


A Logging Formatter for Python's logging module to properly handle Syslog RFC5424 messages

What is provided by this formatter

A derived formatter than allows for isotime specification for full RFC5424 compliancy (with corrected TZ format)

For a "proper" ISOTIME format, use "%(isotime)s" in a formatter instance of this class or a class derived from this class. This is for a work-around where strftime has no mechanism to produce timezone in the format of "-08:00" as required by RFC5424.

The '%(isotime)s' replacement will read in the record timestamp and try and reparse it. This really is a problem with RFC5424 and strftime. I am unsure if this will be fixed in the future (in one or the other case)

This formatter has an added benefit of allowing for '%(hostname)s' to be specified which will return a '-' as specified in RFC5424 if socket.gethostname() returns bad data (exception).

RFC5424 Format

RFC: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5424

The RFC5424 Format should only be used when talking to a Syslog server over the network stack. Specifically the Linux KSyslog implementation still uses RFC3164 format (and something akin to RSyslog still adheres to that)

The RFC5424 format string should look somthing like:

%(isotime)s %(hostname)s %(name)s %(process)d - - %(message)s

The section after the two "- -" is technically the message section, and can have any data applied to it e.g.:

 <...> %(levelname)s [%(module)s %(funcName)s] %(message)s

The '- -' section is the "msg ID" and "Structured-Data" Elements, respectively

Example usage of the formatter

    import logging

    logger = logging.getLogger('rfc5424_example')
    handler = logging.handlers.SysLogHandler(address=<Address of SysLogServer>)
    format = '%(isotime)s %(hostname)s %(name)s %(process)d - - %(message)s'
    formatter = RFC5424Syslog(format)



    logger.info('RFC5424 Log Message Format in use')


Copyright (C) 2013 Morgan Fainberg and Metacloud, Inc

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