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Made in Netherlands

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A list of neat projects made in Netherlands



6969@ejci/favico.jsMake use of your favicon with badges, images or videos:arrow_upper_right:
2599@PixelsCommander/HTML-GLGet as many FPS as you need and amazing effects by rendering HTML/CSS in WebGL
2423@PaulUithol/Backbone-relationalGet and set relations (one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one) for Backbone models:arrow_upper_right:
1470@mikedeboer/node-githubnode library to access the GitHub API:arrow_upper_right:
1222@IonDen/ion.rangeSliderjQuery only range slider:arrow_upper_right:
1047@dyve/django-bootstrap-too…Bootstrap support for Django projects
864@watilde/beeplayWrite A Song In JavaScript:arrow_upper_right:
861@3rd-Eden/memcachedA fully featured Memcached client build on top of Node.js. Build with scaling in mind so it will support Memcached clusters and consistent hashing.
841@caiogondim/bullet-train-oh-my-z…:bullettrain_side: An oh-my-zsh shell theme based on the Powerline Vim plugin
703@Gaya/queryloader2Version of the QueryLoader by Gaya Kessler. Preload images with ease.:arrow_upper_right:
679@NielsLeenheer/html5testHow well does your browser support HTML5?:arrow_upper_right:
674@caiogondim/logdown.js:notebook: Debug utility with markdown support that runs on browser and server:arrow_upper_right:
569@EddyVerbruggen/Custom-URL-scheme:link: Launch your Cordova/PhoneGap app by a Custom URL scheme like mycoolapp://
568@mikedeboer/jsDAVjsDAV allows you to easily add WebDAV support to a NodeJS application. jsDAV is meant to cover the entire standard, and attempts to allow integration using an easy to understand API.:arrow_upper_right:
532@IonDen/ion.soundJavaScript plugin for playing sounds and music in browsers:arrow_upper_right:
507@PaulUithol/backbone-tastypieA small compatibility layer to make backbone.js and django-tastypie work together happily.
495@josdirksen/learning-threejsCode repository for the examples from the Packt book "Learning Threejs"
489@bard/mozreplRemotely control Firefox and other Mozilla apps with JavaScript. [Orphaned. Looking for maintainers!]:arrow_upper_right:
480@PixelsCommander/ReactiveElementsAllows to use React.js component as HTML element (web component)
455@3rd-Eden/useragentUseragent parser for Node.js, ported from browserscope.org
434@caiogondim/fast-memoize.js:rabbit: Fastest possible memoization library
430@IjzerenHein/autolayout.jsApple's Auto Layout and Visual Format Language for javascript (using cassowary constraints)
419@hay/stapesthe Javascript MVC microframework that does just enough:arrow_upper_right:
416@dyve/jquery-autocompleteThe original jQuery autocompleter. Does not need any other plugins. Supports local and remote data sets, plain text and JSON data, various options and callback hooks.
271@IjzerenHein/famous-flexAnimatable layouts, FlexScrollView & widgets for famo.us.
259@Rob--W/cors-anywhereCORS Anywhere is a NodeJS reverse proxy which adds CORS headers to the proxied request.
238@caiogondim/blooming-menu.js:cherry_blossom: AwesomeMenu made with CSS:arrow_upper_right:
235@Kilian/fromscratchAutosaving Scratchpad. A simple but smart note-taking app:arrow_upper_right:
219@FokkeZB/UTiLCollection of utility scripts for Titanium (Alloy).
212@3rd-Eden/node-hashringhashring is a consistent hashing algorithm for Node.js that is compatible with libketama and python's hash_ring package
205@3rd-Eden/versionsVersions, A small module for creating a flexible CDN application
198@FokkeZB/nl.fokkezb.pullToRef…Widget to implement a table pull-to-refresh header in Titanium Alloy
188@PixelsCommander/PropellerJavaScript library to rotate elements with mouse or touch gestures. Supports inertia and stepwise rotation. Optimized for better performance.:arrow_upper_right:
169@PixelsCommander/FlashJSJavaScript graphics and games engine with API familiar to Flash one. Just look to examples sources.:arrow_upper_right:
140@EddyVerbruggen/cordova-plugin-actio…:clipboard: ActionSheet plugin for Cordova iOS and Android apps
135@bitbonsai/facyBoxA jQuery-based, Facebook/Fancybox-style lightbox which can display images, divs, or entire remote pages. Based on fancybox.net and famspam.com/facebox:arrow_upper_right:
129@FokkeZB/nl.fokkezb.infiniteS…Alloy widget for infinitive scrolling TableViews and ListViews
126@Overv/WebCraftMinecraft clone written in Javascript.
124@arian/CoverJSInstrument JavaScript to determine the testing coverage
114@EddyVerbruggen/Insomnia-PhoneGap-Pl…:sleepy: Prevent the screen of the mobile device from falling asleep
113@Rob--W/crxviewerChromium extension to view the source code of other Chrome / Opera 15 extensions.
108@josdirksen/smartjavaExamples for various projects on smartjava
100@IjzerenHein/famous-mapMap integration for famo.us (Google Maps, Leaflet, Open Layers 3 & Mapbox GL)
95@PixelsCommander/Download-File-JSIntelligent JavaScript solution for file downloading.:arrow_upper_right:
94@EddyVerbruggen/SSLCertificateChecke…:passport_control: Prevent Man in the Middle attacks with this Cordova plugin
94@FokkeZB/nl.fokkezb.loadingThe widget provides a simple loading mask that can be easily styled and configured.
92@jtangelder/grunt-stripmqGenerate a fallback from your mobile-first stylesheet
84@arian/partition-bundleA browserify plugin to partition your modules in different bundles
83@FokkeZB/nl.fokkezb.drawerAn Alloy widget wrapping the NappDrawer module for Facebook-like sliding side menus.
83@josdirksen/threejs-cookbookExamples for the Three.js Cookbook book published by packt:arrow_upper_right:
79@3rd-Eden/licensingDiscover the license footprint of your application
70@IonDen/ion.tabsjQuery tabs plugin:arrow_upper_right:
69@FokkeZB/nl.fokkezb.buttonReplacement for Ti.UI.Button with better support for styling and icons
69@bitbonsai/cssiCSS Selector Scene Investigation. Analyses a git codebase for unused CSS selectors in a file, dir or url
68@IonDen/ion.calendarCalendar and Datepicker jQuery plugin:arrow_upper_right:
67@FokkeZB/J2MConvert from JIRA text formatting to GitHub Flavored MarkDown and back again
65@FokkeZB/TiCons-CLICommand-Line version of TiCons for generating icons and splash screens for Titanium & Alloy projects.
64@3rd-Eden/jackpotJackpot, tcp connection pooling for Node.js
61@EddyVerbruggen/nativescript-plugin-…:fire: NativeScript plugin for Firebase, the leading realtime JSON :cloud: app platform
61@ejci/Google-Auth-for-Tita…Google Auth for Titanium
60@watilde/chestThe easy metafile manager:arrow_upper_right:
58@IonDen/ion.checkRadiojQuery plugin for styling checkboxes and radio-buttons
57@FokkeZB/ti-html2asHTML 2 AttributedString converter for Titanium
55@bard/sameplaceMozilla-based instant messaging client:arrow_upper_right:
54@ejci/nepi-janoNepi Jano! Google Chrome, Firefox & Safari extension
53@ejci/Chrome-Audio-EQAudio EQ for Chrome
52@FokkeZB/nl.fokkezb.cachedIma…Alloy version of the best practice to cache remote images locally.
51@arian/pngjsPure JavaScript PNG decoder
51@FokkeZB/TrackerTracker 4 Compassion:arrow_upper_right:
50@Overv/JSGLA software implementation of OpenGL 1.1 for Javascript.
49@FokkeZB/tnAppcelerator & Titanium CLI wrapper to save you keystrokes.:arrow_upper_right:
48@IjzerenHein/famous-flex-chatChat-demo for famo.us using true-size chat bubbles, snap to bottom, sticky headers & pull-to-refresh
48@arian/mootools-form-uploadUpload your multiple files with HTML5 Drag and Drop, XMLHttpRequest with graceful degradation
47@jtangelder/react-flux-backboneReact with the Flux architecture, combined with the power of Backbones collections and models.
47@IjzerenHein/famous-autolayoutApple's Auto Layout and Visual Format language for famo.us
47@Rob--W/Chrome-Extension-Rel…Adds a button which reloads a selected Google Chrome extension on click.:arrow_upper_right:
46@mikedeboer/trieMy take on an efficient implementation of a Trie in Javascript:arrow_upper_right:
45@PixelsCommander/OnlineJSReliable, fast and easy to use library to check your internet connection status:arrow_upper_right:
45@watilde/emoji-cliEmoji searcher:arrow_upper_right:
45@3rd-Eden/npmjsAn alternative npm registry client that I like.
43@Rob--W/chrome-apiPolyfills, libraries and patches to aid Chrome extension developers.
42@watilde/qrep:mag_right: grep meets querySelectorAll:arrow_upper_right:
41@caiogondim/js-konami-code-eventKonami code event for your HTML5 web app/page:arrow_upper_right:
41@arian/CSSMatrixCSSMatrix polyfill:arrow_upper_right:
39@FokkeZB/TutorialTitanium Alloy Tutorial
39@arian/cubic-bezierA small cubic bézier timing function
36@ktmud/hugglehugo + gulp:arrow_upper_right:
36@FokkeZB/nl.fokkezb.formAlloy TableView Form Widget
35@3rd-Eden/FlashPolicyFileServe…A simple Flash Policy File Server for node:arrow_upper_right:
33@watilde/npmbrew:shipit: a npm version manager:arrow_upper_right:
32@ejci/OCRMeterDigits parsing mobile solution for getting numbers from gas, electricity (...) meters based on Titanium Appcelerator, node.js, tesseract-ocr and imagemagick.
31@IjzerenHein/visualformat-editorEditor & previewer for Apple's Visual Format Language (built with autolayout.js)
30@arian/Array.MathAdd all kind of mathematical methods to the Array Native:arrow_upper_right:
30@mikedeboer/mariokartMultiplayer version of Mario Kart!
29@watilde/jsss-compilerA altCSS: JavaScript-Based Style Sheets Preprocessor:arrow_upper_right:
29@PixelsCommander/CanvasImageConverts image to canvas with same look. Useful for memory optimization in case of responsive image usage. Also is good for solving PhoneGap Android anti aliasing issue.
28@IonDen/ion.zoomImage zoom lightbox jQuery plugin:arrow_upper_right:
27@IjzerenHein/famous-flex-datepick…Date/time picker demo for famo.us
27@ktmud/owa-chromeAn extension for access OWA in Chrome.:arrow_upper_right:
26@IjzerenHein/famous-animatedIconMaterial design'ish button-animation using famo.us
26@arian/MooDialogMooDialog is a MooTools plugin to replace the native alert(), confirm() and promt() javascript functions by more stylish ones. You can use it also for other DOM elements, create an IFrame dialog or even create an Ajax Dialog.:arrow_upper_right:
26@Rob--W/stackexchange-notifi…Realtime desktop notifications for Stack Exchange sites.
26@IjzerenHein/famous-boxlayoutLayout-view for quickly setting margins or creating flexible layouts
25@arian/amd-packager-phpAn CommonJS AMD Packager in PHP
25@3rd-Eden/cluster.exceptionException handler for cluster:arrow_upper_right:
23@PixelsCommander/ViralJSExpress.JS middleware to enable P2P distribution for your app. Your decentralized CDN made easy.
23@hay/wiki-toolsCode for my Wikimedia Labs Tools account:arrow_upper_right:
23@arian/ComplexCalculations with Complex Numbers in JavaScript
23@3rd-Eden/loadLoad JavaScript files that do not use the bloat module patterns
23@mikedeboer/mariokart-bareMultiplayer MarioKart to fork and extend
22@ktmud/wechat-apiNodejs Wechat Official Account advanced API sdk
22@Rob--W/browser-action-jplibJetpack module to add a Browser action badge to the toolbar, using the chrome.browserAction syntax from Chromium
21@IjzerenHein/famous-flex-tabbarTabBar widget demo for famo.us
21@IjzerenHein/famous-sizeconstrain…SizeConstraint makes it possible to set the scale, padding, max-size, min-size and aspect-ratio for famo.us renderables
20@IjzerenHein/famous-flex-tabbarco…TabBarController widget demo for famo.us
20@IjzerenHein/famous-lagometerLagometer for famo.us showing the FPS, animation-frames times and script times
20@FokkeZB/gittioSearch & Install all Titanium Modules and Alloy Widgets on GitHub:arrow_upper_right:
20@jtangelder/frame-eventsRun event handlers in the animation frame, to prevent flooding and better performance.
19@Overv/TheWitnessSolverSolver for The Witness puzzles
19@mikedeboer/soundcloud-playerControl Soundcloud from your toolbar, with ease.
19@Gaya/jQuery--Keep-the-Rhy…Keep a nice vertical rhythm with elements that don't have one.
19@IjzerenHein/famous-bkimagesurfac…Drop-in replacement for ImageSurface supporting AspectFit & AspectFill
18@ktmud/koa-spapushState friendly static file server, with koa
18@Kilian/gridBuilder.jsa jQuery plugin that draws a grid as a background:arrow_upper_right:
18@IjzerenHein/famous-listviewfamous-listview extends famo.us ScrollContainer with insert/remove animations, selection (single/multiple) and support for a placeholder.
17@PixelsCommander/requestIdleCallback-…Polyfill for request idle callback. Determines is user interacting with document and fires when it is not or after interaction is finished.
17@IjzerenHein/famous-white-tile-fi…Popular white tile (piano tiles) game implemention using famo.us and firebase
17@watilde/tvmTypeScript Version Manager:arrow_upper_right:
17@FokkeZB/nl.fokkezb.tweetsVie…Alloy widget for a in-app twitter-like experience
17@3rd-Eden/canihazcanihaz, lazy installing node.js modules
17@Rob--W/toolbarwidget-jplibJetpack module to place widgets from the Firefox Add-on SDK on any toolbar
17@3rd-Eden/fs.notifyFile change notification that doesn't suck hairy monkey balls and just works.
17@rdougan/barebones-phonegapA Sencha Touch 2 example application which is wrapped in a PhoneGap Xcode project.:arrow_upper_right:
17@IjzerenHein/famous-kenburnsconta…Famo.us view for performing ken-burns style zooming and panning
16@3rd-Eden/licensesRetrieve accurate license information for a given npm package.
16@EddyVerbruggen/nativescript-mapbox:globe_with_meridians: :statue_of_liberty: :tokyo_tower: :mount_fuji: Native OpenGL powered Maps, by Mapbox
16@bard/seethrough_jsE4X-based template engine
16@mikedeboer/node-sshPure Javascript implementation of SSH1, SSH2 and SFTP in Node.js:arrow_upper_right:
15@IjzerenHein/famous-refresh-loade…Spinning pull to refresh loader for famo.us
15@3rd-Eden/kulerColor your terminal using CSS/hex color codes
15@3rd-Eden/expirableExpirable cache for node.js, FUCKING AWESOME YO!
15@ktmud/autostaticAutomatically manage static file versions for Express/ NodeJS
14@ktmud/grunt-hashmaphash mapping for static files.
14@Rob--W/https-by-defaultUse HTTPS by default for navigations from the location bar in Chrome / Firefox.
14@IjzerenHein/famous-autosizetexta…Auto-sizing TextareaSurface for famo.us
14@FokkeZB/ti-64Check all Appcelerator Titanium project and/or global modules for 64-bit iOS support.:arrow_upper_right:
14@FokkeZB/nl.fokkezb.toastAnother toast message widget for Titanium Alloy
14@3rd-Eden/manaMana allows api-oriented clients greater stability and high availability in demanding distributed battles and boss fights.
13@FokkeZB/ti-i18nCLI to manage internationalizing your Titanium app
13@Kilian/gedit-jshinta JSHint plugin for gedit
13@EddyVerbruggen/nativescript-admobNativeScript plugin to earn some precious :moneybag::moneybag: with ads by Google AdMob
13@ktmud/koa-wechatWechat API middlewares for koajs
13@arian/LISP.jsParse and run LISP code in JavaScript
13@3rd-Eden/nodejsconfit-2011Demo's from nodejsconf 2011:arrow_upper_right:
13@arian/classyBrings the MooTools 1.x Class sugar to Prime
13@jtangelder/backbone-vdomVirtual-dom Backbone Views
13@jtangelder/faketouches.jsLibrary to send fake touchevents. Used for testing Hammer.js
12@jtangelder/template-html-loaderParse templates to html loader for webpack
12@EddyVerbruggen/nativescript-bluetoo…:blue_heart: NativeScript Bluetooth LE plugin
12@PixelsCommander/Mobile-TransitionsHigh performance JavaScript library to emulate native mobile transitions. Designed to be as easy to use as possible. Just look to example.
12@FokkeZB/cTSS-ARCHIVEDConvert CSS to Titanium TSS
12@FokkeZB/ticketsRetrieves the state of JIRA tickets refered to in your code.
11@Kilian/gedit-jslintJSLint plugin for Gedit, runs the JSLint javascript verifier
11@rdougan/cocktails-appA simple cocktails application written with Sencha Touch 2:arrow_upper_right:
11@EddyVerbruggen/nativescript-touchid:nail_care: Forget passwords, use a fingerprint scanner!
11@jtangelder/remote.jsUse your touchdevice as input for your desktop browser.:arrow_upper_right:
11@FokkeZB/nl.fokkezb.browserVi…Alloy widget for a browserview
10@IjzerenHein/famous-flex-demoDemo for showcasing famous-flex layout technology
10@mikedeboer/chromeless2Build desktop applications with web technologies, redux.
10@FokkeZB/nl.fokkezb.viewpagerAn Alloy widget wrapping the ViewPager module for Google Play like scrolling tabs.
10@arian/prime-utilUtilities for MooTools Prime
10@arian/iFrameFormRequestiFrameFormRequest is a MooTools plug-in that can upload files the Ajax way
9@PixelsCommander/React-GLRender React components in WebGL for 60 FPS animations
9@Rob--W/display-anchorsDisplay #Anchors offers an easy way to see all (invisible) anchors in a page, to make it easier to link to a specific part of a webpage.
9@ktmud/istaticInline compressed javascript and css for Express on node.js.
9@3rd-Eden/rendermeRender README files that people use on Github
9@FokkeZB/ti-stealthRemove console logging from your Titanium apps.
9@FokkeZB/appc-npmPackage components for Appcelerator Titanium, Alloy and Arrow projects for distribution via NPM.:arrow_upper_right:
8@EddyVerbruggen/nativescript-ocr:newspaper: Tesseract-powered OCR plugin for NativeScript
8@3rd-Eden/shrinkwrapnpm shrinkwrap parsing, generation and comparison
8@hay/fronteersHTML5 presentation of the 2010 fronteers conference
8@EddyVerbruggen/NativePageTransition…Demo App for Ionic framwork apps with the Native Page Transitions plugin
8@watilde/css-filter.jsA js wrapper of CSS Filter.:arrow_upper_right:
8@watilde/fly-lessFly plugin for Less:arrow_upper_right:
8@EddyVerbruggen/nativescript-clipboa…:clipboard: NativeScript plugin to copy stuff to the device clipboard, and read from it again
8@ejci/HTML5-Photo-FinishHTML5 proof of concept of "Photo finish" web cam.
8@3rd-Eden/fingerprintingProduce a unique string for any given resource, commonly used in cache busting practices.
7@Gaya/gaya-ninja-blogPublic repository of Gaya Ninja Blog:arrow_upper_right:
7@IjzerenHein/famous-flex-animatio…Animating from one famo.us view to another in awesome ways
7@IjzerenHein/famous-flex-tablelay…iOS inspired table-layout for famo.us
7@PixelsCommander/polymer-nativeDevelop completely native mobile apps with Web Components
7@Rob--W/grab-to-pan.jsA slim library to pan scrollable containers on grab with the mouse.
7@Rob--W/canvas-interceptorA tool to automatically create test cases to aid <canvas> debugging
7@ejci/Ulam-spiralJavascript implementation of "Ulam spiral".
7@NielsLeenheer/MediatankControllerControl your NMT from your iPhone or computer:arrow_upper_right:
7@dyve/bootmapGenerate static, dynamic and editable maps from semantic HTML. Supports editable overlays (WKT and geoJSON) from textarea and input elements.:arrow_upper_right:
6@3rd-Eden/node-bisectionBisection algorithm for node.js:arrow_upper_right:
6@arian/elements-utilUtilities for elements
6@arian/MooDropMenuMooDropMenu provides a simple Drop Down menu with infinit levels for MooTools:arrow_upper_right:
6@FokkeZB/css-layout-tiFacebook's CSS-layout for Titanium
6@ejci/Chrome-DOM-ObserverDOM Observer - Chrome developer tools extension
6@rdougan/extjs-scrabbleScrabble built in ExtJS
6@watilde/abeckABC music notation wrapper:arrow_upper_right:
6@EddyVerbruggen/nativescript-appvers…:1234: NativeScript plugin to retrieve the current version of the app
6@EddyVerbruggen/nativescript-calenda…:date: NativeScript plugin to Create, Delete and Find Events in the native Calendar
6@IjzerenHein/famous-white-tilePopular white tile (piano tiles) game implemention using famo.us
6@EddyVerbruggen/nativescript-plugin-…Demo app for the NativeScript Firebase plugin
6@arian/mootools-ui-runnerA Testrunner for MooTools More in PHP
6@IjzerenHein/famous-autofontsizes…Surface that automatically scales the font-size based on the content.
5@mikedeboer/ForceRTLForce a LTR locale to behave as if it was a RTL locale.
5@pjvds/LaterA Read It Later extension for Chrome
5@EddyVerbruggen/nativescript-appavai…:mag_right: NativeScript plugin to check whether or not another app is installed on the device
5@3rd-Eden/node-algorithmsA series of algorithms ported to JavaScript to be used on Node.js
5@zigolis/backbone-tic-tac-toeA Tic-Tac-Toe game developed with JavaScript and BackboneJS
5@3rd-Eden/senpaiNotice me senpai! A graceful degrading notification system for browsers.
5@FokkeZB/nl.fokkezb.labelThe widget provides a replacement for <Label /> to support text shadows on Android & BlackBerry.
5@FokkeZB/Alloy-Theming-Widget…Workaround for theming widgets
5@FokkeZB/DMC13-AlloyAlloy example for Dutch Mobile Conference 2013
5@caiogondim/quickreturn.js:squirrel: QuickReturn Android pattern to the web
5@EddyVerbruggen/nativescript-email:envelope: NativeScript Email plugin, for composing and sending drafts
5@3rd-Eden/memcached-streamHigh performance streaming memcached protocol parser for Node.js. Code name: flaming-octo-bear
5@pjvds/PomodoHTML5 experiment:arrow_upper_right:
5@watilde/ceriuma cli for chrome extension
5@ejci/iZettle-for-TitaniumiZettle for Titanium
5@IjzerenHein/rtfToHtmlParse RTF and write output as an HTML file
5@3rd-Eden/failovercluster-fuck management
5@IjzerenHein/famous-StarterkitStarterkit for famo.us (app + web) containing examples, instructions & best practises
5@3rd-Eden/ansidownConvert a subset of markdown do a somewhat ANSI compatible output
5@EddyVerbruggen/X-Services-PhoneGap-…A demo repo for all of our PhoneGap Build plugins
5@FokkeZB/nl.fokkezb.html2as.w…Widget wrapping the HTML 2 Attributed String module, providing cross-platform HTML attribute for labels.
4@IjzerenHein/famous-resizableImag…Resizable image for famo.us
4@3rd-Eden/woohooWooHoo is Celebration as a Service.
4@3rd-Eden/Spry-ConfiguratorSpry files configurator and combinator. Version 2.0 is currently running on config-spry-it.com
4@3rd-Eden/commentingWrap content in a comment that is valid for a given file type.
4@arian/MilkyTesterSimultaneous browser tester with Node.js, Socket.io and Jasmine
4@PixelsCommander/Telekinesis-JSJavaScript multiplayer game engine. Using Node.JS for server and any graphic library for client-side.
4@3rd-Eden/uniuni[versal] command line
4@caiogondim/resilient.jsResilient JS loader
4@caiogondim/js-debounce-throttle…A visual explanation about the Throttle and Debounce design patterns:arrow_upper_right:
4@ktmud/yaml-i18n-brunchUse yaml to edit i18n translations for you brunch project.
4@watilde/beeplayerShare your JavaScript songs
4@zigolis/backbone-hello-mundo…Talks and presentations about Hello REST world with BackboneJS
4@watilde/good-bug-report:love_letter: Better way for large projects to report issue on GitHub:arrow_upper_right:
4@pjvds/MovrDevnology Node.js hackington
4@ktmud/davidA simple CMS using flask, SQLAlchemy, stylus..
4@arian/Element.DelegationThis is a simple MooTools Plugin for Event Delegation, now I would suggest the MooTools More 1.3 Delegation though
4@hay/mandelbrotMandelbrot set using HTML5 tech:arrow_upper_right:
3@watilde/node-ymzkmctA npm for ymzkmct
3@EddyVerbruggen/nativescript-local-n…Demo app for the NativeScript local notifications plugin
3@HansPinckaers/mb.jsMultiple Backgrounds drawn via the canvas-element:arrow_upper_right:
3@EddyVerbruggen/nativescript-insomni…:sleepy: NativeScript plugin to keep the device awake (not dim the screen, lock, etc)
3@arian/SupersonicA small and supersonic flow-controll library for Node.js
3@rdougan/Enable-AutoComplete-…Enables autocomplete on all forms so Safari will save passwords for all websites.:arrow_upper_right:
3@ktmud/cacheablepython decorator like cache management in nodejs
3@ktmud/koa-passport-fwPassport Authenticator framework for koajs.
3@Rob--W/unpackjsReverse browserify: unpackjs is a tool to split a single file in multiple files
3@caiogondim/ken-burns-slideshow:sparkler: A slideshow in JS with the Ken Burns effect.:arrow_upper_right:
3@Rob--W/testing-chrome.webst…Sample code for testing chrome.webstore.install without dialogs.
3@rdougan/CleanerFacebookA Safari extension which allows you to easily hide parts of the Facebook website for a more pleasant and simplified experience.
3@Kilian/greenergyUXD assignment for CMD - datavisualisation prototyping
3@ejci/favico.js-serverFavico.js fallback server
3@mikedeboer/node-mediascanAudio and video file scanner that lists their metadata to be used by other software:arrow_upper_right:
3@Gaya/Real-Last.fm-Radio--…Integrate Last.fm's radio functionality into Spotify.
3@Gaya/svg-inlinerCreates inline HTML <svg> from an external SVG (sprite) in an <img /> tag
3@watilde/gistjsnpm :heart: gist:arrow_upper_right:
3@zigolis/hello-phaser-ioCode of Hello phaser.io, developing games with javascript
3@watilde/rpullRecursive git pull with node
3@hay/backuptweetsBack up your Twitter tweets with Node.js without oAuth
3@watilde/karma-power-assertA Karma plugin. Adapter for power-assert assertion library.:arrow_upper_right:
3@hay/catalyticsChrome extension that replaces people on the Google Analytics homepage with surly looking cats.
3@watilde/parse-errorParse error object in Node
3@hay/hayHay's tools and tests:arrow_upper_right:
3@watilde/grunt-require-configKeep Gruntfile simple, stupid.:arrow_upper_right:
3@watilde/grunt-tvm-tscCompile TypeScript files to JavaScript with tvm:arrow_upper_right:
3@arian/elements-uiui components for elements.
3@IjzerenHein/famous-sizemodifierDeprecated - Use famous-sizeconstraint instead
2@zigolis/backbone-requireA simple example using Backbone and RequireJS
2@watilde/first-starred-reposi…Everybody has to start somewhere. Find and share any #FirstStarredRepository.:arrow_upper_right:
2@caiogondim/webpixUm experimento HTML5 com câmera, canvas e download sem back-end:arrow_upper_right:
2@caiogondim/jquery-first-event:trophy: Execute your event listener callback before others
2@watilde/gulp-tvm-tscCompile TypeScript files to JavaScript with TypeScript Version Manager.:arrow_upper_right:
2@watilde/i18npmnpm friendly translation module:arrow_upper_right:
2@watilde/happy-birthdayto you!:arrow_upper_right:
2@arian/MooResizeMooResize is a MooTools plugin to resize images and other elements in an easy way:arrow_upper_right:
2@ejci/iStitch-AppPicture to cross stitch converter (www.istitchapp.com).
2@rdougan/trips.dougan.bikeWebsite for our Norway trip:arrow_upper_right:
2@bitbonsai/waitilla jQuery plugin to execute code before the DOM is ready...
2@rdougan/dougan.meMy personal website:arrow_upper_right:
2@watilde/jsoo-binBinary wrapper for js_of_ocaml:arrow_upper_right:
2@Kilian/jQuery.textshadowjQuery textshadow plugin for internet explorer:arrow_upper_right:
2@HansPinckaers/ucheck-nodeA scraping service above the (terrible) PeopleSoft implementation of Leiden University.:arrow_upper_right:
2@Kilian/GraduationKilian's graduation documentation
2@EddyVerbruggen/nativescript-admob-d…Demo app for the NativeScript AdMob plugin
2@Kilian/postcss-dutch-styles…PostCSS plugin for writing Dutch Style Sheets http://kilian.github.io/postcss-dutch-st…
2@EddyVerbruggen/nativescript-calenda…Demo app for the NativeScript Calendar plugin
2@arian/grunt-wrapupGrunt Plugin for MooTools Wrapup - Convert your node modules into web modules.
2@PixelsCommander/GetterSetterJSСross-browser way to getters and setters
2@Gaya/jQuery-helper-functi…A collection of functions not included in the default jQuery package, but oh so handy!:arrow_upper_right:
2@PixelsCommander/PerFixRendering smoothness benchmark for scientific - blended performance optimization, written in JavaScript
2@Gaya/testing-javascriptTesting JavaScript using BrowserSync, Mocha and PhantomJS
2@Rob--W/dont-track-me-googleFirefox and Chrome extensions to prevent Google from making links ugly.
2@Gaya/mini-js-starterVery minimal starter to kickstart JavaScript projects. No frameworks, plain npm tasks.
2@dyve/jquery-niceboxMulti-purpose modal box based on jQuery.
2@arian/node-sass-cliBetter CLI for node-sass
2@mikedeboer/amsterdamjs.comAmsterdamJS Home on the Web:arrow_upper_right:
2@arian/selenium-wrapperA selenium server wrapper, including installation and chrome webdriver
2@arian/KlassYet Another Class
2@jtangelder/reduce-argsRemove or strip arguments from function calls in and with JavaScript
2@zigolis/JSOnDemandExamples using RequireJS to load Javascript on demand
2@arian/animateImageAnimateImage is an MooTools plugin to create an animated image:arrow_upper_right:
2@caiogondim/gulp-filename-hintGulp plugin for linting filenames
2@arian/Element.Style.Transf…An abstracted API for CSS3 transforms
2@arian/MooCssWith MooCss (MooTools plugin) you can write Css as Javascript objects (just like Element.Style) to a style tag in the document head:arrow_upper_right:
2@IjzerenHein/famous-lib-testerProject for testing whether my libraries and famo.us can be build successfully using webpack, browserify, etc...
2@hay/photocommonsWordPress plugin to include photos from Wikimedia Commons on your blog:arrow_upper_right:


