

Cucumber Wicket

This is an example project for integrating Cucumber with Apache Wicket. This way it is possible to write your integration tests using Gherkin.

Example Cucumber scripts:

Feature: Helloworld
	In order to greet the world
	As a user
	I want to see the text Hello World in a browser window.

	Scenario: Hello World
  	Given I am viewing the home page
  	Then I should see "Hello World"

Feature: Counting
	In order to count the number of clicks on a link
	As a bean counter
	I want to see a number increase with each click on a link.

	Scenario: number is zero without any clicks
	Given I am viewing the home page
	Then I should see "Number of clicks 0"
	And I should see a link with text "Click me"

	Scenario: number is one after a click
	Given I am viewing the home page
	When I click the link with text "Click me"
	Then I should see "Number of clicks 1"

This project makes use of Cuke4Duke's Maven plugin to run the features.

Running the examples: