Super simple adapter for Aras Innovator inspired by Mark Rendle's Simple.Data
Without Simple.Aras:
var innovator = GetInnovator(serverConnection);
var result = innovator.applyMethod("my_InnovatorMethod",
String.Format("<p1>{0}</p1><p2>{1}</p2><p3>{2}</p3>", "value", 123, Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"));
if (result.isError()) {
// recovery?
...which frankly is just a little bit weird.
With Simple.Aras:
var innovator = ArasInnovator.Open(serverConnection);
Item result = innovator.Methods.my_InnovatorMethod(p1: "value", p2: 123, p3:Guid.NewGuid());
True, didn't really save any lines of code. But at least it actually looks like c#.
If there's an error returned we'll throw an exception.
As an added bonus, if your aras method returns embedded xml, we'll deserialize that for you:
MyDTO result = innovator.Methods.get_my_DTO(...);
As we use XmlSerializer you will probably have to put the XML* attributes on your DTO.