5138@nhaarman/ListViewAnimationsAn Android library which allows developers to easily add animations to ListView items
2859@rzwitserloot/lombokVery spicy additions to the Java programming language.:arrow_upper_right:
1505@elevenetc/TextSurfaceA little animation framework which could help you to show message in a nice looking way
1363@M66B/XPrivacyXPrivacy - The ultimate, yet easy to use, privacy manager:arrow_upper_right:
1194@konmik/nucleusNucleus is a simple Android library, which utilizes the Model-View-Presenter pattern to properly connect background tasks with visual parts of an application.
974@LarsWerkman/HoloColorPickerAn Android Holo themed colorpicker designed by Marie Schweiz
738@LarsWerkman/QuickReturnListViewA implementation of Roman Nurik's and Nick Butcher's Quick Return UI patern for a listview.
636@M66B/NetGuardA simple way to block access to the internet per application:arrow_upper_right:
531@LarsWerkman/LobsterpickerA great material designed colorpicker by Marie Schweiz
459@elevenetc/DraggableViewDraggable views with rotation and skew/scale effects
357@NightWhistler/PageTurnerAndroid e-book reader with cloud synchronization:arrow_upper_right:
333@elevenetc/InteractiveCanvasLibrary for distribution canvas animation over set of devices
286@elevenetc/BadgeViewBadge view with animated effect which shows a bitmap or a text
258@NightWhistler/HtmlSpannerAndroid HTML rendering library with CSS support:arrow_upper_right:
230@konmik/solidLightweight data streams and immutable collections for Android
163@pmlopes/yokeYoke is a middleware framework for Vert.x:arrow_upper_right:
119@jreijn/spring-comparing-tem…Demo project to show different Java templating engines in combination with Spring MVC
107@OskarVeerhoek/YouTube-tutorialsThe source code for my LWJGL tutorials on YouTube.:arrow_upper_right:
95@dashorst/dashboardDashboard for the coffee corner based on HTML5/CSS3
91@LarsWerkman/LicenseViewA simple library to show licenses in your android application.
85@MineMaarten/PneumaticCraftPneumaticCraft source
70@konmik/Dagger2ExampleThis example is for "Snorkeling with Dagger 2" article:arrow_upper_right:
62@nhaarman/TriadCustom view based screen navigation in Android
61@nhaarman/SQLiteBuilderA SQLite statement builder for Java
59@konmik/PhluxPhlux is an Android library which helps to architect applications in a functional way.
51@konmik/satelliteSatellite is an Android library which allows to properly connect background tasks with visual parts of an application.
48@egonw/cdk-oldThe Chemistry Development Kit:arrow_upper_right:
38@M66B/element53DNS tunnel
36@mdeinum/pro-spring-mvc-codeSource code for the sample application in Pro Spring MVC.
36@rzwitserloot/lombok.astRobust parser + AST for the java language.:arrow_upper_right:
29@konmik/StackLayoutBuilding a user interface with plain old views only.
29@biemond/soa11g_examplesOracle SOA Suite 11g Examples
25@MineMaarten/AdvancedModA repository that holds the Advanced Mod. This is a tutorial mod which progresses further than the basic modding tutorials out there. You can follow the series here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL…
25@konmik/MicroBusThe smallest solution for organizing event bus in Java (and Android) application.
22@M66B/BackPackTrackIIBackPackTrack II
21@pmlopes/vertx-bson-codecBSON EventBus for Vert.x
19@jreijn/spring-mongo-demoThis is a small demo project Using MongoDB and Spring Data
19@dashorst/wicket-stuff-markup-…Wicket response filter that validates XHTML markup:arrow_upper_right:
19@biemond/jdev11g_examplesOracle JDeveloper 11g Examples
18@fabianm/brainfuck-javaInterpreter for the original Brainfuck language and its derivatives written in Java.
18@konmik/dintA Java library for handling dates in a human-readable integer format.
17@paulbakker/ducttapeDevoxx duct tape demo applications
16@konmik/testable-activity-ex…This is an example of how to create an activity class that can be unit-tested without Instrumentation and PowerMock
16@vy/fiber-testPerformance comparison of a multitude of thread/fiber implementations for JVM.
16@mauricioaniche/metricminer2a tool to support researchers on mining software repositories studies:arrow_upper_right:
15@pmlopes/mod-stomp-ioVert.x STOMP Protocol Module
15@LarsWerkman/BoxerAnnotation based serialization for Java and Android
14@rzwitserloot/lombok.patcherA framework for easily patching JVM programs. Part of Project Lombok.:arrow_upper_right:
12@konmik/RxQueryAn Android library for database access with RxJava
12@konmik/proxyprefProxyPref is a simple Android library, which allows to easily access SharedPreferences.
12@nhaarman/trinityA database library for Android based on code generation.
12@nhaarman/ErgoA library for easily executing asynchronous tasks using IntentServices:arrow_upper_right:
12@egonw/gtdGit-based ToDo tool.
11@MineMaarten/IGW-modModJam 3 mod, In-Game Wiki Mod
11@mauricioaniche/change-metricscalculates change metrics in a Git repository
10@biemond/osb11g_examplesOracle OSB 11g Examples
10@egonw/cheminfbenchmarkCheminformatics Benchmark Toolkit
10@iwein/Spring-Integration-S…quick samples around Spring Integration:arrow_upper_right:
9@egonw/jqudtJava library for working with the QUDT ontology and data using it.
9@mdeinum/spring-batch-excelSpring Batch extension which contains ItemReader implementations for Excel. Support for both JExcel and Apache POI is available.
9@M66B/BackPackTrackTrack your journey:arrow_upper_right:
9@dashorst/cucumber-wicketCucumber support for Apache Wicket:arrow_upper_right:
9@jettro/SpringOAuthLinkedinI…Creating a sample application using Spring OAuth to connect to linkedin
8@M66B/XPrivacyInstallerXPrivacy - The ultimate, yet easy to use, privacy manager:arrow_upper_right:
8@GeertjanWielenga/CheatSheetsNew windows are provided for viewing code templates and keybindings while coding in the NetBeans editor.
8@mauricioaniche/rEvolutiona simple mining software repository tool
8@GeertjanWielenga/YoNetBeansNetBeans tools for Yeoman.
7@M66B/FineGeotagFine Geotag
7@paulbakker/petclinicSprint to Java EE migration example
7@egonw/bioclipse.onsOpen Notebook Science Solubility Project
7@dashorst/heroku-wicket-quicks…Wicket Quickstart that runs on a single Heroku dyno.:arrow_upper_right:
7@MineMaarten/SignalsMinecraft mod that adds OpenTTD style signaling and more!
6@GeertjanWielenga/React.jsReact support for NetBeans IDE
6@GeertjanWielenga/GulpSupport for Gulp in NetBeans IDE
6@egonw/org.openscience.cdkRepository with Eclipse bundle exports of the CDK modules and matching required third party libraries.
6@rzwitserloot/com.zwitserloot.cmdr…Easy Command Line option reading in java. (scroll down for help / examples)
5@iwein/NoESBExploring the use Spring Integration as a replacement for an ESB
5@biemond/OEPE_examplesOracle Enterprise for Eclipse
5@vy/lubang-menggaliMulti-player Lubang Menggali (Mancala) game written using Play Framework and WebSockets.
5@vy/quasar-maven-pluginMaven plugin for the ahead-of-time Quasar instrumentation.
5@egonw/CDKittyThe Chemistry Development Kit Google Wave Robot
5@mdeinum/legacy-appCode for the Improve your legacy app with Spring talks.
4@biemond/JDeveloper12c_12.1.2JDeveloper 12.1.2 test projects
4@vy/play-chatChat Application with Play Framework and KnockoutJS:arrow_upper_right:
4@jettro/JavaNosApiJava wrapper for the NOS api:arrow_upper_right:
4@M66B/XPrivacyTesterXPrivacy test application
4@iwein/spring-integrationpersonal hacking space for spring integration
4@dashorst/heroku-wicket-exampl…Apache Wicket examples running on heroku:arrow_upper_right:
4@jettro/CompanyHrA project using google app engine to handle human resource management
4@rzwitserloot/ivyplusplusAdds a few useful features to ivy, such as creating an eclipse project from your deps.:arrow_upper_right:
4@rzwitserloot/totp-exampleA self-contained, runnable example that shows exactly how to (securely!) do TOTP in java.
4@fabianm/jsampLibrary for the Grand Theft Auto San Andreas Multiplayer query mechanism written in Java.
3@dashorst/wicketstuff-securityWicketstuff security temporary location until we migrate it to wicketstuff core. Depend on this at your own risk
3@egonw/rednaelIRC bot that propagates Git commit messages.
3@ShinDarth/HTML-to-BBCode-conve…University Project for "Engineering Software" subject.:arrow_upper_right:
3@egonw/xws-tavernaXWS Plugin for Taverna
3@egonw/RobotDFGoogle Wave robot for RDF functionality
3@egonw/odkOrbital Development Kit
3@jettro/GridshoreSamplesSmall samples that do not deserve to be a project
3@MineMaarten/MineChesssrc of the MineChess Minecraft mod.
3@ShinDarth/Esercizi-Tecniche-di…Exercises about Socket, RMI, Thread, Servlet, Webservice, ...:arrow_upper_right:
3@GeertjanWielenga/TiledNetBeansEditorsTiling feature for editor components from ESA Sentinel Toolbox
3@biemond/webcenter11g_example…WebCenter 11g R1:arrow_upper_right:
3@iwein/throttle-samplesExperiments with throttling
3@jreijn/insight-plugin-hstSpring Insight plugin for Hippo CMS7 based webapplications
3@pmlopes/v-odmVert.x ODM
3@GeertjanWielenga/HTML5PaletteCode snippets for video and other HTML5 snippets for the Component Palette in NetBeans
3@vy/play-facebookReady to go Play Framework application with Facebook Login integration.:arrow_upper_right:
3@martijn00/MusicPlayerCodenameO…Example of a streaming audio app in CodenameOne
3@GeertjanWielenga/NetBeansKeyPromoterStatus line shows key press of UI element such as menu item.
2@vy/null-checkValidates @Nonnull method arguments at runtime using Spring AOP.
2@biemond/activitiActiviti workflow , bpmn
2@rzwitserloot/com.zwitserloot.jsonFluent JSON library for java
2@martijn00/ZipatoZipato app made with CodenameOne
2@nhaarman/PebbleNotifierAn Android application which sends notifications to a Pebble smartwatch.:arrow_upper_right:
2@mdeinum/samplesJava/Spring code samples.
2@ShinDarth/Exit-Poll-GeneratorUniversity Project for "Mathematical and Statistical Methods" subject.
2@egonw/lavoisierOxygen is to breathing and lungs what lavoisier is to molecules and databases.
2@jreijn/spring-session-docke…This project uses Spring Boot, Spring Session, Redis, HAProxy and Docker to run HA environment with Docker Compose
2@egonw/knime-chemspiderSource code for a ChemSpider query API plugin for KNIME.:arrow_upper_right:
2@jreijn/hippo-addon-restful-…This project provides webservices against the Hippo CMS content repository:arrow_upper_right:
2@jreijn/gogreen-androidThis project is a native Android application for the mobile Hippo CMS GoGreen demo.
2@jreijn/cocoon3-demoA small Cocoon3 demo project that parses an RSS feed.
2@GeertjanWielenga/DukeScriptSamplesSamples for DukeScript users
2@biemond/JavaEE7Java EE 7


