

WordPress Composer Installer

Note: This is extremely work in progress. Do not attempt to run any of this in production environment, unless you are the adventurous type. :)

Install and usage

  1. Install dependencies of this plugin first, by running composer install.
  2. Activate the plugin in your WordPress install.
  3. Copy the sample-plugins-composer.json file and rename it to plugins-composer.json. Add paths to the composer.json files you want to install the dependencies of. (This step will be automated in #3).
  4. Click on the Composer install plugin action link in the Plugins screen. This will install the dependencies required for merging the composer.json files.
  5. Delete the now generated plugins-composer.lock file (This step will be automated in #2).
  6. Click on the Composer install plugin action link again, in the Plugins screen. This will install the dependencies of the plugins specified in the plugins-composer.json file.
  7. The dependencies will now be installed in the wp-content/vendor/ directory. You can include the autoloader at wp-content/vendor/autoload.php.

Important bits during development