This is an Arduino library for the SODAQ TPH board. This is a temperature, pressure, humidity board with a BMP085 and a SHT21 sensor.
The Sodaq_TPH library is mainly a wrapper around the libraries for the two sensors: Sodaq_BMP085 and Sodaq_SHT2x.
An example sketch
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <Sodaq_TPH.h>
#include <Wire.h>
void setup()
void loop()
float temp = tph.readTemperature();
float bmp_temp = tph.readTemperatureBMP();
float sht_temp = tph.readTemperatureSHT();
float hum = tph.readHumidity();
int32_t pres = tph.readPressure();
- begin - initialize the Wire, and the sensors
- readTemperature - read the temp from both sensors and returns the average
- readPressure - read the air pressure in Pascal (Pa)
- readHumidity - read the humidity in %RH
Extra Functions
- readTemperatureBMP - read the temp from the BMP085 sensor
- readTemperatureSHT - read the temp from the SHT21 sensor