1549@FransBouma/MassiveA small, happy, dynamic MicroORM for .NET that will love you forever.
334@damianh/LibLogLibLog is a single file for you to either copy/paste or install via nuget, into your library/framework/application to provide a logging abstraction.
215@martijnboland/MvcPagingASP.NET MVC Paging HTML helper:arrow_upper_right:
140@marklagendijk/WinLessAn awesome Windows GUI for less.js:arrow_upper_right:
136@pvginkel/PdfiumViewerPDF viewer based on Google's PDFium.
83@FransBouma/DocNetYour friendly static documentation generator, using markdown files to build the content.:arrow_upper_right:
79@Impyy/ToxyTox client for Windows.
60@damianh/SqlStreamStore.NET Stream Store library targeting SQL based implementations.
57@martijnboland/RavenDBMembershipRavenDB ASP.NET membership provider with sample app
51@Pixelstudio/SkydomeSkydome shader based on Rayleigh/Mie for Unity3D:arrow_upper_right:
51@damianh/LimitsMiddlewareOWIN middleware to apply limits to an OWIN pipeline.
51@Impyy/SharpToxWrapper library for Tox core, av and dns functions
46@FransBouma/RawDataAccessBencherBench code which tests entity materialization speed of various .NET data access / ORM implementations
42@pvginkel/NHttpSimple asynchronous .NET HTTP server
38@Mpdreamz/shellprogressbarShellProgressBar - display progress in your console application
37@leonvanbokhorst/RepositoryPatternEnt…The Repository pattern adds a separation layer between the data and domain layers of an application. It also makes the data access parts of an application better testable.:arrow_upper_right:
33@pvginkel/NHibernate.ODataOData parser for NHibernate.
32@devatwork/NRaftA .NET implementation of the RAFT consensus algoritm
32@ikkentim/SampSharpA framework for writing game modes for SA-MP in C#. SA-MP is a free Massively Multiplayer Online game mod for the PC version of Rockstar Games Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.:arrow_upper_right:
29@dotnetjunkie/solidservicesReference architecture application for .NET that demonstrates how to build highly maintainable web services.
26@martijnboland/MvcNotificationSample ASP.NET MVC project that shows multiple ways for doing notifications, including AJAX scenario's.:arrow_upper_right:
26@pvginkel/ExpressionsExpression parser for C#, Flee and Visual Basic
26@Pixelstudio/OctreeUnity3D Octree implementation
26@TarasOsiris/unity3d-prefab-poolSimple Prefab Pool for Unity3D
25@uhaciogullari/SimpleMvcSitemapA simple library for creating sitemap files inside ASP.NET MVC applications
24@damianh/OwinHttpMessageHandl…An implementation of System.Net.Http.HttpMessageHandler that translates an HttpRequestMessage into an OWIN compatible environment dictionary
24@FransBouma/LinqToSQL2Official Linq to SQL fork. A complete ORM which is backwards compatible with Linq to SQL but with new features.
23@damianh/Cedar.CommandHandlin…Middleware to handling commands over HTTP; typically used in CQRS applications.
22@Pixelstudio/TerrainPainta addon for Unity3d for texture painting a custom mesh and painting objects:arrow_upper_right:
22@diamondo25/MapleSharkMapleShark is a MapleStory sniffer that works with SharpPcap. Sniff dem packetzz!
21@TarasOsiris/unity-game-programmi…Game Programming Pattern Examples in Unity3D
18@pvginkel/PdfViewer.NET PDF viewer based on Chrome pdf.dll and xPDF
17@leonvanbokhorst/RepositoryPatternLin…The Repository pattern adds a separation layer between the data and domain layers of an application. It also makes the data access parts of an application better testable.:arrow_upper_right:
16@ikkentim/SanMapTools for using Google Maps with the map of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. The project contains a projection for the San Andreas map and a tool to generate map tiles.:arrow_upper_right:
14@Marlamin/WoWFormatTestMessing around with WoW file formats
14@Felienne/QuartoThis repo contains code that generates minsat input to detect if the board game Quarto can end in a tie
12@pvginkel/SystemExCollection of utilities for working with .NET and WinForms.
11@damianh/LibOwinTypes that help work with an owin environment.
11@devatwork/LinkedINSharpC# SDK for LinkedIN:arrow_upper_right:
11@devatwork/Premotion-AspNet-App…Provides seamless integration with AppHarbor by undoing some of the AppHarbor specific behavior.
10@uhaciogullari/NLog.InterfaceDefines an abstraction for NLog.Logger public interface
10@pvginkel/ProgressEncodeImplementation of the Progress OpenEdge ENCODE algorithm
9@angelog/OpenSMO:dancers: Open Stepmania Online Server
9@pvginkel/CSharpSyntaxC# code generator based on the Roslyn API
9@uhaciogullari/MemoryCacheTA thread-safe dictionary with eviction options
8@danelkhen/desktopbrowserWeb based file explorer, runs locally on your browser, designed for media desktops.
8@nlhans/SimTelemetryTelemetry and dashboard utility for rFactor with trackmap, Formula 1-style timing and onboard telemetry utilities.
7@Pixelstudio/PixelRendererA photonrender and path tracer in Unity3D
7@FransBouma/InspectCodeResultVie…Viewer for Jetbrains' InspectCode result files
7@Pixelstudio/StateMachineA simple to use State Machine for unity3D
7@damianh/FakeReverseProxyHostOWIN middleware that simulates reverse proxy behaviour by changing request URL and adding headers
7@pvginkel/ChromePdfViewer.NET PDF viewer based on Chrome pdf.dll
7@leonvanbokhorst/FactoryPatternA Simple Factory Pattern example in c#:arrow_upper_right:
7@angelog/ClipUpload:arrow_up: This innovating application adds a new icon to your system tray. Upon right-clicking it, you will get a menu to upload whatever is in your clipboard to where you chose it to be. For example, you can quickly upload a screenshot of something to an FTP server, Dropbox public folder, Imgur or Pastebin, and immediately put the link to it in your clipboard, so you can paste the link in an IM or IRC window!:arrow_upper_right:
6@damianh/SiteMappingMiddlewar…Owin middleware that provides IIS Site Bindings like functionality
6@damianh/RavenDB.Client.Conte…A RavenDB client extension that passing of contextual information into client listeners.
6@damianh/Nancy.SimpleRpcA simple message based RPC over HTTP library
6@Impyy/ToxToolDisplays helpful information about a Tox profile
6@eteeselink/YieldMachineInline state machines in C#
5@TarasOsiris/Better-DefinesAn easy and elegant way to manage your preprocessor directives in Unity3D
5@damianh/Nancy.Authentication…Sample OWIN middleware that deciphers a Nancy forms auth cookie and puts a ClaimsPrincipal in the OWIN environment.
5@aistrate/TypingPracticeProgram for practicing typing skills such as speed, and typing code (programming language source code).
5@eteeselink/fakethatFake That, ridiculously simple mocking for .Net
5@damianh/CapturingLogOutputWi…Example way to capture log output when using parallel testing.
5@pvginkel/CustomChromeLibrary to ease adding custom chrome to a form with an implementation for the Visual Studio 2012 chrome
4@devatwork/Premotion-MansionDevelopement project for the Premotion Mansion Framework
4@damianh/WebSocketsMiddlewareMiddleware that provides wraps OWIN's websocket functionality in an easy to use context
4@danelkhen/corexA set of power APIs and extensions to the core .NET framework for better productivity
4@aistrate/RegexParserRegular Expression parser (loosely mimicking .NET Framework's System.Text.RegularExpressions namespace).
4@FransBouma/CSRotoZoomerOld RotoZoomer Demoscene effect in C#
3@leonvanbokhorst/ChainOfResponsibilit…The Chain of Responsibility pattern takes a request and flows through a chain of handlers. Each handler checks if it can handle the request according to some business rules. If the handler can’t handle the request it gets passed to the next handler in the chain. The client doesn’t know which handler eventually handles the request.:arrow_upper_right:
3@ikkentim/GBEmmyA failed attempt at creating a gameboy emulator in C#. (unlisted)
3@ikkentim/LogiFrameA framework for monochrome Logitech gaming keyboard LCDs.:arrow_upper_right:
3@lieuwex/GEPRO_OSIsharpC# Library voor Gepro-OSI roosters.
3@ikkentim/SpotifyA spotify "currently playing" API for the windows version of Spotify.:arrow_upper_right:
3@Impyy/SharpTox.Av.FilterAn extension for SharpTox, containing bindings for the filter_audio library
3@pvginkel/CrashReporter.NETCrashCollector .NET library
3@pvginkel/VisualGitVisual Studio source control extensions for Git
3@pvginkel/ApplicationHostWinForms control for hosting .NET applications inside another .NET application
3@damianh/SignalR.Backplane.Ne…A NetMQ (ZeroMQ) brokerless backplane for SignalR
3@nlhans/SimShiftDriver utilities for various open roaming simulators, like ETS2.
3@uhaciogullari/WcfClientBaseA simple base class that encapsulates WCF service calls
3@damianh/NancyAADNancy self host API and active client secured with Azure Active Directoy
3@Marlamin/VROverlayTestMessing around with OpenVR overlay stuff
3@nlhans/MAS2ExtractExtract unencrypted .MAS files of rFactor2
3@thefringeninja/NEventStore.Persiste…GetEventStore Persistence Engine for NEventStore
2@waldekmastykarz/lab-officegraph-tren…Lab illustrating how to leverage the Office Graph in SharePoint Add-ins
2@thefringeninja/Simple.ArasSuper simple adapter for Aras Innovator inspired by Simple.Data
2@thefringeninja/rhino-esb-topshelfHost rhino esb inside topshelf and ease the configuration burden!
2@angelog/Coral:game_die: Coral Engine
2@martijnboland/AuthenticatedOwinInt…Example Visual Studio 2015 solution for Owin Web API authenticated integration tests without authorization server
2@aistrate/ForthInterpreterForth interpreter written in .NET (C#).
2@TarasOsiris/unity-editor-gui-ele…Reference project for Unity Editor UI Elements
2@leonvanbokhorst/EightPuzzleProblemThe 8-Puzzle Problem is a thing they throw at you when you study Artificial Intelligence. It’s a great little problem for learning to understand search trees and shortest path algorithms with heuristics. Traveling via Breadth-First Search, via Depth First Search we mostly end up with the A* Algorithm using a Manhattan Distance Heuristic for effectively solving this problem. This article shows a way how to do this in C#.:arrow_upper_right:
2@Mpdreamz/tabaltSticky Alt+Tab replacement for Windows that allows to be filtered
2@leonvanbokhorst/SortAlgoBotSortAlgoBot performs a classic Quicksort sorting algorithm on an array of twelve colored Lego balls. It detects all colors in the first round. Then the sorting starts and all 'swaps' the algorithm makes are executed. Programmed in C# with VisualStudio 2010 and the excellent Mindsqualls Lego Mindstroms Nxt library. It fires of commands to Motorcontrol, a great third party application for better controlling motor movements on the Nxt brick.:arrow_upper_right:
2@damianh/HarleyCreate custom desktop applications using Chromium embedded framework.
2@danelkhen/fsyncFile watcher and synchronizer between local windows file system and remote ssh linux path
2@damianh/TestingWebApiWithOwi…Simple example of doing in-memory acceptance testing of WebAPI controllers with Owin.Testing
2@pvginkel/ProtoVariantVARIANT implementation in protobuf-net
2@ikkentim/SampSharp-streamerA wrapper of the popular SA-MP streamer plugin for SampSharp.


17@RoelN/CompyxMulticolor OpenType font "Compyx"
12@jeroenoomsNL/initialize-cssInitialize your base CSS styling with cross browser best practices. Available in CSS and configurable SASS (SCSS) format.:arrow_upper_right:
6@tmnlsthrn/LotusAn iOS 7-ish look and feel for your Cydia repository or website.:arrow_upper_right:
2@code0wl/flexy-gridA flex-box grid that is simple to extend and maintain. Simplicity is the key.


283@inliniac/suricataMirror of the official OISF Suricata git repository:arrow_upper_right:
70@orlp/ed25519Portable C implementation of Ed25519, a high-speed high-security public-key signature system.
55@matthijskooijman/arduino-lmicLoraWAN-in-C library, adapted to run under the Arduino environment
44@Unia/gcolor3A simple color chooser written in GTK3 (like gcolor2):arrow_upper_right:
42@Ithamar/awutilsTools for handling Allwinner images
32@svanderburg/disnixDisnix: A Nix-based distributed service deployment tool
30@ErikZalm/Marlin-non-gen6Marlin for non gen6 boards.
30@bnoordhuis/phodewe put the async in php
28@inliniac/vuurmuurVuurmuur Firewall:arrow_upper_right:
25@Unia/dwm-patchesOBSOLETE -- A collection of patches for dwm
22@squadette/vlcvlc fixes courtesy of undev.ru:arrow_upper_right:
20@bnoordhuis/ngx_http_auth_cas_mo…CAS client for nginx:arrow_upper_right:
17@BlackLight/Snort_AIPreprocA preprocessor module for Snort using AI algorithms for pruning and clustering attack alarms, find out alert correlations in multi-step attacks, providing a web interface for exploring alerts and correlations, and much more:arrow_upper_right:
17@Armada651/g-keyThis plugin allows you to use the macro G-Keys on any Logitech keyboard to directly control TeamSpeak 3.:arrow_upper_right:
14@bnoordhuis/uriparser2Your one-stop C and C++ library for URI parsing.
13@orlp/pyglfwPython bindings for GLFW
12@bnoordhuis/bspcQuake 3 BSP-to-AAS compiler:arrow_upper_right:
12@orlp/pygrafixpygrafix is a Python/Cython hardware-accelerated 2D graphics library.
12@Unia/dwmstOBSOLETE -- A hardcoded statusbar for DWM
11@bnoordhuis/mongrel2mongrel2 + dependencies = your one-stop mongrel2 build:arrow_upper_right:
11@daanvanhasselt/lensflareOF project, experimenting with shaders to create a lens flare and a light-scattering effect.
11@bnoordhuis/punycodePunycode encoder/decoder:arrow_upper_right:
10@svanderburg/libiffPortable, extensible parser for the Interchange File Format (IFF)
10@cataphract/php-discountPHP extension that wraps the discount Markdown library; PECL markdown package.:arrow_upper_right:
8@svanderburg/libilbmParser library for the ILBM: IFF Interleaved BitMap format
8@bnoordhuis/lua-uvlua + libuv = sweet async goodness
8@daanvanhasselt/ofShowreel2011Credit…Application to generate the credits for the 2011 openFrameworks showreel
7@BlackLight/fkmeansA tiny library in C for managing kmeans clusterization algorithm over arbitrary data sets, both by manually specifying the number k of clusters and computing it automatically using Schwarz criterion
7@bnoordhuis/marnixMARNIX, a UNIX clone
7@svanderburg/libamivideoConversion library for Amiga planar graphics data and EHB, HAM screen modes
7@TripNRaVeR/android_device_htc_e…device tree for the htc endeavoru
6@BlackLight/ASMashA tiny library for runtime disassembling/assembling binary/Assembly code:arrow_upper_right:
6@BlackLight/fsomA tiny C library for managing SOM (Self-Organizing Maps) neural networks
6@Unia/mpd-notifySends a notification whenever MPD's state (play/pause/stop) or current song changes
5@Unia/gvoliconA simple and lightweight volume icon that sits in your system tray, written in GTK3
5@Unia/arek-wmA modern tiling window manager, based on libmutter
5@matthijskooijman/udiald3G modem dialing daemon
5@BlackLight/tcpsmashFree, complete & cool packet sniffer for Unix-like systems:arrow_upper_right:
5@orlp/ReducePingReducePing is a small utility to tune the "TcpAckFrequency" setting of Windows to get better latency in TCP networked games.
5@Armada651/hqx-shaderCg shader version of HQx filter
5@svanderburg/dydisnixDynamic Disnix: A toolset enabling self-adaptive redeployment on top of Disnix
5@BlackLight/VoxiferaA little GNU/Linux software for vocal recognition and execution of arbitrary vocal commands:arrow_upper_right:
4@svanderburg/lib8svxParser library for 8SVX: digitally sampled audio voices consisting of 8-bit samples
4@bnoordhuis/httpd-accfiltkernel-mode http accept filter benchmark
4@bnoordhuis/mod_gitserve content straight from your git repositories
4@orlp/secudhtA secure design and implementation of the Kademlia DHT.
3@squadette/pppdFixes for pppd, gathered from various distributions:arrow_upper_right:
3@svanderburg/SDL_ILBMA library and viewer for handling ILBM images in SDL applications
3@Unia/phosphorusA simple wallpaper browser and setter (GTK3 clone of Nitrogen)
3@ErikZalm/fnetFNET port for chibios
3@Ithamar/iusutilsTools for handling InfoTMIC .ius files
3@matthijskooijman/arduino-platform-samTemporary testing repository for https://github.com/arduino/Arduino/pull/…
3@bnoordhuis/axis2-cApache Axis2/C is a Web services engine implemented in the C programming language.:arrow_upper_right:
3@Unia/dwmOBSOLETE -- Personal dwm fork
3@borisbstyle/wiiesc-oneshot125Dynamic scaling to oneshot125:arrow_upper_right:
2@orlp/commoncVarious common C algorithms and things
2@j1nx/Openlinux.Amlogic.M3arm-src-kernel from Openlinux.Amlogic for Meson3
2@squadette/checkpassword-pamGit mirror of checkpassword-pam CVS repository from sf.net:arrow_upper_right:
2@TripNRaVeR/tripndroid-endeavoru…tripndroid 3.1.10 kernel based on htc sources
2@svanderburg/SDL_8SVXA library and player for handling 8SVX instruments in SDL applications
2@o-jasper/Variousvarious stuff
2@bnoordhuis/gyp-bugshowcase gyp bug
2@bnoordhuis/libsmA fast string matcher library.
2@bnoordhuis/entityplusjust another quake 3 mod:arrow_upper_right:
2@bnoordhuis/mod_modletHassle-free module authoring for Apache 2


553@tomlooman/EpicSurvivalGameSeri…Third person survival game (tutorial) series for Unreal Engine 4.
464@RobTillaart/Arduinolibs and code
359@rcaelers/workraveWorkrave is a program that assists in the recovery and prevention of Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI). The program frequently alerts you to take micro-pauses, rest breaks and restricts you to your daily limit.:arrow_upper_right:
151@repaper/gratisEPD Source codes and Documentation
140@tomlooman/ue4-tutorialsCollection of Unreal 4 Tutorials & Experiments by Tom Looman
139@martinmoene/lestA modern, C++11-native, single-file header-only, tiny framework for unit-tests, TDD and BDD
85@martinmoene/gsl-liteA single-file header-only version of ISO C++ Guidelines Support Library (GSL) for C++98, C++03 and later
73@tomlooman/VRTemplatesVR Templates for Unreal Engine 4.11 and above
37@zhmu/openromRunes of Magic protocol analysis tools
34@ruuda/luculentusProof of concept spectral path tracer
24@paulhoux/Cinder-FFmpegCinder block for rendering digital video on Windows using the libavcodec library.
21@martinmoene/clueA tiny single-file header-only C++ logging framework
20@mrexodia/aktArmadillo Key Tool
19@paulhoux/Cinder-WarpingA Cinder block that enables you to easily create editable bi-linear and perspective warps, or a combination of the two.
18@martinmoene/martin-moene.blogspo…Code from my Blog
17@martinmoene/optional-liteOptional (nullable) objects for C++98 and later
13@companje/ofxExtrasopenFrameworks addon adding some usefull functions to OF
11@mrexodia/ArmaG3ddonArmaG3ddon by CondZero/ARTeam
11@JoSchaap/GoT_Wasteland_V2.Str…WARNING! This repo is no longer updated, find the updated version on the A3Wasteland git! -:arrow_upper_right:
11@martinmoene/PhysUnits-CT-Cpp11A small C++11, C++14 header-only library for compile-time dimensional analysis and unit/quantity manipulation and conversion
10@companje/ofxBlurShaderopenFrameworks addon to blur stuff using a shader
9@companje/ofxSpriteManageropenFrameworks addon for working with animated sprites / image sequences and loading each file only once by making use of ofxAssets:arrow_upper_right:
9@fuzzie/unityFinal Unity engine for scummvm (not working!)
8@m-ou-se/picpA PIC16F145x based PIC16F145x USB programmer.
8@fieldOfView/uv-mapperA suite of tools for uv-mapping video content, applied to projection mapping and lens correction and other purposes.:arrow_upper_right:
7@canboat/BR24radar_piOpenCPN radar plugin for Navico Broadband Radars (BR24, 3G, 4G models)
7@companje/ofxGCodeopenFrameworks addon for creating GCode files (early stage)
6@fieldOfView/CinderDirectShowVideo playback for libCinder using DirectShow:arrow_upper_right:
6@companje/ofxFontExtruderopenFrameworks addon to extrude an ofTrueType font into 3D with the ability to export to STL and GCODE
6@m-ou-se/moggleA sexy C++11 OpenGL library.
6@companje/ofxArcTextopenFrameworks addon for displaying an ofTrueType font on a circular path
5@martinmoene/PhysUnits-CTA C++ header-only library for compile-time dimensional analysis and unit/quantity manipulation and conversion
5@Ignotus/kdotsA prototype of the game of dots. It's a mirror of https://projects.kde.org/kdots
5@companje/ofxFTGLopenFrameworks addon for text rendering using FTGL
5@companje/ofxLightningopenFrameworks addon adding for creating lightning bolds:arrow_upper_right:
4@ruuda/deadlockFast search-based password manager
4@ruuda/fibintCompute Fibonacci numbers efficiently using finite fields
4@SodaqMoja/Sodaq_DS3231Arduino library for DS3231
4@Borf/playallthegamesA collection of minigames:arrow_upper_right:
4@companje/ofxAssetsopenFrameworks addon for loading and caching videofiles
4@mrexodia/LivecodingTwitchBot to synchronize Livecoding and Twitch chats.
4@martinmoene/observer-ptrA single-file header-only C++98, C++03, C++11, C++14 version of ISO C++17 std::observer_ptr
4@ahupowerdns/cplusplus2011-tourSmall tour of some notable C++2011 features
3@companje/ofxMeshopenFrameworks addon adding some extra functions to ofMesh
3@martinmoene/WholeValueWhole value idiom made easy in C++
3@companje/ofxArcBallopenFrameworks addon creating an ArcBall camera, similar to ofEasyCam
3@companje/ofxIniSettingsopenFrameworks addon for reading and writing .ini / .conf files
3@companje/ofProjectsSome of my openFrameworks
3@m-ou-se/unitsCompile time unit checking with C++11 template magic.:arrow_upper_right:
3@ahupowerdns/ahutilsattempt to create a library of code snippets I use a lot
3@rdb/bpbExperimental prototype of Blender-Panda3D Bridge
3@m-ou-se/tekTruly Ergonomic Keyoard Firmware Upgrade Tool
3@companje/ofxGeometryopenFrameworks addon for converting between coordinate systems: lat/lon, axis/angle, quaternion, cartesian (may have errors)
3@SodaqMoja/RTCTimerAn Arduino library to schedule tasks using RTC as the clock
2@SodaqMoja/Sodaq_TPHA library for the TPH board
2@iglesias/lmnn-gsoc2013-reviewGSoC 2013 code for the LMNN -- metric learning -- project in Shogun
2@zhmu/musixboxMusic player library and frontends
2@iglesias/cgr_localizationMy CGR Localization fork from http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~coral/projects/lo…
2@mrexodia/Utf8IniSmall C++ INI Parser.
2@companje/ofxOrthoCamopenFrameworks addon for using a orthographic camera
2@companje/STL-exportDoodle3D experiment for tracing contours and exporting to STL using openFrameworks, OpenCV and ofxSTL
2@companje/ofxDateTimeopenFrameworks addon doing calculations with dates and times (needs some polishing)
2@companje/ofxKeyMapopenFrameworks addon for keeping track of pressed keys
2@zhmu/tortillaC++ BitTorrent library and client


