


Apocalypse is a prototype Node.js server monitoring application that is fully event driven.



Installing Apocalypse on a server is quite easy:

  1. Checkout the current project: git clone git://github.com/ariejan/apocalypse.git
  2. Create a config.js, use config.example.yml as an example.
  3. Install the all dependencies
  1. Make sure you have redis up-and-running
  2. Start all workers/apps with foreman start. This should start (by default):


To add features or create bug fixes setup your local environment as described under installation.

Testing locally

To simulate servers pushing metrics to your development environment you can use the pre-recorded metric in test/fixtures/metrics.json. To use this file, issue the following wget command from the root of the project:

wget --post-file=test/fixtures/stats.json --header='Content-type:application/json' -O- http://localhost:3001/api/metrics/SERVER_ID


Right. This is still a prototype, so no tests are available as yet. The plan is to write Jasmine tests using jasmine-node and refactor Apocalypse accordingly.

A pull request is very welcome!


  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a feature branch and do your thing
  3. When done, create a pull request on Github


Apocalypse is developed by Ariejan de Vroom and the following awesome contributors:

Apocalpyse will be licensed under the MIT license.