

This repository moved to https://git.sr.ht/~dvko/wp-smtp-mailer on 2022-12-07 :warning:

WP SMTP Mailer

This plugin will configure the default WordPress email function (wp_mail) to use PHPMailer with SMTP.

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Define all of the following constants in your /wp-config.php file. If either one of these constants is not defined, the plugin won't configure PHPMailer to use SMTP.

define( 'SMTP_HOST', 'smtp.gmail.com' );
define( 'SMTP_PORT', 465 );
define( 'SMTP_USER', 'your email' );
define( 'SMTP_PASSWORD', 'your password' );

That's all.

PS. I recommend using something like MailCatcher as the SMTP server in your development environments.