37@jankeesvw/LogMeisterLogMeister, one Flash logger to rule them all
29@ringodotnl/jiglibflash-core-fp1…3D physics engine open source actionscript (MIT):arrow_upper_right:
17@ringodotnl/jiglibflash-examples…Examples 3D physics engine open source actionscript (MIT):arrow_upper_right:
15@tversteeg/NexusActionscript 3, GPU accelerated 2D game engine using Stage3D
9@michahell/pinbored-AS3pinbored is a batch/mass Pinboard bookmark editor for easily reducing one's insane amount of bookmarks.
4@jankeesvw/PlowProject scaffolding from the future
2@jvanbaarsen/ld23My Ludumdare 23 entry


91@fmw/vixWebsite-management software (CMS) written in Clojure.:arrow_upper_right:
67@ams-clj/clansiANSI color and style codes for Clojure.
35@fmw/alidaCrawling, scraping and indexing application written in Clojure.
31@astoeckley/Eat-StaticEasy run-time type-checking and validation of Clojure maps and functions
23@pepijndevos/BegameA Clojure 2D game engine
16@fmw/clojure-lucene-demoLucene demo written in Clojure
14@pepijndevos/clojure-quizA quiz about Clojure in Clojure for Clojurians:arrow_upper_right:
14@skuro/lambdalfAlfresco module that exposes a Clojure API to access the repository.
13@pepijndevos/uttersonA static site generator written in Clojure in the style of Jekyll & Hyde.:arrow_upper_right:
10@neotyk/status-codesKeyword status codes for ring and compojure.
10@pepijndevos/ArmageDOMThe epic battle on the final day of XML. A Clojure DSL similar to Hiccup to generate XML.:arrow_upper_right:
9@ams-clj/async-philosophersA Dining Philosphers solver to learn core.async
8@pepijndevos/BaardRing router based on core.match, similar to Moustache.
7@michelvollebregt/clojuremvcSpring MVC wrapper for Clojure:arrow_upper_right:
6@pepijndevos/logosLogic Programming for Clojure
6@skuro/lein-misakiA leiningen plugin for Misaki, a Jekyll inspired static site generator for Clojure
6@pepijndevos/beauforthA Forth compiler for the NXT
5@pepijndevos/fastcgi-ringRing middleware for JFastCGI:arrow_upper_right:
4@pepijndevos/irc-deployPallet deploy scripts for teamrelaychat.nl
3@skuro/lambdalf-samplesSample usages and applications on top of lambdalf -- a Clojure adapter for Alfresco
3@happyhacking-nl/cljsbuild-templateLeiningen ClojureScript template, based on lein-cljsbuild
3@ams-clj/reddit-gaeReddit Clojure clone on Google App Engine:arrow_upper_right:
3@pepijndevos/couch-atomAn atom interface to CouchDB using Clutch:arrow_upper_right:
3@fmw/clojure-blog-searchExample search implementation based on Alida
3@pepijndevos/Clojure-Micro-WikiA small wiki written in Clojure in a gitorial style:arrow_upper_right:
3@vijaykiran/couch-shouterThe shouter application with CouchDB as Backend
2@skuro/akismetClojure library to query Akismet
2@fmw/clj-foPDF generation for Clojure with XSL-FO and Apache FOP
2@neotyk/hac-livehttp.async.client live
2@meggermo/matomicMy project to explore Datomic
2@pepijndevos/Wemailsocial email
2@pepijndevos/ClomianClojure port of Mian(Minecraft Analysis)


47@myrne/performance-nowImplements performance.now (based on process.hrtime).
12@myrne/mongo-utilsUtilities for managing MongoDB databases
4@myrne/parse-appcache-manif…Parses HTML5 application cache manifest
3@rharel/node-avl-treeAVL-tree for Node.js and the browser.
3@myrne/faithfulLike Async, but employing promises.
2@stewartrule/Backbone-InquiryAdd-on to easily query your Backbone collections
2@myrne/osi-licensesid-name pairs of OSI-approved licenses
2@myrne/explorerExplore directories in various ways.
2@myrne/f-throttleLimit concurrency of a function returning a promise.


131@tpjg/goriakpbcA golang riak client inspired by the Ruby riak-client from Basho and riakpbc from mrb
123@dgryski/triflesA playground for things that aren't interesting enough to have their own repo.
118@dgryski/dgoogauthGoogle Authenticator for Go
96@dgryski/dkeyczarPort of Google's Keyczar cryptography library to Go
92@dgryski/go-tszTime series compression algorithm from Facebook's Gorilla paper
90@dgryski/dmrgoGo library for writing standalone Map/Reduce jobs or for use with Hadoop's streaming protocol
76@dgryski/go-jumpgo-jump: Jump consistent hashing
60@dgryski/hokusaihokusai -- sketching streams in real-time
59@dgryski/go-simstoresimhash storage and searching
58@dgryski/carbonapiAPI server for github.com/dgryski/carbonzipper
44@dgryski/carbonzipperproxy to transparently merge graphite carbon backends
43@dgryski/go-failurePhi Accrual Failure Detection
42@dgryski/dgohashA collection of well-known string hash functions, implemented in Go
39@dgryski/go-identiconCreate simple visual hashes of data, similar to github's identicons.
35@dgryski/gttpgttp: http for gophers
34@dgryski/go-farmgo-farm: a pure-Go farmhash implementation
32@dgryski/go-tinylfuTinyLFU cache admission policy
31@dgryski/go-topkStreaming TopK estimates
29@dgryski/go-changeOnline Change Detection Algorithm
27@dgryski/go-gkgk: streaming quantiles
27@dgryski/go-fastquantilesapproximate streaming quantiles
26@dgryski/rgiprgip: restful geoip service
26@dgryski/go-onlinestatsOne-pass running statistics
24@dgryski/go-maglevGo implementation of maglev hashing
20@dgryski/go-ketamaKetama implementation compatible with Algorithm::ConsistentHash::Ketama
19@dgryski/go-arcadaptive replacement cache
19@dgryski/go-cuckoofGo implemetation of cuckoo filters
18@dgryski/go-highwayGo implementation of Google's HighwayHash
17@dgryski/carbonmemin-memory carbon-like store
16@dgryski/go-yubiauthYubikey Authorization Server
16@dgryski/go-duowebDuo Security two-factor authentication for Go web applications
6@serge-hulne/go-mapsGo maps generalized to interfaces which implement Int() or String methods
4@krpors/waspWeb based 'remote control' for Mplayer.
4@medvednikov/gomvcA tiny MVC web framework for Go
3@krpors/hmonSimplistic HTTP monitoring using content assertions.
2@Luit/dogebotSlack bot placing :doge: reactions
2@Luit/respresp is a package to read and interpret Redis Serialization Protocol data.


217@sebastiaanvisser/clayA CSS preprocessor as embedded Haskell.
62@sebastiaanvisser/fclabelsFirst class composable record labels for Haskell.
49@tomlokhorst/AwesomePreludeYet another alternative Haskell Prelude, but this one is awesome!:arrow_upper_right:
48@serras/lambdaconf-2015-webProjects for LambdaConf 2015 Haskell web workshop
34@basvandijk/monad-controlLift control operations, like exception catching, through monad transformers
21@roelvandijk/base-unicode-symbolsUnicode alternatives for common functions and operators:arrow_upper_right:
21@sebastiaanvisser/salviaSalvia - Modular Haskell HTTP server.
21@edsko/ghc-dump-treeDump GHC's abstract syntax trees
19@sebastiaanvisser/frp-jsFunctional Reactive DSL in Haskell that compiles to JavaScript.
19@basvandijk/scientificArbitrary-precision floating-point numbers represented using scientific notation
18@roelvandijk/numeralsConvert numbers to number words
18@basvandijk/threadsFork threads and wait for their result
17@basvandijk/regionsProvides the region monad for safely opening and working with scarce resources
17@basvandijk/usbCommunicate with USB devices
17@tomlokhorst/language-cilManipulating Common Intermediate Language AST in Haskell
16@christiaanb/clashmy branch of clash:arrow_upper_right:
14@basvandijk/case-insensitiveCase insensitive string comparison
13@basvandijk/lifted-baseIO operations from the base library lifted to any instance of MonadBase or MonadBaseControl
12@basvandijk/concurrent-extraExtra concurrency primitives
10@sebastiaanvisser/ghc-goalsCollect type information about Agda like goals in Haskell code.
9@twanvl/simple-reflectSimple reflection of expressions
9@basvandijk/rssA library for generating RSS 2.0 feeds.
8@hesselink/kqueueHaskell bindings to kqueue
8@basvandijk/levmarAn implementation of the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm
8@hesselink/flockHaskell bindings to flock
8@spockz/Haskell-Code-Complet…A simple Haskell program to provide tags for Haskell code completion in TextMate
8@PaulVisschers/relational-algebraA library that exposes a type-safe relational algebra.
7@christiaanb/SoOSiMAbstract full system simulator:arrow_upper_right:
7@roberth/haskell-data-miningData mining and machine learning framework for Haskell
6@edsko/tracetreeVisualization of Haskell data structures
6@sebastiaanvisser/subtitlesSimple program to cut, select prefix/suffix of, reindex and shift SRT subtitle files.
6@basvandijk/vector-bytestringByteStrings as type synonyms of Vectors
6@tomlokhorst/bool-extrasA fold function for Bool in Haskell:arrow_upper_right:
6@sebastiaanvisser/hahaA simple library for creating animated ascii art on ANSI terminals.
6@typLAB/regular-xmlpicklerGeneric generation of HXT XmlPickler instances using Regular.:arrow_upper_right:
5@norm2782/HaskBanSimple Sokoban clone implemented in Haskell as a Utrecht Summerschool project
5@sebastiaanvisser/salvia-demoDemo website for the Salvia webserver.
5@roelvandijk/ls-usbA small utility that lists USB devices connected to your system
5@twanvl/multisetmultiset haskell package
5@basvandijk/regional-pointersRegional memory pointers
5@tomlokhorst/FunVMA Functional intermediate language
5@roelvandijk/containers-unicode-s…Unicode alternatives for common functions and operators:arrow_upper_right:
5@sebastiaanvisser/msc-thesisMSc Thesis project Utrecht University + wgp10 paper.
4@sebastiaanvisser/salvia-websocketWebsockets for the Salvia webserver.
4@sebastiaanvisser/islayA generic approach to datatype persistency in Haskell.
4@sebastiaanvisser/salvia-protocolProtocol suite for the Salvia webserver, including functionality for URI, HTTP, Cookie and MIME.
4@ruudkoot/functional-programmi…Assignments for the Functional Programming course at Utrecht University:arrow_upper_right:
4@roelvandijk/numerals-baseConvert numbers to number words
4@sebastiaanvisser/xml-arrowHaksell list arrows for XML manipulation.
4@christiaanb/vhdlVHDL AST and Pretty Printer
4@hesselink/type-equalityHaskell definition of type equality, coercion/cast and other operations.
4@basvandijk/bindings-libusbLow level bindings to libusb
4@roelvandijk/roman-numeralsParsing and pretty printing of Roman numerals
3@norm2782/gp2k10-uhc-profilingUHC profiling project for GP 2010 at Utrecht University
3@basvandijk/unbounded-delaysUnbounded thread delays and timeouts
3@basvandijk/explicit-iomodesFile handles with explicit IOModes
3@basvandijk/usb-exampleExample how to use the usb library
3@basvandijk/safer-file-handles-e…Examples for the safer-file-handles package
3@tomlokhorst/feed2twitterSend posts from a feed to Twitter
3@sebastiaanvisser/salvia-extrasSome additional more advanced handlers for the Salvia HTTP server.
3@hesselink/thesisMy master thesis
3@sebastiaanvisser/tonicSimple XML toolkit for Haskell
3@tomlokhorst/wolA program and library to a send WoL Magic Packet, to remotely start a computer.
2@sebastiaanvisser/salvia-sessionsSession support for the Salvia webserver.
2@sebastiaanvisser/garbitraryGeneric Arbitrary instances for QuickCheck
2@christiaanb/haskell12Experiance Report on SoOSiM
2@serras/t-regexMatchers and grammars using tree regular expressions
2@roberth/hinduce-associations…Implementation of the Apriori algorithm for association rule mining
2@ruudkoot/phdStuff related to my Ph.D. research
2@christiaanb/clash-binghc(i) binary loaded with clash library:arrow_upper_right:
2@roelvandijk/length-listLists paired with their length
2@serras/scion-ghc-7-requisit…Changed prerrequisites for making Scion work on GHC 7
2@roelvandijk/ftdiA thin layer over USB to communicate with FTDI chips
2@serras/cobaltCOnstraint-BAsed Little Typechecker
2@roelvandijk/positional-numeralsUtilities for working with positional numeral systems
2@sebastiaanvisser/jailJailed IO monad. Run file based IO computations in restricted parts of the filesystem.
2@roelvandijk/usb-id-databaseA database of USB identifiers
2@sebastiaanvisser/data-reify-cseCommon Sub-Expression Elimination for graphs generated by the Data.Reify package.
2@roelvandijk/complexityEmpirical algorithmic complexity
2@sebastiaanvisser/diskheapBlock based storage heap saved on disk.
2@basvandijk/safer-file-handlesType-safe file handling
2@sebastiaanvisser/generic-binaryGeneric Data.Binary derivation using GHC generics.
2@basvandijk/reprRender overloaded expressions to their textual representation.
2@edsko/ChinesePodAPIHaskell bindings against the ChinesePod API
2@tomlokhorst/dutchhug-nlsource code of DutchHUG.nl website:arrow_upper_right:
2@basvandijk/usb-safeType-safe communication with USB devices
2@basvandijk/string-combinatorsPolymorphic functions to build and combine stringlike values
2@timjs/spl-compilerA compiler for SPL in Haskell
2@basvandijk/usb-safe-examplesExamples that demonstrate how to use the usb-safe library
2@roelvandijk/transfiniteA data type for transfinite numbers


73@Tieske/dateDate & Time module for Lua 5.x:arrow_upper_right:
72@Dysoch/DyTechDyTech, A mod for Factorio. Making the game much more complex!:arrow_upper_right:
51@Tieske/uuidA pure Lua uuid generator (modified from a Rackspace module):arrow_upper_right:
17@DraconisBoL/BoLCollection of scripts for BoL by Draconis.
16@Tieske/pe-parserLua module to parse a Portable Executable (.exe , .dll, etc.) file and extract metadata
11@Tieske/binaryheap.luaBinary heap implementation in Lua:arrow_upper_right:
8@Tieske/CopasTimerAn addon facility for the Copas scheduler that adds timers, backgroundworkers, and (optional) event capabilities to Copas.:arrow_upper_right:
8@Tieske/corowatchLua module to watch coroutine usage and kill a coroutine if it fails to yield in a timely manner.
5@Tieske/LuaxPLxPL framework for Lua. xPL is an open protocol intended to permit the control and monitoring of home automation devices. The protocol includes complete discovery and auto-configuration capabilities which support a fully “plug-n-play” architecture.:arrow_upper_right:
5@bas080/vinesVines mod for minetest. Also adds ropes.:arrow_upper_right:
4@bas080/civilizationMinetest game which focuses on highly collaborative gameplay:arrow_upper_right:
4@bas080/simpleA collection of minetest mods and mods of mods. Focus on gamplay and immertion
4@bas080/inboxMinetest mod that adds mailboxes to minetest:arrow_upper_right:
3@bas080/beesAdds bees and hives to minetest:arrow_upper_right:
3@Tieske/netcheckSimple functions to detect changes in network connection status (using luasocket)
3@Tieske/LuaUPnPA pupnp library binding for Lua
2@Tieske/girder-xpl-componentA Girder component to connect Girder to the xPL homeautomation network:arrow_upper_right:
2@Tieske/registryPure Lua library to fiddle with the Windows registry
2@nreijmersdal/gidTestsimplistic test framework for Gideros Mobile
2@bas080/chessChess mod for minetest:arrow_upper_right:
2@bas080/chemistryChemistry mod for minetest:arrow_upper_right:
2@bas080/smoothMinetest mod which adds smooth transitioning nodes. WIP
2@InputUsername/EulerProject Euler solutions in as many languages as possible
2@Deltanic/ModLoaderLoads any mod without coding anything.
2@bas080/pathogenAn infectious minetest mod:arrow_upper_right:


7@robertoostenveld/cifti-matlabMATLAB code for reading and writing CIFTI connectivity files
4@germangh/eeglab_plugin_aarAAR plug-in for EEGLAB:arrow_upper_right:
3@pjbarendrecht/BsplineLabAn interactive MATLAB tool for B-spline curves
2@heimel/InVivoToolsInVivoTools a set of neurophysiology tools, forked from VanHooserTools, containing tools for visual stimulation and analysis of calcium imaging and extracellular electrophysiology data


2020@ioscreator/ioscreatorTutorials from ioscreator.com:arrow_upper_right:
719@kluivers/qc-mobileA Quartz Composer implementation for iOS.:arrow_upper_right:
521@hollance/MHTabBarControllerA custom tab bar controller for iOS 5
357@angelolloqui/AGi18nUtility to easily localize your iOS apps by automatically extracting texts from code and XIB files into a Localizable strings
194@hollance/MHRotaryKnobUIControl for iOS that acts like a rotary knob
169@hollance/MHLazyTableImagesThis project is now deprecated.
152@kluivers/jbw-buildersBuilder categories for some foundation classes
147@hollance/MHPagingScrollViewA UIScrollView subclass that shows previews of the pages on the left and right.
129@hollance/SoundBankPlayerSample-based audio player for iOS that uses OpenAL.
118@misato/SQLiteManager4iOSSQLite Manager for iOS: an Obj-C wrapper for SQLite3
90@hollance/MHNibTableViewCellThis code is now deprecated.
85@angelolloqui/AGBlurTransitionCustom transition delegate for presenting modal views with a blur background
81@raspu/RPRadarChartSimple Radar Chart (or Spider Web) Generator for iOS
77@hollance/AudioBufferPlayerClass for doing simple iOS sound synthesis using Audio Queues.
52@terwanerik/RetiniA super simple retina (2x, 3x) image converter.:arrow_upper_right:
50@nodemaker/AdditionsUseful objective C categories and a cpl useful classes.
49@hollance/TransparentJPEGAllows you to combine a JPEG with a second image to give it transparency.:arrow_upper_right:
32@hollance/MHSemiModalCategory on UIViewController that makes it easy to present modal view controllers that only partially cover the screen.:arrow_upper_right:
28@kluivers/storyboard-constantsExample project that demonstrates how to generate NSString constants for Storyboard identifiers.
23@leonardvandriel/TostiAn Objective-C interpreter without C support.
22@hollance/MHPopoverManagerA simple class for managing the lifecycle of your UIPopoverControllers:arrow_upper_right:
16@hollance/AVBufferPlayerShows how to use AVAudioPlayer to play a buffer of waveform data that you give it.
14@raspu/RPTileScrollerSpriteKit Infinite Tile Scroller
14@hollance/MHTintHelperTool that quickly lets you pick tint colors for navigation bars etc.
11@hollance/ShrinkPngSimple tool for shrinking images 50% by averaging the color (and alpha) of each 2x2 pixel block.:arrow_upper_right:
11@hollance/MHDatabaseA simple Objective-C wrapper around the sqlite3 functions.
10@Thomvis/icloud-indicatorA UI element that enables users to resume or remove games from the iCloud
10@marlonandrade/malazykitCollection of extensions for easier object instantiation
9@raspu/RPCGSandboxSome tests I made while teaching myself core graphics.
7@hollance/MHOverrideCategory on NSObject that lets you override methods on existing objects using blocks, without having to make a subclass.
7@tscheepers/Starry-v1Astronomy iOS app. The universe is a big place, and we’ve brought it to your fingertips. Discover and explore the night sky with your iPhone in hand. The app is clutter free, feature rich, and is everything you could wish for in a stargazing app. Starry v2 has ben released, a complete rewrite, faster with new features.:arrow_upper_right:
6@kluivers/stills2lifeCreate a movie from a sequence of image stills
5@marlonandrade/MASimplestSemiModalV…The simplest Semi Modal implementation possible
5@xnyhps/NickColorPlugin for Adium which colors nicknames used in group chats with their sender's color.
5@kluivers/progress-exampleAn example on how to use NSProgress functionality
5@hollance/MHOverlayWindowA simple example of how to make a UIWindow that appears on top of everything else, including the status bar.
4@sanekgusev/SGVBackgroundRunloopA gcd-like API for dispatching blocks onto a full-fledged runloop running on a background thread.
3@sanekgusev/SGVReachabilitySimple reachability wrapper for iOS.
3@sanekgusev/SGProxyingURLProtoco…An NSURLProtocol subclass for easy creation of pass-through URL protocols.
3@AvdLee/ImageCollectionViewe…Get FB Albums and show them in a gallery
3@leonardvandriel/SpatiA caching layer for Objective-C.
2@tscheepers/BubblesweeperMinesweeper game for iOS that uses the bubblewrap pattern.
2@sanekgusev/SGVAppearanceProxyAn UIAppearance proxy wrapper to work around UIAppearance performance issues on iOS7.
2@AvdLee/UIControl-BlocksUse blocks with UIControls
2@0xPr0xy/iBeacon-DemoiBeacon Demo application
2@mac-cain13/ios-kenteken-formatt…Nederlandse kentekens formatten en valideren in je iOS project.
2@hollance/MHMetaColorsCategory that allows you to write, for example, [UIColor xFF3399] to make a new UIColor object with values #FF3399.
2@misato/DCIntrospectARCThe DCIntrospect ARC & iOS6 compatible


899@creaktive/rainbarfCPU/RAM/battery stats chart bar for tmux (and GNU screen):arrow_upper_right:
529@gugod/App-perlbrewManage perl installations in your $HOME:arrow_upper_right:
230@fglock/PerlitoPerl 5 and Perl 6 compilers:arrow_upper_right:
45@yko/mojo.vimVim syntax for mojo epl templates in Mojo projects:arrow_upper_right:
37@xsawyerx/perl-android-scriptsCollection of Perl scripts (examples, programs) that run on Android using ASE
29@avar/irssi-bitlbee-facebo…A irssi script to rename chat.facebook.com nicks in bitlbee from e.g. "u1359078110" to "AEvarArnfjord":arrow_upper_right:
29@gugod/binBasically my ~/bin folder.:arrow_upper_right:
25@gugod/HijkSpecialized HTTP Client
22@xsawyerx/module-starterModule::Starter, a tool to help create solid Perl modules from scratch
22@gugod/Test-Continuous(Perl) Run your tests suite continusouly when developing.:arrow_upper_right:
18@gugod/git-authorsDisplay authors in of the repository / files.:arrow_upper_right:
16@xsawyerx/gitfluxA Perl port of gitflow. Really? Yes, really!
15@xsawyerx/metacpan-apiA comprehensive, DWIM-featured API to MetaCPAN:arrow_upper_right:
14@mbarbon/language-pAn experimental Perl 5 parser/compiler written in Perl 5:arrow_upper_right:
14@gugod/railsishA perl webapp framework with rails-like convention-based coding style.
13@gugod/Test-CukesA BBD test tool inspired by Cucumber
12@rvosa/bio-phyloBio::Phylo - Phyloinformatic analysis using Perl:arrow_upper_right:
12@gugod/markapl(Perl) Markup as Perl:arrow_upper_right:
12@avar/sendmail-pmilterPerl binding of Sendmail Milter protocol:arrow_upper_right:
12@Htbaa/WebService-Rackspace…Perl Interface to Rackspace Cloud Files service:arrow_upper_right:
11@avar/linode-etcThe /etc configuration for v.nix.is:arrow_upper_right:
11@damog/www-tumblrPerl interface for the Tumblr API:arrow_upper_right:
11@gugod/jabbotThe multipurpose bot.
10@ikruglov/HADaemon-ControlCreate init scripts for Perl high-available (HA) daemons
9@gugod/acme-cpanauthors-tai…(Perl) We are Taiwanese CPAN Authors!:arrow_upper_right:
9@xsawyerx/task-dancerDancer in a box
8@sitetechie/AvatarA simple yet nifty Avatar generator application:arrow_upper_right:
8@ikruglov/YAHCYAHC - Yet another HTTP client
8@gugod/rubyish-perlFor writting perl code with some ruby feeling.
7@gugod/sssfsS3 file system
7@creaktive/LWP-Protocol-Net-Cur…the power of libcurl in the palm of your hands!:arrow_upper_right:
7@mickep76/distillTemplate engine using hierarchical substitution for Puppet through the ENC interface
6@xsawyerx/junoAsynchronous event-driven checking mechanism
6@gugod/ActiveResourceThe Perl implementation of ActiveResource:arrow_upper_right:
6@yko/mojolicious-plugin-n…Plugin to automake navigation tracking
6@yko/mojolicious-command-…Mojolicious application generator. Fat version
6@avar/bot-twatterhoseConsume the Twitter firehose and babble to Twitter with Hailo:arrow_upper_right:
6@mbeijen/App-OTRS-CreateTicke…Create tickets in OTRS via the Ticket Connector from the command line (CLI).
6@sitetechie/BPM-EngineBusiness process execution engine:arrow_upper_right:
5@xsawyerx/acme-rafl-everywhererafl is so everywhere, he has his own Acme module!
5@mbarbon/app-buildExtend Module::Build to build/install/configure entire applications:arrow_upper_right:
5@creaktive/HTML-Untemplateweb scraping assistant:arrow_upper_right:
5@xsawyerx/www-xkcdSynchronous and asynchronous interfaces to xkcd comics
5@gugod/net-redmineinteract with remote redmine instance
5@nperez/reflexive-zmqA 0MQ socket suitable for consumption in a Reflexive app
5@gugod/self(Perl) Automatically have $self in your OO program:arrow_upper_right:
5@xsawyerx/ldtpPerl interface to LDTP (Linux Desktop Testing Project)
5@xsawyerx/data-collectorCollect information from multiple sources - like Puppet's Facter
5@gugod/perl6ish(Perl) Some Perl6 programming in Perl5 code.:arrow_upper_right:
4@deepakg/Printer-HP-DisplayChange the ready message on HP laser printer:arrow_upper_right:
4@avar/dist-zilla-plugin-ve…The Dist::Zilla::Plugin::VersionFromPrev CPAN distribution
4@avar/template-javascriptA JavaScript templating engine
4@xsawyerx/data-surveyA survey system
4@xsawyerx/gup(G)it Back(up) - a Git-based backup utility
4@xsawyerx/app-genpassQuickly create secure passwords
4@gugod/graph-writer-graphvi…(Perl) Use GraphViz to render Graph.:arrow_upper_right:
4@xsawyerx/podcast-downloadersScripts for downloading various podcasts
4@avar/dist-zilla-plugin-ma…Like Dist::Zilla::Plugin::MakeMaker but can be subclassed
4@xsawyerx/cpangGtk2-based GUI frontend to cpanm
4@nperez/pfshPOE::Filter::SimpleHTTP - A simple HTTP filter suitable for client or server implementations
4@xsawyerx/web-scrapingWeb scraping scripts
4@nperez/poex-role-psgiserverEncapsulated PSGI server behaviors for POE
4@yko/mojolicious-plugin-n…Plugin that helps Mojolicious run behind nginx
4@gugod/text-greeking-zh_tw(Perl) A module for generating meaningless Chinese text that creates the illusion of the finished document.:arrow_upper_right:
4@gugod/PerlX-MethodCallWith…A Perl extension to allow a bare block after method calls
4@gugod/dbix-cssqueryA Perl DBI extension module to let you fetch data with CSS query syntax.:arrow_upper_right:
4@gugod/Javascript-Writer(Perl) JavaScript code generation from Perl.:arrow_upper_right:
3@damog/vitacilinafeeds exporter
3@mbarbon/perl-remote-debuggin…Some custom modifications to the remote debugging client for Komodo IDE
3@mbarbon/alien-protobufAlien module to find the library for Google ProtoBuf implementation
3@mbarbon/audio-play-mplayerFrontend to play audio file using an external MPlayer process:arrow_upper_right:
3@xsawyerx/sys-hostipSys::HostIP - Try extra hard to get ip address related info
3@xsawyerx/dancer-logger-spinne…Show a spinner in the console on Dancer log messages!
3@xsawyerx/regtagTag MP3s using regular expression awesomesaucehoodness
3@xsawyerx/test-pingA Perl module for testing pings to hosts:arrow_upper_right:
3@xsawyerx/p5p-summariesSummary emails of p5p (Perl 5 Porters)
3@gugod/finance-bank-scsb-tw(Perl) Check Taiawn SCSB bank info:arrow_upper_right:
3@xsawyerx/data-documentUnified document API
3@gugod/tgircbottelegram ↔ irc robot
3@nperez/metacpan-api-tinyA tiny version of MetaCPAN::API
3@gugod/p5iqPerl 5 code index / query /search:arrow_upper_right:
3@nperez/pokea daemon for monitoring things
3@nperez/cloudpanNever install (pure) Perl modules again
3@yko/mojox-cpan-uploaderMojo way uploading files to cpan
3@Htbaa/DateTime-Format-HTTPDate conversion routines for Perl 5:arrow_upper_right:
3@damog/apache2-embedflvApache2::EmbedFLV – Embed FLV videos into a templated web interface using Flowplayer.:arrow_upper_right:
3@nperez/pxtPOEx::Types - MooseX::Types for a modern POE
3@yko/klogKiev.pm irc logger
3@nperez/data-morphMorph data from one source to another source
3@yko/monitis-apiPerl interface to Monitis.com API
3@avar/bot-trainingPlain text training material for bots like Hailo and AI::MegaHAL
3@gugod/markapl-fromhtmlConvert HTML to Markapl Perl code:arrow_upper_right:
3@avar/mediawiki-userinfoParse MediaWiki's USERINFO directory:arrow_upper_right:
3@xsawyerx/poe-component-openss…Nonblocking SSH Component for POE using Net::OpenSSH
3@avar/app-inotify-hookableThe App::Inotify::Hookable CPAN module
3@yko/mojolicious-example-…I've been asked few times about ajax example
3@jwrdegoede/sunxi-kernel-configFedora's kernel .config files with a10 config added
2@xsawyerx/dancer-session-kioku…KiokuDB Dancer session backend
2@damog/data-format-htmlFormat Perl data structures into simple HTML:arrow_upper_right:
2@damog/File-MimeInfo-SimpleSimple implementation to determine file type:arrow_upper_right:
2@damog/Net-Domain-ES-ccTLDLookup for country names given the TLD code (¡en Español!)
2@yko/util-ykoyko's util
2@damog/apache2-embedmp3Apache2::EmbedMP3 – Embed MP3 audio files into a templated web interface using WP Audio Player:arrow_upper_right:
2@yko/module-starter-pbpCreate a module as recommended in "Perl Best Practices"
2@creaktive/CrawlerBadPracticesComo fazer um crawler ineficiente
2@creaktive/AnyEvent-Net-Curl-Qu…Any::Moose wrapper for queued downloads via Net::Curl & AnyEvent:arrow_upper_right:
2@deepakg/bitbar-pomodoroA simple Pomodoro timer plugin for BitBar.
2@mbeijen/GD-BarcodeRelease history of GD-Barcode:arrow_upper_right:
2@damog/apache2-archivePort of Apache::Archive into mod_perl 2
2@mbeijen/File-MimeInfoDetermine file types with various mechanisms:arrow_upper_right:
2@mbarbon/mac-quickbundleSimple Mac OS X bundle creation
2@b10m/p5-Business-PostNL(Perl) Calculate Dutch (TNT Post) shipping costs:arrow_upper_right:
2@mbarbon/wx-perl-listctrlA sensible API for Wx::ListCtrl:arrow_upper_right:
2@b10m/p5-Acme-Terror-NL(Perl) Fetch the current NL terror alert level:arrow_upper_right:
2@mbarbon/statistics-centralmo…One-pass computation of central moments
2@rvosa/img-classifyProof of concept demonstrating identification of specimens using an artificial neural network
2@mbarbon/devel-statprofiler-c…Continuously aggregate and regenerate Devel::StatProfiler profiles
2@tonk/markdownA patched version of John Gruber's Markdown language
2@mbarbon/dbgp-clientSimple Perl client for the DBGp protocol (http://xdebug.org/docs-dbgp.php)
2@avar/app-quoteccCompile a quotes file (currently YAML or Fortune) to a standalone C program
2@mbarbon/wx-spiceA GUI application framework for pluggable/modular applications
2@avar/dist-zilla-pluginbun…The Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::AVAR CPAN distribution
2@nperez/mongodbx-autoderefAutomagically dereference DBRefs upon access
2@avar/App-OpenStreetMapIs-…The openstreetmap.is website:arrow_upper_right:
2@nperez/cpan-common-indexA common index API for CPAN
2@avar/gpsMy GPX tracks:arrow_upper_right:
2@nperez/dfw.pmDFW Perl Mongers site generator
2@avar/net-fcp-tinyTiny interface to the Freenode Client Protocol version 2
2@nperez/document-transformFetch and transform documents from a NoSQL source.
2@avar/osm2sqliteFork of Jochen Plumeyer's osm2sqlite.pl from http://plumeyer.org/osm/osm2sqlite.pl:arrow_upper_right:
2@nperez/GlobGit Library of Backpan
2@avar/taint-utilTest for and flip the taint flag without regex matches or eval()
2@nperez/pfxrpcPOE::Filter::XML::RPC - A XMLRPC protocal abstraction filter for POE
2@avar/linux-smaps-tinyA tiny and fast alternative to Linux::Smaps that does what booking needs
2@nperez/pfxPOE::Filter::XML - A POE Filter for parsing XML
2@avar/misc-scriptsmiscellaneous unloved scripts I use
2@nperez/pcpsPOEx::PubSub - A second generation publish/subscribe module for POE::Sessions to use to communicate events.
2@avar/www-scraper-wolframa…A scraper for WolframAlpha
2@xsawyerx/template-plugin-xkcdA Template::Toolkit xkcd plugin using WWW::xkcd
2@xsawyerx/perlbal-plugin-sessi…Sane session affinity (sticky sessions) for Perlbal
2@avar/re-engine-pcreThe re::engine::PCRE wrapper for using PCRE in Perl
2@xsawyerx/dancer-template-tinyTemplate::Tiny backend to Dancer
2@avar/data-localize-railsyThe Data::Localize::Railsy CPAN distribution
2@xsawyerx/net-wotAccess Web of Trust (WOT) API in Perl
2@avar/hailo-ui-webCatalyst and jQuery powered web interface for Hailo:arrow_upper_right:
2@xsawyerx/authorize-ruleRule-based authorization mechanism
2@avar/pre-receive-reject-b…A configurable stand-alone Git hook to reject pushes of binary data
2@yko/mojolicious-plugin-l…Plugin to manage css and js


