

Store Schema

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StoreSchema enhances ActiveRecord::Base.store_accessor with data type conversion capabilities.

This library was developed for- and extracted from HireFire.

The documentation can be found on RubyDoc.


It's likely that all ActiveRecord-supported databases will work. However, we currently only test against PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite.


Add the gem to your Gemfile and run bundle.

gem "store_schema"


This example assumes that you have a websites table with a config column of type text.

Define a model and use store_schema.

class Website < ActiveRecord::Base

  # Tell ActiveRecord that we want to serialize the :config attribute
  # and store the serialized data as text in the config column.
  # By default, `store` serializes your data using the YAML coder. You can
  # swap the YAML coder out for other coders, such as JSON.
  # Note: If you're using PostgresSQL hstore- or json instead of a
  # plain text column type, don't define `store :config`.
  store :config, coder: JSON

  # Define a schema for the store. This syntax is similar to
  # ActiveRecord::Migration.
  store_schema :config do |s|
    s.string   :name
    s.integer  :visitors
    s.float    :apdex
    s.boolean  :ssl
    s.datetime :published_at

Now you can get and set attributes on the websites.config column using the generated accessors.

website = Website.create(
  :name         => "Example Website",
  :visitors     => 9001,
  :apdex        => 1.0,
  :ssl          => true,
  :published_at => Time.now

website.name         # => (String)    "Example Website"
website.visitors     # => (Integer)   9001
website.apdex        # => (Float)     1.0
website.ssl          # => (TrueClass) true
website.published_at # => (DateTime)  "Thu, 18 Sep 2014 23:18:11 +0000"

# =>
# {
#   "name"         => "Example Website",
#   "visitors"     => "9001",
#   "apdex"        => "1.0",
#   "ssl"          => "t",
#   "published_at" => "2014-09-18 23:18:11.583168000"
# }

This is similar to using ActiveRecord's built-in store_accessor, except that store_schema is more strict about which data types are stored. It attempts to remain consistent with ActiveRecord's regular column storage conventions.

If you need to be able to query these serialized attributes, consider using the PostgreSQL hstore extension. Otherwise, you can simply use a text column type and define store <column>[, coder: JSON] in your model and it should work with any ActiveRecord-compatible database.


Contributions are welcome, but please conform to these requirements:

To start contributing, fork the project, clone it, and install the development dependencies:

$ git clone git@github.com:USERNAME/store_schema.git
$ cd store_schema
$ bundle

Tests are run against the following databases, so be sure they're installed prior to running the tests:

To run the tests:

$ rake test

To run the local documentation server:

$ rake doc

Create a new branch to start contributing:

$ git checkout -b my-contribution master

Submit a pull request.

Author / License

Released under the MIT License by Michael van Rooijen.