auto "create a movie script about Dog in Moon"

# With AutoGen
praisonai --framework autogen --auto "create a movie script about Dog in Moon"

Framework-specific Features


When installing with pip install "praisonai[crewai]", you get:


When installing with pip install "praisonai[autogen]", you get:

Key Features

TL;DR Multi Agents

pip install praisonai
export OPENAI_API_KEY="Enter your API key"
praisonai --init create a movie script about dog in moon

Table of Contents

Installation Multi Agents

pip install praisonai


export OPENAI_API_KEY="Enter your API key"

Generate your OPENAI API KEY from here: https://platform.openai.com/api-keys

Note: You can use other providers such as Ollama, Mistral ... etc. Details are provided at the bottom.

praisonai --init create a movie script about dog in moon

This will automatically create agents.yaml file in the current directory.

To initialise with a specific agent framework (Optional):

praisonai --framework autogen --init create movie script about cat in mars




python -m praisonai

Specify the agent framework (Optional):

praisonai --framework autogen

Full Automatic Mode

praisonai --auto create a movie script about Dog in Moon

User Interface

PraisonAI User Interfaces:

UIMulti Agents such as CrewAI or AutoGenhttps://docs.praisonai.com/ui/ui
ChatChat with 100+ LLMs, single AI Agenthttps://docs.praisonai.com/ui/chat
CodeChat with entire Codebase, single AI Agenthttps://docs.praisonai.com/ui/code
pip install -U "praisonai[ui]"
export OPENAI_API_KEY="Enter your API key"
chainlit create-secret
export CHAINLIT_AUTH_SECRET=xxxxxxxx
praisonai ui


python -m praisonai ui

Praison AI Chat

pip install "praisonai[chat]"
export OPENAI_API_KEY="Enter your API key"
praisonai chat

Internet Search

Praison AI Chat and Praison AI Code now includes internet search capabilities using Crawl4AI and Tavily, allowing you to retrieve up-to-date information during your conversations.

Vision Language Model Support

You can now upload images and ask questions based on them using Vision Language Models. This feature enables visual understanding and analysis within your chat sessions.

Praison AI Code

pip install "praisonai[code]"
export OPENAI_API_KEY="Enter your API key"
praisonai code

Internet Search

Praison AI Code also includes internet search functionality, enabling you to find relevant code snippets and programming information online.

Create Custom Tools

Agents Playbook

Simple Playbook Example

framework: crewai
topic: Artificial Intelligence
    backstory: "Skilled in crafting scripts with engaging dialogue about {topic}."
    goal: Create scripts from concepts.
    role: Screenwriter
        description: "Develop scripts with compelling characters and dialogue about {topic}."
        expected_output: "Complete script ready for production."

Use 100+ Models

Include praisonai package in your project

Option 1: Using RAW YAML

from praisonai import PraisonAI

# Example agent_yaml content
agent_yaml = """
framework: "crewai"
topic: "Space Exploration"

    role: "Space Researcher"
    goal: "Discover new insights about {topic}"
    backstory: "You are a curious and dedicated astronomer with a passion for unraveling the mysteries of the cosmos."
        description: "Research and compile information about exoplanets discovered in the last decade."
        expected_output: "A summarized report on exoplanet discoveries, including their size, potential habitability, and distance from Earth."

# Create a PraisonAI instance with the agent_yaml content
praisonai = PraisonAI(agent_yaml=agent_yaml)

# Run PraisonAI
result = praisonai.run()

# Print the result

Option 2: Using separate agents.yaml file

Note: Please create agents.yaml file before hand.

from praisonai import PraisonAI

def basic(): # Basic Mode
    praisonai = PraisonAI(agent_file="agents.yaml")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Commands to Install Dependencies:

  1. Install all dependencies, including dev dependencies:

    poetry install
  2. Install only documentation dependencies:

    poetry install --with docs
  3. Install only test dependencies:

    poetry install --with test
  4. Install only dev dependencies:

    poetry install --with dev

This configuration ensures that your development dependencies are correctly categorized and installed as needed.


Star History

Star History Chart


Praison AI is an open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.

Video Tutorials

Tools OverviewTools Overview
Custom ToolsCustom Tools
Firecrawl IntegrationFirecrawl
User InterfaceUI
Crawl4AI IntegrationCrawl4AI
Chat InterfaceChat
Code InterfaceCode
Mem0 IntegrationMem0
Realtime Voice InterfaceRealtime
Call InterfaceCall


Praison AI is an open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.