Specification for NetBeans Support for TypeScript
A basic outline of features that are needed in order in which they are needed.
All screenshots shown below are taken from the current state of this repo.
Phase 1: Set up the GUI infrastructure
(a) Extension to Project Properties dialog
<img src="images/typescript-properties.png"/>Similar to support for SASS and LESS, here the user will specify the folders in which TS files will be found and the matching folders where the JS should be generated.
(b) Extension to Options window
<img src="images/typescript-options.png"/>Similar to support for SASS and LESS, here the user will define the settings related to the TSC tool that will be used to generate the JS from the TS.
Phase 2: Generate JavaScript from TS on Save
Use tsc --sourcemap greeter.ts
Using the settings returned from the GUI defined in Phase 1, automatically generate JS for the currently changed TS file.
Phase 3: TypeScript Code Structures
(a) Code Templates for TypeScript
to be done
(b) File Templates for TypeScript
to be done
(c) Project Templates for TypeScript
<img src="images/typescript-sample-greeter.png"/>Phase 4: TypeScript Editor
(a) New File Type for TypeScript
<img src="images/typescript-filetype.png"/>Phase 2 above assumes there is support for the TS file extension, i.e., TS files should be recognized and when there is a change, the JS should be generated.
(b) Sytax Coloring for TypeScript
<img src="images/typescript-coloring.png"/>A start has been made, as can be seen above. ANTLR lexer has been created, integrated, and a start has been made to setting syntax colorings, which can already be modified in the Options window. HTML editor will be embedded in relevant places, e.g., between quotation marks.
The above is the start of a new editor for ECMAScript, making use of this ANTLR definition: <a href=""></a>. Because of the relationship between TypeScript and ECMAScript, an ECMAScript editor should be able to work equally well for TypeScript.
(c) Code Completion for TypeScript
to be done
(d) Refactoring for TypeScript
to be done
Phase 5: TypeScript Debugger
to be done