

Build Status Coverage Status

What is this?

An easy to use, non-blocking Scala client library for interacting with Riak.

See the project site for full documentation, examples, scaladocs, and more.

Status (Jan 24th 2015)

The latest version is 0.9.5, which is compatible with Akka 2.3.9 and Spray 1.3.2. It has been tested for compatibility against Riak 2.0.4

This library is cross-built against Scala 2.10.4 and 2.11.5 and compiled using -target:jvm-1.7.


To get started, add the following dependency to your SBT build:

libraryDependencies += "com.scalapenos" %% "riak-scala-client" % 0.9.5

Recent Changes




So far, the following Riak (http) API features are supported:

Other features include:

The following Riak (http) API features are not supported at this time:

The initial focus is on supporting the Riak HTTP API. Protobuf support might be added later but it has a low priority at the moment.

The riak-scala-client has been tested against Riak versions 1.2.x, 1.3.x, 1.4.x, and 2.0.x

Current Limitations

Why such a boring name?

It seems all the cool and appropriate names, like [riaktive], [riakka], [riaktor], [scalariak], etc. have already been taken by other projects. But there seems to be a common riak-xxx-client naming pattern used by Riak client libraries for other languages so that's what ended up deciding the, admittedly boring, name.

If you come up with a cooler name, please let us know and eternal fame will be yours!


The riak-scala-client is licensed under [APL 2.0].

[spray-json] https://github.com/spray/spray-json/ [APL 2.0]: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 [riaktive]: https://github.com/xaleraz/Riaktive [riakka]: https://github.com/timperrett/riakka [riaktor]: https://github.com/benmyles/riaktor [scalariak]: https://github.com/ariejdl/scala-riak