3584@barryvdh/laravel-debugbarLaravel Debugbar (Integrates PHP Debug Bar)
3441@barryvdh/laravel-ide-helperLaravel IDE Helper
1569@gabordemooij/redbeanORM layer that creates models, config and database on the fly:arrow_upper_right:
922@barryvdh/laravel-dompdfA DOMPDF Wrapper for Laravel
794@barryvdh/laravel-corsAdds CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) headers support in your Laravel application
553@dannyvankooten/AltoRouterPHP5.3+ Routing Class. Lightweight yet extremely flexible. Supports REST, dynamic and reversed routing.:arrow_upper_right:
473@barryvdh/laravel-translation-…Manage Laravel translation files
368@dannyvankooten/PHP-RouterSimple PHP Router class (supports REST and reverse routing)
364@barryvdh/laravel-snappyLaravel Snappy PDF
237@barryvdh/laravel-elfinderelFinder bundle for Laravel 4
226@danslo/ApiImportBoilerplate between the Magento API and ImportExport, so that you can do fast Array/XMLRPC/SOAP based product imports.
212@barryvdh/laravel-httpcacheLaravel HTTP Cache
198@barryvdh/laravel-migration-ge…Generate migrations based on existing tables
152@matthiasnoback/symfony-console-formUse Symfony forms for Console command input
141@barryvdh/laravel-vendor-clean…L4 Vendor Cleanup Command
137@kvz/system_daemonDiscontinued. All the boilerplate required to daemonize php:arrow_upper_right:
123@ShawnMcCool/database-backupA database backup package.
107@ShawnMcCool/laravel-form-base-mo…A base model for forms.
104@barryvdh/laravel-async-queueLaravel Async Queue Driver
90@matthiasnoback/SymfonyDependencyInj…Library for testing user classes related to the Symfony Dependency Injection Component
82@frankdejonge/MongaMongoDB Abstaction UNMAINTAINED, go here ->:arrow_upper_right:
81@ceeram/clear_cacheclear cakephp caches with shell or within your app, also includes debugkit panel to clean caches
71@danslo/Danslo_AopBringing aspect oriented programming to Magento.
70@matthiasnoback/symfony-service-defi…A set of tools for validating Symfony service definitions.
69@rosstuck/TuckConverterBundleAdds the Symfony2 command container:convert which converts service config files to other formats
69@rdohms/dms-filterLibrary that offers Input Filtering based on Annotations for use with Objects. Check out 2.dev for 2.0 pre-release.:arrow_upper_right:
56@dannyvankooten/wp-plugin-profilerBasic profiler for WordPress plugins. Measures response times with and without a given plugin activated.
54@matthiasnoback/symfony-bundle-plugi…Allow Symfony bundles to have plugins
53@rosstuck/tactician[Moved to thephpleague\tactician] A small, pluggable command bus.:arrow_upper_right:
53@barryvdh/laravel-twigbridgeLaravel TwigBridge
50@matthiasnoback/random-disaster-bund…ProjectBundle a.k.a. RandomDisasterBundle
50@dannyvankooten/edd-helpscoutEasy Digital Downloads integration for HelpScout. A WordPress Plugin.
49@rdohms/dms-filter-bundleProvides a FilterService for Symfony to allow users to implement input filtering in entities using Annotations
49@joostvanveen/php-oop-fundamentalsThis repository accompanies the Tuts+ course PHP OOP Fundamentals
47@WanWizard/sparks-datamapperCodeIgniter Sparks Package for Datamapper ORM:arrow_upper_right:
44@barryvdh/laravel-omnipayOmnipay ServiceProvider for Laravel
44@rdohms/meetup-api-clientGuzzle powered Meetup.com API Client
43@kvz/cakephp-elasticsearc…Discontinued. CakePHP plugin for Elasticsearch: the Open Source, Distributed, RESTful, Search Engine:arrow_upper_right:
43@gabordemooij/stampStamp is a template system for clean HTML only templates, no foreign syntax required.:arrow_upper_right:
43@frankdejonge/PoserComposer Class Aliassing
42@frankdejonge/CabinetCabinet DBAL. [NO LONGER MAINTAINED]
41@frankdejonge/locked-console-comma…Command locking from Symfony/Laravel Console commands.
39@matthiasnoback/badgesPackage which will receive many nice badges
39@joostvanveen/build-a-cms-with-cod…Source code for the Tutsplus course 'Build a CMS with Codeigniter'
38@MichMich/laravel-mandrillA LaravelPHP package for working w/ Mandrill.
38@matthiasnoback/convenient-immutabil…Make objects initially inconsistent, yet eventually immutable
38@barryvdh/composer-cleanup-plu…Composer plugin for cleaning up unused files from packages.
37@rdohms/DMSComponent library:arrow_upper_right:
36@barryvdh/laravel-securityLaravel Security
35@markoheijnen/tabify-edit-screenEnable tabs in the edit screen and manage them from the back-end.
34@danslo/Magento-HHVM-Module-…Magento installation with a bunch of modules that I test on HHVM.
34@Mark-H/VersionX2Resource & Element Versioning Extra for MODX Revolution (supports 2.2 and up). Extends the core in a future-proof manner to keep copies of every change to resources, templates, template variables, chunks, snippets and plugins.:arrow_upper_right:
30@joostvanveen/Getting-started-with…This is the source code to accompany the Tuts+ course Getting started with Laravel 4
28@WanWizard/DatamapperDataMapper is an Object Relational Mapper for PHP.
27@ceeram/blameAbandoned: Use muffin/footprint instead:arrow_upper_right:
27@wouterj/fredA simple PHP task runner based on Iterators
26@barryvdh/laravel-asseticAssetic ServiceProvider for Laravel
26@joostvanveen/codeigniter-best-pra…Source code for the Tutsplus course 'Codeigniter best practises'
25@dannyvankooten/plugin-endpointsRegister URL endpoints for which only certain WordPress plugins are enabled.
25@matthiasnoback/high-quality-bundles…The "Symfony Standard Edition" adapted for my High Quality Bundles workshop
23@joostvanveen/php-security-pitfall…Code repository for Tutsplus course PHP Security Pitfalls
22@renan/CakePHP-XHProfPlugin that quickly enables XHProf profiling for your CakePHP application.:arrow_upper_right:
21@danslo/HiphopIndexerMagento module that ensures only specific modules are loaded when requests are made through HHVM and when they match a specific request path.
21@matthiasnoback/broadway-serializati…Serialization helpers for Broadway
21@WanWizard/fuel-nestedsetsDo not use! Fuel's ORM now has built-in support for nested sets!
20@ShawnMcCool/laravel-closure-comp…Closure-compiler bundle for Laravel.
20@matthiasnoback/simple-busWarning: this project has been moved to its own organization and the package has been split. Please take a look at its new location::arrow_upper_right:
20@matthiasnoback/microsoft-translatorPHP library for making calls to the Microsoft Translator V2 API
20@barryvdh/laravel-stack-middle…Stack Middleware for Laravel 5
20@matthiasnoback/doctrine-orm-value-o…A library for using value objects inside Doctrine entities
18@kvz/eventcacheDiscontinued. PHP caching & invalidation for the lazy coder
18@Mark-H/importXAddon for MODX Revolution which will take your CSV Formatted files (or raw paste) and transforms it into resources. Funded by Working Party (digital agency based in Sydney, @workingparty):arrow_upper_right:
18@danslo/LibraryRewriteAllows you to rewrite Magento libraries without copying them entirely.
18@ceeram/wsdlSoap made simple again, build a classmap off the wsdl and connect with the Wsdl datasource and CakePHP
18@Mark-H/ClientConfigClientConfig is a MODX Revolution Extra to allow clients to maintain settings in a user friendly way.:arrow_upper_right:
17@Mark-H/EvoGalleryMODX Evolution gallery addon
17@markoheijnen/wp-no-taxonomy-baseThis is a WordPress plugin that will remove the base slug of certain custom taxonomies.
17@wouterj/WouterJEloquentBundl…Integrates the Eloquent ORM in the Symfony framework
16@barryvdh/elfinder-flysystem-d…elFinder driver for Flysystem
16@low/low.nospam.ee_addonSpam prevention add-on for ExpressionEngine:arrow_upper_right:
16@ceeram/EmailLoggerEmail engine for CakeLog, CakePHP 2.x
15@ShawnMcCool/tdd-kataThis repository is a PHP-based starter-kit for TDD Kata.
15@fahad19/cakephp-bower:baby_chick: CakePHP Plugin for Twitter Bower:arrow_upper_right:
14@danslo/MigrationHelperMigration Helper is a Magento module that helps you by automatically generating database migrations for backend configuration changes.
14@low/low_freeform_fieldExpressionEngine Custom Fieldtype to select a Freeform Field
14@fahad19/clear_cacheCakePHP plugin/shell for deleting cache files:arrow_upper_right:
14@dannyvankooten/wp-cdn-loaderLoads WordPress assets from a CDN instead of of local server.
13@ShawnMcCool/laravel-vanilla-inte…A Vanilla Forums Integration Bundle for Laravel Applications
13@markoheijnen/Improved-image-edito…All cool goodies WordPress core maybe should have
13@ShawnMcCool/laravel-eloquent-bas…An Eloquent base model for Laravel.
13@coenjacobs/wc-bundle-style-coup…WordPress plugin: Make WooCommerce coupons require a set of products to be in the cart before being applied.:arrow_upper_right:
13@Mark-H/SubscribeMeSubscribeMe is a subscriptions extra for MODX Revolution, integrated with PayPal and the MODX Security stuff.:arrow_upper_right:
12@matthiasnoback/phpunit-asynchronici…Library for asserting things that happen asynchronously with PHPUnit
12@matthiasnoback/code-sniffer-sniff-d…DSL for writing sniffs for PHP_CodeSniffer
12@ShawnMcCool/laravel-presentablePresenter classes for Laravel
12@low/low_optionsAn ExpressionEngine add-on to display channel field list items or options
12@low/low_replaceLow Replace for ExpressionEngine:arrow_upper_right:
12@dannyvankooten/laravel-vatEU VAT library for Laravel
11@fahad19/social_bookmarksCroogo plugin for showing graphical social bookmark links:arrow_upper_right:
11@Mark-H/MenuExtendedMenuExtended is a simple menu builder for MODX Revolution.. with some extended functionality which explains the name. :)
11@Mark-H/TweetalyzerTweetalyzer uses the public Twitter Search API to fetch tweet with your search, analyzes them with a customied version of James Hennessey's phpInsight Sentiment Analysis class and displays the tweet with a funny emoticon.
10@wouterj/shift-phpA very simple, Event Driven, MOVE oriented PHP Framework
10@rdohms/dms-twig-extension-b…DMS Twig Extension Bundle, leverages Fabien Potencier's extra twig extensions for your website.
10@low/low_listLow List for ExpressionEngine:arrow_upper_right:
10@rosstuck/sortSyntatic sugar for sorting in PHP
10@markoheijnen/wp-mysqliDatabase layer for mysqli
10@low/low_widontLow Widon't for ExpressionEngine:arrow_upper_right:
10@frankdejonge/doctrine-query-speci…Specification based querying for Doctrine2
9@barryvdh/laravel-form-bridgeLaravel Bridge for the Symfony Form Component
9@sahildua2305/duckduckgo-ia-search:speech_balloon: Slash command for searching Instant Answers right from the chat window on Slack
9@ShawnMcCool/using-doctrineSimple Doctrine Examples
9@danslo/WebsiteLimitRestrict Magento admin users to a specific website.
9@matthiasnoback/ConsoleCommandGenera…Bundle for generating Symfony2 commands
9@fahad19/themesThemes for Croogo CMS:arrow_upper_right:
9@coenjacobs/rickroll-admin-loginWordPress plugin: Redirects the user trying to log in with 'admin' as username, to the world famous Rickroll video on YouTube.
9@low/low_titleLow Title for ExpressionEngine:arrow_upper_right:
9@low/low_seg2catLow Seg2Cat for ExpressionEngine:arrow_upper_right:
9@mvriel/p1ngEnterprise Issue tracker in PHP
9@Mark-H/VersionXA complete rewrite of VersionX is available from a different repository!:arrow_upper_right:
9@low/low_nospamExpressionEngine 2.x add-on to fight site spam with Akismet:arrow_upper_right:
9@ceeram/userCakePHP User plugin, with row based auth/acl checks
8@Mark-H/StatusPageA simple, standalone, PHP status page.
8@Mark-H/getRelatedgetRelated is a Snippet for MODX Revolution that will automatically find related pages based on fields you specify.:arrow_upper_right:
8@danslo/Rubic_Cache_Backend_…Aerospike Cache Backend for Magento.
8@sahildua2305/tweetogramTwitter API Demonstration
8@markoheijnen/wordpress-mu-domain-…Map any blog/site on a WordPressMU or WordPress 3.X network to an external domain.
8@rdohms/ManoWarsSample code for teaching about Unit Tests and TDD
8@fahad19/markdownMarkdown plugin for Croogo:arrow_upper_right:
8@dannyvankooten/smtp-mailerA WordPress plugin that configures wp_mail to use SMTP.
8@markoheijnen/WP-Translate-ThemeThe theme behind WP Translate. It's uses the power of Bootstrap.:arrow_upper_right:
7@WanWizard/Datamapper-ciDataMapper third party package for CodeIgniter
7@low/low_reorder_vtLow Reorder variable type for Low Variables - ExpressionEngine Add-ons
7@low/low_regexTwig preg_replace filter for Craft CMS
7@mvriel/phpCodeControlCommit / SCM inspection tool aimed at PHP Projects
7@matthiasnoback/leanpub-samplerA simple script for generating samples for Leanpub books
7@fahad19/li3_cssLithium library for introducing new CSS features:arrow_upper_right:
7@matthiasnoback/symfony-controller-a…Helper library for creating event listeners that influence a Symfony application flow based on annotations
6@markoheijnen/WordPress-KarutaThe best card game in the WORLD
6@matthiasnoback/domstreamwrapperA PHP stream wrapper for modifying DOM node values using traditional file manipulation functions
6@low/low.cp.ee_addonExpressionEngine Control Panel tweaks:arrow_upper_right:
6@low/low_randomLow Random for ExpressionEngine:arrow_upper_right:
6@Mark-H/MODX-CMP-DefaultsThis is an ongoing effort into setting up a blank slate to develop a CMP of. If it helps you, cool! Feel free to suggest or discuss other tactics. And yes, I know modExtra exists - but that's too much for me. :)
6@MichMich/laravel-webcapA Laravel bundle: Provides a very simple way to capture website screenshots.
6@dannyvankooten/wp-mail-in-backgroun…Process emails sent by wp_mail in a "background queue".
6@sahildua2305/A-B-testing-PHPA light-weight and modular framework written in PHP that automates A/B testing
6@low/low_search_tagLow Search and Solspace Tag compatibility
6@dannyvankooten/shortnrShortnr: a simple file-based url shortener in PHP, managed on the command line.
6@rosstuck/dsqueueA proof-of-concept queue lib that abstracts the difference in queue backends
6@matthiasnoback/workshop-unit-testin…Accompanying project for my PHPUnit workshop
6@mvriel/joind.in-experimenta…Experimental shell on top of API v2:arrow_upper_right:
5@barryvdh/OAuthPSR2 compliant OAuth 1.0 library based on Andy Smith's OAuth library here: http://oauth.googlecode.com/svn/code/php…
5@gabordemooij/RB4PluginsPlugins for RedBeanPHP4
5@Mark-H/FirstChildRedirectFirstChildRedirect updated for MODX 2.1 and beyond.
5@danslo/pear2modmanConverts PEAR modules from Magento Connect to a modman module.
5@low/low_nice_dateLow Nice Date for ExpressionEngine 2.x:arrow_upper_right:
5@matthiasnoback/MicrosoftTranslatorB…Symfony2 bundle for the microsoft-translator PHP library
5@WanWizard/fuel-simplepieFuelPHP package which implements the SimplePie RSS classes
5@jariz/ChannelBotA reddit bot that posts the newest uploaded videos to subreddits.
5@sahildua2305/browser-tail-logA php application for serving tail -F output to the browser.
5@coenjacobs/symfony-vardumperBrings the Symfony VarDumper component to your WordPress installation.:arrow_upper_right:
5@Mark-H/EventManagerThere's better components for Events in MODX now - leaving up the source just in case, but I strongly suggest using EventsX or mxCalendar instead. EventManager is not going to be supported in favour of other components.:arrow_upper_right:
5@defries/genesis-translationsWordPress plugin to translate the Genesis Framework
4@low/low_authorExpressionEngine add-on to add the entry's author's screen name as a searchable channel field.
4@renan/email_reply_parserSmall library to parse plain text email content and identify fragments of quoted texts, signature or original body content.
4@wouterj/PHPbenchA small libary that tests your code.
4@wouterj/docbotA linter tool for documentations using the Symfony Doc Standards
4@dannyvankooten/wordpress-recent-fac…Recent Facebook Posts for WordPress
4@rdohms/TweesterA Wordpress plugin to display lists of users who have tweeted a define phrase, useful to display a list of supporters on your site.
4@jariz/2stepauthMyBB plugin that provides 2 step authentication trough Google Authenticator.
4@fahad19/cakephp-stitchStitch your JavaScript files as CommonJS for the browser:arrow_upper_right:
4@rdohms/chainlinkDrop-in implementation of the Chain of Responsibility pattern
4@rosstuck/doctrine-playgroundA handy, dandy sandbox for playing with Doctrine 2.5
4@jariz/RedditOAuthA really basic Reddit OAuth library. Still space for expansion.
4@kvz/cakephp-ipv6-pluginDiscontinued. Plugin-wrapped CakePHP behavior to work with IPv6 addresses with efficient MySQL storage
3@defries/Genesis-Admin-Bar-Ad…Making use of the new WordPress 3.1 admin bar this plugin adds an extra menu to your Admin Bar. The links are resources related to the Genesis Framework. The menus are translatable and the output of the menu is now filterable. Via this filter any plugin or child theme for the Genesis Framework can add it's own menu to the Genesis Admin Bar menu.:arrow_upper_right:
3@sahildua2305/village-connectMaking internet available to people with no internet connection:arrow_upper_right:
3@Mark-H/ContextRouterContextRouter is a simple plug-and-play plugin allowing you to use different contexts, and, based on the http_host context settings you need to set anyway, it routes your front-end requests as required.
3@Mark-H/RapidNewProjectVery early dev. See readme for more information on what this is.
3@Mark-H/SocialSuite[unsupported] SocialSuite is a collection of snippets and other useful tools to integrate social media with your MODX Revolution website.
3@dannyvankooten/edd-alexa-site-ranki…Builds a database of Alexa site rankings from sites activated through Easy Digital Downloads - Software Licensing.
3@skoop/Stefan-Koopmanschap-…A toolbox of tools and scripts used by Stefan Koopmanschap
3@WanWizard/fuel-idealFuelPHP package for Dutch iDEAL bank payments
3@rdohms/superfeedr-api-clien…API Client for the Superfeedr Service, based on Guzzle.
3@mvriel/ngemNothing to see here yet; move along :)
3@fahad19/wikiCroogo's wiki
3@ceeram/validati18nInternationalised Validation Behavior, validate behavior for CakePHP 1.2
2@mvriel/docblock-lexerTemporary repository for constructing a new PSR-5 compatible Lexer to read PHPDoc Blocks
2@skoop/GesichtbuchCode of the symfony workshop I've done at Symfony Day Cologne 2010
2@skoop/MediTerraAn application to manage your Windows Azure Storage:arrow_upper_right:
2@Mark-H/TaggingAtoZTaggingAtoZ is a MODX Revo snippet that lists tags from a number of TVs into an alphabetical, grouped list.
2@coenjacobs/woocommerce-debug-ba…WordPress plugin: Adds a WooCommerce debug panel to the Debug Bar plugin.
2@Mark-H/DomaineerDomaineer is a MODX Revolution plugin that you can use to set domain-specific settings and/or placeholders. See the Readme for more information.:arrow_upper_right:
2@ShawnMcCool/old-liothe old nextversion used to learn about some patterns (eventually dumped)
2@sahildua2305/Local-tweet-mapLocal Tweet Map : Visualize the most recent tweets within 1-mile radius of your current location
2@jariz/MentionBotReddit bot that monitors all posts and checks if a user gets mentioned, then PMs mentioned user
2@markoheijnen/wp-pollsAdds an AJAX poll system to your WordPress blog. You can also easily add a poll into your WordPress's blog post/page.
2@ShawnMcCool/laravel-slugsAn automated slug system for Laravel 4.
2@markoheijnen/YouTube-DJBe a DJ with the YouTube DJ Gear.:arrow_upper_right:
2@ShawnMcCool/equipment-rentalan exercise in modeling
2@sahildua2305/resume-hostApplication for hosting resume online and access with one simple and memorable link
2@dannyvankooten/wp-campaign-monitorCampaign Monitor for WordPress.
2@Mark-H/CamperManagementA custom development addon for managing camper inventory.:arrow_upper_right:
2@ceeram/FormTitlesAutoFill html attribute 'title' for input and input labels
2@rosstuck/BIG-RegisterA few classes for connecting to the Dutch BIG-Register (health care professionals)
2@Mark-H/Notify404Notify404 is a utitlity plugin that notifies you per email when a page not found is served on your MODX Revolution powered website.
2@rdohms/ugDirectoryApplication meant to manage a list of User Groups and their information:arrow_upper_right:
2@markoheijnen/PolyglotsAllows to connect your site to translate.wordpress.org and other GlotPress installation
2@rdohms/PHPSP-PromosSite irmão do Blog do PHPSP com sistemas relacionados a diferentes ações do grupo, por exemplo: Sou PHPSP e Contribuo.:arrow_upper_right:
2@low/low.safe_encode.ee2_…Low Safe Encode for ExpressionEngine 2.x
2@defries/WooThemes-Admin-Bar-…Admin Bar Addition with WooThemes Resources links:arrow_upper_right:
2@matthiasnoback/symfony-dependency-i…Sandbox project for a Symfony Dependency Injection workshop
2@low/low_search_safeguardAn ExpressionEngine add-on to add basic anti-spam measures to Low Search.
2@matthiasnoback/amqp-integration-pat…For now: a playground
2@low/low_yearly_archivesLow Yearly Archives for ExpressionEngine:arrow_upper_right:
2@matthiasnoback/MicrosoftTranslatorS…Silex service provider for using the Microsoft Translator V2 API
2@low/low_linkWiki-style links for ExpressionEngine 2:arrow_upper_right:
2@matthiasnoback/php-coding-dojoEmpty project which can be used in a PHP and PHPUnit-oriented coding dojo


