

LambdaConf 2015 Haskell web workshop

Preparing for the workshop

  1. Install Haskell following the instructions of the download page.
  2. Open a terminal.
  3. Run cabal update.
  4. Run cabal install Spock blaze-html shakespeare aeson stm persistent-template persistent-sqlite esqueleto digestive-functors-blaze Spock-digestive digestive-functors-aeson wai-middleware-static.
  5. If you want to follow the deployment exercise, install Heroku Toolbelt.



  1. Returning JSON
  2. Software Transactional Memory (advanced)
  3. Database
  4. Esqueleto (advanced)
  5. Digestive Functors
  6. Deployment on Heroku

Running an exercise

  1. Open a terminal.
  2. Go to the folder corresponding to the exercise.
  3. Execute cabal install --only-dependencies.
  4. Execute cabal build.
  5. The resulting program should be on the dist folder, inside a folder with the name of the exercise. You can run this program to start the web server. For example, the first exercise is run with ./dist/ex1-json/ex1-json.
  6. Open your browser of choice and point it to http://localhost:8080.