

SQL Stream Store CI release license code size docs status <img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/slack-DDD--CQRS--ES%20%23sql--stream--store-yellow.svg?logo=slack">

:warning: These libraries are no longer actively maintained.

A stream store library for .NET that specifically targets SQL based implementations. Primarily used to implement Event Sourced applications.

SqlStreamStore (includes in-memory version for behaviour testing)NuGet
MS SQL Server / Azure SQL DatabaseNuGet
PostgreSQL / AWS AuroraNuGet
MySQL / AWS AuroraNuGet
Sqliteup for grabs
HTTP Wrapper APIOn CI Feed
Schema Creation Script ToolNuGet

CI Packages available on Feedz.

Design considerations:


Building requires Docker. Solution and tests are run on a linux container with .NET Core leveraging SQL Server, Postgres and MySQL as sibling containers.

Note: build does not work via WSL.

Help & Support

Ask questions in the #sql-stream-store channel in the ddd-cqrs-es slack workspace. (Join here).


Licenced under MIT.