8838@faif/python-patternsA collection of design patterns/idioms in Python
3115@nvie/rqSimple job queues for Python:arrow_upper_right:
2474@pennersr/django-allauthIntegrated set of Django applications addressing authentication, registration, account management as well as 3rd party (social) account authentication.:arrow_upper_right:
1674@nvie/pip-toolsA set of tools to keep your pinned Python dependencies fresh.
398@nvie/timesTimes and time zones in Python with a focus on best practices.:arrow_upper_right:
313@dokterbob/django-newsletterAn email newsletter application for the Django web application framework, including an extended admin interface, web (un)subscription, dynamic e-mail templates, an archive and HTML email support.
306@FSX/momokoWraps (asynchronous) Psycopg2 for Tornado.:arrow_upper_right:
192@proycon/pynlplPyNLPl, pronounced as 'pineapple', is a Python library for Natural Language Processing. It contains various modules useful for common, and less common, NLP tasks. PyNLPl can be used for basic tasks such as the extraction of n-grams and frequency lists, and to build simple language model. There are also more complex data types and algorithms. Moreover, there are parsers for file formats common in NLP (e.g. FoLiA/Giza/Moses/ARPA/Timbl/CQL). There are also clients to interface with various NLP specific servers. PyNLPl most notably features a very extensive library for working with FoLiA XML (Format for Linguistic Annotation).:arrow_upper_right:
154@joepie91/python-whoisA python module for retrieving and parsing WHOIS data
124@alonsovidales/facebook-programming…This is a compilation of possible questions to be solved in order to be hired by Facebook
121@ralphm/wokkelWokkel is collection of enhancements on top of the Twisted networking framework, written in Python. It mostly provides a testing ground for enhancements to the Jabber/XMPP protocol implementation as found in Twisted Words, that are meant to eventually move there.:arrow_upper_right:
114@dokterbob/django-agendaAn event agenda application for Django 1.0+.
101@nvie/vim-rst-tablesEasily create and reformat your RST (reStructuredText) tables as you change cell content.
86@pennersr/django-jhoustonHouston, we have a Javascript problem
56@ttsiodras/utilsShort shell/perl/python utils I wrote that I use every day.
53@dokterbob/django-popularityA generic view- and popularity tracking pluggable for Django.
51@nvie/vim-pyunitPlugin enabling advanced unit test support inside your favorite editor.
48@faassen/bowerstaticServe Bower-managed static resources using WSGI
46@bow/voltVersatile static website generator:arrow_upper_right:
45@laanwj/decudaDecuda and cudasm, the CUDA binary utilities package:arrow_upper_right:
45@nvie/SimpleAESAES-256 encryption and decryption in Python for mere mortals.
43@nvie/django-gravatarFork of http://code.google.com/p/django-gravatar (2010/10/22)
43@nvie/python-fuPython command line tools, for increased fu.:arrow_upper_right:
40@pennersr/django-pagemoreKISS approach to a "Load more" style AJAX paginator
36@dokterbob/django-multilingual-…Django Simple Multilingual Support for Models.
33@proycon/clamQuickly turn command-line applications into RESTful webservices with a web-application front-end. You provide a specification of your command line application, its input, output and parameters, and CLAM wraps around your application to form a fully fledged RESTful webservice.:arrow_upper_right:
32@gr33ndata/irlibInformation Retrieval Library (in Python):arrow_upper_right:
32@pennersr/django-trackstatsKeep track of your statistics
32@pennersr/netwellChecker to determine if all is well
30@specialunderwear/django-easymodeQuickly build backends for flash/flex websites with Django.
27@jimmykane/SiriServerCorePlugin…SiriServerCore - Plugins Contributed by community:arrow_upper_right:
26@faassen/graphql-wsgiPython WSGI based GraphQL server
24@brocaar/flask-viewsClass-based views for Flask:arrow_upper_right:
24@proycon/foliaFoLiA: Format for Linguistic Annotation - FoLiA is a rich XML-based annotation format for the representation of language resources (including corpora) with linguistic annotations. A wide variety of linguistic annotations are support, making FoLiA a useful format for NLP tasks and data interchange. Note that the actual Python library for processing FoLiA is implemented as part of PyNLPl, this contains higher-level tools that use the library as well as the full documentation, validation schemas, and set definitions:arrow_upper_right:
20@bow/abifpyModule for reading ABI Sanger sequencing trace files
19@dokterbob/django-portfolioAn artist's portfolio as a pluggable Django app.
18@dokterbob/satchmoSatchmo is an ecommerce framework built on the Django framework. (BitBucket mirror):arrow_upper_right:
18@fbkarsdorp/diachronic-text-anal…Diachronic text analysis in Python
18@nvie/vim_bridgeA Python-to-Vim bridge decorator that allows transparent calls to Python functions in native Vim scripts.
17@jimmykane/gae-voting-ajax-exam…An example on how to use AJAX with Google App Engine
16@nvie/pluckGeneral-purpose function to pluck fields from an iterable's values.:arrow_upper_right:
14@dokterbob/django-project-baseA project base template for personal use. Features include djangologging and a smart settings.py file.
14@nvie/dictmergeMerge dicts without mutating them.
14@brocaar/django-i18nurlsTranslate URL patterns and prefix URLs with language-code.:arrow_upper_right:
14@Habbie/ip6-arpa-scanip6.arpa scanner
13@Mechazawa/NimdokA fully featured modular IRC bot
12@nvie/git-itGit issue tracker
12@FSX/akaneAn(other) asynchronous Redis client for Tornado.
12@ralphm/idavollIdavoll is an implementation of a generic publish-subscribe service component for Jabber servers, as described in XEP-0060, written in Python using the Twisted networking framework.:arrow_upper_right:
12@nvie/python-drainersEvent-based draining of process output:arrow_upper_right:
12@dokterbob/django-simplesiteA simple pseudo-static site app with menu, submenu and pages.
11@bow/crimsonBioinformatics tool outputs converter to JSON or YAML
11@proycon/python-uctoThis is a Python binding to the tokenizer Ucto. Tokenisation is one of the first step in almost any Natural Language Processing task, yet it is not always as trivial a task as it appears to be. This binding makes the power of the ucto tokeniser available to Python. Ucto itself is regular-expression based, extensible, and advanced tokeniser written in C++ (http://ilk.uvt.nl/ucto).
10@dokterbob/django-guestbookA simple guestbook application for Django, based largely on the contributed comments application:arrow_upper_right:
10@specialunderwear/django-finegrained-p…Permissions per field instead of per model for django
10@gr33ndata/NLP_GDGCairo2013Code used in my presentation in GDG Cairo about Natural Language Processing in Python
10@dokterbob/django-shopkitA toolkit for building customized webshop applications, for 'perfectionists with deadlines'.:arrow_upper_right:
10@pennersr/django-cooki18nDjango's builtin i18n support stores the selected language in the session, cooki18n uses cookies instead.
9@laanwj/urbit-toolsVarious urbit tools and libraries
9@pennersr/pulsusA Push Notification Service, written in Python, handling Apple APNS, and Google GCM.
8@goossaert/princeExtra-light API for using Hadoop with Python
8@ttsiodras/Youtube-Video-Annota…Youtube Video Annotations Player:arrow_upper_right:
8@bow/pytest-pipelinePytest plugin for functional testing of data analysis pipelines
8@proycon/python-frogPython bindings to the dutch NLP tool Frog (pos tagger, lemmatiser, NER tagger, morphological analysis, shallow parser, dependency parser)
7@jimmykane/Roque-Dns-ServerA python Roque Dns server with DNS resolving on running host
7@laanwj/bitcoin-submittxStand-alone Bitcoin transaction submission tool
6@Mechazawa/whatbetter-crawlerA fork of whatbetter that can run autonomously
6@laanwj/hw2viewViewer for Relic Entertainment Homeworld 2 backgrounds
6@nvie/BKryptThin wrapper around the bcrypt library.
6@joepie91/image-discA small utility to batch-create archived images of CDs/DVDs on Linux.
6@FSX/animelist(not maintained) AnimeList is an desktop application for MynimeList.net written in Python (and PyGTK). It includes (anime) list management and a search function.
6@proycon/pbmbmtPhrase-based Memory-based Machine Translation:arrow_upper_right:
6@laanwj/gecko-zenossZenoss Events Geckoboard Widget
6@fbkarsdorp/mbmpMemory-based Morphological Parsing
5@goossaert/algorithmsVarious algorithms and code samples
5@joepie91/pytahoePython module for working with the Tahoe-LAFS filesystem.
5@dokterbob/django-accesscontrolGeneric IP, host and rate-based access control midware for Django.
5@compleatang/Legal-Snippets-Subli…Snippets for Creating Legal Documents within Sublime Text Editor.
5@joepie91/emailparserParser and HTML renderer for .eml files.
5@proycon/python-timblpython-timbl, originally developed by Sander Canisius, is a Python extension module wrapping the full TiMBL C++ programming interface. With this module, all functionality exposed through the C++ interface is also available to Python scripts. Being able to access the API from Python greatly facilitates prototyping TiMBL-based applications.
5@dokterbob/django-metadataGeneric model metadata for the Django web framework.
5@dokterbob/django-metaphoreOmniscient publication in Django.
5@specialunderwear/pm.recipe.debianizeBuildout recipe to create debian packages from python packages.
5@proycon/geccoGeneric Environment for Context-Aware Correction of Orthography
5@brocaar/wtfmongoengineWTForms for Mongoengine documents:arrow_upper_right:
4@nvie/even-more-itertoolsEven more itertools than the stdlib and the more-itertools project provide.
4@faassen/more.jsonldJSON-LD support for Morepath.
4@fbkarsdorp/alignmentSimple Python library for doing (multiple) sequence alignment
4@compleatang/sublimetext-pastepdfPaste PDF text block to Sublime after stripping new lines.
4@specialunderwear/django-polymorphic-e…Infinite power with django_polymorphic and django-easymode
3@joepie91/lighttpdparseA simple script for getting the top statistics from one or more lighttpd access log files.
3@vdboor/django-any-htmlfield(a proposal) a A WYSIWYG HTML editor field for Django, allowing to select between WYSIWYG editors easily (for example CKEditor or TinyMCE).
3@joepie91/tahoe-toolsAssorted tools for Tahoe-LAFS.
3@fbkarsdorp/storypyA collection of scripts in Python to deal with stories (mainly folktales)
3@faassen/grokkerDefining grokkers using venusian.
3@dokterbob/hansenpaulHans en Paul 120 jaar Django YouTube front-end
3@dokterbob/python-oembedA Python library that implements an OEmbed consumer to use with OEmbed providers.
Fork of Google Code project at: http://code.google.com/p/python-oembed/
3@Mechazawa/Pushover-client-prot…The missing PushOver client api documentation
3@alonsovidales/interview_questionsJust a bunch of answers to common interview questions
3@laanwj/ast_picklerProof of concept serialization library that generates the Python code to construct objects.
3@jimmykane/facebook-id-finderFinds the numerical ID by providing a Facebook page url or name
3@specialunderwear/django-sortedsetting…Sort the django settings module's entries alphabetically
3@joepie91/catarcCommandline tool for extracting various types of archive to stdout, for example to grep through them.
3@fbkarsdorp/pdfbrowserSimple Flask webservice to search through your PDF collection using Whoosh
2@joepie91/nzbspiderA simple tool to automatically download NZBs for given releases
2@gvx/platformplanetA small platform game, based on the concept and code of SpaceFlight2D
2@gvx/lithA minimal data description language:arrow_upper_right:
2@gvx/adv-menuA more advanced in-game menu for PyGame
2@gvx/altworldA semi-Wiki system.
2@gvx/openlifeAn extensible people simulation game. This project isn't dead, but this name is.:arrow_upper_right:
2@gvx/loveifyChanges .zip or .tar.gz files as downloaded from GitHub to .love files
2@gvx/base116676Cram data in a small number of code points
2@sander1/OFDB.bundleOFDB metadata agent for Plex (German movie plots), based on "someone"'s script:arrow_upper_right:
2@gvx/suzyA three-dimensional esoteric programming language
2@FSX/mitto(dead) Thrift client for Tornado. Work in progress.
2@gvx/sanityPre- and postcondition checker for Python 3
2@FSX/elyseA simple static website generator.
2@FSX/neneA simple IRC-bot made in Python. Just for fun.:arrow_upper_right:
2@laanwj/dwarf_to_cTool to recover C headers (types, function signatures) from DWARF debug data
2@ttsiodras/PrimeSpiralsPlaying with the Ulam spiral in python
2@laanwj/qfilesizerPyQ4 treeview/model example
2@ttsiodras/binomialProbabilitie…A fixup for "Why you only need to test with five users"
2@ralphm/mimirMimír news aggregator and bot services
2@alonsovidales/Spotify-PuzzlesSolutions for the "Best Before", "Ticket Lottery" and "Bilateral" puzzles
2@specialunderwear/python-rfc5424-loggi…A Logging Formatter for Python's logging module to properly handle Syslog RFC5424 messages
2@proycon/foliadocserveFoLiA Document Server - HTTP webservice backend for serving and annotating FoLiA documents using the FoLiA Query Language (FQL). Used by FLAT.
2@goossaert/dogePython docstring generator
2@proycon/nlpsandboxNatural Language Processing Sandbox - An experimental playground for all kinds of NLP tasks
2@goossaert/tomatwoThe Mean Twitting Machine
2@fbkarsdorp/pevoImplementations of various models of Cultural Evolution in Python.
2@goossaert/npyNeural network library in Python
2@fbkarsdorp/PLMParsimonious Language Models in Python
2@gr33ndata/pyuptodateCheck all installed Python modules and update them
2@fbkarsdorp/roodkapjeAnnotation web app in Flask for project about Little Red Riding Hood:arrow_upper_right:
2@Mechazawa/whatmanager-autosnat…An dead-simple autosnatcher for whatmanager
2@fbkarsdorp/animacy-detectionSome experiments with animacy detection in Dutch Folktales:arrow_upper_right:
2@Mechazawa/Pushjet-Gnome-GhettoA ghetto client that forwards notifications to Gnome 3
2@fbkarsdorp/python-for-lunchBrief tutorial on Python for the Humanities
2@dokterbob/satchmo-slash2-store…Satchmo synchronisation module for StoreContrl.
2@jimmykane/PyGitUpAllGit-Up all your projects
2@dokterbob/django-representatio…A set of template tags that helps in displaying models various ways, fork from the original version by Eric Moritz.
2@jimmykane/gae-image-upload-exa…A Boilerplate app for image form demo
2@dokterbob/satchmo-payment-ogon…Satchmo payment module for Ogone.
2@joepie91/4chandownloader[unmaintained] Simple tool to download a 4chan thread.
2@dokterbob/django-adyenPython/Django interface to the Adyen payment gateway.
2@joepie91/scantoolsAn assortment of tools for scanning books.
2@dokterbob/basic-webshopAn 'example' webshop project using django-shopkit.
2@joepie91/circd[unmaintained] Simple IRCd in Python.
2@dokterbob/filesorterSimple command-line script for sorting all files in a directory structure as /<date>/<mine_type>/<orig_subdir>/.
2@joepie91/filethingA thin light-weight wrapper library, to make filesystem operations in Python suck less.
2@dokterbob/woningnetDjango scraper for Woningnet
2@joepie91/multiloggyA fork of Sean B. Palmer's public IRC logging bot 'loggy', implementing multi-channel support.
2@dokterbob/django-ga-trackingTIny Django template tag library for generating Google Analytics tracking URL's
2@gvx/tutorialsourceSeveral Python tutorials, pretending to be source code.:arrow_upper_right:


269@jeroenooms/opencpuOpenCPU system for embedded scientific computation and reproducible research:arrow_upper_right:
42@jeroenooms/opencpu-legacyThis version is no longer maintained. Switch to "opencpu" repository.
25@jeroenooms/RAppArmorR interfaces to Linux and AppArmor security methods:arrow_upper_right:
23@dutri001/bfastSpatialSet of utilities and wrappers to perform change detection on satellite image time-series (Landsat and MODIS). Includes pre-processing steps and functions for spatial implementation of bfastmonitor change detection and post processing of the results.
21@mjkallen/rloggingAn R package for simple logging
20@MarcoDVisser/aprofAmdahl's profiler, directed optimization.
14@jeroenooms/jsTools for Working with JavaScript in R
11@jeroenooms/webutilsUtility functions for web applications:arrow_upper_right:
11@wviechtb/metaforA Meta-Analysis Package for R:arrow_upper_right:
10@RMHogervorst/badgecreatrQuickly place relevant badges at the top of your readme
7@jeroenooms/opencpu.encodeopencpu R object encoder:arrow_upper_right:
6@dutri001/paperProjectMy project structure and management when working on scientific papers. To spend my time more efficiently.
6@MarcoDVisser/SpeedUpRTutorial Code from PLOS Computation Biology Educational Piece on Efficiency in R
5@MarcoDVisser/MarkdownMSA skeleton academic manuscript in markdown
5@jeroenooms/opencpu.toolssome tools for the opencpu project:arrow_upper_right:
5@jeroenooms/OhmageOhmage R package
5@MarcoDVisser/choosecolorA quick and easy way to choose colors in R
5@jeroenooms/joseJavascript Object Signing and Encryption for R
4@MarcoDVisser/AskRAsk R all those important life decisions
4@rwehrens/kohonenSupervised and unsupervised self-organising maps
4@dutri001/VCFUtilities for working with the Landsat based tree cover data
3@jeroenooms/rjadeR Bindings to the Jade Templating Engine
3@jeroenooms/webpR bindings for libwebp
3@jeroenooms/markdownitBindings to markdown-it JavaScript library
2@rwehrens/ptwParametric Time Warping
2@rwehrens/BatchCorrMetabolomic…Supplementary material for the paper "Improved batch correction in untargeted MS-based metabolomics" by R. Wehrens, et al. To appear in Metabolomics, 2016.
2@rwehrens/metaMSdata processing for MS-based metabolomics
2@thomaskelder/ModelCraftCode repository for Team ModelCraft in the Sage / DREAM Breast Cancer Prognosis Challenge
2@jeroenooms/ipyrDebian package for ipyr
2@jeroenooms/MobilizeMobilize R package
2@thomaskelder/myRScriptsCollection of R functions I often use for biological network analysis
2@jeroenooms/lmergmlmergm R package
2@dutri001/segmentInterpreter:mag_right: :deciduous_tree: R shiny application to aid visual interpretation of partitioned time-series
2@dutri001/bfastAppInteractive tool to investigate effects of changing bfast parameters on the temporal segmentation of single time-series inputs
2@jeroenooms/travisTravis CI Client for R
2@jeroenooms/minimistR binding to minimist JavaScript library
2@MicheleNuijten/BayesMedDefault Bayesian hypothesis tests for correlation, partial correlation, and mediation


996@YorickPeterse/ogaOga is an XML/HTML parser written in Ruby.:arrow_upper_right:
693@YorickPeterse/ruby-lintStatic code analysis for Ruby.:arrow_upper_right:
534@iain/http_accept_languageRuby on Rails plugin. Fishes out the Accept-Language header into an array.:arrow_upper_right:
514@alloy/kickerA lean, agnostic, flexible file-change watcher, using OS X FSEvents.:arrow_upper_right:
344@mrrooijen/mongoid-paperclipMongoid::Paperclip enables you to use Paperclip with the Mongoid ODM for MongoDB.
270@ariejan/imdbEasy automated access to IMDB:arrow_upper_right:
233@archan937/ruby-massIntrospect the Ruby Heap by indexing, counting, locating references to and detaching (in order to release) objects - optionally narrowing by namespace:arrow_upper_right:
223@jeffkreeftmeijer/navvySimple Ruby background job processor inspired by delayed_job, but aiming for database agnosticism.:arrow_upper_right:
184@gousiosg/github-mirrorScripts to mirror Github in a cloudy fashion
181@banister/plymouthStart Pry in the context of a failed test
179@banister/method_sourcereturn the sourcecode for a method
161@iain/fake_sqsProvides a fake SQS server that you can run locally to test against
130@banister/funkifyHaskell-style partial application and composition for Ruby methods
130@iain/metricalRun MetricFu without making it part of your projects depencies.
129@mrrooijen/gitpusshutenA Git-based application deployment tool that allows you to define your environment by utilizing modules and provision your server with basic deployment needs.
128@mvz/gir_ffiAuto-generate bindings for GObject based libraries at run time using FFI:arrow_upper_right:
111@avdgaag/rpuban ePub generation library in Ruby:arrow_upper_right:
106@alloy/lowdownA Ruby client for the HTTP/2 version of the Apple Push Notification Service.
104@archan937/motion-bundlerUse Ruby gems and mock require statements within RubyMotion applications:arrow_upper_right:
94@jeffkreeftmeijer/tumblrthe Tumblr API Rails gem
84@archan937/stack_tracyInvestigate and detect slow methods within the stack trace of your Ruby (optionally Sinatra) application:arrow_upper_right:
82@iain/eloThe Elo rating system is a method for calculating the relative skill levels of players in two-player games such as chess and Go.:arrow_upper_right:
80@avdgaag/nanoc-templateA simple template project for websites built with Nanoc:arrow_upper_right:
64@DouweM/pebblewatchA Ruby library for communicating with your Pebble smartwatch.
63@banister/devilruby bindings for devil cross platform image loading library:arrow_upper_right:
60@alloy/dietrbIRB on a diet, for MacRuby / Ruby 1.9:arrow_upper_right:
58@iain/i18n_labelAdds translated form labels to Rails 2.2:arrow_upper_right:
53@alloy/git-svn-mirrorA command-line tool that automates the task of creating a GIT mirror for a SVN repo, and keeping it up-to-date.:arrow_upper_right:
51@iain/translatable_columnsProvides proxies for localized columns, depending on the locale set by I18n:arrow_upper_right:
49@YorickPeterse/ffi-aspellFFI binding for Aspell:arrow_upper_right:
48@YorickPeterse/gem-mirrorGem for easily creating your own RubyGems mirror.
46@avdgaag/typogrubyImproves web typography like Django's Typogrify:arrow_upper_right:
43@archan937/rich_cmsEnrichments (e9s) module for a pluggable CMS frontend:arrow_upper_right:
41@archan937/e9sEnrichments (e9s) for a pluggable CMS, internationalization (i18n) and localized pluralization:arrow_upper_right:
39@archan937/jazz_libsA small gem for rolling out JS libraries (includes repository, demo page and version release rake task):arrow_upper_right:
36@iain/status_catsRack middleware replacing status codes with relevant pictures of cats.
36@alloy/rucolaA Framework for rapidly building RubyCocoa applications:arrow_upper_right:
35@berkes/smartcropperContent aware cropping for Ruby and Carrierwave:arrow_upper_right:
34@mrrooijen/nanoc-herokuA skeleton nanoc application that supports rendering haml, compass, coffeescript, markdown and builder right out of the box, and deploys the website to Heroku for free with ease in a matter of seconds.:arrow_upper_right:
34@YorickPeterse/ruby-llAn LL(1) parser generator for Ruby.:arrow_upper_right:
34@mrrooijen/git_goGit Go is a small command-line utility distributed as a RubyGem that allows you to easily create/destroy/rename/list/clip all your private-hosted git repositories on your own server.
34@Sjors/devise-token-api-dem…Demonstrates how to use token authentication with a JSON API.
31@iain/simple-backend-examp…The source code for the article I wrote on Backends in Rails 3.1:arrow_upper_right:
31@mrrooijen/parelationTranslates HTTP parameters to ActiveRecord queries.:arrow_upper_right:
28@banister/remixRuby modules re-mixed and remastered
27@alloy/ruby-nzbA simple Ruby NZB download/post-process library, with a very naive command line client. When done, a separate OSX GUI client will use this library.
26@archan937/lock-o-motionRequire and mock Ruby gems (including their dependencies) within RubyMotion applications:arrow_upper_right:
25@avdgaag/rspec-caching-test-p…Simplifies testing your Rails app’s caching with Rspec:arrow_upper_right:
25@jeffkreeftmeijer/swingerCapybara Driver swapping in RSpec:arrow_upper_right:
24@mvz/memory_test_fixThe memory_test_fix rails plugin, as a gem
24@jurre/rspec-volkswagenRSpec, volkswagen style
24@YorickPeterse/zen-cmsThis project is no longer maintained.
23@jurre/hashtelget consistent pretty colors from your strings
23@mrrooijen/deployerAn easy-to-use set of Capistrano tasks/recipes for provisioning and deploying Ruby/JRuby applications to your servers.:arrow_upper_right:
22@iain/capistrano_chef_soloCombining the awesome powers of Capistrano and chef-solo
22@DouweM/mengpaneelMengpaneel makes Mixpanel a breeze to use in Rails apps.
21@marceldegraaf/sisowImplementation of the Sisow payment provider API
20@jdennes/contribution-checkerCheck whether GitHub commits qualify as contributions.
19@banister/include_completeFixing the limitations in traditional Module#include
18@alloy/interactive-macrubyA MacRuby Cocoa REPL
18@mrrooijen/hirefireappHireFire - The Heroku Dyno Manager - Save money and scale at the same time!:arrow_upper_right:
17@mrrooijen/store_schemaEnhances ActiveRecord::Base.store_accessor with data conversion capabilities.:arrow_upper_right:
17@archan937/slot_machineRuby gem for matching available slots (time slots are also supported)
17@avdgaag/nanoc-cachebusterAdds cache-busting capabilities to Nanoc:arrow_upper_right:
17@markijbema/turbo_dev_assetsA gem to speed up asset serving in development in Rails.
15@alloy/mocha-on-baconBecause it's yummy!:arrow_upper_right:
14@mrrooijen/msngrA light-weight Ruby library for multi-threaded Ruby applications that allows threads to share a single service connection for more efficient messaging.:arrow_upper_right:
14@banister/seleneruby spaceship game
14@archan937/dirty_hashyDirty tracking within hashes (with or without indifferent access) or objects as it is expected to be!:arrow_upper_right:
14@alloy/webapp-appA SSB OSX application, which at some point will be able to create a new application which wraps a specific web application, (Think Campfire, Twitter etc) and allows the user to use Ruby to create event handlers to be able support things like Growl or whatever you would like.
13@alloy/flight-seekerFind flights and calculate level/award mileage.
13@banister/pry-stack_explorerMOVED TO https://github.com/pry/pry-stack_explore…:arrow_upper_right:
12@iain/adventures-with-rubyMy own blog:arrow_upper_right:
12@alloy/time_zone_schedulerA Ruby library that assists in scheduling events whilst taking time zones into account.
11@YorickPeterse/shebangShebang is a nice wrapper around OptionParser that makes it easier to write commandline executables.
11@banister/pry-docProvide MRI Core documentation and source code for the Pry REPL:arrow_upper_right:
11@iain/formalize-railsUse Formalize with the asset pipeline
11@iain/rack-token_authRack middleware for using the Authorization header with token authentication
11@jeffkreeftmeijer/guestlistSimple user authentication using Github credentials:arrow_upper_right:
11@avdgaag/stationedRails application generator and scaffold templates:arrow_upper_right:
11@banister/tremoloWorms-like game for Ruby
11@mvz/gir_ffi-gtkGirFFI-based bindings for Gtk+. Supports both Gtk+ 2 and Gtk+ 3
10@banister/method_reloadfine grained code reloading:arrow_upper_right:
10@mvz/ripper_ruby_parserDrop-in replacement for RubyParser using Ripper
10@berkes/spree_flat_in_rangeSpree Calculator to compute a flat rate within a range
10@avdgaag/bolA simple Ruby wrapper around the bol.com developer API:arrow_upper_right:
10@ariejan/battlestationGet your battle station up and running fast!:arrow_upper_right:
10@alloy/mr-experimentalThis is my private git mirror of the experimental branch (0.5), it might not always be up-to-date so keep that in mind.
10@jeffkreeftmeijer/wakoopathe Ruby Wakoopa API Wrapper
9@banister/object2moduleConvert Classes and Objects to Modules so they can be extended/included.
9@banister/state-ologyClean and fast Object state transitions in Ruby using the Mixology C extension
9@archan937/rich_pluralizationEnrichments (e9s) module for localized pluralization:arrow_upper_right:
9@banister/mixology19A version of the Mixology C extension that is 1.9.1 and 1.8.6 compatible
9@mrrooijen/paperclip-cloudfilesA Paperclip Cloudfiles Repository. I recommend you do not use this as I might remove it later.
9@jana4u/cute_adminAdvanced administration generator, much better than scaffold. (Ruby on Rails plug-in)
9@alloy/microgemToying with a clean room implementation of the rubygems ‘install’ command. Focus is on naivety for portability, MacRuby for instance.
7@YorickPeterse/BeehiveBeehive is a super lightweight queue system that uses Redis as its storage engine.
7@fteem/forecastrRuby gem used to fetch data from openweathermap.org's API
7@archan937/monetdbA pure Ruby database driver for MonetDB (monetdb5-sql):arrow_upper_right:
7@banister/pry-exception_explor…MOVED TO https://github.com/pry/pry-exception_exp…:arrow_upper_right:
7@ariejan/probabilityWrite code that might be executed... or not.:arrow_upper_right:
7@mrrooijen/heroku-buildpack-mid…Heroku Buildpack for deploying Middleman websites.
7@fteem/RxRubyKoansRxRuby Koans
7@archan937/bugs_bunnyA Unicorn served Sinatra demo app which uses Bunny to broadcast AMQP messages to every worker
7@archan937/rich_i18nEnrichments (e9s) module for i18n:arrow_upper_right:
6@raviolicode/multilanguage_middle…Base code for creating a multi-language blog site with Middleman
6@mrrooijen/rails-templatesA repository for my Rails Templates.
6@avdgaag/acts_as_publishableRails plugin for working with model publication dates:arrow_upper_right:
6@Sjors/ted-marathon-faceboo…Facebook application where people can select their favorite TED talks; results in a playlist and corresponding download script.:arrow_upper_right:
6@iain/no_value_helperA simpel helper to display a nice message when there is no value:arrow_upper_right:
6@berkes/croptoelieNothing to see here, move along ➛➙➔ smartcropper:arrow_upper_right:
5@alloy/anthologyWhere stories are chronicled.
5@mrrooijen/backup-s3sync-ruby19A dependency for the Backup gem to sync files to Amazon S3 with Ruby 1.9.
5@YorickPeterse/yorickpeterse.comSource code for my personal wobsite.:arrow_upper_right:
5@archan937/unextendableA small gem making unextending extended module methods within object instances possible:arrow_upper_right:
5@ariejan/postcodeapiRuby wrapper for http://postcodeapi.nu to lookup Dutch zipcodes
5@ariejan/firefly-herokuGet your own URL shortener up and running in 5 minutes:arrow_upper_right:
5@avdgaag/rocksThis is a tiny library of mixins and styles for developing large-ish stylesheets with Sass:arrow_upper_right:
5@iain/basic_named_scopesBasic named scopes for ActiveRecord makes all find-parameters a named scope
5@iain/notSyntactic sugar for negating any results: @foo.not.nil?:arrow_upper_right:
5@iain/viewDisplaying objects automatically:arrow_upper_right:
5@iain/coffee-machineSome scripts I use for developing with CoffeeScript:arrow_upper_right:
5@jurre/crashlytics-asanaSmall app, easy to deploy on Heroku, that listens to Crashlytics webhooks and posts a task to Asana
5@berkes/spree_piwikAdds Piwik tracking with e-commerce tracking to Spree
5@alloy/undercoverUndercover: CIA Ruby agent for GitHub
4@jurre/onionsquareIt's like uber for farmers - 20 hr hackathon style
4@jurre/Alcatraz-NotifierA notifier for Alcatraz, the Xcode Package Manager.
4@avdgaag/has_commentsA Ruby on Rails plugin that provides commenting on ActiveRecord models.:arrow_upper_right:
4@iain/scriptedA framework for organizing scripts
4@banister/pry-noteEase refactoring and exploration by attaching notes to methods and classes in Pry"
4@iain/model_based_htmlRails plugin for binding html to models:arrow_upper_right:
4@archan937/cached_recordCache (and optionally memoize) ActiveRecord or DataMapper records in Redis or Memcached:arrow_upper_right:
4@alloy/MacOnRackA sample MacRuby application demonstrating how to connect Rack to a WebView.
4@jdennes/streakerStreaks of some sort.:arrow_upper_right:
4@alloy/rubycocoa-prefsA ruby abstraction for read/write access to the NSUserDefaults of a Cocoa application.
4@mrrooijen/paperclip-extended_v…A very small library containing a validation method for paperclip that enables validations on file extension rather than content type.
4@mrrooijen/ruby-vpsunder development:arrow_upper_right:
4@ariejan/firefly-clientA client for the FireFly URL shortener server
4@marceldegraaf/rer09Public repo for the Rails Rumble at RubyEnRails 2009, Amsterdam:arrow_upper_right:
4@iain/fillFill your database, using rake db:seed
4@banister/tweakenhance classes with temporary functionality
4@YorickPeterse/sesSES is a very simple and easy to use Gem for sending Emails using the Amazon SES API.
4@iain/root_tableEasy manageable root tables for Rails:arrow_upper_right:
3@ariejan/mimerMimer tries to find a file’s mime-type by using unix’ file command. File extensions are never used to identify a file.:arrow_upper_right:
3@alloy/ssalleywareSSL (cert verification for Ruby) Anywhere!
3@alloy/cocoa_gistA simple lib which uses RubyCocoa to create a Gist. This is made for LimeChat, but is fairly general.
3@banister/dup_evalA souped up version of instance_eval in the vein of mix_eval
3@jurre/RecipesA social network for sharing recipes
3@mongrelion/activeloggerAccess to your Rails application logs through the web
3@raviolicode/harvesting_housesweb scraping of housing listings
3@banister/strange_evalsa hodgepodge of alternatives to instance_eval
3@banister/local_evalinstance_eval without changing self
3@mrrooijen/is_positionableHandles positioning (ordering) your ActiveRecord Objects.:arrow_upper_right:
3@mrrooijen/gitpusshuten-websiteThe Git Pusshuten project website:arrow_upper_right:
3@marceldegraaf/nsRuby implementation of the NS (Dutch Railways) API
3@mrrooijen/backup-s3sync-ruby18A dependency for the Backup gem to sync files to Amazon S3 with Ruby 1.8.
3@avdgaag/lazeA simple static site generator:arrow_upper_right:
3@YorickPeterse/speedpwnGenerates possible passwords for SpeedTouch/Thomson routers.
3@avdgaag/agw-toolboxTools, patterns and settings I frequently use in Rails projects packed into one plugin.
3@prototype/MacRubyRuby 1.9 ported to run directly on top of Mac OS X core technologies. My personal trunk mirror.:arrow_upper_right:
3@Sjors/pale-blue-dotMaking it easier to adopt a star:arrow_upper_right:
3@Sjors/jobtorrentFederated micro job agency platform:arrow_upper_right:
3@mvz/vb6-to-xConverts VB6 projects to a more future-proof platform, such as Ruby
3@jeffkreeftmeijer/tickspotThe Tickspot Ruby API wrapper.
3@mvz/alexandria-book-coll…Fork of the Alexandria Book Collection Manager
3@berkes/autodropGallery frontend that shows images in your dropbox on a website.:arrow_upper_right:
3@ariejan/narfA Ruby Micro Test Framework:arrow_upper_right:
3@markijbema/strict_structExtremely basic value objects
3@DouweM/mongoid-orderingEasy ordering of your Mongoid documents.
3@Juice10/bogus-sass-checkerChecks your rails projects Sass files for #ids and .classes and checks if you are using them in the rest of your rails project. [Depends on ack] (Used at Wakoopa to clean up all the legacy Sass):arrow_upper_right:
2@archan937/rich_supportA small gem making your own gem Rails 2 and 3 compliant and providing the String class a few goodies:arrow_upper_right:
2@marceldegraaf/opensocial-apiAn attempt at creating a Ruby library that implements the server side OpenSocial REST API
2@marceldegraaf/moonshine_solrA Moonshine plugin to install the Solr search engine as a servlet in the Jetty server.:arrow_upper_right:
2@alloy/rails-ticket-sample-…A Rails application used to try out examples given in Rails tickets.
2@alloy/limechat-pluginSome random collected thoughts on a LimeChat plugin API
2@mvz/mubdubReads iTunes backup manifests
2@marceldegraaf/mustacciMustacci is a simple, biased continuous integration server for Rails applications
2@mvz/ibaIntrospective Block Assertions:arrow_upper_right:
2@YorickPeterse/ruby-benchmarksA collection of various benchmarks for Ruby code.
2@mvz/litlLisp-inspired template language
2@Sjors/bitcoin-passbookMonitor your bitcoin address balance in Passbook on your iPhone
2@berkes/berkes.github.comberkes.github.com jekyll bootstrap:arrow_upper_right:
2@Sjors/StartupKaartOverzicht van Startups in Nederland met landkaart en hot-or-not functionaliteit:arrow_upper_right:
2@berkes/spree_omnikassa_paym…Omnikassa Payment method for Spree
2@Sjors/ducks-on-railsVisualisation of duck migration data.:arrow_upper_right:
2@ariejan/cardsCreate PDF story cards from Agilefant XLS Sprint exports
2@jeffkreeftmeijer/gustSyntax highlighting and Markdown/Textile parsing:arrow_upper_right:
2@ariejan/failkaartSinatra App for tracking what's going wrong with the Dutch OV Chipkaart:arrow_upper_right:
2@mrrooijen/sprinkle-packagesMy package collection for Sprinkle.
2@ariejan/apocalypse-clientClient software for the Apocalypse Server:arrow_upper_right:
2@mrrooijen/The-Legend-of-RubyA sandbox "Gosu" project to learn more about how the "Gosu" game library works.
2@jdennes/campfire-standup-rem…Ruby script which uses the Campfire API to remind us when our daily standup begins
2@iain/pillorywork in progress
2@jdennes/photoaday:camera: one photo every day:arrow_upper_right:
2@iain/heliosphereSunspot extras
2@Gonzih/feeds2imap.rbPull rss/atom feeds to your imap foldes with ruby.
2@iain/rspec-smart-formatte…Chooses a formatter for best displaying purpose
2@Gonzih/tbh-scaffoldsScaffolds templates based on Twitter Bootstrap framework:arrow_upper_right:
2@avdgaag/storytellerA web app for collaboratively writing user stories, and then exporting them to Pivotal Tracker or Cucumber feature files. A work-in-progress.
2@Gonzih/sin_cmdSinatra app that runs shell commands using web ui.
2@avdgaag/lotus-demoExample blog application with Lotus:arrow_upper_right:
2@mongrelion/rafflerjsRails 3 + Backbone.js example application.:arrow_upper_right:
2@avdgaag/taggerHacky sinatra app to tag URLs with Google Analytics variables (WiP)
2@mongrelion/alballeryManage your album covers.:arrow_upper_right:
2@avdgaag/observatoryA simple implementation of the observer pattern for Ruby programs.:arrow_upper_right:
2@mongrelion/carlosleon.infoMy personal website's source code.
2@avdgaag/shortenerA tiny, personal URL shortener, powered by Sinatra and a JSON file as storage.
2@mongrelion/mongralleryRails 3 application to store and share your images using AmazonS3.:arrow_upper_right:
2@archan937/google-apisA thin layer on top of Google::APIClient for a more intuitive way of working (e.g. with BigQuery or Cloud Storage):arrow_upper_right:
2@jana4u/cute_admin_exampleSample Rails app using cute_admin:arrow_upper_right:
2@archan937/directiveadminA layer on top of ActiveAdmin for adding more power and flexibility (opinionated customizations)
2@archan937/directiverecordA layer on top of ActiveRecord for using paths within queries without thinking about association includes
2@banister/change_class2change class of an object
2@alloy/piccsy-fetcherFetches low-res versions of the images you’ve ‘picked’ on piccsy.com:arrow_upper_right:
2@banister/custom_booleana hack to have if/else_if/else conditions with user-defined truthiness
2@mrrooijen/simple_generatorsA couple of generators that supply you with some common templates to speed up the development process.:arrow_upper_right:


296@RayRoestenburg/akka-in-actionAccompanying source code for akka in action
87@agemooij/riak-scala-clientAn easy to use, non-blocking, fast Scala client library for interacting with Riak.:arrow_upper_right:
53@agemooij/sbt-promptAn SBT plugin for making your SBT prompt more awesome
50@eamelink/swaggerkitA Scala Swagger toolkit with no JaxRS dependency and no magic.
49@sandermak/akka-eventsourcingCode that goes along with my presentation 'Event-sourced architectures with Akka'
46@wspringer/monkeymanSimple static site generator for Scala and middleman lovers
40@eamelink/flattenExamples and exercises with monad transformers
39@p3t0r/scala-sql-dslExample of an implementation of SQL as a DSL in scala
21@wspringer/sonofjsonBetter JSON support for Scala
15@EECOLOR/scala-clean-code-pat…Explore the use of different patterns to produce clean code
13@wspringer/difrPoor-man's code review tool; creates a static HTML page of a git diff with an editor for comments embedded.
12@eamelink/sbt-purescriptPureScript plugin for SBT
10@ajantis/scala-crdtCollection of common Conflict-free Replicated Data Types in Scala
7@jesperdj/mandelactorsMandelbrot fractal generator using actors.:arrow_upper_right:
7@eamelink/core-playProject accompanying my Core-Play presentation
7@sandermak/scalabitzContains the sourcecode for Scalabitz.com. Built with Scala/Play/ReactiveMongo.
6@RayRoestenburg/xebiconLive Akka coding session for Xebicon conference 2013
6@bartschuller/play2-scalateUsing Scalate templates with Play2
6@jesperdj/scalarayScalaRay - Ray tracer based on pbrt (see http://pbrt.org) written in Scala 2.8
6@bartschuller/smop-markupScala compile-time parsing of XML literals
5@bbiletskyy/fraudReal Time Transaction Fraud Analytics
5@sandermak/ScalaMiscBits and pieces, mostly in Scala
5@RayRoestenburg/duse12workshop repo for the DUSE XII meetup
4@agemooij/stream-experimentsSome personal experiments with akka-stream and akka-http
4@bartschuller/mechanizeScala web robot inspired by WWW::Mechanize
4@bartschuller/javadoc-sbtGenerate java api docs from sbt with javadoc
4@wspringer/kmeansA scala version of k-means.
3@bartschuller/cuc-proto-projectSimple Scala + sbt 0.10 + Cucumber project
3@bartschuller/oai-reaperScala library for harvesting Open Archives Initiative document collections
3@bartschuller/bappBart's Atom Publishing Protocol implementation
3@bartschuller/cmis-scalaScala library for talking to CMIS-enabled CMS's like Alfresco
3@jvermeir/ShoppingListA Scala tool to generate a shopping list for groceries
2@agemooij/preso-scala.exchange…Example code for my presentation on Spray Routing at Scala Exchange 2014
2@wspringer/scala-rate-limiterTesting rate limitation using higher order functions.
2@eamelink/akkaflowBPMN 2.0 process engine built on Akka
2@sandermak/LiftCode used during presentation at Dutch Open University 26-03-'11
2@bartschuller/smop-utilsSmall Scala utilities and macros
2@bartschuller/libvirt-scalaScala + Akka library to communicate with libvirtd
2@bartschuller/EulerMy personal solutions in Scala to the project Euler problems
2@lispmeister/psychic-octo-bearExample of using the akka-tracing library to trace Akka calls via Twitter's Zipkin
2@bartschuller/acme-delegationDelegation in Scala using def macros (which is the wrong way)


222@wunki/vagrant-freebsdFreeBSD with ZFS for Vagrant
191@aschenkels-ictstudio/odoo-install-scriptsODOO Install Script (formerly OpenERP):arrow_upper_right:
31@wunki/wunki-dotfilesDotfiles of Petar Radosevic. Years of Unix customizations in one repository.:arrow_upper_right:
13@simonmeulenbeek/eezySuper simple automation for all your projects.:arrow_upper_right:
6@aschenkels-ictstudio/pentaho-install-scri…Pentaho Install Scripts
5@marekq/denyhosts-mapPlots the GeoIP information of your hosts.deny into a nice map!
4@remibergsma/uniqueXenServerMake a XenServer unique after cloning from a template
2@remibergsma/screen-ssh-agent-upd…Little script to always use the most recent ssh-agent socket. Useful when using GNU screen.


46@Swiftrien/SwifterSocketsA collection of socket utilities in Swift for OS-X and iOS:arrow_upper_right:
5@Swiftrien/SwiftfireA personal web server in Swift for static websites:arrow_upper_right:
4@Swiftrien/SwifterLogA single class framework in Swift to create log entries in up to 5 destinations.:arrow_upper_right:
3@Swiftrien/SwifterJSONA single class framework in Swift to read/write & parse the JSON Format.:arrow_upper_right:


21@vtraag/tikz-colorbrewerDefinition files providing colours as defined by the ColorBrewer project.


721@xolox/vim-notesEasy note taking in Vim:arrow_upper_right:
676@xolox/vim-easytagsAutomated tag file generation and syntax highlighting of tags in Vim:arrow_upper_right:
587@Chiel92/vim-autoformatProvide easy code formatting in Vim by integrating existing code formatters.
566@xolox/vim-sessionExtended session management for Vim (:mksession on steroids):arrow_upper_right:
201@xolox/vim-miscMiscellaneous auto-load Vim scripts:arrow_upper_right:
141@xolox/vim-shellImproved integration between Vim and its environment (fullscreen, open URL, background command execution):arrow_upper_right:
114@xolox/vim-lua-ftpluginLua file type plug-in for the Vim text editor:arrow_upper_right:
55@xolox/vim-reloadAutomatic reloading of Vim scripts ((file-type) plug-ins, auto-load/syntax/indent scripts, color schemes):arrow_upper_right:
51@xolox/vim-colorscheme-swit…Makes it easy to quickly switch between color schemes in Vim:arrow_upper_right:
49@dbakker/vim-projectrootFind out which project a file belongs to, easy to use in scripts/mappings
30@xolox/vim-pyrefA plug-in for the Vim text editor that provides context-sensitive documentation for Python source code.:arrow_upper_right:
9@xolox/vim-publishA Vim plug-in that helps you publish hyperlinked, syntax highlighted source code:arrow_upper_right:
7@dbakker/vim-paragraph-motionVim replacement mappings for { and }
7@immerzeel/vim-remember-the-mil…Vim interface to Remember the Milk (http://www.rememberthemilk.com)
2@dbakker/vim-adjustscrollAutomatically scrolls to keep your cursor at 1/3 of the screen

:question: Get Help

There are few ways to get help:

  1. Please post questions on Stack Overflow. You can open issues with questions, as long you add a link to your Stack Overflow question.
  2. For bug reports and feature requests, open issues. :bug:
  3. For direct and quick help, you can use Codementor. :rocket:

:yum: How to contribute

Have an idea? Found a bug? See how to contribute.

:sparkling_heart: Support my projects

I open-source almost everything I can, and I try to reply to everyone needing help using these projects. Obviously, this takes time. You can integrate and use these projects in your applications for free! You can even change the source code and redistribute (even resell it).

However, if you get some profit from this or just want to encourage me to continue creating stuff, there are few ways you can do it:

Thanks! :heart:

:scroll: License

MIT © Ionică Bizău